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单词 Declining
1, Official statistics show real wages declining by 24%.
2, The government's popularity is declining rapidly, as the opinion polls show.
3, A declining workforce has to provide for an increasing number of retired people.
4, Her health was declining rapidly.
5, The government was accused of propping up declining industries.
6, His health has been declining these past weeks.
7, It is encouraging to read that illiteracy is declining.
8, The country's economic strength is declining.
9, Her health has been declining progressively for several months.
10, The market for these products is declining fast.
11, He became very forgetful in his declining years.
12, The declining dollar gave heart to skittish investors.
13, Churchgoing in Britain is declining.
14, Qualified staff are leaving and standards are declining.
15, Union membership and union power are declining fast.
16, The returns from farming are declining.
17, He shielded his eyes against the dazzling declining sun.
18, The autumn is now declining.
19, Declining prices for aluminium have dragged down the company's earnings.
20, Interest rates generally have been declining since last spring,[http:///declining.html] despite a few upward blips in recent weeks.
21, The declining securities market yesterday bottomed out and began to rise.
22, The sun is declining.
23, The US death rate reached a plateau in the 1960s, before declining suddenly.
24, There appeared to be a growing gulf between the prosperous south and the declining towns of the north.
25, This company is the only one to have bucked the trend of a declining industry.
26, The nub of the matter is that business is declining.
27, There is still some feeling in the art world that the market for such works may be declining.
28, The number of new cases of the illness appears to be declining.
29, The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales.
30, A cynic might say that the government has only taken this measure because it is concerned about its declining popularity.
1, Official statistics show real wages declining by 24%.
2, The government's popularity is declining rapidly, as the opinion polls show.
3, A declining workforce has to provide for an increasing number of retired people.
4, The US death rate reached a plateau in the 1960s, before declining suddenly.
5, There appeared to be a growing gulf between the prosperous south and the declining towns of the north.
6, It is encouraging to read that illiteracy is declining.
7, The sun is declining.
31, There is a feeling among some black people that the level of racism is declining.
32, These figures give the lie to reports that business is declining.
33, Many industry observers say it is a declining brand.
34, Financial problems have been exacerbated by declining enrollment.
35, Declining global production and rising demand drove prices higher.
36, His health had been declining for several years.
37, Work in factories in their declining years?
38, In some countries the numbers are even declining.
39, Against this was a marked reduction in psychiatric symptoms, scores declining on average by 40 percent.
40, With prize money declining, he laments that most of the time jump jockeys risk their necks for £150.
41, The fraternal spirit seems to be declining in relations between our churches.
42, First, there is evidence to support the thesis that investing substantial public expenditure into declining areas will attract future private investment.
43, Statistics over five or ten years will provide definite evidence of increasing, stagnant or declining percapita incomes.
44, Markets have always sought out the most profitable locations, and this has inevitably created problems for declining areas.
45, Obviously the veterans' association has a rather old and declining membership.
46, But the see of London is work for the physically strong, not for declining energy.
47, He was a gunsmith who turned to tailoring after the declining need for full-time gunmakers made the craft unprofitable.
48, They are steadily declining in many rivers, and have vanished from others.
49, Declines in infant mortality may have contributed indirectly to declining fertility, though evidence on the matter is inconclusive.
50, After many years of declining popularity, the lowly rhubarb is making a comeback in both gourmet and gardening circles.
51, But the frequency of fines for non-attendance indicates the declining authority of the Forest administration.
52, On the flyover side, the building will be nine storeys high, declining to five storeys on its south side.
53, The targets are black men with superimposed concentric circles declining to a solid, black bullseye.
54, After declining during the l970s, the global population growth rate lingered at 1. 7 percent during the 1980s.
55, The world may change, but somehow this vocabulary of complaints against declining standards and morals is immunised against change.
56, But barn owls, famed in folklore for their eerie screech and ghostly white plumage, are declining in Britain.
57, The action occurred as the Senate voted 64-32 for a seven-year farm bill which would replace fixed-level crop subsidies with declining payments.
58, Looks at evidence of abandonment including empty property, declining property values, and demolition.
59, After a year of declining profits, there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel.
60, Bach's last years were clouded by financial worries caused by declining receipts and heavy expenditure on the Hanover Square concerts.
61, Small and medium sized firms have been adopting this technology as result of its increasing reliability and declining relative cost.
62, During that time, it has suffered catastrophic labor problems and declining attendance.
63, In the 1970s, when declining profitability caused plant closures in the industrialized North, they constituted cheap labour for richer countries.
64, He asked what they would like to drink and they asked for coffee, declining his offer of liqueurs.
65, The proportion of the population living in the countryside had been declining throughout the century.
66, The trip awakened many boyhood memories, and Warnie remarked that they might do worse than spend their declining years there.
67, Declining heavy industry has been partly replaced by small engineering firms and some light industry.
68, Oh, she was tired and had taken to declining All invitations to feasts Due to the confusion Between cowboys and priests.
69, As well as contributing to declining soil fertility, such high sediment removal are causing problems with water supply by increasing reservoir siltation rates.
70, They presume that changing values are declining values and seek some malign influence to blame.
71, The central concern for all these groups is with what they perceive to be declining moral standards.
72, The settlement was already declining by 1340, with sheep flocks one-third of those the village had boasted forty years earlier.
73, Restructuring will lead to declining continuity in the short run, even if improved organizational balance eventually develops.
74, The population is declining at the rate of 7 percent a year.
75, At that time many amalgamations were the outcome of defensive alliances in the face of international competition and declining markets.
76, The average monthly bill per customer is declining as the industry woos newcomers who want a cellular phone mainly for emergencies.
77, The new leaders vowed to change the national trend of declining union membership.
78, Birth rates for teens peaked in 1991 and have been declining since.
79, In the broader market, declining issues led advances 15-13 on volume of 675 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange.
80, Only in the rapidly declining Liberal party did the radicals have any significant influence on policy.
81, In further and higher education, the gap has also been declining in recent years.
82, Kiyonga said that declining terms of trade and heavy debt service payments continued to prevent rapid economic rehabilitation.
83, Mr Izmailov cited pervasive pollution, bad weather, rampant poaching and over-fishing as the reasons for the declining catch.
84, The declining support is causing consternation in the ruling party, which is gearing up for the presidential election later this year.
85, Too many people, a declining economy and global competition began squeezing the new managerial class.
86, The number of declining stocks outpaced the number of advancing issues on the New York Stock Exchange by about 12 to 11.
87, In our view, however, the cautious approach is not to ignore the epidemiological evidence of declining semen quality.
88, The revenue was never enough for this, and the Company began declining into bankruptcy much faster than before.
89, But also that day he sent a note to the Nawab, regretfully declining the invitation. 28 February.
90, Most youngsters are arrested for theft - 70 percent of those on Taylor House rehabilitation schemes - and persistent offending is declining.
91, Regardless of race or class, what people were most disturbed about was the declining quality of their schools.
92, International evidence indicates that an early exit is not confined to declining industries alone.
93, But median wages are going nowhere, health and pension benefits are declining.
94, The percentage of disposable income spent at grocery stores and supermarkets has been declining since the 1970s.
95, Today men across the land continue to hunt compulsively, despite a possibly declining need or appetite for the available game.
96, Data on admission to hospital is not comprehensive but they suggest that admission rates rise with declining social class.
97, And lurking nearby in the shadows are the economic pressures so much discussed nowadays, from job insecurity to declining real wages.
98, The mechanisation of agriculture and industry is cutting work opportunities, so in many cases living standards are declining.
99, Sales soared on low interest rates and declining import tariffs.
100, And local officials liked it because it promised to enlarge the tax base and revitalize declining downtown areas.
101, Declining the chance to invest may result in considerable losses through lack of maintaining competitive strengths in the industry.
102, Strictly speaking, there is as yet no definitive evidence for declining sperm counts.
103, However, there is nothing to suggest that offshore centres are declining in importance.
104, Declining productivity levels and environmental degradation have caused a widespread exodus of people to centres of economic activity.
105, There is little disagreement that unfiltered television exposure for the candidates can not hurt in an era of declining voter participation.
106, This is reflected in the model by a declining marginal cost curve.
107, They can not only compensate for declining liquor sales, but can even arrest and reverse that trend.
108, The data of Jean Ginsburg and Paul Hardiman confirm our findings of declining semen quality.
109, Foreign-born skilled workers have contributed to this declining wage, as well.
110, Britain is often cited as an example of a declining industrial power.
111, Cigarette taxes are rising; the number of new smokers is declining.
112, But hares were declining before paraquat was introduced,[http:///declining.html] and the effects of agricultural chemicals on wildlife are notoriously difficult to assess.
113, The Queretaro maquila project began in a declining economy, but ended in a crisis.
114, Parts of the land area have more specific handicaps and are characterised by having a declining rural population.
115, P and Nasdaq resumed their climbs after the July 19 drop -- but money flow into both kept declining.
116, In turn, however, the question of where population is growing - or declining - is fundamentally related to human welfare.
117, In public, the Clinton administration is declining to assign responsibility for the long deadlock.
118, She spent her mature and declining years arranging royal marriages for her children.
119, This does not mean, however, that one should invest in that declining industry beyond the level justified by short-run returns.
120, Decayed and declining industries had to be shut down, and vast capital investment directed to the new sectors.
121, They had low and declining inflation, several consecutive years of budget surpluses and high domestic savings ratios.
122, Arms production declined in 1989 and was expected to continue declining.
123, Even less, 22 percent, thought declining church attendance a factor.
124, Hospitals industrywide have been facing pressures from insurers to cut costs amid declining patient stays.
125, These were already declining by 1400 and apparently continued to do so throughout the fifteenth century.
126, Some economists say that declining population growth rates have defused the population bomb.
127, If there is no insulating national currency, declining competitiveness must translate directly into unemployment.
128, Declining role of Congress, with government run increasing by presidential executive order.
129, P 500 so far this year, declining by 3. 55 percent as of Wednesday.
130, The regeneration arena: housing policy as a response to the desire to revitalise declining urban centres and the rural economy.
131, In times of very high interest rates, investors expect to see future short-term rates declining.
132, There is evidence that, in Britain, working time is increasing and leisure time declining.
133, Governments could have offset declining profitability by cutting taxes on profits or by increasing the generosity of tax allowances given for investment.
134, The model is one of monopolistic competition, in which each firm has a declining cost curve, although constant marginal cost.
135, However, it now plans to draw in its horns in anticipation of declining demand for farm machinery by cutting back production.
136, The public education system, its declining educational and social standards.
137, The day is declining.
138, Benefits paid by employers are declining, while copayments and deductibles are increasing.
139, Although private funding has bridged much of this gap, declining ticket sales of 35 % have intensified financial pressures.
140, A new study says deaths from breast cancer are declining.
141, Participation in football, meanwhile,[http:///declining.html] was declining by 10. 2 percent.
142, In the hills behind this rapidly declining coastline, unspoilt country still exists.
143, Years later, Cloud became a hermit, declining his birthright as king.
144, Another problem is that donations to religious entities as a percentage of income have been declining.
145, An industry insider, declining to cite a source, says 1 million scanners were sold in 1995.
146, They were less likely to blame declining church attendance or on-screen violence.
147, The apartment to which she and Uncle Allen welcomed us was in a declining row house on Wakeman Avenue.
148, Company 2 has a much more rapidly declining experience curve and is increasing its margins.
149, Politely declining a plateful, I retreated upstairs for a more conventional lunch.
150, But prosecutors cited a lack of corroborating evidence in declining to bring charges.
151, The first nine viceroys all had Goan wives or mistresses, and inter-marriage continued through the centuries, through gradually declining.
152, Declining orders could mean a drop in production and a loss of jobs.
153, The Supreme Court gave no reason for declining to hear the case.
154, A number of older, declining central cities, particularly in the Northeast, fell into this group.
155, The opportunities have been pervasive, given the declining regulatory and technical obstacles to the internationalisation of firms' activities.
156, Only 5 percent of our law students are black, and the figure is declining.
157, The blade sang in the polished boards by Pascoe's head, a thin note declining on the air.
158, It would be surprising if prolonged periods of psychological morbidity are not reflected in declining physical health.
159, The entire automotive industry really started declining in the second half of last year.
160, Defence equipment's share of sales, if not yet profit, is declining.
161, So it must be assumed that the importance of marginal increments of all production is low and declining.
162, But in more recent times, the real value of outstanding government stock has been declining.
163, It dismisses suggestions that acid rain is a key factor in declining tree health.
164, The decision not to renew the contract with the landlords Hill Samuel was taken in the light of rising costs and declining sales.
165, Instead, participating farmers will get guaranteed but declining federal payments.
166, Water quality is declining due to too many dams and pumps.
167, And although our markets are declining we have increased our market share in all sectors.
168, The increasing reliance on imaging suggests that the technique of palpating a pyloric tumour is a declining art.
169, But the number of infected animals has been declining in recent years.
170, The number of declining stocks on the New York Stock Exchange outpaced advancing issues by 1, 160 to 1, 145.
171, Four years of drought and rapidly declining business had left all five branches of the Inyo County Bank severely weakened.
172, The Bloomberg Ohio Index rose 0. 02 to 116. 46 after declining yesterday.
173, Typically in a declining market, prices gradually shift from contract levels to the spot prices, traders said.
174, Safilo SpA stock racked up a 74 percent total return as the manufacturer of eyeglass frames rebounded from years of declining profits.
175, On 11 August 1989 the coroner replied, declining to hold an inquest.
176, Yet, on minor roads as well as trunk roads, studies find that standards are declining.
177, Sir Alfred's interest was declining and Louis Stanley, his brother-in-law, was playing a bigger part.
178, Within alcoholic drinks, excise duty revenue from spirits is declining, as its market share falls.
179, It was scaled back in 1984 after widespread complaints from men and reports their performance was declining.
180, Doubling declining balance is a form of Accelerated Depreciation.
181, White male death-rate increased in a declining rate.
182, Mr. Winkle looked up at the declining orb.
183, According to the report, declining external liquidity is mixed.
184, Why is newspaper readership declining?
185, The Eastman Kodak Company announced Monday it would cease making Kodachrome, the 74-year-old color film, later this year, because of declining customer demand in a digital age.
186, Also, the trend of declining volume, line c, was broken when STO closed above key resistance.
187, From the macro - economic investment rate is rising rate of declining consumption and investment efficiency decline.
188, Currently many fish populations in Trias waters are declining, a situation blamed on pollution.
189, The amount of depreciation can be calculated by the straight-line method, fixed percentage method, sum-of-the-year's digits method or declining balance method.
190, By far the most widely used accelerated depreciation method is called double - declining - balance method.
191, Since then, the level had stabilised and was now declining, albeIt'slowly , Dr Fraser said.
192, On the other hand, students have little difficulties affording the computer owing to the declining price.
193, After first politely declining , he eventually took a seat in the front row.
194, They also face falling roundwood quotas from pulp and paper factories, slowing peeler log demand, declining sawlog exports and increasing difficulty securing lines of credit.
195, Worse is that the long era of stagnating incomes has been accompanied by something profoundly un-American: declining income mobility.
196, Declining Years" image, the archetype of Zhang Ailing's story character, appeared first in her prose Declining Years, which was her juvenilia."
197, Like tangible long-lived assets, the value of the intangible assets is declining during the life of the assets.
198, The global financial and economic crisis is expected to severely impact infrastructure services in developing countries, as governments face shrinking resources and declining private financing flows.
199, The remaining population of just 84-143 Iberian lynx adults is under threat because its primary prey - the European rabbit - is declining.
200, With declining capital flows,[sentence dictionary] this would generate a financing gap of between $270 and$700 billion.
201, His health is declining.
202, The declining balance depreciation is one of accelerated depreciation methods on fixed assets in enterprise accounting systems without mathematical formula.
203, These showed how economies of scale and declining transport costs encourage concentration of production in certain places, and in turn lead to new trade patterns.
204, Localism is declining as a result of many such lessons.
205, Even more encouraging, consumers' labor market assessment improved, with the "jobs hard to get" index declining.
206, The rolling anticline associated with declining plate of growth fault a main and gas accumulating position.
207, The correct statement of the marginal effect degression law should be " gradually declining law of marginal effect".
208, Here, Atlantic cod and herring as still declining, while globally populations of large predators such as sharks and rays are in rapid decline.
209, CONCLUSION: The lobster chitosan has the functions of declining the BS value and strengthening the sugar tolerance whereas unaffecting the normal glycogen metabolism in diabetic mice.
210, Nonetheless, very few managers look forward to dealing with " messy " declining performance situations.
211, First, the influence of Hezbollah and its Iranian patrons is, for now, declining.
212, Part V narrates that the Beguine walks into declining under the suppression of the church and secular authority.
213, Indonesia is considering leaving the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, because of the country's declining crude oil output.
214, For 15 and 20 year property,[http:///declining.html] the appropriate method is the 150% declining balance method switching to the Straight-Line Depreciation method when it will yield a larger allowance.
215, The government does not intend to prop up declining industries.
216, 50% is the cut-off point for the economy. A PMI reading above 50% indicates that the manufacturing economy is generally expanding; below 50% indicates that it is generally declining.
217, The news spreads, as soon as the price changes the declining tendency, has the rise.
218, Even though corporate profits have held up well against expectations, top-line sales throughout the economy have been declining, which are ultimately not conducive for sustainable earnings.
219, The available depreciation methods consist of the straight-line method, unit of production method, double declining balance method, sum of the years digits method, etc.
220, The declining naionwide tax incidence is closely related to the emphasis on efficiency, so economic growth a...
221, Germany's national disease agency, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), said the death toll rose to 35 at the weekend, but the rate of new infections was declining.
222, This means that when incomes are stagnant or declining for most people, there isn't enough demand in the economy to encourage productive investment—unless this demand is debt-fueled.
223, The prices are declining.
224, "If you take coal prices, chart them in euros and strip out the currency effect, you have a declining price, " the trader said.
225, During the flush production stage, the oil is produced in relatively large, but rapidly declining amounts from the natural reservoir energy.
226, The US has inadequate capacity to control the external deficit because its manufacturing capital stock has been declining in relative terms for several years.
227, There has been an increasing need for lubricity additives, because diesel fuel lubricity levels have been declining, due to the need to desulfurize diesel fuel to meet tighter air quality standards.
228, After being weaned for about 1 week, the swinery showed progressive emaciation, slow growth, declining food intake, irregular hair coat and poor spirit.
229, As market is fiercely competitive, marketing risks grow with each passing day, especially with the clients capital credit declining and loan seriously defaulting.
230, The surplus labor kept wages stagnant despite rapid labor productivity increase, triggering declining prices of manufacturing goods within China and without.
231, The net result will be a progressive convergence of nations to a declining per capita emission rate.
232, Dementia is a condition of declining mental abilities, especially memory.
233, A declining dollar pulled down the export figures for the last quarter.
234, They had been making a comeback for a while, Burke says, but their numbers are now declining again, partly due to the disappearance of salt marsh in the area.
235, Although the CPI growth rate has been declining, inflationary pressure still high.




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