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单词 Helmeted
1. The combat troops have been helmeted.
2. Helmeted, baton-wielding police forced back the crowd.
3. He could see their helmeted heads among the maize stalks.
4. Identifying him from among the helmeted figures strapped into the cars had proved impossible.
5. The big difference was the large number of helmeted policemen.
6. Their riders were helmeted and sinister behind dark goggles and black leather.
7. Behind him, a winged, helmeted figure leans on a cruciform,() phallic-looking sword.
8. Its barrel, pointed by a helmeted soldier, is sticking into the chest of a worker in overalls.
9. Helmeted, armed with long, spear-like boards, the surfers looked like gladiators going out to engage in mortal combat.
10. Helmeted riders and passengers showed significantly lower head and neck injury for all types of injury, at all levels of injury severity.
11. Finally gas-masked and helmeted police charged into the crowd to drag off the demonstrators one by one.
12. Helmeted firemen were dragging their hoses out of the lobby.
13. There they find another spectacle: helmeted police with machine guns patrolling the subway station on the lookout for would-be bombers and gunmen.
14. Helmeted riot police are posted every few metres along its narrow,(Sentencedict) winding alleyways.
15. Helmeted police cruise the streets of Kuqa at night in open-topped jeeps.
16. Police trucks and helmeted officers blocked the planned march route.
17. This was in the year when, as a youthful and helmeted fire-watcher, I patrolled the streets at home in Cardiff.
18. A remote arc welding robot system has been built, consisting of a six DOF mastermaniplator, a helmeted stereo TV monitor system, a computer control system and a PUMArobot.
19. The violence continued after the game, with clashes outside the stadium between hardcore fans and helmeted riot police, as helicopters hovered overhead.
20. Biologists at Northeastern University have peered directly at running muscles by measuring blood flow in the legs of the helmeted guinea fowl Numida meleagris.
21. Agent Chet Blackburn, the assault team leader, stuck his helmeted head into the cab. "Maybe we should have used an assault chopper."
22. But you don't see bars covering every single window or helmeted security guards swinging batons as you do in so many other big African cities.
23. Girded around with a wild boar's teeth, he shall climb over the mountain summits and higher than the shadow of the Helmeted Man.




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