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单词 immaterial
释义 Word family  noun material materialism materialist materials materialization adjective material immaterial materialistic materialist verb materialize adverb materialistically materially  im·ma·te·ri·al /ˌɪməˈtɪəriəl◂ $ -ˈtɪr-/ adjective  1  UNIMPORTANTnot important in a particular situation 无关紧要的;不相关的 SYN irrelevant If you sign a document, it is wholly immaterial whether you have read it carefully or not. 文件一经签署,是否仔细阅读过文件就完全无关紧要了。2  formal not having a physical body or form 非实体的,无形的 our immaterial soul 我们无形的灵魂Examples from the Corpusimmaterial• The difference in our ages was immaterial.• Of course you could also be looking for work at home, where the ability to travel to and fro is immaterial.• The content of the mathematics qualification to them is immaterial.• The nature of the seller's possession is immaterial.• Whether one agrees or disagrees with this contention is immaterial.• This may make any savings you anticipate by remortgaging immaterial in the long run.• The general opinion was that comets were immaterial, spiritual portents sent by the Creator as warnings about impending momentous events.• It is immaterial that his promise is far more valuable than the price he has asked for it.• Persons, for Descartes, are mental or immaterial thinking·ma·te·ri·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  not in a particular situation Corpus important




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