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单词 immediately
释义  im·me·di·ate·ly1 /ɪˈmiːdiətli/ ●●● S2 W1 adverb  1  IMMEDIATELYwithout delay 即刻,马上 SYN at once Mix in the remaining ingredients and serve immediately. 拌入余下的食材,立即上桌。 The telephone rang, and he answered it immediately. 电话铃响了,他马上去接。n RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say right away or, in British English, straight away rather than immediately:Yes, I’ll do it right away.2  IMMEDIATELYvery soon before or after something 〔某事之前或之后〕立即immediately after/following something He retired immediately after the end of the war. 战争一结束他就退休了。immediately before/preceding something I can’t remember what happened immediately before the crash. 我记不得撞车前一刹那发生的事了。3  immediately obvious/apparent able to be seen or understood very easily 能轻易看见的;很容易理解的 The solution to this problem is not immediately obvious. 这个问题的解决办法不是显而易见的。4  [+adj/adverb]NEAR very near to something 紧挨着immediately behind/above/below/in front of etc something the seat immediately behind the driver 驾驶员正后方的那个座位5  immediately involved/affected/concerned etc LOT/VERY MUCHvery closely involved etc in a particular situation 直接受〔某事〕影响的;〔与某事〕有直接牵连/关系等的 Those most immediately involved in the disaster will be given support. 灾害最直接受害者将获得援助。 THESAURUSimmediately very soon after something else happens, and without any delay 立刻,立即Sam immediately offered to help. 萨姆马上主动提供帮助。at once immediately – used especially for emphasis 立刻,马上〔尤用于强调〕Remove the pie from the oven and serve at once. 把馅饼从烤箱中取出后立即上桌。He came home at once when he heard his wife was ill. 他听到妻子生病的消息立刻就回家了。right away (also straightaway British English) especially spoken immediately, especially because something is urgent. Right away and straightaway are less formal than immediately, and are very common in everyday spoken English 立刻,马上〔尤因情况紧急。right away和straight away不如immediately正式,在日常英语口语中很常用〕If this happens, let us know right away. 如果发生这一情况,马上告诉我们。I apologized straightaway. 我立刻道了歉。instantly if something happens instantly, it happens immediately after something else, with almost no time between 立即,马上The boy was killed instantly. 这名男孩当场死亡。The message is sent instantly from your computer. 这条信息即刻从你的计算机发送出去。right now/this minute spoken if someone orders you to do something right now, they want you to do it immediately, especially because they are annoyed with you 马上,立刻〔尤用于因生某人的气而对其发号施令〕The head teacher wants to see you right now. 校长现在就要见你。without delay immediately, because it is important that you do something as soon as possible 马上,立刻〔因为重要而需尽快做〕If you lose your passport, you should contact the embassy without delay. 如果遗失护照应该立刻与大使馆联系。Examples from the Corpusimmediately• If the letting agent is not managing the flat, the tenant's deposit should be given to the owner immediately.• If your baby has a fever you should call the doctor immediately.• Knowing the case was urgent, I replied to her lawyer's email immediately.• After his lunchtime lecture from a furious Mr Major, he agreed a joint statement calling for talks to re-start immediately.• Our house is immediately across from the post office.• I went home immediately after I heard the news.• He said he has also been unable to locate Seber since he talked to him immediately after the fire.• The Steelers will immediately begin the search for a new head coach.• In terms of programming, sports immediately comes to mind.• It was not immediately determined if the two victims were related.• Hundreds of people left immediately, especially from the combined group's senior ranks.• Over half a million people have watched the first two Tests and two things are immediately obvious.• When mother saw my face, she knew immediately that something was wrong.• A rare albino alligator arrived at the Wild Animal Park yesterday and immediately went into hiding.immediately2 conjunction British English formal  IMMEDIATELYas soon as 一…就… Immediately you begin to speak, he gives you his full attention. 你只要一开始说话,他就会全神贯注地听。im·me·di·ate·ly1 adverb →n REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1immediately2 conjunctionLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  without delay Corpus




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