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单词 Improperly
1 A pet may founder if fed improperly.
2 He was improperly dressed for the occasion.
3 I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.
4 The governor was impeached for using state funds improperly.
5 He is trying to improperly influence a witness.
6 The study confirmed many reports that doctors were improperly trained.
7 If you are improperly dressed, you will not be admitted.
8 The committee had been improperly constituted, and therefore had no legal power.
9 Poisonous gases are produced by improperly burned fuel.
10 Dole accused Clinton of improperly claiming credit for a number of measures of national economic health.
11 The second complaint alleges that Bonior improperly employs his wife as a office aide.
12 Paul Coverdell, accusing the first-term lawmaker of improperly using his office correspondence files in a re-election fundraising effort.
13 These very assets of course, if improperly handled, become liabilities.
14 Some samples were handled improperly, which could have skewed the results.
15 Few cliches are used as improperly as the contention that a certain event marks the end of an era.
16 At issue was whether Gingrich improperly used charitable enterprises to advance his partisan agenda.
17 The trouble was the improperly designed fuel tank; this tended to fracture, particularly after rear-end collisions.
18 He said evidence was stored and handled improperly, potentially skewing results.
19 Clinton officials later admitted that the gathering improperly mixed political donors with federal regulators.
20 Naturalization Service improperly permitted naturalization of immigrants convicted of serious crimes.
21 The report concludes that I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.
22 Use of a new batch of reagents or reference standards that have been improperly made can cause this.
23 The Roman Research Trust declined to be interviewed, but a spokesman denied that it had acted in any way improperly.
24 But that effort has been stalled; local landowners claim the state improperly took their land.
25 In one, a top agency administrator was accused of improperly influencing contract bids.
26 It said the housing authority had wasted money and approved contracts improperly, and recommended serious sanctions from the U.S.
27 He recalls Joe Scott blaming the problems on an improperly updated computer system, and pledging to make corrections.
28 As he rightly pointed out, there is no real evidence that the president acted improperly.
29 Little bits fall off the car, some trifling part has been improperly milled, a mechanic makes a mistake.
30 Golding and Slater, in separate letters to President Clinton, complained that Rich improperly took sides in a local policy debate.
31 Traditionally, most information about company performance was kept from employees for fear they might improperly disclose the information to a competitor.
32 He said the Attorney General's office overstepped its authority and acted improperly.
33 During her confirmation in 1993, several Republican senators suggested that Napolitano may have improperly coached a witness during the Thomas-Hill hearings.
34 The six-person jury unanimously found that Lozano had improperly used his gun.
35 He emphatically denied that he had acted improperly or had manipulated the system to his advantage.
36 Fixed an issue where Fist weapons were sheathing improperly.
37 Of course it was acting improperly.
38 Improperly connected line set for AL command.
39 Memory error Check for improperly seated or missing memory.
40 To enlarge or amplify unduly or improperly; aggrandize.
41 The history of this continent, improperly and untruthfully told, has become a lie, and on that lie a society has been based which yearns for something most of us have never known in our lifetimes.
42 Spring Breakage. Breakage of leaf springs can result from excessive overloading, loose U Blots, loose center Bolt, an improperly operating shock absorber, or tight spring shackle.
43 Sixthly, presently the low audit fees improperly affect audit procedure and time budget in china, so it affects the independence.
44 When a system using a traditional, non-journaling file system is improperly shut down, the operating system detects this and performs a consistency check using the fsck utility.
45 Improperly implemented , dials can be extremely difficult to manipulate.
46 Fundamentalist groups have attacked women they regarded as improperly dressed.
47 Attempting to braze a contaminated or improperly cleaned surface will result in an unsatisfactory joint.
48 Operations shall not be deemed incomplete because improperly or defectively performed or because further operations may be required pursuant to a service or maintenance agreement.
49 He had become infected with Aids from an improperly sterilised needle.
50 Cranston and others were improperly trying to weigh in on the decision.
51 He took the lead arguing a 1994 case before the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of a securities trader who had been improperly fired.
52 Aflatoxin: Complex of toxins formed by molds of the genus Aspergillus, which frequently contaminate improperly stored nuts (especially peanuts), grains, meals, and certain other foods.
53 Because tyramine content increases oer time, especially if food is improperly stored, aoid eating leftoers.
54 Anyone touching the metal parts of the washing machine could receive an electric shock if the machine is plugged into an improperly grounded outlet.
55 At this point, improperly trained employees with a hose can cause significant damage.
56 Improperly, the government has been the Times'broker and front man.
57 It is a serious mistake to locate an orchard improperly.
58 Improperly dealing makes a person low-spirited , withered and his academic study will fall fast behind.
59 Thinks oneself infallible or improperly belittles oneself, is actually the superstition and the ossification.
60 Ingrown toenail is a common problem resulting from various etiologies including improperly trimmed nails, hyperhidrosis , infection and poorly fitting shoes.
61 The dry dock gate is the key equipment of the large-size shipyard, which influences the total function of the entire shipyard if it is designed improperly.
62 Meat , improperly handled , is a lethal carrier of bacteria.
63 The justices said New Haven improperly used race a basis to throw out the test results.
64 Recycling waste and scrap automobiles improperly, can easily cause a series of social problems to the environment, the order of traffic and the security of the people.
65 With this information in the credential exchanges, services are able to better protect against malicious use of credential challenge responses that might have been improperly obtained.
66 The court may set aside the award as improperly procured.
67 Systematic sampling, properly conducted, applies audit models to actual data and should expose illegal and unethical behavior when the actual data diverges improperly from the applicable models.
68 This can result in rapid spoilage if such foods are stored improperly.
69 The female casing coupling is deformed to make up improperly, due to the big size of casing, deep setting depth and heavy hanging load.
70 Indirectly through inanimate fomites (objects). Examples are staphylococcal infection, streptococcal infection, colds, hospital-acquired wound infections through use of improperly sterilized items.
71 It is possible that it has something to do with your Ski Boot and Ski Binding combination. It can also be that your Skis do not have wax or the wax is applied improperly.
72 Improperly applied, it can suffocate the Bill of Right, turn our democracy into totalitarian state.
73 Only for original battery charge. Avoid damage caused by charging improperly.
74 All used improperly, people of the damaged or soiled are non-returnable.
75 Improperly meshed or worn gear wheels, gear wheel brackets broken or improperly secured.
76 "ill-effect of drug" is the pathogenic factor that caused by Chinese herbal drugs itself or utilizing improperly.
77 The committee has been improperly constituted,[/improperly.html] and therefore has no legal power.
78 Attempting to braze a contaminated or an improperly cleaned surface will result in an unsatisfactory joint.
79 Sometimes an improperly written delete statement can delete multiple records.
80 He has not body enough to cover his mind decently; his intellect is improperly exposed.
81 Because the voltage measuring error increases when phase to phase short circuit occurs, distance relay protection will act improperly.




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