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单词 Margaret
1 Margaret sniffed miserably and nodded.
2 Margaret found his excuse somewhat implausible.
3 Margaret handed him the butter. 'Thank you,' said Samuel.
4 Margaret Atwood's novel depicts a gloomy, futuristic America.
5 Margaret was always a precocious child.
6 Margaret resides with her invalid mother in a London suburb.
7 The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel.
8 Margaret Thatcher was deposed as leader of the British Conservative Party in 1991.
9 Margaret was looking very chic in blue.
10 Margaret proved herself to be a good mother.
11 Sing us just one song,Margaret,[]come on!
12 Margaret looked at him with curiosity .
13 Are you related to Margaret?
14 Margaret began experimenting with watercolor.
15 Mrs Thatcher's first name is Margaret.
16 Maggie is a diminutive of Margaret.
17 The official opening ceremony was performed by Princess Margaret.
18 Margaret wants me to go with her.
19 Margaret regarded her mother's peculiarities with a fond tolerance.
20 'I'm not going to do it,' said Margaret decidedly.
21 Margaret had reached the age of puberty.
22 I saw Margaret this morning looking as miserable as sin.
23 Just a minute, Margaret, I want to introduce you to Betty.
24 Margaret dropped a hint that she'd like to come to the party.
25 Margaret Gillies currently has a team of 20 volunteers working for her.
26 Following the futuristic The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood's seventh novel, Cat's Eye, returns to more familiar territory.
27 Aunt Margaret told her to dress herself in her nicest dress.
28 Margaret Thatcher made history when she became the first British woman Prime Minister.
29 I'm leaving and I don't give a sod what Margaret thinks.
30 After her escape from prison, Claire Potter adopted the alias Margaret Smith.
1 Margaret sniffed miserably and nodded.
2 Margaret found his excuse somewhat implausible.
3 Margaret handed him the butter. 'Thank you,' said Samuel.
4 Margaret Atwood's novel depicts a gloomy, futuristic America.
5 Margaret was always a precocious child.
6 Margaret resides with her invalid mother in a London suburb.
7 Margaret Thatcher was deposed as leader of the British Conservative Party in 1991.
8 I'm leaving and I don't give a sod what Margaret thinks.
9 After her escape from prison, Claire Potter adopted the alias Margaret Smith.
10 Margaret takes after her father in being strong - willed.
31 Ask Margaret. She's pretty clued-up about that sort of thing.
32 Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first woman prime minister in 1979.
33 The therapist judged that Margaret had made a serious attempt to kill herself.
34 I'll try to put some flesh on the plan Margaret has outlined.
35 Margaret takes after her father in being strong - willed.
36 Margaret was seized by a fit of the giggles .
37 Margaret took me to one side, holding my arm in a gentle caress.
38 To cement the alliance with England, Charles married Margaret, sister of the English king.
39 Margaret fed me porridge oats dusty with salt.
40 He hadn't anticipated this change in Margaret.
41 Margaret Thatcher was in the chair.
42 Margaret McLaughlin almost certainly scratched her attacker.
43 To begin with, Margaret Thatcher dispensed with royal commissions.
44 Margaret, delayed by a sick child, came from Philadelphia.
45 Margaret cooked a small Christmas dinner.
46 Campbell's lies got ever more desperate, particularly to Margaret.
47 Margaret looked out of the window.
48 One sister, Margaret, in Aylesbury couldn't make the trip.
49 Vanessa and Jennifer stepped back behind Margaret.
50 Margaret suddenly realized he was crying.
51 Margaret Godfrey worked as a cleaner for Oxford University.
52 Margaret mixes dough and rolls out the pie shell.
53 Into this friendship, Margaret Cairns White made her entrance.
54 Margaret Trudeau jigging in rolled-up slacks.
55 That's a picture of Margaret Zelle, alias Mata Hari.
56 Mrs Wills, who was in attendance on Princess Margaret.
57 Aunt Margaret must buy tins in bulk.
58 Margaret Whigham was the most celebrated deb of 1930.
59 Involuntarily, Margaret thought of Jack's muscular body last night.
60 He never washed dishes with Margaret Fuller.
61 Wisely, Margaret Thatcher decided to withdraw.
62 I wasn't much company for Aunt Margaret tonight.
63 Margaret has such a dull personality.
64 Did Margaret make it home the other night?
65 Margaret put some light trousers on him.
66 Undoubtedly Margaret helped strengthen her resolve.
67 It's uncharacteristic of Margaret to get so angry.
68 Margaret dropped the letters onto her desk.
69 Margaret had started driving lessons, was making progress with the solicitor,[] and spending the occasional evening with friends.
70 Margaret Hallworth was born in Manchester but grew up in North Wales.
71 David crossed to examine a Victorian print, smiling at Margaret as he did so.
72 Session two Immediately after the previous session, Margaret had felt better, especially after starting to take the hypnotic.
73 Margaret Taylor of the Dumfries Group addressed the haggis before fiercely slitting it with a huge kitchen knife.
74 Keeping an eye on another niece was for Margaret the most natural thing in the world.
75 Margaret maintained close contact with the branches, especially in the north, and inspired many campaigns.
76 So she had singing lessons, and both Eva and Margaret learnt the art of speech and drama from a Mrs Rickwood.
77 Margaret Sanger had courted notoriety and even jail; she was replaced by men more familiar with Wall Street than the Bowery.
78 Melanie shifted her position a little and Aunt Margaret moved into the focus of the keyhole.
79 While writing her agony aunt column, she remained busy as a reporter, interviewing figures including Margaret Thatcher.
80 During that time Cathy and Margaret have created a thriving, successful business.
81 Margaret Thatcher's governments encouraged the old nationalised industries to sell derelict sites which retailers snapped up for building superstores.
82 Exhibition of more than 80 paintings by wildlife artist Margaret Tracey.
83 Too alert to sleep, I fill my notebook with sketches of the nubble under the quarter moon while Margaret naps.
84 Northampton General and the Princess Margaret lead the way with 16 percent.
85 He presided over the 1990 leadership contest that saw the departure of Margaret Thatcher and the arrival of John Major.
86 How the miracle of the turn-round and recovery under Margaret Thatcher's leadership was rightly hailed as an inspiration worldwide.
87 Even Margaret Thatcher in her prime could not carry her party on the question of Sundays.
88 Margaret fell in love with a muted green-based carpet with a pattern of tiny red squares woven around the borders.
89 Margaret has been teaching in that particular home for five years.
90 Suddenly she collapsed and pronounced dead on arrival at Swindon's Princess Margaret Hospital.
91 When Margaret Thatcher became leader the party was still dominated by these men who had been through the war together.
92 Driving back to Leeds, Margaret timed her ear radio to the commentary from the York races.
93 In 1881 he married Margaret, daughter of Thomas Maynard, a Bath boat builder.
94 Seeing Margaret begin to pull herself up, Maura's natural kindness came to the fore.
95 In this final session Margaret was encouraged to explore possible ways of coping at times of further crises.
96 In those interviews, Margaret Thatcher has made much of science and technology.
97 Margaret became one of the early users of a hearing aid.
98 He couldn't stand Margaret when she was in one of her perky moods.
99 But once her academic work began,[http:///Margaret.html] Margaret felt the faith of her childhood unfolding in all its richness.
100 The bison trainer married Margaret Lesher late last year, a few months after meeting her at a rodeo.
101 For almost 18 months Margaret Thatcher and Nigel Lawson have been at loggerheads over sterling.
102 Margaret loved her mother, and regarded her peculiarities with a fond tolerance.
103 When old enough, Margaret left the farm and moved in with a knight.
104 As your Grace knows, Alexander was married to your Grace's late lamented sister, Margaret.
105 Even doing the housework with Aunt Margaret satisfied her; she had a part to play in the running of the home.
106 Margaret Bondfield joined the guild in 1911 and with Llewellyn Davies assumed a critical role in reform of health and maternity policy.
107 Margaret used to be a great one for rote learning.
108 Labour's general secretary, Margaret McDonagh, called for the Short cash to be audited separately.
109 As Margaret Regan reported in August, the number of students at the new campus was 44 on opening day.
110 Margaret had now officially accepted General Francis as her next case.
111 One or two of the women put a hand on Margaret, but she was lost to us then.
112 For further details please contact either Margaret Charlwood or June Bascombe.
113 Yet, as Margaret Donaldson points out, the ability to cope with disembedded tasks is crucial to educational success.
114 Soon Maggie held a golden ball of thread and St Margaret had one end of it firmly attached to her finger.
115 Margaret radiated such radical free spirit, such electricity, that I fell directly in love.
116 It was not a mortal blow in the style of Lord Howe who brought about the downfall of Margaret Thatcher.
117 Margaret and a few others seemed relieved to get him down, his canes clattering and his body folding in half.
118 Con got back with the drinks at the same time as Margaret reached the table.
119 Aunt Margaret, frail as a pressed flower, seemed too cowed by his presence even to look at him.
120 As for Margaret - well, she'd always fancied herself accompanying my father round the world on his tours.
121 Margaret has very strong opinions, but she always tries to understand the opposite point of view.
122 In 1935, when his first marriage had ceased to exist in all but name, he met Margaret Cairns White.
123 He points to cultures, such as Samoa, where Margaret Mead found that there was little real adolescence.
124 It was at this time that Margaret joined the Franciscan tertiaries and began to experience visions and healing powers.
125 There was a woman newsreader, whose name sounded like Magda Tacker, and we soon called her Margaret Thatcher.
126 But it was Margaret Thatcher who reaped all the benefits.
127 He and Margaret had gone from the consulate to a bar in the Friedrichstrasse.
128 Aunt Margaret crouched at the table foot, one eye on the kettle to see when it boiled.
128 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
129 Margaret McGregor, the board's Labour convenor, is to support the proposal.
130 Margaret had told me the doctor now lived in a Victorian mansion in Ayr.
131 Indeed, Margaret Peters actually quoted two hundred and five variant spellings of the word she has collected.
132 This year's guest of honour will be the novelist Margaret Attwood.
133 Smiling, Aunt Margaret put the money away in a drawer which was the till.
134 Melanie and Aunt Margaret sat in complete silence but for the ponderous ticking of the cuckoo clock and its regular two note interjections.
135 Margaret was in complete agreement with her husband's refusal to accept the bribe of a bishopric.
136 The official report into the accident which killed David Kay and his wife Margaret says it was caused by pilot error.
137 Margaret profited too from her sister's popularity and the relaxation in rules.
138 Princess Margaret wore a pretty blue silk evening dress, and sat in the front row of the circle.
139 Aunt Margaret had one single piece of jewellery, besides her fat gold wedding ring.
140 In 1941, Margaret E. Ray escaped war-torn France and landed in New York.
141 He is more popular than either Margaret Thatcher or Neil Kinnock.
142 The royals will try to shrug off their problems and put on a good show for Margaret.
143 Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart was found to have attached itself to all the objects she had used during her life.
144 Aunt Margaret glanced round for something with which to distract her and darted to the corner where the cage was.
145 But he says he's in good company ... Margaret Thatcher took eighteen months before she made hers.
146 Here she speaks for the first time about her ordeal to Margaret Hall.
147 Margaret Thatcher believed, disastrously, that there was no such thing as society.
148 Most frequently cited is the work of Margaret Mead, perhaps the paramount genius in her field.
149 Margaret and Dickie were in the garden playing badminton when Mr Remington-Hart rang up and asked to speak to my aunt.
150 Bush was elected on the coat-tails of Ronald Reagan, who in turn worshipped Margaret Thatcher's brand of politics and economics.
151 Margaret was encouraged to continue pursuing her enquiries with the solicitor.
152 In 1988 Margaret Thatcher squeezed sight-test charges through Parliament only after a Tory rebellion that shrank her majority by 28 votes.
153 Margaret Thatcher, too, realized the potential of having this major capital project financed by the private sector.
154 He hinted that she might even receive an honour from the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher if she gave her support.
155 In June 1983, Margaret Thatcher went to the polls for the second time.
156 The others watched him as they played, Francie giving little grunts of encouragement, Aunt Margaret nodding her head.
157 Margaret Thatcher had no tolerance for jokes of any kind, believing them to be a waste of time.
158 The markets have exposed the fatal flaw of Margaret Thatcher's government.
159 They were so close that Margaret could see their clothes: the men wore white dinner jackets and the women long gowns.
160 I have no doubt Margaret reproached herself,[http:///Margaret.html] - perhaps still does.
161 For a mild, self-effacing family man, substitute a vibrant, powerful family man who pays due tribute to Margaret Thatcher.
162 Another condition was that Margaret would allow her husband to give priority to his ministerial work.
163 Margaret ate it all up and then asked for more.
164 The prize for the year's best book other than fiction goes to Gwyn Thomas and Margaret Jones for their third collaboration.
165 The two women began to laugh, and Joyce confided in Lois that her friend Margaret was just the worst.
166 Like Margaret, who at this very moment is no doubt carrying on somewhere.
167 Margaret Chase Smith, another Republican, was among the early critics of Sen.
168 A string of female rulers, from Boudicca to Margaret Thatcher, gives the lie to that idea.
169 His death came on Christmas Day, 1875, three months after his wife, Margaret, and baby died in childbirth.
170 Or perhaps it was when Margaret Thatcher locked the prime minister away behind heavy iron gates.
171 The social relationships engaged in by Margaret Nicholson include a wide variety of friends and the stress on family ties is missing.
172 Older than Aunt Margaret, that was certain - far older(), but how much older?
173 Margaret shows the 13 parents how to make things and they show their children.
174 Mrs Margaret Thatcher has struck three notes since the Communist world began to disintegrate.
175 The campaigners Margaret Thatcher is a rarity among national leaders in that she has a science background.
176 Margaret was commended for her work in the community and her invitation was in recognition of this.
177 Aunt Margaret presided over the table with placid contentment, urging them to eat with eloquent movements of the eyes and hands.
178 A secret service contact told Mark Gutteridge that Margaret Thatcher would have seen the information.
179 She would have made the secret love child of Leon Trotsky and Margaret Thatcher look like an uncommitted, apolitical layabout.
180 In this instance the fieldwork was conducted during the first period of Margaret Thatcher's administration.
181 Aunt Margaret cowered in her chair, covering her eyes, awaiting the end.
182 The post of deputy leader went to Margaret Beckett, who won 57.3 percent of the vote.
183 Four years ago, his sister Margaret died after taking a heroin overdose.
184 He dropped to a conspiratorial stage whisper with Margaret: Where is she anyway?
185 In the 1975 election, however, voters chose four independent candidates for the council and elected independent Margaret Hance as mayor.
186 Margaret became a shepherdess, during which she was spotted by the governor.
187 There was my wreath, and a lot of flowers from Margaret, and another wreath from Doreen.
188 Margaret proved to be an excellent wife and companion for Richard.
188 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
189 It was also an undoubted personal and political triumph for Margaret Thatcher.
190 When I was out of the room, he told Margaret that he wanted to see me write weightier books than that.
191 They had barely greeted one another when Pam demanded to know what Margaret thought she was doing.
192 I turned to Margaret but was hushed before I could open my mouth.
193 On the way past the coffin Margaret bowed and kissed the lid.
194 Margaret had made me a bed in the box room.
195 Aunt Margaret helped Victoria construct a high house from a greasy set of playing cards on the kitchen floor.
196 A similar package of stabilisation, privatisation and deregulation policies was pioneered by Margaret Thatcher.
197 As this portrait indicates, Margaret Massingberd was largely responsible for creating much of the garden areas as they still exist today.
198 Following the 1987 general election, Margaret Thatcher set up and headed a small committee to examine the health service.
199 The 1987 election marked the high noon of the government of Margaret Thatcher.
200 We called for him in a taxi at Faber's, Margaret waiting inside the vehicle.
201 Who could say if Margaret was not better off a young widow, able yet to make a humbler and happier match?
202 Chapter Eight Margaret and Maura were in Maura's bedroom, painting their nails.
203 If Margaret was ignorant of what was going on, then Polly was not much wiser.
204 Shaw is like saltwater in the face and Margaret was apt to splutter.
205 Margaret had never met a man like this, even among her admirers in the Hamptons.
206 He spoke with an upper-class accent, and Margaret realized his face was vaguely familiar.
207 "Louis, get over here!" Margaret demanded with a stamp of her foot.
208 Margaret is delighted to be making this return trip on what she describes as a warm and friendly course.
209 A cricket joins in, one of the lamps hums a low hum, but what I want to hear is Margaret.
210 In June 1981, prime minister Margaret Thatcher appointed a panel to advise her government on all matters relating to information technology.
211 Perhaps Margaret just wants that corpse to be her husband's, to give her something to grieve over.
212 Margaret and Jack Carolan, from Huyton, had sneaked a camera inside and were snapping off shots as keepsakes.
213 It cited a scene in Brookside in which Beth and Margaret engaged in a lesbian kiss, arguing that this courted controversy.
214 Margaret pulled the duvet round her trying to get warm.
215 But Margaret knew nothing about it, and therefore she could hardly feel that she was a real Dame.
216 Father said, but his voice was shaky, and Margaret guessed that he thought it was all too possible.
217 I was sorry to break off his conversation with Margaret, but I had to leave.
218 Is this what Margaret meant by claiming that what can be found anywhere can probably be found every-where?
218 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
219 Margaret suffered a slow death by having weights stacked on her back, eventually crushing her to death.
220 Margaret was kept hidden by her parents throughout her childhood.
221 A sense of betrayal lay deep in both Hugh and Margaret; it was an important part of who they were.
222 The only reason Margaret went through with the pregnancy was because my father hoped I'd be a boy.
223 The books Margaret gave me had columns of figures, written in different inks.
224 Margaret took the little boy in her arms and carried him downstairs.
225 Margaret Elder was giving evidence on the first day of the fatal accident inquiry into drugs deaths in Glasgow.
226 He and Margaret went with their luggage to Victoria Station and booked single tickets to Berlin.
227 Margaret offered Maura her little finger with a shy smile.
228 Chris used scarves in her session and Margaret worked her class very hard towards a fast moving item with some quick footwork.
229 Yet Margaret holds a responsible position in marketing and is by no means untalented.
230 Then Aunt Margaret put the flute sideways to her lips, eagerly, as though she were thirsty for it.
231 By then I was hearing wedding bells, and not only for Old Red and Margaret.
232 He appeared on stage at Wembley as part of a Tory rally in support of Margaret Thatcher.
233 Margaret could not help admiring her fortitude, even though she despised her mission.
234 Margaret had discovered the address from an electricity bill she had found in the laundry.
235 Margaret came from a wealthy family, and Richard was anxious to allay any suspicion that he had married for money.
236 I think you look more like your aunt Margaret than your sister does.
237 They've been transferred from Princess Margaret Hospital in Swindon, where hospital managers have been forced to close three operating theatres.
238 Long a master at making do, Margaret teaches me as much about food as I teach her.
239 Not surprisingly it was Margaret who felt the parting most.
240 Since qualifying in 1968 Margaret has run many classes in the Redhill area and become a Medau trainer in 1972.
241 Until last year, she was known best as the less successful sister of Margaret Drabble.
242 You can add a touch of floral style to your correspondence with the attractive Lady Margaret stationery pictured here.
243 She seemed to consider the proposal favourably and Princess Margaret, who I knew was keen on the idea, was supportive.
244 This year we even took care of the children with Margaret Hickman running activities throughout the afternoon.
245 Margaret had ironed me some shirts and draped them over a clothes-horse in the hail.
246 Then Margaret Thatcher spoiled their fun by abolishing the council five years ago.
247 Margaret linked her arm through mine and we walked to the zebra-crossing.
248 Aunt Margaret carried in an oblong, golden pie from the kitchen,[/Margaret.html] steaming and savoury.
249 Margaret sprinted down the street, almost collapsing when she reached us.
250 If Mark failed to qualify as trustee, Margaret was designated to take his place.
251 Meanwhile, ministers rallied in a concerted effort to denounce rumours of a rift between Mr Lawson and Margaret Thatcher.
252 Margaret Besheer, VOA News, Beirut.
253 Margaret herself was not unduly bothered.
254 Margaret had never been very impressed by feminism.
255 There is nothing frivolous in Margaret at all.
256 Princess Margaret is divorced from Lord Snowdon.
257 Margaret listened in stony silence.
258 Margaret Mitchell was also a notable suffragist.
259 This was all the essential information Margaret needed.
260 Margaret, a publishing executive, tells her own near-miss story of how she stepped back from the brink of insanity.
261 Margaret Sanger is the mother of modern contraception and the founder of Planned Parenthood.
262 Evenings with Denis's golfing friends are not something that Margaret has ever greatly relished.
263 NARRATOR: Keith Joseph's most significant adherent was an up - and - coming Conservative politician named Margaret Thatcher.
264 In this novel, Margaret Mitchell likens the weak to wheat, and the strong to buckwheat.
265 As an amateur Margaret Mead, it's the point at which guests give themselves over to the esprit de wedding that's much more compelling than the whole with-this-ring pomp and circumstance to me.
266 It is also more strongly committed to what Margaret Thatcher once called "Victorian values"—individualism, voluntarism, patriotism.
267 With her chin on her chest and her eyes staring down, the reluctant farm girl followed Margaret to the back of the somber room.
268 This unique education undoubtedly prepared Margaret for her work as an anthropologist.
269 Anthropologist Margaret Mead recalled she was so excited by the ideas set loose in the first meeting that "I did not notice that I had broken one of my teeth until the Conference was over."
270 Mr Lucas and his disciples, echoing Margaret Thatcher, believe there is no such thing as society.
271 Margaret Thatcher was their hero, their saviour, the one person they knew they could trust.
272 Prime candidate to take over his job is Margaret Ramsay.
273 Gone with the Wind, an American novel by Margaret Mitchell, portrays the figure of Scarlett and makes a lasting impression on readers.
274 In spite of her small vanities , Margaret had a sweet and pious nature.
275 W.H.O. Director General Margaret Chan points out that tobacco hurts economies in two ways.
276 Prudence Margaret talked to Armand's an infatuation, she was very moved.
277 Or, in the somewhat less coherent words of Margaret Thatcher, "the unexpected happens" and "fail-safe plans are designed to go wrong."
278 Margaret was delighted with her offspring and has remained in many ways besotted by her children.
278 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
279 Margaret was always mischievous and set on her own individual course.
280 Margaret was sitting nervously upright on the edge of her chair.
281 The famous personalities and celebrities born under the sign of Libra include Michael Douglas, Mahatma Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Dwight Eisenhower, Matt Damon and so on.
282 Margaret never visibly panicked or flapped about anything either political or domestic.
283 EUROPE helped bring down two of Britain's recent prime ministers, Margaret Thatcher and John Major.
284 Denis always complained that it was freezing here, and Margaret didn 't like the wind.




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