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单词 Market channel
1. Channel A represents a direct marketing channel.
2. A direct marketing channel moves goods directly from manufacturer to consumer.
3. The driver felt puzzled to say: This is market channel.
3. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
4. Probe into the Transformation of Market Channel Strategy of Large - scale State - owned Travel Agencies.
5. But review at present PC market channel, still stay in the product actually current conduit phase.
6. In this way, firms not only can control the market channel acquire market itsits speedy pace.
7. The company charges money and has a real - world market channel primed to resell its services.
8. But the current conditions of FMCGE in China are wide and long market channels that contain too many memberships, this conduces information of market channel exchanging and sharing difficulty.
9. The transmission mechanism of monetary policy of the West includes four channels:interest channel, non money capital price channel, credit channel and stock market channel.
10. In open economy system , the effect of capital market channel increases.
11. My home is in I still do not know market channel.




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