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单词 Until now
1 I've always been perfectly healthy until now.
2 It has taken until now to pin down its exact location.
3 Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.
4 Until now I've always credited you with more sense.
5 Until now I have always lived alone.
6 I never realized I loved you until now.
7 Until now the President has shut his eyes to the homelessness problem.
8 Until now, information has been second or third hand, but this news comes from someone who was there.
9 Until now, wage increases have always kept pace with inflation.
10 They have threatened military action but held off until now.
11 Until now, doctors have been able to do very little to treat this disease.
12 Until now,many peasants have to work hard to wrest a living from the soil.
13 Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game.
14 Until now he had postponed thinking about the visit.
15 This consideration has underpinned national forestry policy until now.
16 She had never missed it until now.
17 I couldn't get round to ringing until now.
18 Until now the international community has been conspicuously silent.
19 I've never given hope much thought until now.
20 It had all been so simple until now.
21 Work hadn't seemed so terribly important until now.
22 Until now, there has been no effective treatment for this disease.
23 I haven't wanted to commit myself to anyone until now.
24 Until now, long-sighted people have to wear glasses or contact lenses to see the world in sharp focus.
25 Until now Gates has been the arch villain in the biggest anti-trust trial.
26 But until now the very volume of data involved has defeated attempts to analyse it.
27 Until now, each parallel computer has been so different that users had to re-write applications every time they changed machines.
28 Might I enquire why you have not mentioned this until now?
29 He had never once been unfaithful to her nor she to him, he would gamble, until now.
30 He was glad to be rid of the typewriter, though he had been unwilling to part with it until now.
1 I've always been perfectly healthy until now.
2 It has taken until now to pin down its exact location.
3 Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships.
31 What has not been known, until now, is the nature of the mechanism by which this occurs.
32 Until now, however, the court has not reconsidered the workplace rules on affirmative action.
33 Vendors running a supposedly standard Unix operating system until now provided different text input methods.
34 Up until now Piggy has kept Ralph steady, reminding him of his responsibilities and priorities.
35 Until now its been funded by public donations, but they're about to run out.
36 But 32 previous arrests for shoplifting failed to result in a jail sentence until now.
37 It is the honest doubts of many congressmen that have delayed its progress until now.
37 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
38 Until now, the drug was only available to people taking part in clinical trials.
39 But until now the detailed examination of the underwater ruins has been held back by a lack of suitable technology.
40 It had not struck him until now that this was an inadequate hiding place.
41 His entire premiership until now has been devoted to winning the election.
42 Its fish are highly prized, and the fish soup from Szeged has until now been a national delicacy.
43 His faith never has interfered with his basketball career at Towson University -- until now.
44 They've been reluctant until now, but may be forced to reconsider.
45 Until now, to Yeremi, Space Marines had been virtually legendary figures.
46 Until now, he'd given up hope that such a burgeoning time would ever come again.
47 Until now, all my road worries have concerned either a driving fatality or an ambush by crazed trailer-park desperadoes.
48 Until now, he had barely spoken, except to tell me how tired he was.
49 Until now, this simple complaint has been enough to suffocate any sensible discussion of reform.
50 Until now Justin has been an obedient civil servant, content to toe the official line-in short, a plodder.
51 Norm had never realized how tiny Greene was, until now.
52 Item 9: is a rare brooch, I have never seen so complete a version until now.
53 Up until now there has been no need to believe that neutrinos have any mass at all.
54 Until now Mr Mugabe's verbal assaults have largely focused on white farm-owners.
55 We have not forgotten this offer, although for various reasons we have not been able to develop an idea until now.
56 Until now, people working in the transport industry have tended to specialise in one aspect of the distribution business.
57 You know, I never realized until now just how nice it was.
58 Until now, it has been relegated to sketches by Hollywood types with active imaginations, Elliott said.
59 Until now, when one sat here in the cloakroom, surrounded by old raincoats, shaking as though struck down by fever.
60 He had not really known that until now, but it was true.
61 Until now the judiciary have expressed their views about the tariff period, tacitly if not expressly, in confidence.
62 Al; though the two ramps were identical no one had previously considered joining them together until now.
63 Until now, most judges had been reluctant to enforce the harsh and unjust laws directed against the Nonconformists.
64 Up until now he had been obdurate on the matter, the Emmeline was his, he would not give her up.
65 Until now there have been few reports on hepatic failure caused by disorders of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.
66 Not until now have we realized how much we had missed birds.
67 Until now cannabis, or hemp, was an illegal plant(), classified as a schedule B controlled drug.
68 Until now both candidates have avoided talking about the touchy subject of health care reform.
69 Until now, the company has only licensed the technology for use in other firms' hardware and software.
70 It's the work of Grenobloise company named Alp'Roc who, until now, have been manufacturing normal climbing wall apparatus.
71 As with truffles, however, morels have until now resisted Joining the ranks of domesticated fungi.
72 Until now, she had met no backlash from her penchant for dressing with unerring sensuality.
73 The new exams have been designed for weaker students who, until now, have been set unattainable targets.
74 Grass routes Up until now it has maintained a purity of vision that sees a workstation not a terminal on every desk.
75 Until now only single childless women aged 17-27 have been able to work as au pairs in Britain.
76 Until now, patients often found it difficult to get information about their rights.
77 Until now Gary had been an out-of-town designer, of course.
78 Until now, local adults and youngsters had to travel to Britain for regular treatment.
79 Fearless until now, I suddenly remembered the reason why pressure cookers had fallen out of favor.
80 Despite being so ubiquitous, until now they've been solely a male preserve.
81 Concern about ozone depletion has until now centred on its effects on humans, for instance through increased skin cancers.
82 Until now the hard discipline to follow through has rousted me outdoors on sub-zero days even before daylight.
83 Up until now, Morse's only known passions were for opera, beer and crosswords.
84 The men were carrying out top-secret research into radar, and until now the incident has been shrouded in mystery.
85 Which has always guaranteed Caleb a birthday the whole world celebrates. Up until now.
86 In Anton he saw a wary young man who was afraid of dropping the cool pose he had carried until now.
87 Until now, I have unfalteringly exercised that choice to postpone motherhood.
88 Wycliffe rang with timidity; even so the silence he had scarcely noticed until now was brutally shattered.
89 Until now all that women were taught to do, from housework to carpet weaving, was devalued and poorly paid.
90 Until now, our generation only knew war as an abstraction.
91 Until now administration officials have spoken only in very general terms about the possible design, timetable and cost of missile defenses.
92 Until now, the world of art has been a sacred club. Like fine china.
93 Until now, debate has focused on the merits of putting specific projects such as the stadium expansion on the ballot.
94 But from the first day until now I have never really belonged.
95 Until now it was assumed that sites deep underground provided a stable environment for buried waste.
96 Until now the Bush administration has refused to participate in such a programme.
97 Until now, he had managed that, with a heavy hand and crude peasant humour.
97 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
98 Netanyahu faces a major challenge from what, until now, had been his political base.
99 Until now the only sure solution has been to grow peaches under glass, but help may be at hand.
100 Until now they have made a tidy profit from selling re-issued pop hits from the fifties, sixties and seventies.
101 It's given them a flying start ahead of their Japenese competitors, who until now were the traditional market leaders in electronics.
102 Until now I have abstained from commenting on the possible effects of the Human Genome Project on society in future.
103 I hadn't realized the size of the problem until now.
104 Until now the area of freshwater recreation has been sadly neglected.
105 Until now it had been thought that the problem was largely confined to Devon and Cornwall.
106 Up until now most advanced snowboarders have firmly resisted anything except a non-release binding.
107 Until now television had fought shy of covering by-elections.
108 Until now radiation emissions were measured with external device.
109 Until now, a devaluation of the dollar seemed inconceivable.
110 A microphone attached to the bottom of the glider can pick up calls from all whales, including the high frequency call of the beaked whale, which until now has been difficult to detect.
111 Until now, this hasn't been the season of the cavalier, swash - buckling goal - fest.
112 Second, "until now tablets had been found only in a handful of major palaces"—including the previous record holder, which was found among palace ruins in what was the city of Mycenae.
113 Although vegetable polyploid breeding has a history of 70 years, until now only a few polyploidy varieties of watermelon, radish, cabbage and potato are used in vegetable production.
114 Until now, the tiny clump of the heart cells about the size of a poppy seed has been still. But after 22 days a single cell stirs as it jolted to life.
115 They threatened military action but have held off until now.
116 Thematically speaking, it doesn't seem too far from what the director has been until now, you know, showing the forgotten face of China.
117 Until now, scientists have known little about S.I.V.cpz's effects on chimpanzees in the wild, because they lacked the means to identify and monitor chimp behavior there.
118 Until now, we'd focused on requirements-related artifacts, and had spent a relatively small amount of time on evaluating technologies and creating prototypes to support tool selection.
119 However, until now there had been no comprehensive studies of break dancing injuries.
120 But the method, which we call a method of parameter approximate analysis, is not demonstrated completely any systematically until now.
121 Until now, ELAM - 1 is mainly studied in vascular diseases.
122 Until now I have been describing what research programmes are like. But how can one distinguish a scientific or progressive programme from a pseudoscientific or degenerating one?
123 Several prospective buyers had approached Mr Groenink before but, until now, had found him unreceptive.
124 Up until now, you have worked on the upgrade process in pieces; now is the time to fine-tune your upgrade plan and to validate the end-to-end process.
125 Researchers had long theorized as much but until now had only indirect evidence.
126 Until now, the researches on anti-pulling piles are not enough comparing with the piles bearing pressure load, so it is necessary to study on the bearing capability of anti-pulling piles.
127 Hoffmann agrees: "What we need is to rapidly ramp up efforts, and to work in a more strategic, coordinated and smarter way than we have up until now."
128 Until now, China had never recognised India's 1975 annexation of Sikkim.
129 Until now, fleets tended to have fairly straightforward fights, exchanging broadsides of round shot in an attempt to sink each other.
130 Until now, lightning overvoltage and insulation coordination of mixed-voltage multi-circuit transmission line has not been fully researched in our country.
131 The booking list in the offshore version has until now been based on manually input, but can be interfaced to the vessel operators booking system.
132 Until now, throws the dangerous sale to draw back guaranteeing rate is the normal value continually.
133 Nobody knew until now the precise total polyphenol content of different foods or the level of consumption in France.
134 Until now, this is outside a Chinese insurance profession biggest writing brush or pen container invests.
135 Until now, only America had attached that label to events in Darfur.
136 The analysis of rank correlation is proposed to form judgment matrix of which the consistency is very difficult to realize and the correction of inconsistency is unsatisfactory until now.
137 To be sure, Grantham up until now hasn't been a die-hard inflationist.
138 Until now the rupee has generally been shortened to the letters Rs or sometimes INR (Indian rupee).
139 Until now. New research suggests that the venom of one aggressive arachnid could be used in future treatments for erectile dysfunction (that is, if it doesn’t kill you first).
140 First automobile birth until now, automobile industry already after hundred years.
141 Until now, fossils dated to 1.9million years ago - and mostly attributed to Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis - have been undisputed considered ancestral to Homo erectus.
142 For many an invasive corneal transplant was the only option – until now!
143 But until now, there are still many problems and contradiction in hospital management system and operation mechanism.
144 However, there is not an efficient index applied to aggregate queries over data streams in two-dimensional non-Euclidean spatial road networks until now.
145 Or maybe you're an experienced corporate IT person, but up until now, you've worked in a UNIX environment.
146 Only small amounts of wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite exist naturally or have been made in the lab so until now no one had realised their superior strength.
147 Until now, the BBC has only been available in South Africa on short wave.
148 There is still no systematic researching about the historical development of Chinese characters radical compiling method until now, people got used to and accepted some groundless conclusions.
149 St. Paul, MN April 14, 2004 Up until now, precision spring manufacturing has been an inexact science due to inconsistencies in the wire feed stock , and normal wear that occurs in the forming tool.
150 Until now, the main drug used to treat bilharzia has been praziquantel.
151 However, some fields such as the concrete regulation mechanism of plant's reaction to Pi deficiency, the Pi transportation across tonoplast are not clear until now.
152 Globally the United States will not enjoy the hegemonic position it has occupied until now, something underscored by Russia's Aug. 7 invasion of Georgia.
153 But to coordinate the national recreation bouncer team the arrangement, their matriculation date dragging until now.
154 Up until now, it was possible to run unit tests against your personal Twitter account without anybody knowing what you were up to.
155 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.
155 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
156 Until now, Russia has completed the troop withdrawal work from the three countries of Baltic Sea.
157 Thanks for your performance until now and for your undoubted future success as well.
158 The phylogenetic relationships among all taxa within the Acrididae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) were largely unknown until now.
159 Automatic deluge system development until now, technology already quite mature.
160 Until now , probate has been done exclusively by solicitors.
161 I have lived as a foreigner with Laban, and stayed until now.
162 This prevents the viral activeness most effective ingredient until now, may enhance organism the immunologic function.
163 Until now, this firing party has captured more than 20 Olympic Games medals.
164 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
165 Until now, the mechanism of stigma closure and the hypotheses of avoiding self-pollination have been still uncertain.
166 Until now, PowerMeter mostly looked like a side-project for Google, but the inclusion of Current Cost in its partner ecosystem makes it clear that the company is indeed taking this market seriously.
167 By "Shanghai", "Long and trying journey Always Sentiment" most causes a stir. ) black windproof coat, white scarf modelling until now classical.
168 Until now, the volume of a transmitted radio message overpowered the relatively weak incoming signal from the radio at the other end.




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