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单词 Kneeling
1. Better die standing than live kneeling
2. Her legs were stiff from kneeling.
3. Other people were kneeling, but she just sat.
4. My legs were numb from kneeling.
5. He was kneeling on the floor pleading for mercy.
6. Inside the temple, worshippers were kneeling in supplication.
7. The painting depicts the three wise men kneeling in adoration of the baby Jesus.
8. I found her kneeling in prayer at the back of the church.
9. He's too thin now, Anna thought, kneeling in Loxford.
10. She was kneeling on a beach of golden sand.
11. Kopyion was kneeling as if in prayer.
12. The dark man was also on the floor, kneeling.
13. She saw herself,() kneeling in front of the anvil.
14. He was kneeling by the body, examining its wounds.
15. He was kneeling on the dusty ground.
16. They rested on their oars, and Medea kneeling prayed to the hounds of Hades to come and destroy him.
17. Amelia took several photos northward kneeling beside the chart table.
18. He was dead and Apollo kneeling beside him wept for him, dying so young, so beautiful.
19. Kneeling by the side of the terrarium, David suddenly heard voices down below in the kitchen.
20. Kneeling down on the dusty pavement, she made as if to tie her shoelaces.
21. A priest was kneeling on a low velvety shelf, the only furniture in the stark room.
22. She was kneeling on a kitchen chair, her long hair trailing in the margarine, when she heard the steps.
23. The driver's door was open and kneeling behind it was the man looking through binoculars.
24. Then, toward the front, on the gospel side, he saw a man kneeling in a pew.
25. The exhibit ends with architectural elements, coins and a kneeling stable figure.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. The front of my smock hung heavy with claggy mud, from kneeling in it mining for strays.
27. For the second time in a few days I find myself kneeling in the snow.
28. I stand up, as casually as a man can who has been kneeling in snow drinking lake water.
29. How many people prayed at the stake? How foolish I look, kneeling like this..
30. Would it look more natural to have his father kneeling in the front room?
1. Her legs were stiff from kneeling.
31. The whole is supported at each spandrel by kneeling figures, apparently fulfilling the role of Atlas.
32. One seated, yielding up her throat to the kind hands of one of the two kneeling before her.
33. The boy Ezra was kneeling over the stern with the tow rope tangled in his hands.
34. He was kneeling in sober concentration on a flagstone, when suddenly he felt two large paws on his shoulders.
35. And there all the time, a line of kneeling archers, letting fly from behind their ranked shields.
36. He walks through deserted snow-lined streets and arrives at the graveyard to find Sue already kneeling beside the headstone commemorating their children.
37. Marion was kneeling by the cradles, hugging her son, tears rolling down her face.
38. The other heads advance in a menacing manner towering over the kneeling deity, identified as such by his head-dress.
39. The police Sergeant was kneeling beside the wounded man, pressing a pad against his side to stop the flow of blood.
40. He pushed aside a woman kneeling on the stony ground.
41. At one point we were kneeling on the floor facing each other, telling and listening to stories simultaneously.
42. Mary was kneeling with her head and shoulders inside the dark cave of a box-bed.
43. Kneeling down on the floor, he picked up an empty cartridge case.
44. Repeat the exercise, this time kneeling on your right knee, and exercising the left leg.
45. He felt the bed dip slightly under her weight, and he knew she was kneeling beside him.
46. Gardener's knee pads are a good idea: kneeling on joists can be very uncomfortable.
47. The people kneeling around her sighed all together, a breath of wonder that rippled through them.
48. Kneeling beside him, she tried, unsuccessfully, to push him into an upright position.
49. His sweatshirt hood, steeply pitched overhead: a lone monk kneeling at prayer at a partially disinterred altar.
50. There were maybe twenty or twenty-five people kneeling around the altar.
51. As George took them gently he saw a man kneeling on the floor, fiddling with large lenses and a camera.
52. He was kneeling before the fire, his hands and face black with coal dust.
53. Opposite the title page was a picture of the kneeling King exchanging his royal crown for a crown of thorns.
54. Her kneeling the whole time, clutching a rosary as she said her prayers.
55. She did the bending and the kneeling,(http:///kneeling.html) and they worked together hand in glove.
56. Dead three days, shot in the head, probably while kneeling.
57. No one can pretend that his stooping, kneeling, and digging figures are beautiful, either by contemporary standards or our own.
58. He looked down at the woman kneeling by his side and felt his chest tighten with his love for her.
59. The nuns, kneeling on the Edsa pavement before the tanks, saying the rosary.
60. Before he knew what he was doing, Dougal had scrambled into the gazebo and was kneeling beside the body.
61. An old woman was kneeling at the altar, her hands clasping a rosary.
62. She was a child again and she was kneeling at the altar waiting to receive her first Communion.
63. She was kneeling in front of a case of fine linen which Burun had brought for her from Kinsai.
64. The wounds were caused by a. 22 caliber weapon fired from behind the victims, who were kneeling.
65. She remembered the two men kneeling beside the chef and heaving him on to the foam mattress.
66. Only then did she give a little bow and, pouring herself some wine, settled, kneeling at her husband's side.
67. It was cold in the bedroom and she had shivered and kneeling down he had plugged in a small electric fire.
68. Assume a kneeling position and then put one foot in front of the other to come back into a standing position.
69. And smilingly he remained kneeling, as a mark of genuine respect for Howard's beliefs.
70. He sat at the head of the table and was served by kneeling courtiers such as might have attended a real prince.
71. Many of the godly liked to portray themselves and their families kneeling in prayer on their tombs.
72. Kneeling across him, she joined her body to his with a little gasp until he sat and touched his mouth to hers.
73. Running on, I saw a dim shape kneeling on the ground a few yards ahead of me.
74. Tracy : They are kneeling to the audience to express their gratitude.
75. Rick Riker : Try to breathe! Uncle Albert: I can't. You're kneeling on my crotch!
76. A standing or kneeling figure of a man used as a supporting column for an entablature.
77. Squatting or kneeling in teams of two, they loosened the dirt, then carefully positioned pint-size pepper plants so their sneaker-clad classmates could tamp them down.
78. All of the second-year junior high students were kneeling down on the sports field, receiving in their hands a letter written to them by their parents.
79. I found myself in an ancient temple. I had the body of a man. I was kneeling on a huge flagstone near one of the great pillars.
80. I may the keep flat separate the both legs greatly, may also be curving is separating the both legs, this kind of body posture I am very satisfied, what because this time is kneeling is he.
81. The frontispiece to Eikon Basilike showed Charles I as a martyr, kneeling in prayer.
82. By the time the middle-aged couple arrived at the foot of Raeburn Wynd, she was kneeling on the ground, hands over her face, shoulders heaving with sobs.
83. One photo showed a Japanese officer, his samurai sword raised high, about to decapitate a bound and kneeling Chinese prisoner.
84. In the sitting position, the patient exhibited kneeling position, and fore-and-aft or lateral rhythmical swing of the upper body accompanied with head-banging.
85. His Mother Mary kneeling down unto the Lord did pray.
85. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
86. Generally, longer periods of sitting in tight cross - legged or kneeling postures are inadvisable.
87. After the lamb listens, flows the tear unrestrainedly ...The lamb reaches the ewe for the newspaper to raise graciousness, each time nurses all is kneeling.
88. Dad flickers on and off: smiling in his chair, running in place, kneeling near the magazine rack.
89. But Arsheesh knew by the gold on the stranger's bare arm that he was a Tarkaan or great lord, and he bowed kneeling before him till his beard touched the earth and made signs to Shasta to kneel also.
90. After a while consciousness returned to the shattered man, and he saw Zarathustra kneeling beside him.
91. In filth, decay and disrelish the leg less man lay kneeling.
92. To her the Mullah made obeisance, and, kneeling before her, told his tale.
93. Kneeling on the ground, he scooped it up, dusting its leatherette binding with his sleeve while murmuring an apology to the librarian.
94. He lumped up from his seat, and, leaving his pail to be kicked over if the milcher had such a mind, went quickly towards the desire of his eyes, and, kneeling down beside her, clasped her in his arms.
95. Pimadaixiao man kneeling in front of everyone's face splash down, and solemn Koushou thank - you!
96. He was kneeling by his bed in an attitude of devotion.
97. I collapsed onto the ground, into a kneeling position,[Sentence dictionary] my hands cradling my face.
98. Wulff praised the former Federal German Chancellor Willy Brandt kneeling is a great historic gesture of reconciliation.
99. Kneeling in front of the open hearth, old Maria was fanning the smoldering fire.
100. I was kneeling on a huge flagstone near one of the great pillars. By the faint light of lamps I could see an ornate coffered ceiling high above me.
101. "Look, Donnie, " she said, kneeling beside him and gently lifting the tear-stained face from his arms. "I've got something to show you.




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