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单词 Damages
1. The plaintiff was awarded damages.
2. He won the court case and was awarded damages.
3. He claimed damages for unlawful eviction.
4. She got some compensation for damages.
5. The jury awarded $11.2 million in compensatory damages.
6. The court awarded heavy damages.
7. The court awarded damages of $1,000 to those hurt by the explosion.
8. The politician was awarded £50 000 damages over false allegations made by the newspaper.
9. She was awarded a large sum in compensatory damages .
10. The court awarded Ms Dixon £7,000 for damages and loss of earnings .
11. The court adjudged legal damages to her.
12. She brought a claim for damages against the company.
13. The company has put in a claim for damages.
14. Wool usually damages if washed in hot water.
15. The court upheld the plaintiff's claim for damages.
16. The jury awarded libel damages of £100,000.
17. Ann was awarded £6 000 damages.
18. They are claiming £45 million in damages.
19. Damages may be awarded for emotional injury.
20. Smoking seriously damages your health.
21. He was ordered to pay damages totalling £30 000.
22. He was entitled to recover damages from the defendants.
23. He was awarded damages of £40 000.
24. They intend to sue for damages.
25. There is overwhelming evidence that smoking damages your health.
26. They are seeking damages in a lawsuit.
27. He received damages for personal injury.
28. He was vindicated in court and damages were awarded.
29. Substantial damages were paid in recompense.
30. The judge awarded exemplary damages.
1. The plaintiff was awarded damages.
2. He won the court case and was awarded damages.
3. He claimed damages for unlawful eviction.
4. She got some compensation for damages.
5. The jury awarded $11.2 million in compensatory damages.
6. The court awarded heavy damages.
7. The court awarded damages of $1,000 to those hurt by the explosion.
8. The politician was awarded £50 000 damages over false allegations made by the newspaper.
9. She was awarded a large sum in compensatory damages .
10. The court awarded Ms Dixon £7,000 for damages and loss of earnings .
11. The jury awarded libel damages of £100,000.
12. Bone china damages easily.
31. The court awarded 5000 damages to the injured man.
32. The judge awarded him damages of £20 000.
33. The court will assess the damages.
34. She was awarded damages of £90 000.
35. The court awarded damages of 5000 dollars to him.
36. Let's compromise and each pay half the damages.
37. The jury awarded her damages of £30 000.
38. The court awarded damages of 50000.
39. The jury awarded punitive damages .
40. He was awarded punitive damages .
41. The court awarded him £15,000 in damages.
42. He decided to sue the company for damages.
43. A senior judge heard a plea for damages on behalf of the accident victims.
44. Don't bend the corners of the pages down, it damages them.
45. Soft wood damages easily.
46. They sought to recover damages, costs, expenses, etc from the firm.
47. The newspaper is fighting a damages action brought by the actress.
48. The judge's decision was to award damages to the defendant.
49. If the case is successful(), it may open the floodgates to more damages claims against the industry .
50. Bone china damages easily.
51. She claimed damages from the company for the injury she had suffered.
52. Your claim ought to succeed, in which case the damages will be substantial.
53. Smoking damages your health.
54. There's a warning on the cigarette packet that says 'Tobacco seriously damages health'.
55. Some banks also have a hit list of people whom they threaten to sue for damages.
56. The police have been ordered to pay substantial damages to the families of the two dead boys.
57. The court granted him the ludicrous sum of £100 in damages.
58. Don't fold down the corners of the page,(http:///damages.html) it damages the book.
59. It is for the courts to decide who is liable to pay damages.
60. The railway may sue for damages because of loss of revenue.
61. The injured passenger received an interim award of £50 000 damages.
62. The judge upheld her claim for damages against her former employer.
63. If goods are lost in transit, the carrier will be liable for damages.
64. They intend to claim for damages against the three doctors.
65. The businessmen have issued a writ against the authority for damages.
66. The airline's insurer is liable for damages to the victims' families.
67. A woman is to bring a civil damages action against the men she alleges murdered her son.
68. He is claiming damages from London Underground, which has admitted liability but disputes the amount of his claim.
69. He left the company and promptly issued a writ claiming $45 million in damages.
70. A High Court judge had awarded him £6 million damages.
71. He was awarded his damages in the shipwreck by the court.
72. The company has been served with a writ for damages.
73. The amount of damages awarded are proportioned to the degree of injury caused.
74. This cloth damages easily.
75. The paper got clobbered with libel damages of half a million pounds.
76. She is claiming damages from the company for wrongful dismissal.
77. Damages are not designed to punish the person in breach, but to compensate for the loss sustained.
78. The judge awarded them an undisclosed six-figure sum in damages.
79. Less than two weeks ago Gough finally served a writ on Slater, claiming damages for alleged loss of royalties.
80. Punitive damages are designed to punish and deter misconduct.
81. Truth never damages a cause that is just. Mahatma Gandhi 
82. He claimed damages for the breach of contract.
83. If they prevail, they are entitled to compensatory damages.
84. Damages were awarded against Gillingham Council.
85. The court awarded the families $33 million in damages.
86. They may claim damages for any mental anguish.
87. In his ruling, Smalkin denied the request for damages.http:///damages.html
88. Damages Damages in libel actions are difficult to predict.
89. By contrast, compensatory damages reimburse actual out-of-pocket losses.
90. The Court awarded Mitchel $650,000 in compensatory damages.
91. The civil suit, which had sought $ 10 million in damages, ended in an undisclosed settlement on Tuesday, however.
92. In all such cases the plaintiff is entitled to damages to compensate him for the lost benefit.
93. If the jurors find Simpson responsible, Fujisaki told them, they will then have to determine the amount of monetary damages.
94. The Blumenfelds are seeking $ 4. 8 million in damages plus interest going back to 1992.
95. On the other hand, a breach of warranty allows the aggrieved party to claim damages only.
96. Additional damages are also provided for as they are for copyright infringement and the unregistered design right generally.
97. S claimed payment for the nodes, and B counterclaimed damages for late delivery.
98. It is a state of unease of the mind, and in the horse damages both its health and behaviour.
99. In 1988 the plaintiff commenced an action for damages on the ground of negligence against the defendant health authority.
100. But shortly after the trial the twin's parents announced that they were considering pursuing a civil case for damages.
101. The accountants' contract with the parties was to assess damages claimed in the terms of reference.
102. In compensation, a jury had awarded Nicole US$2,200,000 in damages and a further US$5,300,000 in non-economic damages.
103. But if the damages are calculated without reference to income tax that will not be so.
104. As with race discrimination, damages can not be awarded if the discrimination is found to have been unintentional.
105. Therefore Knapp was awarded compensatory damages and reassigned to his teaching and coaching jobs.
106. If upheld on appeal, that decision would mark the first payment of damages by a cigarette company to a smoker.
107. He can still settle or ask the court to award damages on the old basis of including something for the future risk.
108. If it did not, the plaintiff would be adequately compensated by damages.
109. The insurance cover is designed to protect intermediaries against suits for damages brought by irate customers.
110. Was recently awarded £30,000 damages against Thames Valley Police for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
111. In Texas, for instance, the total amount of punitive damages awarded between 1968 and 1971 was $ 85, 000.
112. She is seeking $ 700, 000 in compensatory and punitive damages.
113. A variation was to drive cattle on to cultivated land, and then have damages assessed at the full value of the animals.
114. In the second case, the Law Lords reinstated a £12,000 damages award which had been cancelled by the Court of Appeal.
115. It can only be activated when a false statement actually damages a reputation.
116. It damages the nerves in the hands, feet or eyes.
117. The plaintiff was awarded £50 in damages. Exemption clauses are also controlled by statute.
117. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
118. The jury deliberated seven hours over two days before awarding Jackson $ 850, 000 in compensatory and punitive damages Thursday.
119. His management team gathered in a war room to assess the damages and strategize a recovery plan.
120. B was therefore entitled to no damages for late delivery, and S was not entitled to contract payment.
121. My social worker says that I shouldn't be gettin' high, because it damages the immune system.
122. There was a case where a householder escaped a claim for civil damages after he had stabbed an intruder with a bayonet!
123. When the school board breaches a contract, must the teacher look for another teaching position to collect damages?
124. After failing to agree damages that BA would pay to Virgin, Mr Branson has launched new legal action.
125. The trio seeks $ 25 million in damages, plus unspecified punitive damages.
126. Damages Damages may be claimed on their own or in addition to rescission.
127. Simpson is being sued by the families of the victims, who are seeking compensation for their loss and punitive damages.
128. Damages are awarded by way of compensation to the plaintiff for the loss suffered. 2.
129. In a civil action for damages at Melbourne magistrates' court, Dale denied punching De Pace.
130. The report comes as legislation to curb lawsuits and cap damages has stalled in Congress.
131. He asked the court to prohibit Weisser from publishing the notes and to award him a sum of money as damages.
132. She said it would be premature to dismiss the racketeering claim or rule out damages.
133. Initially only the High Court had jurisdiction to award provisional damages.
134. The lawsuit, filed Tuesday in state court in Houston, seeks unspecified damages.
135. However, over the years firm limitations have been placed upon damages that can be awarded by the courts.
136. He could be liable for damages if it comes to court.
137. It builds in and reinforces their dominance, but it damages the weaker economies.
138. We are taking details, legal advice and our rights to sue for damages are fully reserved.
139. If the jury had ruled against compensatory damages, the case would not have been able to proceed to the punitive stage.
140. An application for assessment of damages is made on notice under the procedure for interlocutory applications under Ord 22, r 6.
141. He had failed to overturn the £1.5m damages awarded against him and a co-defendant for allegations about the Role of Lord Aldington.
142. This they had failed to do, and, as a result, damages were awarded for breach of fiduciary duty.
143. Your company has one last chance to set aside the default and to try to keep the damages down.
144. If the buyer rejects the goods for breach of condition, his damages are assessed as m the case of non-delivery.
145. Count Tolstoy lost the case and was ordered to pay £1.5m damages to be shared with another defendant.
146. Damages only follow when the loss arises naturally from the breach and might have been anticipated by the parties. 3.
147. Damages are assessed on the basis of the damage naturally arising from the breach and in the contemplation of the parties.
147. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
148. Women's groups also resented the imposition of limits for gender discrimination while damages for racial bias were unlimited.
149. It is a consideration which I should have applied myself to the assessment of general damages to favour this plaintiff.
150. This is needless and removes stones and rocks from their natural location and further damages the environment.
151. Punitive damages can be awarded when false statements are made maliciously.
152. The accidents, which involved streetcars and cable cars, caused $ 3. 6 million in damages and injured 10 people.
153. They were awarded damages for this loss of ordinary business which arose naturally from the late delivery.
154. She claims damages alleging that her reputation has been damaged....
155. Because the accident had not been her fault, Barbara was able to claim damages.
156. The suit asked the court for injunctive relief and monetary damages.
157. The two companies are claiming $500 million each in damages from the government.
158. He was awarded $ 335, 000 in compensatory damages and $ 300, 617 in punitive damages.
159. Read in studio Count Nikolai Tolstoy has failed in his attempt to avoid paying libel damages.
160. But there are no such guidelines for determining compensatory damages.
161. A jury awarded the plaintiffs a total of $ 135, 000 in damages.
162. He counterclaimed for damages for breach of the covenant for quiet enjoyment and another claim relating to the drains.
163. The writer knows of no case prior to 1964 in which exemplary damages were awarded in a personal injuries claim.
164. They lost their case in the High Court and had to pay damages.
165. The punitive damages that we awarded is a deterrent for other murders, not just Mr Simpson.
166. C., jury awarding Food Lion $ 5. 5 million in damages for fraud and trespassing.
167. The jury awarded punitive damages of £40,000 against Irving, and a further £40,000 against Cassell.
168. There are various ways of assessing the damages recoverable for such extra expenditure.
169. Fearful of punitive damages, companies will avoid doing anything that might later be seen as an admission of guilt.
170. Court awards of compensatory damages for deaths are irrelevant to benefit-cost analysis for similar reasons.
171. Thus the measure of damages is the difference between the contract price and the market price on the date for actual performance.
172. It provides that such damages can be awarded as are proportioned to the injury resulting from the death to the dependants respectively.
173. Provided the discrimination was not indirect and unintentional, damages can be awarded to take account of injury to feelings.
174. Currently the best-known cases seeking money damages for failure to report child abuse and neglect have been filed against physicians and hospitals.
175. The buyers were awarded damages assessed at 5s. per quarter and also damages which the buyers had to pay to their sub-buyer.
176. Lothian and Borders Police admitted liability but disputed her claim for £75,000 damages.
177. Damages are awarded to compensate the plaintiff for the injury to his reputation and the hurt to his feelings.
178. The damages Johenson ultimately settled for did not cover the costs of the action she brought against the health authorities.
179. Damages in fatal accident cases are likely to be substantial and should not be underestimated.
180. Some, although few, home contents policies have a reverse indemnity clause which may cover costs and damages in some cases.
181. Mr MacDuff agreed that the jury should award fair damages to compensate her for what she had gone through.
182. Punitive damages potentially could be much more costly to cigarette companies than compensatory damages.
183. Dairy Crest are suing Mr Rollings for damages, claiming he canvassed for custom while he was still working for them.
184. Homar sued for reinstatement of his job, back pay and money damages.
185. He will enquire about the damages after the investigation.
186. The exemplary damages are originated in the common law.
187. Damages due to misuse and unauthorized modification of hardware.
188. Secondly, damages should occur during the critical period before insolvency proceedings begin.
189. I got substantial damages. It took two years, mind you.
190. In American law of punitive damages is a controversial problem.
191. We shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages.
192. That's the same thing that happens when punitive damages are limited.
193. This sort of activity damages the reputation of the collective.
194. However, computing total social damages involves enormous difficulties and probably is not practicable.http://
195. The relief the plaintiff sought was an injunction and damages.
196. These wastes are sluiced directly into streams, they may create severe downstream sediment damages.
197. Gully erosion damages land resources and causes site off environmental problems.




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