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单词 Calming
1) Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect.
2) His presence had a calming influence.
3) Traffic calming measures have been introduced.
4) She tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the opposite effect.
5) The calming effect seemed to last for about ten minutes.
6) The steady rhythm of numbers is immensely calming.
7) A little history lesson could be calming, too.
8) Extend traffic calming measures in residential streets.
9) Chopra moved between them, calming their fractious nerves.
10) The calming effect is truly amazing.
11) Joseph made a discreet calming gesture with a hand.
12) And it definitely has the effect of calming them down.
13) The simplest form of traffic calming used in Mainz is the re-organisation of parking.
14) Powell was equally reassuring and calming in his Senate confirmation testimony.
15) For her, coitus releases progesterone into her system, calming her, but not taking her into sleep.
16) Slow cutting has an effect which is calming and relaxing, whereas faster cutting gives a feeling of drama and excitement.
17) Calming myself I took it page by page, instead of going straight to the Rrap as I usually do.
18) Caroline took the chance to draw some calming deep breaths, get her scattered emotions under control.
19) The cool air on her face was calming her temper.
20) We encouraged our children to enjoy good music,hoping that its calming power would rub off onto them.
21) I sit in my room by candlelight, the distant black silhouettes of land through the window strangely calming.
22) In a forest fire, you usually find areas among the trees that have some calming influence on it.
23) But his power of decision-making improved, and his gift of calming, persuasive oratory rose to its heights.
24) It was cool, a slight breeze drifting over her face, calming the heat of her skin.
25) Bitterness ate into the soul and at last her soul was clearing, calming.
26) She settled him in his chair, and was relieved to see that he seemed to be calming down a little.
27) The purpose of the Bill is to introduce the concept of traffic calming into statute.
28) These present completely different problems to fine lines and crows feet,[http:///calming.html] requiring a soothing and calming solution.
29) We will encourage local authorities to introduce peak-hour bans on cars, traffic calming measures, car-sharing schemes and further pedestrianisation.
30) Meanwhile, corner shop keeper Frank Allan has repeated a call for traffic calming measures in the surrounding alleyways.
1) Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect.
31) Harry felt in his blood with what calming delight and fulfilment his enemy would embrace the lie that made him the victor.
32) She sighs, but peeling the taters is having its usual calming effect.
33) Then some old women placed themselves at the front of the mob, alternately calming the children and half-heartedly chastising them.
34) Alan spends the rest of the conversation calming her down, explaining options to her.
35) According to the state's traffic planning department, traffic calming had improved the economic performance of cities like Dusseldorf.
36) A TRAFFIC calming scheme on a Darlington estate has been modified after bus companies threatened to boycott the area.
37) Traffic calming is specifically directed at urban areas, particularly residential roads in our towns and villages.
38) She went past displays of posters and stills for upcoming films, gradually calming herself.
39) They would like to see traffic calming ramps or even just more signs reminding drivers of the speed limit.
40) The point needs to be made too that although aesthetic benefits are welcome, the purpose of traffic calming has broader goals.
41) Serotonin somehow exerts a calming influence on the mind.
42) This has an instant calming effect and fear wanes.
43) I step inside and relax into the calming quiet.
44) I was too busy calming Mama.
45) The tempest seems to be calming down.
46) This should cure your hangover once and for all, leaving you with a calming sensation of insobriety and joylessness.
47) But I knew my heart was calming down and I breathed more comfortably.
48) Yes, they produce more cortisol and noradrenaline, but crucially, they also ramp up production of calming factors that help keep the brain's higher functions intact.
49) Community Trade camomile pure essential oil - Camomile is known for its calming benefits.
50) Camomile essential oil - Is known for its calming benefits.
51) The stranger paused a moment in revery before this tender and calming spectacle.
52) California Baby?'s sophisticated Calming?Aromatherapy Spritzer gives little ones a gentle nudge to help them relax and unwind.
53) Some European regulators responded to the unease by banning short sales of financial stocks,() calming share markets on Friday.
54) But it thought that such a humanitarian proposal was one way of calming domestic dissent.
55) This is a normal activity that cats find calming and reassuring.
56) Avery thumbed a solid-state switch in the Stanchion's stock. The weapon chirped twice, indicating its battery was fully charged. He performed two calming breaths, and whispered.
57) Special designed to relieve back pain. This treatment begins with a calming back massage followed by ginger and kaffir lime mask to sooth sore muscles.
58) These would give importing countries confidence that supplies will always be for sale when prices spike,[http:///calming.html] calming panic buying and reducing pressure to retreat into self-sufficiency.
59) Tea, Lois? It's a calming herbal blend. I learned it from a medicine man in Fiji. The secret is the fresh mint.
60) Don't pull the boy about ; he wants calming down instead.
61) The market a crazy state. Maybe calming down is the best result.
62) Organic Rose Flower Water – Calming , cooling , hydrating and regenerating to skin.
63) Light and fresh aromatherapy essential oils add a pleasant, calming effect.
64) Yet, ironically, pink - a very light tint of red - is one of the most calming colors, and is a fine choice for a baby's room, she says.
65) Hoyle, Cynthia L . Traffic Calming . Planners Advisory Service Report # 456, American Planning Association. Jul 1995.
66) Signature ingredient: Made with organic Lavender, Licorice Root, White Tea and Arnica and other calming non-irritating ingredients for reactive complexions.
67) Creating a calming, relaxing space in your child's room is also important.
68) It's also effective at calming restlessness and reducing anxiety—and may even quell restless legs syndrome.
69) Scent: Calming essential oil blend of lavender and rosewood , tonka, chamomile, vanilla and violet leaf.
70) She said the ongoing Open Skies process has had a calming effect because it enables people to see that there is not an across-the-board Russian rejection of its arms control commitments.
71) To that end, a druid can use his connection with the Emerald Dream to exert a calming influence over animals, even forcing some into a temporary state of hibernation.
72) He believes that the release of the pair bonding hormone oxytocin might explain the calming effect.
73) Instead of calming down, she became more and more agitated.
74) The earlier melancholy made the work undecipherable, but recent works are conveying a sense of calming harmony where thoughts have condensed.
75) Nothing was more calming, more conducive to pure reason, than the atmosphere of money.
76) All these songs are arranged to bring a calming affect to the listener.
77) The presence of his immediate family is obviously having a calming effect on him.
78) CALMING MUSIC/SELF-HYPNOSIS - Listen to calming music, white noise, self-hypnosis or a "brain recalibration" tape for sleep.
79) It's not very calming when your children are miserable, fighting and tattling, and your husband calls to say he's working late, but it makes perfect sense later.
80) Tea also contains a calming amino acid called theanine which helps reduce "the jitters" and keeps the mind relaxed and focused.
81) Instead of disturbing her, the news had a strangely calming effect.
82) It may sound strange but oatmeal is excellent for calming inflamed skin that you just want to scratch off your body.
83) Those of you who are already enlightened will be a calming influence, as you will re-act positively.
84) Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.
85) Our Calming Aromatherapy Spritzer contains antibacterial properties and also helps to stimulate white blood cell production.
86) The thought pattern created by mantra are positive, beneficial, calming ones.
87) 'There's something wonderfully calming about playing bocce 53 stories in the air, ' Mr. Ewton said.
88) For cradle cap use in conjunction with Tippy Toes Calming Baby Oil.
88) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
89) It has a calming effect when used in massage oil and aromatherapy.
90) Pink is good for bedrooms, because it has a calming effect.
91) For calming anxiety and xinqixu ( heart qi deficient ) that resulting in palpitation, insomnia and amnesia.
92) Community Trade organic camomile essential oil. - It is known for its calming benefits.
93) Another approach is to close your eyes and think of something calming -- a loved one, a spiritual being, a beautiful sunset or a piece of music that you adore, Lantz said.
94) With naturally calming feverfew, a natural ingredient related to chamomile, this light foaming cleanser helps visibly reduce redness and calm dry, irritated or sensitive skin while gently cleansing.
95) Pearl layer powder frow fresh water has a strong function of calming and the relatively strong function of anti-gastric ulcers.
96) Camomile essential oil - Soothes and moisturizes the skin. Is known for its calming benefits.




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