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单词 Baldwin
(1) The numerous biographies of Baldwin cast little light on the subject.
(2) Baldwin treated the matter with the utmost seriousness.
(3) Baldwin answered with commendable honesty.
(4) Baldwin enlightened her as to the nature of the experiment.
(5) Baldwin soiled his hands a little, but not excessively.
(6) Nevertheless, Baldwin felt his time was running short.
(7) Baldwin had two immediate tasks to perform in opposition.
(8) Stephen Baldwin plays the jelly-brained buddy.
(9) Baldwin was not in the highest category of orators.
(10) In one sense Baldwin felt much more confident.
(11) Baldwin was horrified by these draft documents.
(12) Baldwin had no comparable speed, no comparable rational processes.
(13) In February, Baldwin received a 1-year prison term.
(14) Neither Stone, her co-star William Baldwin or the rest of the cast were involved.
(15) Yet it is doubtful whether Baldwin was in fact wasting time.
(16) When Baldwin died in 1909, his daughters inherited and divided the property, now valued at $ 25 million.
(17) The normally modest Baldwin is confident of victory in this year's Senate race.
(18) Baldwin and Sons who have a large display of Coronation medals from James I to the present.
(19) A man sitting on the curb on Baldwin Avenue with his feet in the gutter.
(20) He joined the Labour Party, and denounced Baldwin personally as well as politically at the 1923 election.
(21) Baldwin, the poor schlemiel, is talked into committing a murder, which he botches badly.
(22) Nor was Baldwin troubled with the industrial unrest which culminated in the General Strike during his first administration.
(23) Baldwin found it hard to reconcile the results with his reception during the election campaign.
(24) Baldwin, supported by Sir Thomas Inskip, listened during three or four-hour sessions on each of the successive days.
(25) Mr Baldwin, the Prime Minister, who was there, also gave a speech.
(26) He commented patronisingly that almost the only sounds he heard from Baldwin during Cabinets were the rhythmic sucking of his pipe.
(27) But the main practical outcome of the weekend was to brace Baldwin, in favourable surroundings, for a first confrontation.
(28) Her love scenes in this voyeuristic thriller are with the hot new actor Billy Baldwin.
(29) The speech lasted exactly forty-five minutes, which, particularly as Baldwin spoke slowly, was not long.
(30) Testimony in the case is scheduled to continue today and Baldwin is expected to take the stand.
(1) The numerous biographies of Baldwin cast little light on the subject.
(31) The decision was supported by almost everyone. Baldwin was the only one to dissent.
(32) Chamberlain, Baldwin suggested, might consider joining as a minister without portfolio.
(33) In his memoirs, Wilson makes no bones of placing himself in the line of succession of Baldwin, Churchill and Macmillan.
(34) Virginia says sending them to a sister training program it has established at nearby Mary Baldwin College is just as good.
(35) Baldwin merely intended to fly a policy kite at Plymouth.
(36) In 1932 Stanley Baldwin had revealed that, in the opinion of the experts, there was no defence against aerial bombardment.
(37) One day Russell presents Baldwin with a solution to both of their dilemmas.
(38) Baldwin tabled proposals which involved payments of £34 million a year.
(39) The next day he accompanied Baldwin back to London, and upon arrival took hint to his house in Westminster.
(40) On at least one issue, however, Baldwin failed to give any firm moderate lead.
(41) Zanger said he never tried to defend himself against Baldwin and only tried to protect his camera with the videotape inside.
(42) During a fifty-year span, Baldwin produced close to ninety novels.
(43) Richard Baxter appointed Mr. Baldwin his successor as pastor of the believers in Kidderminster.
(44) One view sees the development of fairness as a correlative of the expansion of procedural rights post Ridge v. Baldwin.
(45) Baldwin had aimed by his example at a debt reduction of £1000 million.
(46) Baldwin was crucial to this apparent paradox, both objectively and subjectively.
(47) Baldwin became an earl and a knight of the garter.
(48) This was virtually the Conservatives in disguise with Baldwin, rather than the prime minister, Macdonald,(http:///baldwin.html) its chief architect.
(49) Baldwin was an important but fairly silent auxiliary to MacDonald.
(50) In the late afternoon of 21 August, he crossed to Paris and joined Baldwin at the Ritz shortly before midnight.
(51) The first of these criticisms was by fur the strongest made by solicitors interviewed for the research study by Baldwin and Hill.
(52) Baldwin figures he will sign about 12 high school players, most, if not all, from the around the Valley.
(53) The Baldwin Co. and Pardee Construction also have projects near the airport.
(54) In fact the limitations which Baldwin accepted on this occasion were almost meaningless.
(55) All that, and there's still the Baldwin love triangle and Jim and Gwen's bust-up to come.
(56) In the midst of his Abdication preoccupations Baldwin made one major speech on another subject.
(57) The file was a standard office file with a Prior, Keen, Baldwin label stuck in the top right corner.
(58) Baldwin slept badly and briefly, uncertain about the wisdom or precision of his nocturnal negotiations.
(59) Baldwin Inc. last month fired 200 workers at its Crockett, California, refinery, citing high raw cane sugar prices.
(60) Baldwin then sprays the shaving cream on the window and smears it to obstruct any view of his home.
(61) Neville Chamberlain was still lamenting that Baldwin did not attack the Government instead of the press lords.
(62) Baldwin was prosecuted in 1998 for distributing child pornography on line.
(63) His housemaster wrote to Lord Baldwin asking for help, which led to an extra £150 perannum towards Georg's keep.
(64) Baldwin is confident of victory in this year's senate race.
(65) By the end of his Government Baldwin was anxious to make a whole series of Cabinet changes.
(66) The Government had failed to agree on a programme: Baldwin was for protection.
(67) Both of them regarded Baldwin as an acceptable and agreeable assistant, but not as a great deal more.
(68) Baldwin had some considerable difficulty about finding another place to live.
(69) Custom homes with spectacular views of the downtown skyline fill the streets that snake through Baldwin Hills.
(70) Baldwin agreed that the request for a special bill was reasonable and said that he would commend it to his colleagues.
(71) Davidson had of course great opportunity for influence upon Baldwin, and he used it to the full on this occasion.
(72) Davidson was a close friend and confidant of Stanley Baldwin.
(73) The Chanak crisis, which erupted in late September, drove Baldwin to the newsstands of Aix for the first time.
(74) It was tactfully conveyed to Baldwin that he would be welcome to stay for dinner but not afterwards.
(75) Alfred Baldwin held Bewdley, but Stanley was defeated at Kidderminster.
(76) Baldwin had spent the weekend partly in London and partly at Chequers.
(77) Throughout the campaign,(http:///baldwin.html) Baldwin looked the most likely to win.
(78) This was not only humiliating but also very awkward for Baldwin.
(79) Its pharmacodynamics was studied according to Baldwin method.
(80) Confronted with brute facts, Mr. Baldwin had recoiled.
(81) The Baldwin marriage was always an unhappy one.
(82) Turbulence is enclosed with algebraic Baldwin - Lomax model.
(83) Choose and solve algebraic Baldwin - Lomax turbulent model.
(84) Stanley Baldwin: Your greatest test... is yet to come!
(85) Baldwin - Lomax Turbulence model is applied to programming.
(86) Arda never returned, and Baldwin died in 1118.
(87) "This particular subduction zone has produced very damaging earthquakes throughout its history, " said Randy Baldwin, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
(88) James Baldwin is one of the most famous Contemporary American writers who is famed for three novels, they are Go Tell It on the Mountain, Another Country and Giovanni's Room.
(89) Also starring in the dramedy are Donald Sutherland, William Baldwin, and Natalie Zea.
(90) One Host -- Yeah, I'm looking forward happily to Steve Martin , and nervously to Alec Baldwin.
(91) This article roots in Baldwin and Mazumdar's debate on the relationship bet ween trade and growth.
(92) In it, the author James Baldwin asks young African Americans in San Francisco if they think there would ever be a black President, to which they answer "No."
(93) Steve Martin, a past solo host of the Oscars, and his "It's Complicated" co-star Alec Baldwin teamed up as hosts last time, while "X-Men" and Broadway star Jackman was host the year before.
(94) Yet, when Obama was young and trying to come to terms with his own identity, he read the autobiography and it affected him more deeply than even the works of Richard Wright and James Baldwin.
(95) The ethnographer and anthropologist , Baldwin Spencer wrote about these ceremonies when he visited the islands during 1911 and 1912.
(96) Fully turbulent solution was adopted, by using baldwin - lomax ( BL ) model.
(97) In 1960, he purchased a Baldwin grand piano from Leonard Bernstein for a paltry $ 5400.00.
(98) Yet this is thirty - fourth month since Lord Baldwin decided that the air force must be tripled.
(99) Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, after the death of Baldwin's first wife Godehilde during the First Crusade, Baldwin married an Armenian noblewoman traditionally known as Arda.
(100) The turbulence closure is made by using Baldwin - Lomax model.
(101) On Christmas Day 1100 Baldwin I, first king of the Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem, was crowned in Bethlehem, and that year a Latin episcopate was also established in the town.
(102) Baldwin ? ? truth value restriction multiconditional fuzzy reasoning algorithms is presented in discrete membership function.
(103) While Condon and Mark are also stepping aside, and Martin and Baldwin may be less inclined to don top hat and tails than their predecessor, the razzmatazz looks likely to continue in some form.
(104) The Baldwin Lomax turbulence model was used for high Reynolds number flows.
(105) The Baldwin - Lomax algebraic model is used for turbulence simulation.
(106) Baldwin, an Oscar nominee and the Emmy award-winning star of TV comedy 30 Rock, is a debutant as host, though he has appeared to present awards in the past.
(107) I think that's what the American writer James Baldwin meant when he said he was always grateful to Paris for the utter indifference with which it treated him.
(107) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(108) Baldwin - Lomax algebraic turbulent model is corrected to adapt the feature of the base flow.
(109) In The King's Speech, the lively portrayals of King Edward and Stanley Baldwin, who are both irresponsible and selfish, bring out King George's altruism.
(110) A modified Baldwin - Lomax algebraic turbulent model and wall function law are also adopted in the prediction.
(111) To make matters worse, Baldwin moved production to Arkansas, and Gretsch suffered through two disastrous fires.
(112) For the calculation of the viscosity coefficient, bring in the Baldwin - Lomax algebra fast flow model.
(113) The son of Godfrey, and elder brother to Baldwin. Strives to return power to the Caliginous Order, which was disenfranchised during his father's term as leader.
(114) "I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually. " James Arthur Baldwin.
(115) Mr. Baldwin was, of course, not moved by any ignoble wish to remain in office.
(116) Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong met in the Great Hall of the People with Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer on November 18, 2004.
(117) The Thomas books would become hugely popular in England — and in 1984, Thomas landed his own TV series, which has been narrated by Ringo Starr, Alec Baldwin and George Carlin.
(118) Baldwin Lei was also full of many sorts of fancy during his childhood, the most intense desire was to become a professional bandsman .
(119) Baldwin - Lomax model is adopted to give turbulent viscosity μ _ t.
(120) Baldwin - Lomax turbulence model is implemented in Navier - Stokes flow solver .
(121) Baldwin agreed and then attempted to bring Arda back from Constantinople.
(122) As a teenager Barack sometimes skipped homework and buried himself in the works of black authors: Langston Hughes, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Richard Wright, W.
(123) Not even Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin who spoke for the nation when he said Britain did not want an American divorcee for a queen.




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