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单词 Phase
1. It was a very important phase of history.
2. She's going through a difficult phase.
3. The child is going through a difficult phase.
4. The disease was discovered in an early phase.
5. We should phase in the new working plans.
6. The first phase of renovations should be finished by January.
7. The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.
8. The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.
9. The project is only in the initial phase as yet, but it's looking quite promising.
10. The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.
11. The government will phase out an advertising campaign.
12. We're entering a new phase in international relations.
13. The traffic lights were out of phase.
14. The investigation has entered a new phase.
15. The crisis is entering a crucial, critical phase.
16. Society has entered a technological phase of evolution.
17. The second phase of development overlaps the first.
18. The agreement marks a new phase in international relations.
19. It's just a phase he's going through.
20. We have entered upon a new phase in history.
21. The new system is in its shakedown phase.
22. The program to phase down waste in natural sources is progressing successfully in the country.
23. During the first phase of expansion staff will move to the new offices.
24. The carrier wave has got out of phase with the signal wave.
25. The electrical work will be carried out in phase with the other renovations.
26. McCarthy was asked to analyse the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine.
27. His anxiety about the work was just a passing phase.
28. You might think from the foregoing that the French want to phase accents out. Not at all.
29. He proposed that only those countries which were willing and able should opt in to phase three.
30. He had an encyclopedic command of the field of knowledge, and by a word or a phase, by delicate rapier thrust,(/phase.html) he punctured them.
1. It was a very important phase of history.
2. She's going through a difficult phase.
3. The disease was discovered in an early phase.
4. We should phase in the new working plans.
5. McCarthy was asked to analyse the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine.
6. His anxiety about the work was just a passing phase.
7. The first phase of renovations should be finished by January.
8. You might think from the foregoing that the French want to phase accents out. Not at all.
9. The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.
10. He proposed that only those countries which were willing and able should opt in to phase three.
11. The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.
12. The project is only in the initial phase as yet, but it's looking quite promising.
13. The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision.
14. The program to phase down waste in natural sources is progressing successfully in the country.
15. The carrier wave has got out of phase with the signal wave.
16. The camshaft rotates in phase with the crankshaft, but at half its speed.
17. In 2006 work began upon the second phase of the project.
31. In the earliest phase of mental disorder, relatives feel confused.
32. The camshaft rotates in phase with the crankshaft, but at half its speed.
33. Most kids will go through a phase of being faddy about what they eat.
34. In 2006 work began upon the second phase of the project.
35. We should phase the input and output of the machine.
36. The Skills Programme is out of phase with the rest of the curriculum.
37. The outcome of the discussions is a decision to proceed with Phase 2 of the programme.
38. When I was in my early teens I went through a phase of only ever wearing black.
39. Young people often go through a phase of chafing under parental control.
40. They will phase the new health care system in over a period of five years.
41. Freud argued that all people go through an oedipal phase of sexual development.
42. This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project.
43. Nizan's views were out of phase with the political climate of the time.
44. She sensed she was entering a new phase in her life.
45. The plan to phase down environmental pollution is progressing successfully.
46. Today we enter the hottest phase of the election campaign.
47. Post-feminism does not actually exist because we are still in the phase of pre-feminism.
48. The flower phase died a natural death.
49. Thus chemical reactions occur in the vapor phase.
50. Within these overall figures there were significant phase differences.
51. This next phase is critical to the project's success.
52. As in Phase 1 the courses proposed cover a wide range of disciplines.
53. The moving phase is a gaS which passes through the column.
54. Overall, the statistical results confirm the relationship between economic development and democracy established by the comparative studies in the earlier phase.
55. Each phase is the outcome of the one before, whilst bearing the chronic imprint of an interior design.
55. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
56. A simulated rain forest will be installed inside two climate-controlled buildings, also in the post-2006 phase.
57. Plans for the three-year exploration phase include drilling three wells and seismic studies at a cost of $ 13 million.
58. This phase of religious intensification began in the late 1950s and early 1960s when church membership began to grow across all denominations.
59. The aqueous phase of margarine contains water and / or milk or milk products.
60. Let us see how physical determinism is to be interpreted in terms of phase space.
61. The second phase will involve more detailed case study work with a small number of authorities to look at techniques in practice.
62. These cells infiltrate into the colonic mucosa and are abundant during the active phase of colitis.
63. Second phase With the essentials complete, the second phase of the project - to improve overall appearance, is well under way.
64. These procedures will all be subject to a further critical examination when the Phase 2 validation is completed.
65. There is a minimum bid price of entry to a second phase.
66. Alloys Figure 6.31 shows the phase diagram for zinc and cadmium.
67. The second phase also provides upgraded services for 200 to 300 research facilities directly linked to this backbone.
68. Bureaucracies are involved to some extent in the input and conversion processes as they are in the output phase.
69. The S phase duration was calculated to be 10 hours.
70. The warming phase was interrupted by a cold snap in which the first flip from warm to cool took only three years.
71. Therefore, you must arrange with the hospital for a place in a convalescent home for the post-operative phase.
72. Compounds containing aspirin or acetaminophen with or without codeine and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are useful for pain control during the acute phase.
73. Sketch phase of the approval process to build 408 apartments on 24.01 acres.
74. Gel mobility anomaly is detected only in cases where the distance of the two elements is in an appropriate helical phase.
75. The most difficult phase was the analysis of cognitive processes in fault-finding in such a highly complex process plant.
76. Neither the artisanal nor the post-artisanal phase of market relations in cultural production can be said to have ended.
77. The new decoder uses an amplitude locked loop in combination with a phase locked loop to achieve this breakthrough.
78. A typical phase diagram for such a system is shown in figure 6.33.
79. Experimental data on the influence of temperature and pressure on phase equilibria can be represented by phase diagrams.
80. This temperature drop is represented by the vertical line DD' in the phase diagram.
81. The work has led to the development of a conceptual framework for a period which is both a phase and a process.
82. Some of this increase can be attributed to the evaporation of remaining nitric acid from the condensed phase as temperatures rise.
83. Here too, surface coatings that modify interfacial properties are needed for more reliable operation in the liquid phase.
84. The timing of all subsequent follow up appointments and endoscopies in the healing phase was discretionary.
85. The next major phase of land degradation came after the abolition of slavery in 1838 and the rise of peasant agriculture.
85. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
86. The aqueous phase may then be recovered without any loss.
87. The acute phase response also involves changes in the plasma concentrations of a number of liver synthesised proteins.
88. Similarly, there are mild disturbances only of acute phase reactants in chronic viral hepatitis.
89. In the second phase, evaluation tasks will be assigned to laboratories throughout the 12 member states.
90. Liquid-vapour phase diagrams at constant pressure are of crucial importance in the study of distillation.
91. During the early phase of reintroductions patients continued with elemental diet as a nutritional supplement.
92. The seven-man, five-woman jury that convicted McVeigh on all counts last week is now in the penalty phase of the trial.
93. The fraction of cells in S phase did not differ significantly between the groups.
94. Then chaotic behaviour recurs, with the phase space trajectories being initially confined to bands and subsequently filling a whole region.
95. Daily newspapers are now becoming popular, providing the first phase of what will later become known as the mass media.
96. Our data show that the addition of lecithin shifts biliary cholesterol from the vesicular to the non-vesicular phase.
97. The moving phase is any suitable solvent which travels along the paper by capillary action.
98. These great trees that mark old boundaries are still deep in their dark phase.
99. Final phase of the approval process to build 212 town houses on 25.82 acres.
100. The first step command is then sent to the excitation sequence control, which changes the phase excitation in the motor.
101. Some high technology products require a tremendous amount of computer programming during the design phase.
102. There was no significant difference in percentage of cells in S phase in the distal colon of rats in both diet groups.
103. Separation of the components on or in the stationary phase by a continuous flow of the mobile phase.
104. City officials have implemented what they call Phase I of a contingency plan aimed at bringing pollution levels down.
105. Such phase changes occur when minerals adopt different atomic configurations as temperatures and pressures change.
106. He drew three phase electrical diagrams with a less than comprehensive knowledge of the subject in hand.
107. An example of this phase is gigabit networking, described in Section 3. 4. 3.
108. Evening meal together, and detailed briefing for next phase of free sailing.
109. But this latest phase has now also emboldened Bush to press forward with his agenda in strong, conservative strokes.
110. Mrs Clinton has said she had no role in that phase of the matter, and no evidence contradicts her.
111. The Stalinist phase did all but irreparable damage to the international reputation of Soviet historiography.
112. Figure 4 shows the percentage of biliary cholesterol in the vesicular phase as a function of the amount of lecithin added.
113. The second phase would be carried out by the dispersal of nurses and psychologists into general practice surgeries and day hospitals.
114. Thus, without any change in the composition across the boundary, the phase change produces a temporarily layered mantle.
115. Phases of multiply measured reflections were combined using the phase probability coefficients.
116. In the past year the first phase of the analysis of bus passenger casualties highlighted in the 1991 Plan has been undertaken.
117. Earlier in the evening,( ) the House voted 209-212 against an amendment to phase out the federal peanut program over seven years.
118. The control unit then enters the execute phase, to carry out the operation decoded in the fetch phase.
119. This will follow completion of the fourth phase of Line 2 running southeast to Giza, now scheduled to open in 2000.
120. Bidders missing the deadline for offers or not shortlisted for the second phase may not be readmitted.
121. This consideration has resulted in continuation of the same procedures with some minor modifications for the second phase of pilot schemes.
122. Moreover, the proteins remain below the silicone partition, leaving the clear aqueous phase on the top.
123. With adjustable height skid feet and flush fitting sides, the Phase 2 fits easily into your kitchen cabinets.
124. Quite extraordinarily, even in the first phase of Lunch-time Openings, some Branches were expected to open without any additional staff.
125. There were some communication problems during the first phase of the project.
126. In Fairfield and Visalia, managers constantly shift their resources to meet new needs and phase out obsolete activities.
127. The shaman automatically receives D6 extra magic cards to use during that magic phase.
128. The surface phase was characterised by processes that affected the rocks during or soon after deposition.
129. There are two points on the phase diagram of particular interest.
130. During its water-living phase in the breeding season, the newt becomes quite fish-like.
131. How can the supply voltage and consequently the phase current - be increased during acceleration or deceleration?
132. The client is also understood to be working up proposals for the final phase of the project to build a leisure centre.
133. The sequence generator produces the phase control signals and is triggered by step command pulses from a constant frequency clock.
134. The counter's outputs are binary numbers representing 16 equidistant, cyclically generated carrier phase angles.
135. Thus the endless cycle of reform, repression and violent response may be about to enter a new phase.
136. Total recovery of the aqueous phase is difficult to achieve, since some interphase proteins may be collected with the upper layer.
137. It is the best phase for problem-solving, when personal animosities are minimal.
138. Even in the atonal phase, before he adopted serialism, he presented obstacles for his listeners.
139. The critical composition at which phase separation is first detected is then and which indicates that at infinitely large chain length.
140. This adds to the impression that we at dealing with a short chronology for all three phase of the glass tell.
141. Ligand is also conducting phase three trials on Targretin for a form of lymphoma and is looking at it for other cancers.
142. In this first phase of conquest, the Arabs created an Empire and a State, but not yet a civilization.
143. How could she now cast her aside as though it had meant nothing, a phase she had gone through?
144. In addition John Parrott, at 36, will now be the oldest competitor in the 32-man televised phase.
145. The next phase is best illustrated by statues from Attica.
146. In the third and final phase the area of dispersal is larger and the distribution more dense.
147. Final phase of the approval process to build 28 single-family homes on 14.18 acres.
148. But for all its lavish appointments the Phase 2 is designed for economy too.
149. A phase two Terminal 2 development planned for 1997/98 will increase that total capacity by another six million passengers a year.
150. In Nephila, increased male mortality during the adult search phase is almost exactly counteracted by reduction in juvenile male growth stages.
151. The recreation center is the first phase of the one-third-acre project.
152. Castlemore is still working up proposals for the final phase of the scheme, which involves building a leisure centre.
153. Phase Two would begin with the election of the constituent assembly, replacing the existing tri-cameral parliament from which blacks were excluded.
154. The third and final phase would be carried out between April and September 1998, he said.
155. Redwood City officials now await the next phase: testing for real gunshots.
156. The appropriate percentage of oxygen in the gas phase at different developmental stages is shown in Figure 6.
157. The sum needed to cover the gap would gradually decrease each year as proceeds from parental trust funds phase into the system.
158. The learning of song in chaffinches takes place in two phases, a memory phase and a practice one.
159. Saturated fatty acids were more abundant in the vesicular phase and unsaturated ones were more abundant in the micellar phase.
160. You do not need to start changing your health-related habits until this preparation phase of one or two weeks is complete.
161. The dynamic nature of phase equilibria can be understood by considering them in the light of the kinetic theory.
162. These accusations came at a critical phase in the negotiations.
163. Phase I was budgeted at 1. 1 billion ECUs for 1987 through 1991.
164. The retrial is now in the defense rebuttal phase, and closing arguments are tentatively set for next week.
165. Entering the final phase, I noticed with a shock the year was old and light got bruised by 4 o'clock.
166. In 1919 Marconi moved into the most adventurous phase of his work on radio.
167. It is similar to the phase diagram of water although there are two important differences.
168. Sometimes a mood, or a phase of the menstrual cycle, will bring about a definite aversion to keeping up appearances.
169. A preferred time for introducing the procedure is in the design phase of the development project.
170. This new phase, following on the day of judgement, was to last for all eternity.
171. A complete excitation cycle consists of four steps, corresponding to excitation of each phase by each current polarity.
172. He may however increase the annual payment to wheat farmers under the five-year phase out plan of the old farming policy.
173. The second main phase of programmed instruction became feasible with the development of low cost computing.
174. Increase of pressure usually favours the formation of the solid-as we shall see in the carbon dioxide phase diagram below.
175. Traditionally,(/phase.html) ships and weapons systems are developed by different contractors with little coordination during the design phase.
176. Having established the phasor relationship between the fundamental components of phase voltage and current, the pull-out torque can be found directly.
177. Groceries in hand, I crossed the threshold and moved into the entering phase of breaking and entering.
178. For all that, it was a dismal phase in the chequered history of postwar Britain.
179. During this bleak phase of its history the cat became firmly linked in the popular mind with witches and black magic.
180. For many patients, irrespective of age, admission to an acute hospital constitutes only one phase of their medical career.
181. Figure 6.22 shows the three possible types of phase diagram for partially miscible liquids.
182. X precipitate phase and the lath structure.
183. Two new complexes of L-lysine, L-threonine and Arsenic triiodide were synthesized by the solid phase reaction and characterized by elemental analysis, XRD, UV spectra and IR spectra.
184. Ancientry, philosophy represents all subject coz the people's perception rest on the general and instinct phase.
185. Phase identification and microchemical -analysis of the oxidized layer on the surface of a high temperature cast iron were performed. The mechanism of oxidation-resisting was explored.
186. The examples given in this paper show that it is very necessary to take the ground motion phase lags into account for long span...
187. Due to the difference between the solid density of phase change material (PCM) and the liquid density of PCM, sinking or floating of the unmelted solid PCM are encountered during melting.
188. However, absorption peak of Sexadentate Titanium was not detected at the high temperature. it might not be detected by IR Spectra because of too little Titanium phase.
189. But the training load of basic training phase, especially for training times, quantity and strength are higher than Chinese Track and Field Training Outline obviously.
190. In all cases, 50mg of sertraline a day was given only to the women following ovulation during the luteal phase of the menstrual period—the standard SSRI treatment for PMS or PMDD.
191. Initiating Process Group. Defines and authorizes the project or a project phase.
192. The results can supply technical parameters for the design, construction, health detection and maintenance in the operational phase of the bridge.
193. The outcome of the analysis phase is a metaclass model that describes candidate services, their role stereotypes, and their operations.
194. Phase shift brought by natural binary refraction does not exist in the modulator, there is no zero-field leakage, temperature stability is very good, and insertion loss is small.
195. It is perfect phase trigger circuit for arc welding power source of SCR.
196. The stabilized polyacrylonitrile fiber was prepared by the method of liquid - phase stabilization carbonized in nitrogen atmosphere.
197. The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
198. At high pressures, the combustion model should include droplet heating as well as phase change.
199. There is significant value for the phase transformation characteristics of antiferroelectric ceramics.
200. Both the power and the phase are discussed to evaluate the injection locking of LD.
201. Phased-mission system is a kind of system whose system configuration, success criteria and component behavior may vary from phase to phase.
202. The model makes it possible to calculate the macroscopic behaviors of the two-fluid flow, such as effective pressure, effective viscosity and shear viscosity of particle phase.
203. The present experiment found that the "lag phase" of photosynthesis existed in all the tissues studied, such as intact leaves, leaf fragments, mesophyll cells, protoplasts and chloroplasts.
204. Inchoate skin mucous membrane is damaged (sore of first phase, 2 period mildew) can check cadaverous helicoid.
205. The output clock pulse of clock recovery should have the features of high speed, low phase noise, high sensitivity, no polarization sensitivity, and stability.
206. Latest advances in the gaseous phase catalytic synthesis of difluoromethane and the preparation of catalysts are summarized.
207. During acute infection, persons are usually unaware they are infected, but high levels of viremia in this phase increase the per-act risk of transmitting HIV infection.
208. Water can turn into steam or ice in its phase transition.
209. On the collapse behavior of the over-reinforced beam and the rare-reinforced beam, the two kinds of beam's mechanical analysis formula of different phase are deduced like the under-reinforced beam.
210. The expressions are derived which relate the cumulative probability of sidelobe to the range of element position errors, subarray position errors and a phase error in each element.
211. Developments in the bimodal polyethylene process, cyclopentadienyl metal catalysts and gas phase ethylene polymerization with the liquid condensation technology are reviewed.
212. In execution phase, modifications and site instructions should be effectively controlled, budgetary estimate should be strictly reviewe...
213. The path length (and therefore, the phase delay) varies, depending on the number of relays that the signal must go through.
214. In ths current phase of low-level buyers' market, the situation of product surplus is prominent.
214. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
215. Cyclin D1 encodes the regulatory subunit of a holoenzyme that phosphorylates and inactivates the retinoblastoma protein and promotes progression through the G1-S phase of the cell cycle.
216. A new procedure which is called double suction straining coating method for the preparation of gas-liquid chromatographic stationary phase was reported.
217. The durable art is always unaccepted at the initial phase but it explores a great existence.
218. The photocatalytic reactivity of the samples were tested by the gas - phase photocatalytic oxidation of heptane.
219. And recommend the single - phasesingle - phase Converter and single - phase to three - phase Converter that transform from the Matrix - Converter.
220. But there are many products which assert using the style of MPEG4 only apply it to transit the other format of video picture to MPEG4 format in the video stores phase.
221. PhD candidates from all disciplines conducting research at an Utrecht University Partner (UUP) and who are in the research phase of their PhD project are considered eligible candidates.
222. An exception occurred during the Rollback phase of the { 0 } installer.
223. Conclusion The functional test of LAAT might be superior to total white blood cell count in assessing acute phase response after acute bacterial infection in children.
224. The divergence factor(), magnetic field direction and phase difference were educed. The far-field scattering was solved with physical optics integration at the final reflection point.
225. VSAM is a kind of file which use the virtual storage access method, it belongs the second phase of the development of data management technology.
226. The working principle of the single - phase voltage - source 4 - quadrant converter is introduced.
227. The pseud phase distribution, which is translated from intensity distribution of the image by a conversion rule, is shown on this given filter.
228. Last week at the Great Road Shennan Daqing in office buildings in the first phase to the market rent - free mortgage payments, received successful.
229. In cattle, the most sensitive acute phase proteins was haptoglobin (HP)and serumamyloidal A(SAA), which showed a substantial rising inthe response to acute inflammation.
230. The effects of skewed slot angle on the starting torque of a single phase asynchronous motor are demonstrated by theoretic analysis and by experiments.
231. The paper studies the concepts of phase velocity and group velocity on electromagnetic wave propagation and discusses the relation between signal conveyance and energy conveyance.
232. In order to verify the validity for signal phase matching principle, the experiments of DOA (Direction of Arrival) estimation are carried out at reservoir by using 16-sensor array.
233. But it has the problems of phase segregation and supercooling during the phase change process.
234. In the rotating-diode phase compound excitation Brushless synchronous machine, if one diode appears fault, such as opening or shorting during the normal operating, it will do harm to the generator.
235. Three phase line reactors are an economical substitute for isolation transformers when voltage transformation and true isolation is not required.
236. The circuit is suitable for three phase fully controlled rectification, inversion and voltage regulation etc. where the wide pulse, double narrow pulse or pulse string to trigger are needed.
237. Our result will be most applicable to molecules in the gas phase at low pressure.
238. JY series single - phase induction motor, YEJ series of electromagnetic brake asynchronous motor.
239. The reactive power and current of three - phase unbalanced load are compensated.




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