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单词 Twin
1. You're always mixing me up with my twin brother.
2. My sister has twin sons.
3. Can you tell her from her twin sister?
4. Both the twin brothers were born and bred in London.
5. She costarred with her twin sister in a new film.
6. It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other.
7. My twin sister and I have got the same nose.
8. Mark Twin was called a writer who understood boys.
9. I never knew you had a twin sister.
10. Charity was a mirror image of her twin.
11. Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?
12. She always wore a twin set and pearls.
13. She had a twin brother and a younger brother.
14. The twin brothers were removed from our class.
15. I always confounded him with his twin brother.
16. I can't tell one twin from the other.
17. She is often mistaken for her twin sister.
18. I can't tell the twin girls apart.
19. Oxford's twin town is Bonn.
20. You're always mixing me up with my twin sister!
21. Oxford and Bonn are twin towns.
22. She's my twin sister .
23. People often confuse me and my twin sister.
24. Did you remark the difference between the twin sisters?
25. Cambridge and Heidelberg are twin towns.
26. The plane is an eight-seater with twin propellers.
27. Twin towers flanked the castle gateway.
28. All the twin rooms have private bathrooms.
29. Would you prefer twin beds or a double?
30. You can avoid the single supplement by agreeing to share a twin room.
1. You're always mixing me up with my twin brother.
2. My sister has twin sons.
3. Can you tell her from her twin sister?
4. Both the twin brothers were born and bred in London.
5. You can avoid the single supplement by agreeing to share a twin room.
6. It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other.
7. My twin sister and I have got the same nose.
8. She is often mistaken for her twin sister.
9. Shorthand and typewriting have been described as the twin arts.
10. The small mote on her forehead distinguishes her from her twin sister.
11. There are twin holes on each side of the instrument.
31. I can't tell him from his twin brother.
32. Bonn is Oxford's twin city.
33. The twin brothers always enjoy going to the concert.
34. The twin sisters have a happy disposition.
35. A quarrel rose between the twin brothers.
36. She is married with twin sons and a third child on the way.
37. The prison service pursues the twin goals of the punishment and rehabilitation of offenders.
38. Meeting a twin brother I didn't know I had was an unnerving experience.
39. The prison service has the twin goals of punishment and rehabilitation.
40. The twin sisters are so much alike that it is almost impossible to know one from the other.
41. Despite the twin advantages of wealth and beauty, she did not have a happy life.
42. Shorthand and typewriting have been described as the twin arts.
43. When I saw her and her twin sister I thought I was seeing double.
44. A mother yesterday won a tug-of-love battle for custody of her twin daughters.
45. The small mote on her forehead distinguishes her from her twin sister.
46. It is hard to distinguish him from his twin brother.
47. Meet my twin sister.
48. You must be muddling me up with my twin brother.
49. This led Zagreb's twin town, Mainz, to donate £70,()000-worth of high-quality equipment.
50. Education and investment are the twin pillars on which a successful economy is built.
51. It's common to mix him up with his brother; they're twin brothers.
52. You are always mixing me up with my twin sister!
53. There are twin holes on each side of the instrument.
54. The plate was one of a pair but I broke its twin.
55. The whole sports world is ringing with the wonderful performances by the twin brothers.
56. She had twin girls.
57. Twin doors approached via a shared driveway.
58. Twin rooms have side lake view.
59. The twin bedrooms have a balcony.
60. Twin spark plugs per cylinder are one novel touch.
61. Twin motor jack on stabilizer for pitch trim.
62. Always those twin concerns: cleanliness and efficiency.
63. John's twin brother died in infancy.
64. Twin bedrooms all have a private bath or shower.
65. The twin bedrooms are airy, spacious and comfortably furnished.
66. Two bedrooms with twin single beds or bunks.
67. Surkov and I sprawled on the twin beds.
68. He was staring at the twin beds.
69. Two bedrooms with twin single beds.
70. One efficient method of covering the roof is to combine twin wall Lexon Thermoclear sheeting with Twinfix aluminium structural glazing bar.
71. Jan says her twin babies are completely different: Kelly is a real extrovert while Jessie is quiet and thoughtful.
72. Knowing that her remaining twin was in danger, she rushed to the home of a friend who drove her to hospital.
73. Alcohol and suicide, the twin curses of the native people.
74. Types B1 and B2 - double bedroom, a twin room, a lounge with divan, kitchenette and shower.
75. Twin rooms are at the front with lake view, singles overlook the main road.
76. She overcomes the twin obstacles of race and gender through her twin attributes of will and skill.
77. Both his parents and his younger twin brothers died several years ago.
77. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
78. Type B - up to four people one twin bedroom, living-room with double divan bed, verandah, kitchenette, private facilities.
79. Twin quakes on Sept. 26 killed 10 people and severely damaged the basilica in Assisi.
80. A seven-year-old brought her twin to Liz for first aid.
81. For example, each side of the card may contain an embedded electron whose spin remains correlated with its twin.
82. The twin pressures of diversity and uniformity are tangible phenomena in the design process.
83. They have just about sailed between the twin jagged rocks of Maastricht and recession.
84. He was baffled by arithmetic and hopelessly confused by those twin horrors, history and geography.
85. The crenellated twin towers are among the last remnants of the fortified wall that used to enclose the city.
86. Prices based on 4 persons in an apartment with one twin bedroom or 6 persons in an apartment with two twin bedrooms.
87. Rooms are well furnished, twin bedded, with private showers and balconies.
88. These twin brothers were Giants, but they did not look like the monsters of old.
89. First, it may be difficult for them to relinquish the closeness and identification with their twin in favour of a marriage partner.
90. To Lyell, the twin cataracts were even more beautiful than he had expected, though not so grand.
91. Twin rooms have mini-bar and small balcony and some have a side sea view.
92. After-images of new and modified blocks are written to twin log files.
93. Will the right hon. Gentleman agree that he should hold his nerve to the twin track of political progress and strong security?
94. He and his twin brother, Michael, had previously founded a monastic order in Stroud.
95. The twin doors sighed open, and Manville stepped slowly out into the corridor.
96. Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. Kahlil Gibran 
97. Herculaneum, the twin city to Pompeii[], suffered a similar fate but has proved more difficult to excavate.
98. An animal with a good diet will be larger than its twin on starvation rations.
99. He had tackled the twin problems of the Ecclestone fib and the petrol crisis head on-by ignoring them.
100. The twin handled grill pan pulls forward horizontally to a safety stop position or can be lifted out altogether.
101. These aims were to be advanced through the twin application of development plans and development control powers.
102. And television has enshrined these twin virtues in quiz and games shows.
103. There are twin, double and single rooms available, all with private facilities and most with a balcony.
104. The basic armament consisted of twin Vickers K machine guns mounted front and rear.
105. The top cover of the printer lifts up and the twin head carriers automatically slide into view.
106. Let us think rather of a twin track approach, in which custody is reserved for those who commit serious offences.
107. He flattered himself that he would discover a twin soul in the famous Rifleman.
108. Some twin bedrooms which will have a balcony and sea view are available at a supplement.
109. The jacket uses two colours and comes in three combinations all with twin globe logo for an added bit of distinction.
110. In 1992(), the university moved to its new campus off Twin Oaks Valley Road.
111. I have a twin brother and it seemed that he was allowed to do all the things I wasn't.
112. Then two mighty heroes, the twin brothers Tyrion and Teclis, arose to succour the realm and repel the invasion.
113. Faced with these twin assaults on his ego it was hardly surprising that many players were found wanting.
114. Stages and canal boats had been crowded with visitors descending on the twin communities.
115. At Forty-second Street stand the twin apartment towers of Manhattan Plaza, grim reminders of two more miserable affairs.
116. Flight Controls Ailerons, rudder and elevator driven by twin hydraulic servo-actuators, and push-pull rod linkage.
117. Tamar was lying on one of the twin beds wearing a pair of silk lounging pyjamas.
118. Tribute to Barry Levinson, including film clips and on-stage interview, 6: 30 p. m., Sequoia Twin.
119. Twenty heated minutes later he collapsed on to his twin bed, and turned on the telly.
120. As a result it enters 1993 with the twin objectives of expanding its home sales and divesting some of its landholdings.
121. The twin bedded rooms have private shower-rooms, and some have a balcony.
122. All rooms are twin bedded with a shower and loo; some are available with a lake view.
123. As he spoke a cab appeared, a grimy little robot jitney with the other Twin in the back.
124. The twin communities, one on either side of the international river, had now taken on separate and quite different characteristics.
125. Just talk to the Twin brooks and just keep bringing them around to the subject of their son.
126. Twin Lakes Fish Camp provides trailer hookups, tent camping sites, and several little cottages.
127. His blue-grey eyes were as cold as a Siberian winter, and Polly felt as though she had been impaled by twin icicles.
128. All the simple bedrooms have telephone and twin bedrooms have a balcony.
129. All rooms are twin bedded with a private loo and bath or shower.
130. Superior twin rooms have a front sea view, mini-bar and air-conditioning when necessary.
131. He was simply responding to the twin pressures of dwindling tax revenues and pressing needs.
132. You can also use a twin needle on most domestic machines.
133. This twin of yours is pure fiction, but I do think you know who Garry's new love is.
134. As they bask under the twin suns they hear noises coming from the Visualiser.
135. Some may find him placing far too much emphasis on the impact of his alcoholic parents and stillborn twin brother, Jesse.
136. The twin problems of ecological and individualist fallacies occur when inferences are drawn about one level of analysis using evidence from another.
137. Children were considered ineligible to be controls if they were a twin, were adopted, or had a serious congenital defect.
137. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
138. Patients subjected to research need the twin protection of informed consent and surveillance by ethics committees.
139. He gave his name as Robin Ganguly, his twin brother.
140. Stairs lead to where the children will be sequestered and it has twin beds and its own bathroom, thank goodness.
141. The Church of S. Servaas has a Romanesque east end with apse and twin towers.
142. Why had her twin gone to Paris, even with the inducement of modelling Roman's finest collection?
143. And with Superstyle Twin Track, a valance rail allows you to add a little extra style even in those awkward situations.
144. Sunlight poured down from the window in the upper ante-room, to the twin flights of the stairs.
145. Could that be where the explanation lies as to why she gave her already suicidal husband twin pistols as a Christmas present?
146. Tales of bravery from the M-Four crash. Sheer panic: Accused describes the barn fire that killed twin sisters.
147. She did not go to the room with the twin beds but to the single room with the sloping ceiling.
148. They were twin Siamese, one too comfortably settled on the bed to do more than twitch an ear.
149. The issues of validity and reliability are the twin pillars that prove research to be only mediocre or outstanding.
150. Style in Washington hangs from the twin pillars of conservatism and political correctness.
151. Type A for up to four people has a twin bedroom, living room with kitchenette and double divan bed, and bathroom.
152. President Kim failed to convince his opposition that he meant to consult with them freely in order to ride these twin tigers.
153. Sheer panic: Accused describes the barn fire that killed twin sisters.
154. All bedrooms are twin with private bathroom; some with a balcony.
155. Paul, and has held other executive positions in the Twin Cities and Grand Forks area.
156. Looming in the background are always the twin prospects of sudden incalculable wealth and instant agonizing death.
157. This can only mean that, at the time, the idea of a twin was perfectly acceptable to devout Christians.
158. The Embraer 120 turboprop is equipped with twin propellers designed to spin at a constant speed.
159. Sort of Twin Peaks meets Gertrude Stein, and somehow everything clicks.
160. So ran the logic of the planners; but their twin gods of Security and National Interest meant nothing to Hal.
161. There are twin rivulets of sweat running from her temples to her jawline.
162. My twin brother appeared by the age of about ten to have some hearing loss.
163. In 1850 Joy and Edward Wilson patented twin boilers working in parallel within the same casing.
164. Only 25, she has a 4-year-old daughter, twin baby boys and no husband.
165. Twin wire paper which has an identical smooth finish on both sides.
166. The twin arms of that mechanical gibbet forced his hands down into the liquid, which sizzled and steamed.
167. Some insomniacs sleep best with two twin mattresses placed atop a king-size frame.
168. Twin towers bore the arms of the railway companies emblazoned upon them.
169. Furthermore, rectal biopsy specimens were obtained from each twin in whom sigmoidoscopy could be carried out.
170. Michele's lips brushed first one cheek then the other, his tongue-tip gathering the twin tears.
171. The monozygotic twin material consisted of both concordant and discordant twin pairs, and some unpaired healthy twins.
172. At the town center were two low church spires of oxidized copper surmounted by twin crosses.
173. There were twin beds and a pair of good-sized windows overlooking the street.
174. From a large body of material, two interviewees have been selected to illustrate these twin processes at the macro- and micro-scales.
175. Most urgent that twenty five exactly same type be despatched for modification to fix mounts for twin Vickers guns and sun compass.
176. All rooms are twin bedded with a private loo, bath and shower; some have a lake view.
177. She held a book, reached out to a tall glass of pale gold wine, a twin to Jay's.
178. This twin thing ... you are separate people, different as chalk and cheese.
179. We can also book twin or double rooms in nearby houses for your sole use for a £55 supplement.
180. In Leicester, though, they treat those twin impostors, panic and the ticking clock, with disdain.
181. The age-old curse on the line of Aenarion affected Tyrion's twin brother Teclis more strongly.
182. Portsmouth accumulated just 55 disciplinary points despite the added pressure of chasing twin honours.
183. The original station in Colombo had twin towers which housed the first and second-class booking offices at their bases.
184. His twin brother, who was airlifted to hospital with him, is in a critical condition.
185. If one identical twin is gay, the chances that his brother is also gay are 50 percent.
186. Enlarged ventricles have been found in an identical twin who develops schizophrenia, compared to the one who does not.
187. She peered anxiously at the reddening bruise on Perkin's cheek, a twin to one on mine.
188. And third, their likeness to their twin can confuse possible suitors: which one does he want?
189. Nevertheless, uncritical acceptance of the results of classical twin studies may have misled a generation of researchers.
190. The relief commission has one aircraft that can land there, a Twin Otter.
191. A bedstead and a long-broken twin tub washing machine, hang together in this contorted web.
192. This has a twin aim of befriending and loving those who are confined to their home all day every day.
193. Six central apartments are four bedded, with two twin bedrooms, each opening on to the balcony.
194. A Gyroflo oven with Ticene linings and twin oven lights.
195. Your Ampeg amp for my Trace Elliot Twin valve combo, immaculate condition.
196. These reports indicate concordance rates of over 50% for monozygotic twin pairs compared with under 10% for dizygotic twins.
197. It was well known that the younger Beaumont twin was a marked man.
198. He has a twin brother named Arthur, who is also 126 at the university here.
199. The twin bedrooms have the benefit of a small balcony with lovely views to the coast.
200. Evidence supporting a genetic component to predisposition comes mainly from a large study of 15924 male twin pairs.
201. The £400,000 machine is capable of speeds in excess of 200 miles an hour with its 3.5 litre twin turbo V6 engine.
202. His alibi turns out to have been provided, in all innocence, by his twin!
203. The student first masters manipulation of the single sabre, then at a more advanced level, the twin swords.
204. They slept in twin beds in the front bedroom of 93 Mafeking Street.
205. Here he is aged 15 with twin brother Mark, who's a normal size.
206. Nina could never escape the inevitable comparisons that people made between her and her twin.
207. The initiative is part of Durham's appeal for food and medical aid for the county's twin town of Kostroma.
208. Suites of either two twins sharing a bathroom or one twin, one single sharing a bathroom are available.
209. Blanket, sheets twin bed, and pillow; or sleeping bag.
210. The air - bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
211. We are always mistaking him for his twin brother.
212. Scorpene inherited the twin problems of extreme multiple personality.
213. If one twin pushes, will the other push back?
214. This twin shift will force wrenching adjustments.
215. Roman mythology the twin brother of Romulus.
216. The Twin Towers collapsed after the attack.
217. Heavy duty measuring unit, twin wheel, stay rod mounted.
218. I have get a twin - lens reflex camera.
219. People are always mistaking him for his twin brother.
220. The Rotaract Club of Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA.
221. But no arrows will ever mach my twin blades.
222. The lines design and optimization for the 300,000 t twin - skeg type VLCC was proceeded.
223. Vehicle twin - photoelectrical pointing system mainly consists of reflex light - tubes, a autocollimation theodolite and modulators.
224. The underdeveloped twin may have to be surgically separated to save the larger twin.
225. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question.
226. This paper introduces the application of twin - skeg lines form on two types of landing ship.
227. A twin monostable circuIt' supplies the data and strobe signals.
228. Their only luxury was private school for their twin daughters,() Barbara and Tenna.
229. Wind acceleration response of twin - tower tall building having lateral - torsional uncoupled are analyzed using modal analyses method.
230. Television footage showed the tail of the twin - engined propeller plane visible amid the burning wreckage.
231. I have decided to adopt the method of tilling deeply with twin plows.
232. International advanced level twin - roll squeezer has been explored and manufactured voluntarily in recent years.
233. The experimental result has practical significance for correctly using the twin - rotor turbojet.
234. Who can erase the mental images of those planes smashing into the twin towers?
235. Rather than a twin - pod craft , the Scimitar has a single elongated body.
236. What do you know about its twin cities, Minneapolis and St.
237. Twin and single slip on the base surface were the main deformation ways at room temperature.
238. Would you like a twin bed or a queen size?
239. Twin - Trapezoidal Link ( TTL ) passively allowed the rear wheels to turn slightly in order to enhance handling.
240. The collapse of the Twin Towers became the biggest terrorist attack in American history.
241. The twin sisters are consumed with a great interest in stamp collecting.
242. They are twin sisters. They share a sisterly love that runs deeper than blood.
243. This auto reverse model has a 3 band tuner and Nude Twin - Turbo headphones.
244. The nose unit is twin - wheeled and retracts rearward.
245. A city of south - central Idaho west of Pocatello near the Twin Falls of the Snake River.
246. Would you like a room with a double bed or two twin beds?
247. Unique twin guide bar feature absorbs rack and pinion load and ensures optimum teeth engagement.
248. Twin towers designed by US based NBBJ Architect with reinforced concrete core wall system.
249. Dynamic - vulcanization PP composites were prepared with twin - screw extruder and dynamic - vulcanization technology.
250. Some types of twin - screw superchargers sit above the engine like supercharger.
251. But a twin - screw supercharger compresses the air inside the rotor housing.
252. Clear grain and twin - substructure have been observed in the oxide film of Zr - 1.0 Nb - 0.5 Fe alloy.
253. Do some investigative work about the Twin Towers ( use newspapers, magazines, or books ).
254. The tribute in light represents the lost twin towers from the World Trade Center.
255. The district council's town - twin committee decides that EP shall be twinned with Eppingen in Germany.
256. Does the town of twin have yam to sell? Be what medicine.
257. Double room with bath and balcony, with standard double bed or twin bed,(http:///twin.html) park view.
258. A sixth generation, Eaton? twin vortex system ( TVS ) supercharger is fitted to the 510 bhp engine.
259. Objective To report three - year - old twin brothers with speech stunting.
260. Nicholas Cage was honored for playing a troubled movie screenwriter and his twin brother in Adaptation.
261. A wind tunnel test of rigid model has been conducted on the twin - tower building.
262. Twin bedded room with seperate beds bed with private bathroom, satellite tv, air conditioning and telephone.




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