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单词 Clinic
1. Dr Clark holds a clinic on Tuesday mornings.
2. The antenatal clinic is on Wednesdays.
3. His clinic is near the station.
4. The clinic detoxes heroin addicts.
5. The surgery holds a baby clinic every Wednesday afternoon.
6. The Health clinic is relying on volunteers to run the office and answer the telephones.
7. Bring your baby to the clinic and we'll take a look at her.
8. A clinic for women would, by definition, deal with pregnancy and childbirth.
9. Doctors held a special clinic to talk to worried parents after a child at the school died of meningitis.
10. The hospital has a diabetic clinic.
11. She is being treated at a special diabetic clinic.
12. He went to an expensive clinic to dry out.
13. He detoxed at a clinic.
14. She went into a clinic to dry out.
15. The baby clinic is held on Monday afternoons.
16. The clinic was set afire.
17. The clinic tailors its treatment to individual need.
18. Our MP holds a clinic every Friday evening.
19. The clinic was now in sight, some way ahead.
20. He is being treated at the London clinic.
21. He failed to keep his appointment at the clinic.
22. She is attending the antenatal clinic.
23. He's been drying out at a private clinic.
24. The new health promotion clinic will provide free check-ups.
25. The centre is unattached to any hospital or clinic.
26. He was treated at the hospital's eye clinic.
27. She's checked into a private clinic for drug rehabilitation.
28. She works in a birth control clinic.
29. She had an abortion at the women's health clinic.
30. We are organizing a mass picket of the abortion clinic.
1. Dr Clark holds a clinic on Tuesday mornings.
2. The antenatal clinic is on Wednesdays.
3. His clinic is near the station.
4. The surgery holds a baby clinic every Wednesday afternoon.
5. The Health clinic is relying on volunteers to run the office and answer the telephones.
6. Bring your baby to the clinic and we'll take a look at her.
7. We are organizing a mass picket of the abortion clinic.
8. A clinic for women would, by definition, deal with pregnancy and childbirth.
9. Doctors held a special clinic to talk to worried parents after a child at the school died of meningitis.
10. The hospital has a diabetic clinic.
11. The clinic was set afire.
12. The centre is unattached to any hospital or clinic.
13. She had an abortion at the women's health clinic.
14. He's booked himself into a rehabilitation clinic.
15. The clinic deals with a wide cross - section of society.
31. He's booked himself into a rehabilitation clinic.
32. The average wait for an appointment at the clinic was eight weeks.
33. An antenatal clinic is a place where women who are expecting babies go for medical examinations and exercises.
34. The club is holding a golf clinic next week, where golfers can get advice from the pros.
35. There's a well woman clinic at the health centre on Wednesday afternoons.
36. He started his first clinic when he was 20 .
37. They give free advice on contraception at the family planning clinic.
38. The receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the clinic.
39. He went to a clinic in Arizona to dry out.
40. The clinic deals with a wide cross - section of society.
41. The clinic was accused of ping-ponging patients from one specialist to another.
42. He went to a clinic to cure his drinking and overeating.
43. Over 50 nurses at the clinic have been struck down with a mystery virus.
44. The clinic opened for business last October and since then has treated more than 200 people.
45. The clinic doctor will then write to your GP to get his agreement.
46. The report caused needless anxiety to women who have attended the clinic.
47. The clinic is staffed by ten doctors who work in shifts.
48. His clinic is near the newly - built railway station.
49. He checked into a top London clinic yesterday for an operation on his knee.
50. The clinic is required to inform the patient about possible alternative treatments.
51. She had an operation on her knee at the clinic.
52. The clinic provides a free supply of contraceptives on request.
53. Charles was at the clinic recovering from an operation on his arm.
54. The clinic detoxicates addicts.
55. It's a walk-in dental clinic - the sign outside said 'Walk-in patients welcome'.
56. The area around the clinic has some huge houses.
57. I was at the antenatal clinic.
58. Best foot forward at a pioneering clinic.
59. A simple brass plaque spelt out Brook Advisory Clinic.
60. The yellow brick clinic stands vacant.
61. There will be some one on the staff at your antenatal clinic who can explain what benefits you can claim.
62. But Garcia Abrego is believed to have been behind the 1984 killing of six people in a health clinic in Matamoros.
63. The clinic records, from an inner city teaching hospital we examined indicate that some believe sildenafil may belong in this category.
64. She subsequently attended the genetic counselling clinic, and was very anxious about the situation.
65. Last year arsonists attacked a house in Coventry also earmarked as a clinic.
66. Of 225 new patients attending our adolescent gynaecology clinic in 1992, 167 presented with menstrual disturbances.
67. We report the potential dangers of long waiting times for a routine outpatient appointment at a urology clinic.
68. The study was approved by the institutional review board of the Mayo Clinic and all patients gave written consent.
69. Her hair was twisted into tight steel-grey rolls on which sat her clinic cap with its distinctive badge.
70. Some patients may benefit from a stress management programme, while severe cases may require the multidisciplinary services of a pain clinic.
71. Hypoglycaemia was corrected and artificial ventilation started, and he was brought to our clinic.
72. Now I see a sign about a clinic for male impotence.
73. The ideas are there; now they must come out of academe and into the clinic.
74. In Los Angeles our supporters outnumbered Operation Rescue demonstrators three to one and kept a planned clinic blockade from even getting started.
75. This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
76. Thus ideas have come out of academe and are being implemented in the clinic.
77. Complete blood count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were regularly measured at clinic visits.
78. Monica s Mission,[http:///clinic.html] founded in 1934 by a Franciscan priest as a clinic for the poor.
79. She was referred back to the medical clinic after a few months with the same clinical findings.
80. It was not widely known that there was a abortion clinic in the neighborhood.
81. For this investigation the patient must attend the clinic in the early morning having held his urine all night.
82. Under the terms of the legislation an abortion clinic was also required to inform a patient about the possible alternatives to abortion.
83. A month later, however, she returned, complaining of discomfort from the lesion and still awaiting her clinic appointment.
84. Clinic measurements of children under 2 years of age tended to show length to be shorter than actual. 3.
85. So, make an appointment at your family planning clinic or go and talk to your college doctor.
86. A Maryland medical board ordered him to perform 100 hours of service in an Aids clinic.
87. The ground floor of the new building will accommodate physiotherapy and hydrotherapy departments, orthopaedic clinic and an x-ray room.
88. Our unit has run a menorrhagia clinic for 5 years and last year we introduced these charts for all our patients.
89. El Pueblo Clinic has faced adversity before, but never of this magnitude.
90. Within a few months, she had started a small clinic in a shed near the railway lines.
91. In the coming abortion clinic battles, these would prove invaluable to her and to me.
92. Clinic raided: Burglars stole about £100 from a cash box at the clinic in Zetland Street, Northallerton.
93. We asked patients to return to the study clinic if they required medical attention between scheduled study visits.
94. She can walk into a family planning clinic and seek assistance.
95. In the early 1960s the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota researched exercise therapy as part of the treatment for patients suffering from angina.
96. Subjects - Of 542 women attending the clinic for artificial insemination for the first time, 500 women were eligible for study.
97. We have a mobile clinic for them with eight centres. 1 want to start a colony for them.
98. Results - Cancer mortality was not significantly different in clinic patients as a whole and controls.
99. She had gone to St Ebba's antenatal clinic and they had kept her there.
100. Do not accept pills or medicines from anyone but your own doctor or the doctor at the clinic.
101. Even when the police did respond, it took them hours to clear protesters away from clinic doorways.
102. But you can ask the staff at the antenatal clinic for the results of your Rubella blood test.
103. There are four physiotherapists on call at the sports injury clinic.
104. Yet this greedy pair have successfully sued a fertility clinic for giving them three healthy babies instead of two.
105. I did make an appointment at the local family planning clinic.
106. She did in fact attend clinic eventually,[/clinic.html] and this allowed a full discussion of the situation.
107. The man was given a 2 year probation order on condition he attends a clinic.
108. There was apprehension over a small explosion close to an abortion clinic, but the explosion proved to be accidental.
109. The major part of teaching, motivating and assessing what has been learned should take place outside the diabetic clinic.
110. About 8 a. m. Monday, he abducted Roswell during a botched robbery at a Texarkana veterinary clinic, authorities said.
111. If you would like advice on contraception, talk to your doctor or local family planning clinic.
112. On Feb. 9, Benjamin Hawkes called a clinic for help, but the earliest available appointment was two weeks away.
113. Most think anyone who wants to buy a gun should have to attend a clinic on proper use.
114. At last, it gives this clinic effect and peroration.
115. Brachiai plexus injury is commonly seen in rehabilitation clinic.
116. This is Betty from Parkway Health Clinic.
117. Ketamine and propofol are widely used in clinic.
118. Although most of the ototoxic drugs have already been recognized by clinic doctors and pharmacologists.
119. Subsequently, the pharmaceutic mechanisms and clinic effects of waning lung to descend the adverse also expounded.
120. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia is a kind of common diseases in clinic.
121. Conclusion: A serologic reaction can help dia gnose the secondary syphilis in clinic.
122. Vinca alkaloids are widely applied in antitumor treatment in clinic and proved to be effective.
123. By accumulating theory and clinic practice, Klein established the school of child - analysis.
124. C . The laundromat is between the book store and the clinic.
125. Methods Lingual and non - lingual techniques in communicating with patients in paediatrics out - patient clinic triage were summarized.
126. Faculty position at the Radiology Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria since 1992.
127. Objective: In order to illustrate the clinic significance of megakaryocytic progenitors in some blood diseases.
128. Automatic biochemistry analyzers are important instruments of clinic diagnosis, life science and biochemistry analyzer.
129. OBJECTIVE To explore the identification method and the clinic Penicillium marneffei.
130. Objective : To summarize their clinic characteristics of surgical abdomen psychosis in patients.
131. Objective To provide a morphological data for clinic application of the compartments of human trapezius transplantation.
132. He was taken to the local clinic and received thirteen staples to close the laceration.
133. Objective: To recognize Kikuchi disease by discussed its clinic and pathologic characters.
134. Objective To explore nurses techniques in communicating with patients in paediatrics out - patient clinic triage .
135. Arrange hospital, in clinic mobile medical and paramedical examinations for insurance companies.
136. Hospital swage mainly comes from septic tanks of sickroom, clinic. emergency,[] ward faundry etc.
137. Please call an onboard doctor from the clinic for me.
138. Should we take him to a nursing home or a clinic?
139. SSS patients received AAI , DDD or VVI mode pacemakers werefollowed - up in out - patient clinic.
140. Objective : To discuss the clinic characteristic of the dormant sclera rupture.
141. Post - core - crown is a widely used restorative method in clinic.
142. For years the clinic played only a minor role in the area.
143. The Mayo Clinic in America estimates 1 the average bed contains between 100,000 to 10 - million dust mites.
144. Vasovagal syncope ( VVS ) is a frequent clinic apsychia syndrome.
145. Objective : To explore the clinic characteristic petrous bone cholesteatoma.
146. The surgery was performed on his readmission to the clinic.
147. Unilatral mastication is the more common masticatory function disorder in clinic.
148. The triple plus vacuum sterilizer is the main sterilization equipment in dental clinic.
149. In this study, data from 20 patient procedures using microspheres at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville were analyzed.
150. Objective : To investigate the diagnosing and clinic value of Doppler sonography for puncturing pericardial effusion.
151. To date Frontier has supported the likes of TechColumbus, Ohio State University and the Cleveland Clinic.
152. Objective To understand Urogenital Mycoplasma prevalence in STD clinic attenders and determine nine drugs sensitivity.
153. Method: Retrospection analyzes of 50 clinic files down fresh shank bones and fibulas.
153. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
154. OBJECTIVE : To provide references for rational, efficient and economical use of NSAID in the clinic.
155. To study psychological status among psychology clinic visitors in mental hospital.
156. But his clinic only has three pieces of medical equipment: blood pressure gauge, thermometer and stethoscope.
157. Objective : To explore the application of removable partial denture buccal - lingual rest in clinic.
158. Objective To investigate the clinic features of electric ophthalmia in groups.
159. SETTING: Outpatient Clinic , Ophthalmic Department of Ophthalmology and Otolaryng ology Hospital of a University.
160. Hospitals include the 230 - bed Flagler Hospital and the Mayo Clinic Primary Care Center.
161. The clinic characteristics, curative effect and squeal protection of phthisis and diabetes mellitus have been summarized.
162. Objective : To evaluate the application of autotransplantation of splenic tissue in clinic.
163. She needed a walker to get around and was being treated at the Mayo Clinic.
164. METHODS: Eight hundred patients aged 13 - 23 from orthodontic clinic were chosen.
165. Methods : The clinic materials of 21 patients with obstetric disseminated intravascular coagulation were analyzed retrospectively.
166. Patients get rituximab through infusion into a vein ( IV ) at the oncologist's office or clinic.
167. Objective To assess the value of 3 - D probe usage in obstetric clinic.




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