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单词 Assessment
(1) This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation.
(2) What is your assessment of the situation?
(3) An assessment by an independent educational psychologist was essential.
(4) The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.
(5) There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment.
(6) An adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project.
(7) The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.
(8) Your assessment is substantially correct.
(9) The college has a highly formalized system of assessment.
(10) The government is rejiggering some tax assessment methods.
(11) He wrote a very generous assessment of my work.
(12) He is currently focusing on assessment and development.
(13) Their methods of assessment produce nonsensical results.
(14) Diagnosis was deferred pending further assessment.
(15) The coroner concurred with this assessment.
(16) The officers seemed to make only an impressionistic assessment.
(17) What's Michael's assessment of the situation?
(18) His assessment of the situation was spot on.
(19) Examination is by continuous assessment.
(20) Continuous assessment is made of all students' work.
(21) The new manager carried out an assessment of the sales department.
(22) Her assessment is based on the proposition that power corrupts.
(23) Needs assessment is crucial if the hospital is to deliver effective health care.
(24) Role-playing situations allows a finer assessment to be made than in pen and paper exercises.
(25) Joseph Stalin gave an accurate assessment of the utility of nuclear weapons.
(26) Objective assessment of the severity of the problem was difficult.
(27) The new assessment system could pinpoint areas for improvement within the company.
(28) The merit of the report is its realistic assessment of the changes required.
(29) The euphoria is giving way to a more sober assessment of the situation.
(30) You will receive a follow-up visit from the person conducting the assessment.
(1) This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation.
(2) What is your assessment of the situation?
(3) An assessment by an independent educational psychologist was essential.
(4) The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.
(5) There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment.
(6) An adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project.
(7) The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.
(8) Diagnosis was deferred pending further assessment.
(9) Examination is by continuous assessment.
(31) She was brutally frank in her assessment of our chances.
(32) This was an uncharitable assessment of the reasons for the failure.
(33) Yet there are arguable benefits from practising selective assessment.
(34) Yet this is hardly an accurate assessment.
(35) Another area of concern was the additional assessment.
(36) We start with an assessment of the student's abilities.
(37) During the assessment Ann was interviewed.
(38) That's a fairly accurate assessment of the situation.
(39) How thorough is the assessment?
(40) Most schools nowadays prefer to use continuous assessment, because it gives a fairer picture of how the student has done during the whole year.
(41) Setting intermediate goals and providing an assessment of them is another way that feedback can help the student adjust her learning.
(42) The report openly admits that this is the most ambitious assessment scheme ever attempted in the world.
(43) They are based on an assessment of relationships between different parts of the state apparatus.
(44) Assessment will be by a combination of national external tests and assessment by teachers.
(45) Ideally an assessment by an experienced practitioner should be sought for this but these two remedies are worth trying.
(46) After assessment by the child care officer or reception centre, the child is placed in a suitable substitute home.
(47) The assessment of basic expenditure needs should urgently be removed from the political arena.
(48) Trade Unions Encourage and support employers to adopt good practice in risk assessment and management.
(49) Other measures include teacher appraisal, the National Curriculum, open enrolment, standardised assessment tasks.
(50) The timetabling implications of the additional assessment, and of cross-module assessments generally were discussed.
(51) The more feedback they can obtain from varied sources, the more accurate their assessment will be.
(52) For my additional assessment I had to plan a facility for a chosen client group.
(53) The additional assessment is clearly a lot of work for students.
(54) This will probably be one of the flash points as the new joint arrangements for assessment and care management become established.
(55) It is infinitely more difficult to make an accurate assessment of the immediate past and of the present.
(56) The cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis Needs careful assessment Rheumatoid arthritis commonly affects the cervical spine, causing several well defined deformities.
(57) The other factor was the assessment by committed federalists and functionalists of exactly what had been achieved.
(58) Geriatrics beds are those most likely to be blocked while assessment teams explore alternatives to residential care.
(59) Although considered in need of assessment or treatment, these women did not require compulsory admission, with the attendant limits on civil liberties.
(60) The assessment of structural adjustment loans is even more problematic than the assessment of rural development projects.
(61) This led to sharp antagonism towards the full launch of assessment at 7 in 1991.
(62) Well, she shouldn't be surprised, because it was quite an accurate assessment.
(63) An application for assessment of damages is made on notice under the procedure for interlocutory applications under Ord 22, r 6.
(64) Geotechnics, laboratory and numerical assessment of bearing capacity of soils under curricular footings, enhancement of soil properties using man-made additives.
(65) It is a consideration which I should have applied myself to the assessment of general damages to favour this plaintiff./assessment.html
(66) Special consideration should be given in information and assessment arrangements for members of ethnic minority groups.
(67) The risk assessment of oral transmission of the AIDS virus has a theoretical basis only.
(68) Assessment is by means of a written exam at the end of the course.
(69) Alongside the current assessment revolution are equally radical curriculum initiatives associated with a whole alphabet soup of acronyms.
(70) Usually an administrative service, e.g. notifying all interested parties that a Design Change is awaiting assessment.
(71) Her husband, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, was detained in hospital and sedated pending geriatric assessment.
(72) A more accurate assessment can be gained by calculating your body mass index or your percentage of body fat.
(73) But the committed membership are not those best able to give an accurate assessment.
(74) The additional assessment is a sensible and welcome attempt to differentiate students' performance by assessing higher-order skills.
(75) We have found it particularly important to develop candidate materials to explain the additional assessment in language suitable for our trainees.
(76) As yet, no definite timescale for assessment by a certification body has been set.
(77) Indeed it is that aspect of the new arrangements which distorts the previous use of assessment by teachers,() parents and children.
(78) These provide advice on access to and progression from each of the new awards, and on designing and running cross-module assessment.
(79) Work Wage Equity A significant issue addressed by the assessment team was employee reaction to Hanes's work wage equity program.
(80) Second, the title suggests an assessment of multimedia spanning the decade, examining developments as far ahead as the year 2000.
(81) During my first weeks in Southern California, I had to agree with her assessment.
(82) Its advantage is that it allows a far deeper and richer assessment to be made than the pen and paper exercise.
(83) These will form the basis of a comprehensive family assessment procedure for use in research and practice.
(84) The planning of each patient's care is dependent upon a comprehensive and accurate assessment.
(85) I think your assessment of the current economic situation is pretty accurate.
(86) Competition and complementarity between systems are being stressed, together with an assessment of likely technological advances.
(87) Section 2 involves admission for assessment, section 4 for emergency admission for assessment and section 3 for admission for treatment.
(88) Ask each for an assessment of your insurance needs and a plan to cover those needs.
(89) Before suggesting methods of countering the development of tension, careful assessment of the antecedents to cutting should be carried out.
(90) In alcoholic liver disease, transplant assessment was considered appropriate in the case of sustained abstinence following medical advice.
(91) Assessment of the problem Effective intervention and treatment is based on an accurate assessment of the presenting problem.
(92) But it was Pearce's assessment which carried a more convincing argument in favour of Ron Atkinson's team.
(93) Lead equipment and utility ergonomic assessment.
(94) Thus, fault plays a role in the Restatement assessment.
(95) They shared a skeptical assessment of Soviet motivations.
(96) a cool-headed assessment of the situation.
(97) As one of important qualitative evaluations(), performance assessment has been extensively in attention.
(98) Analysis of palaeo-fluid potential is the basic work of the study of petroleum accumulation and the assessment of basin.
(99) We gave each of the company's design institutions are the quantifiable assessment of the indicators.
(100) I had long suspected he could have autism and our community paediatrician sent him for an assessment.
(101) Finally, the synthetic system of noise fuzzy assessment developed was used to assess noises of a woodworking sander, planer, fretsaw, obtaining their noise assessment results.
(102) An aseismic reliability assessment method for supported pipeline systems is presented here in.
(103) Firstly, in this paper, the different methods of control performance assessment and industrial application are introduced.
(104) The stability assessment of Beimengou slope of the safety factor calculated by the strength reduction FEM.
(105) Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and child assessment services are also charged at $ 44 per session.
(106) A Review on the Laws and Regulations of Assessment in American Special Education Legislation.
(107) Such estimation method can be regarded as a theoretical basis for the calculation and protection of the impulsive force in practical engineering and also for the safety assessment in blasting.
(108) The study on toxicological effects of cyanobacterial cell extract on muridae can provide the theoretical basis for the health risks assessment of cyanobacterial bloom.
(109) All had undergone a dedicated stroke workup including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and a detailed assessment of clinical features and of vascular risk factors.
(110) The composing of the project quantity list and unit price are analyzed from the implement of the project , and the model of assessment from project quantity lists is discussed in this paper.
(111) The condition monitoring system based on neural network and fuzzy logic for an aero-engine was proposed, which covered data validity and health assessment.
(112) EF's thorough language assessment provides quantifiable results before, during and after your training program.
(113) Causal reasoning plays an important role in situation assessment. Finding out the hidden patterns between situation hypothesis and events is the function needed in situation assessment.
(114) Conclusion Establishment of the quantification-base assessment system was profit to elevate the clinical student nurse work activity and the standard clinical student nurse management.
(115) The calculations of the release of airborne radioactive effluence to environment are bases of environmental impact assessment.
(116) What is your assessment of Parson's performance? Should he be promoted?
(117) This thesis gives a thorough discussion of the personality assessment in ancient China from four aspects.
(118) Conclusions: The revised C - PEP is applicable to the assessment of autism and related children illness.
(119) This thesis furthers the study of markedness theory in terms of pragmatics, and attempts to apply this theory to numerical translation assessment.
(120) Comprehensive assessment of the major end result of economic factors, namely, input and output (including the extension of equipment life) of a reasonable balance.
(121) The limit load of a defective cylinder is a very important input in a structural integrity assessment of a pressure vessel or pipe using R6 type procedure.
(122) Debris flow loss assessment is the synthetical calculation and statistics of the disaster loss and it is one of the most important contents of disaster assessment.
(123) The methodological system of "Three Three" mineral resource potential assessment in western China is also discussed in this paper.
(124) Do the hazard assessment about dangerous area and work in Rig Solutions NOV PRC.
(125) The surface quality of concrete and abutment is one of the important indexes in quality assessment.
(125) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(126) Simultaneously, the assessment is also carried out for the effects of earthquake dominant frequency ratio (EDFR) on the seismic control performance of the passive tuned mass damper (PTMD).
(127) Traditional assessment methods of poison gas leakage under earthquake and their shortcoming are briefly discussed.
(128) The task of personality assessment is, therefore, to measure these attributes.
(129) Finally, some practical analytical theory and numerical technique of reliability assessment and prediction of the fatigue life for deepwater risers are presented.
(130) An activity cost estimate is a quantitative assessment of the likely costs of the resources required to complete schedule activities.
(131) All applications are considered by the QEF Steering Committee ( QEFSC ) and its Assessment Subcommittee.
(132) The assessment on the work could both be quantized and qualitative.
(133) Research at PBS responds to stock assessment, aquaculture, marine environment and habitat science.
(134) The outfield experiment is one of the most effective measures in the efficiency assessment of ECM.
(135) Widely accepted by the world, RATER index is an assessment tool of customer service quality, which can also be used for the assessment and improvement of the local government service quality.
(136) The full opening of laboratory is the current trend of the reform in universities' experimental teaching, and also one of the requirements in education assessment.
(137) By taking the improved interceptive sample method and deciding whether stops sampling after 2000 times of sampling, this method is mainly used to solve complex power grid assessment problem.
(138) Tax assessment is a kind of work to improve the quality of tax levy.
(139) Consequently, the European Commission asked the CHMP to carry out a full assessment of the benefit-risk balance of piroxicam.
(140) System assessment, system optimizing designs and aliasing noise control all can be done based on information rate.
(141) Assessment and treatment of excessive barking in the domestic dog.
(142) ATFLIR also provides real - time damage assessment from longer range, increasing survivability.
(143) Options of real estate assessment for property tax purposes abound.
(144) The system is helpful to automatize and computerize the assessment and management of locomotive attendants.
(145) The assessment of risk level is based on clinical judgment after reviewing the risk and protective factors and conducting a direct inquiry of suicidal thoughts and actions.
(146) The assessment grade of eutrophication state of lake is given by calculation and comparison of the fuzzy degree values of these fuzzy sets.
(147) Natural scientists should aim at the key scientific problems and provide accurate assessment information.
(148) Special attention should be given to the rationalization of project assessment.
(149) Doppler echocardiogaphyhas emerged as the principal clinical tool for the assessment of left ventricular diastolic function.
(150) Personality Assessment Inventory and Rorschach Test are the common tools in the diagnosis of Schizophrenia.
(151) The statistical pattern recognition approach for on-line transient stability assessment of power system had met with many problems such as large off-line computation and recognition accuration, etc.
(152) According to the research project in my college writing class, my conclusion is that the total acquisition of (continuous) assessment is recommendable in ELT classroom.
(153) Accurate assessment of elderly patients with physical ability, is the appropriate treatment for their premise.
(154) The research method used for system assessment is quasi - experimental design. The experiment adopts nonequivalent - control group design.
(155) Objective To discuss the screenage assessment and clinical significance on acute pyogenic osteomyelitis.
(156) Evaluation for dyspareunia should include careful assessment of the genital tract and an attempt to reproduce symptoms during bimanual examination.
(157) The World Bank's damage assessment in Sri Lanka found about 90,000 homes fully or partially destroyed by last December's tsunami.
(158) Strictly implement laws and regulations like environmental assessment and three - simultaneity.
(159) We better get lucky'cause we just got a new assessment from civil defense.
(160) Objective To study the teratogenicity and subacute toxicity of chlorine dioxide for its safety assessment.




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