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单词 Autonomous
1, Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.
2, They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.
3, Teachers aim to help children become autonomous learners.
4, The country is divided into 17 autonomous regions.
5, Galicia is an autonomous region of Spain.
6, Higher education is relatively autonomous from the state.
7, Each of the U.S. states has an autonomous government.
8, He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about important issues.
9, The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence.
10, Traditional theories of autonomous man have exaggerated species differences.
11, Logically, an autonomous house can not use mains electricity.
12, It is an autonomous house, not the autonomous house.
13, All the changes are autonomous in the sense that they are not themselves caused by changes in income or interest rates.
14, Andorra is autonomous, with its external affairs managed by both France and Spain.
15, Gorbachev, Yanayev and the presidents of the autonomous republics were also members of the Federation Council.
16, As a result,[http:///autonomous.html] the scope of autonomous collective bargaining was restricted.
17, All the new autonomous communities established parliaments and a regulatory framework within four years of the promulgation of the new constitution.
18, You are also autonomous, like challenge, are confident, flexible and enjoy new experiences.
19, The temperature in the living room ofthe autonomous house was measured initially during the winter of1994-95.
20, In autonomous and auratic art, reception by contrast is individualized and the audience is typically immersed in the work itself.
21, The company's hotels are run as autonomous units, and their operations are only co-ordinated to a limited extent.
22, Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.
23, His philosophy is about becoming aware of oneself as an autonomous individual.
24, Bonny Hicks appeared to me to be the paradigmatic example of an autonomous, free-choosing individual who decided early on to construct a lifestyle congenial to her idiosyncratic sense of self-expression.
25, There is thus a connection between people's private fantasies and their status as autonomous individuals.
26, These powers will limit the extent to which men and women can be autonomous and equal in love-making.
27, Both peoples comprise regions with historical boundaries and both had memories, or at least folk memories, of autonomous institutions.
28, The joint venture will be equally owned by the two partners and will be managed by an autonomous management team.
29, No water Consumption figures could be found for the washing machine in the autonomous house.
30, Cyclical variations in consumption, investment and national income following an increase in autonomous investment - explosive case.
1, Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.
2, Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.
3, They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.
4, Each of the U.S. states has an autonomous government.
5, The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence.
31, In energy terms, the goal of the autonomous house is to eliminate fossil-fuel use and the associated carbon dioxide emissions.
32, It is only autonomous man who has reached a dead end.
33, However, even this view of relatively autonomous, locally based development shares some of the same themes as those identified above.
34, Distributor Miramax, which led the pack with 20 nominations, is an autonomous unit of the Walt Disney Co.
35, The clear implication of this is that a fully autonomous civilian economy may not exist.
36, Feelings are said to be part of the armamentarium of autonomous man, and some further comment is in order.
37, A library is an organization of recorded knowledge for the autonomous individual learner.
38, During the same period, Eastman Kodak reorganized into seventeen small, autonomous units.
39, The component systems of a complex system were loosely coupled, the component parts relatively autonomous.
40, But we have had to take advantage of a great deal of autonomous man.
41, For the rest of the time the parties are basically loose amalgamations of autonomous state parties.
42, And it makes obvious sense to say that autonomous institutions are not necessarily homes of academic freedom.
43, The councils, which are locally autonomous, act as courts for the whole area.
44, Each sub-committee is largely autonomous in its handling of a document which has been sifted to it.
45, A scientific conception seems demeaning because nothing is eventually left for which autonomous man can take credit.
46, Over time,[/autonomous.html] children who are not autonomous do not develop a healthy sense of self-esteem.
47, The key element in the Basque Country was its autonomous government.
48, Decentralization into autonomous units will surely be even more critical than it is now.
49, In respect to day-to-day operations, teams would be largely autonomous.
50, An autonomous system would need to be able to respond rapidly.
51, Skill learning falls into three phases: cognitive, fixation and autonomous.
52, Secondly, some forms of work design - autonomous group work in particular - appear to threaten traditional managerial decision-making prerogatives.
53, The analysis leaves less and less for autonomous man to do.
54, None of the current network models discussed in this book incorporates all of the properties needed true for autonomous learning.
55, They may not be rich, but they do lead dignified, autonomous lives off the rollercoaster of the commodity markets.
56, The state, for Fine and Harris, is more autonomous than in Soviet orthodoxy, although they remain instrumentalists.
57, You become, to that extent, a potentially more autonomous individual.
58, The Crimea had been an autonomous republic from 1921 to 1945.
59, Internal control is presumably exerted not only by but for autonomous man.
60, Groups demanding an autonomous Sikh state have already called for a boycott of the elections.
61, The cultural move from an autonomous and independent sculpture back to the public sphere inevitably raises the spectre of popular culture.
62, However, the autonomous house can not provide servicing without limits, a theoretical possibility in the conventional house.
63, Non-punitive contingencies generate the same behavior, but a person remains for autonomous man to do and receive credit for inner virtues.
64, The autonomous method permits the program to be written as separate modules, which both simplifies the program and allows parallel processing.
65, The content it attaches to physical reality makes the natural world autonomous; its quest is to determine what is.
66, In the autonomous house there is a porch over the front door, and the back door opens into the large conservatory.
67, The occupants of an autonomous house could not do this, because they would not have the resources to do so.
68, An autonomous land vehicle, for instance, would not be autonomous if it could only operate on paved roads.
69, Management action involved a package of changes, necessary to support a considerable increase in worker control through autonomous groups.
70, This leads to a more autonomous role for the Family Development Nurse and a greater input into decision and policy-making.
71, Alternatively the state may be relatively autonomous of the capitalist mode of production, which is appropriate for a functionalist approach.
72, The final figures for the calculated water consumption of the autonomous house are shown in Table 5.9.
73, There was no large, autonomous middle class apart from the state apparatus.
74, This implies that the government is operating in a world of autonomous, spontaneously self-creating, voluntary associations.
75, Such accounts dismiss any notion of reproduction and treat consumption as wholly, as opposed to relatively, autonomous.
76, Before investigating the design of the autonomous house it is worth asking why the authors elected to design a house.
77, Each autonomous republic is represented by eleven deputies in the Soviet of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet.
78, In the autonomous house,[http:///autonomous.html] the user can not pass the buck.
79, Tuva, under the Soviet system, was always an autonomous republic.
80, The autonomous learner lacking particular knowledge knows how to acquire that knowledge.
81, We were an autonomous unit, left well alone by the military hierarchy out there.
82, Hence Derrida's poststructuralism challenged the modernist and autonomous science of autonomous linguistic structures of Saussure and Barthes.
83, Similarly, a change in taxation and autonomous changes in consumption, savings and imports will also affect national income.
84, They had a little autonomous world at the bottom of the garden where, for a time, they could play.
85, The purpose is to realise a specific set of values, through an emergent creative and relatively autonomous process.
86, Their ideal was the totally autonomous modern artist unfettered by ancestors, tradition, or nature.
87, Note here that Weber's religious field was also only relatively autonomous.
88, The love between man and wife, therefore, apparently presupposes man and wife treating one another as equal, autonomous beings.
89, Equally, so-called autonomous bodies are subject to a high degree of central government control.
90, This is thought to help learners become adaptable and autonomous people, able to engage in good thinking in practical contexts.
91, Because churches are autonomous, the denomination has no authority to limit the pulpit or deacon boards to men, he said.
92, Perhaps it is time the autonomous practitioners themselves sought a solution to a widespread dissatisfaction with their service.
93, Modernism is seen not as autonomous, but as part of a wider culture.
94, Within this compulsory allocation, there is room for some autonomous decision-making by individual schools.
95, If they were not, they were inherited as autonomous units.
96, Political organization represents a more or less autonomous factor in the historical process.
97, The conjuncture of these two relatively autonomous processes, it was argued, has been central to the development of sports medicine.
98, Water control was administered by highly autonomous irrigation districts which were under the legal jurisdiction of the county courts.
99, For our present purpose, however, it is sufficient to note that he did not describe the physical world as autonomous.
100, The only proof provided for such inflammatory allegations is that anarchists are organising into small groups, and these groups are autonomous.
101, Not treating women as autonomous, in pornographic love-making, has the consequence of reinforcing women's subordination.
102, The readerly subjectivity condition marginally complicates the issue, but the autonomous nature of the situation remains.
103, Prior to the technical innovations by the Coal Board, miners had been used to working in small autonomous groups or teams.
104, The field of artistic production is, like other fields, relatively autonomous from the social field.
105, Thus, in the bowels of the flush toilet we see the archetype for all autonomous mechanical creatures.
106, Congress delegates from South Ossetia and from the autonomous republic of Abkhazia boycotted the voting.
106, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
107, It is the autonomous nature of sole trading which is an attractive feature of this form of business enterprise.
108, The capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is Hohhot.
109, The Autonomous Region shall establish Guangxi Financing Guarantee Fund.
110, The perceptive function is the foundation of virtual human behavior modeling in the research of the intelligent virtual human autonomous behavior model.
111, The customary law deeply influence as Xiangfen town of Rongshui Miao Autonomous county in GuangxiAutonomous region.
112, Including the internal gateway protocol (IGP), the boundary between autonomous domains gateway protocol (BGP) and the realization way for these technology's application in the network.
113, The mafic granulite xenolith was first reported to have occurred in Early Mesozoic diorite in Harkin region, Eastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China.
114, Asocial movement is autonomous insofar it can independently decide its strategy with little constraint from the allied party.
115, Currently to persist and improve the autonomous system for national areas has great meaning to fully build well-off society and create socialistic harmonious society.
116, Each node in the network is an autonomous computer running its own OS.
117, It is very difficult for autonomous system (AS) operators to detect prefix hijacks in time.
118, Most of our minority classmates come from the same autonomous prefecture.
119, At least, that's the thinking behind hospitals that are starting to use autonomous robots to transport goods throughout the building.
120, A radio-controlled plane becomes an autonomous drone when it is given an autopilot, which Mr. Anderson calls "giving the plane a brain."
121, In the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , people often use semi - finished sheepskin lining to make fur - lined robes.
122, The former soviet union is forme of several autonomous republic.
123, Each hierarchical layer has to settle down; lateral causes have to slosh around and come to rest; a million autonomous agents have to acquaint themselves.
124, The University of Konkuk, South Korea, created an autonomous flying drone out of remarkably few parts.
125, By comparing with the conventional system structure, we argue that the autonomous decentralized system structure is more ideal for urban rail transit automation system.
126, The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Agriculture Fourth Division. Yiling, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.
127, It is the harem mentality: Women once again are property, not autonomous adults.
128, Nursing helpmate robot is one kind of autonomous indoor robot, operating in the hospitals, which can be applied to promote hospital automation, protect the nurse from contamination.
129, While some characters will be wholly autonomous, most will be of a cyborgian nature.
130, She has brought back Zhuang brocade from the Guanxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
131, Thereby , the right of self - government of ethnic autonomous areas has been further guaranteed and substantiated.
132, In position of countrywide railroad network , the the Xizang Autonomous Region is a blank spot.
133, He said that today not only participates in the demonstration to have Shiah, but also has from the northern Kurds autonomous region Kurd and the sunni sect which comes from the Salahe tetracene .
134, Above method can be applied to both autonomous system and nonautonomous system.
135, Subcloning and comparative restriction enzyme analysis were carried out with the replication origin from tne integrated F' plasmid and that from the autonomous F plasmid.
136, Reliable localization based on sensors is one of the most fundamental and important tasks for autonomous robots.
137, " Tele-presence " robots are controlled remotely by an English teacher and are equipped with a microphone and video camera. Autonomous units use voice-recognition software to interact with children.
138, Suffering from a severe drought, Yunnan's Dai autonomous prefecture of Xishuangbanna will still hold the Dai people's New Year Water-Splashing Festival,[] Shanghai Morning Post reported.
139, The standard for medical subvention is to be set by people's government of province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.
140, At the same time, military technologists assert that tele-operated, semi-autonomous and autonomous robots are the best way to protect the lives of American troops.
141, And satellite technology has also improved: Autonomous computer systems as well as advanced, lightweight building materials have also made leaps and bounds.
142, According to the China National Space Administration (CNSA), Tiangong 1 is an 8.5-metric-ton "space laboratory module", capable of docking with manned and autonomous spacecraft.
143, An approach to autonomous systems classification using BGP routing table is proposed.
144, The paper gets the new condition of determining unique stability of nonlinear autonomous circuit by using the related method of matrix norm and characteristic number.
145, A new star identification algorithm is proposed based on starlike mappings pattern for the problem of secondary planet autonomous attitude determination.
146, Dr Arkin has started to survey policy makers, the public, researchers and military personnel to gauge their views on the use of lethal force by autonomous robots.
147, A signed labour contract must be submitted to the labour management department of the government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for approval.
148, It should not be a final goal to establish the financially autonomous WSC and WUAs, the core of management reform of an irrigation district is the allocation of the residual control rights.
149, In some cases of divorcement, independent and autonomous position for the minors have been overlooked in view of overemphasis on free choice of divorcement.
150, Objective: To investigate the current status of taeniasis and the pathogen of taeniasis in Binyang and Rongshui counties of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.
151, In actual morality construction, emphasizing heteronomous morality, autonomous morality, or morality of no - heteronomy - and - autonomy are all worth criticizing.
152, South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is to ban the presale of forward delivery houses in its capital city, Nanning.
153, The linearized oscillations of the nonlinear autonomous delay differential equation are studied.
154, Autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ) contains a load and a launcher.
155, The most imaginative autonomous Unmanned Undersea Vehicles known as MANTA are developed by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC).
156, Chifeng is a credit and safe region for China's 50 investment environment regions and the nearest region to the port accessing to the sea in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
157, Helbing even thinks the model could help autonomous robots of the future efficiently navigate to their destinations, perhaps to deliver supplies within a busy hospital.
158, Three active throttle modes also provide variety selection for autonomous control aerostatic bearing.
159, The NLRB is an autonomous body, but its board members are appointed by the president.
160, For example we're a fairly autonomous company without a lot of middle management, where people are expected to be completely self-driven.
161, To test their algorithms, the researchers ran 20 - and - seek experiments with two autonomous robots.
162, The forced vibration of pendulum is described by four-dimensional phase space and the fourth order autonomous ordinary differential equation.
163, The feeding habits of six dominant species of Catantopinae, Acridinae and Oedipodinae of Acrididae were studied in 1976 and 1979 in Barkol grassland, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
164, Based on camera calibration methods, the robot can realize autonomous localization only by single landmark.
165, "The Olmec sites have not been explored with the depth they deserve, " said Lynneth Lowe, an archaeologist at Mexico's National Autonomous University who participated in the dig.
166, On the basis of fieldwork in Shanjiaji, a Hui village in southern Ningxia Autonomous Region, this paper analyzes the bride price and marriage circle of the rural Huis.
166, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
167, Glandular saccus regions in proventriculus of 8 Bactrian camels from Nei Monggol Autonomous Region were studied on histology, histochemistry and electron microscopy.
168, Then a fusion estimation algorithm based on pseudo-omnidirectional vision for autonomous mobile robot self-motion is proposed.
169, Through a long long time, the mechanism have formed its own biological process of transformism, from artificial intelligence to autonomous mechanism.
170, Lata all border trade ports by the State General Administration of Customs and the approval of the Autonomous Region People's Government, in September 26, 1999 opening.
171, In the end, self-propelled vehicle system has good performance in the road detection results and algorithms efficiency, reaches the autonomous navigation experiment results.
172, Pulling away allows him to reestablish his personal boundaries and fulfill his need to feet autonomous.
173, This seems urgent, as artificial intelligence (AI) and computing power rapidly march forward to create autonomous robots, that is, machines capable of making decisions on their own.
174, In response to these requests above, scheme out the mechanical framework of autonomous robot lawn mower.
175, As a result of robot technology continuous development, application of autonomous moving robot technology in armored vehicles will be possible gradually.
176, Arsenal is located in Castilla - La Mancha autonomous Gordo outside the town, 175 km west of Madrid at.
177, MANET is a multi-hop temporary autonomous system of mobile nodes equipped with wireless transmitters and re ceivers without the aid of any current network infrastructure.
178, The mathematical model is the academic groundwork of autonomous navigation strategy design and relevant structure design of pipeline robot in T-joint.
179, Episome is an additional genetic element that can exist either as an autonomous entity or be inserted into the continuity of the chromosome of a host cell.
180, Barja, an Autonomous University of Madrid zoologist, inspected wolf scat in a mountainous region of Spain's northwest Iberian Peninsula.
181, The track following, a basic technology, is an important part of Autonomous Land Vehicle ( ALV ) .
182, Based ITS Intelligent Vehicle location and navigation system could be divided into three levels:autonomous navigation systems, communications systems and two-way one-way communication system.
183, The autonomous cycle length varies at different periods in the life span.
184, Under general conditions, a method for solving first integrals of the 3-rd order autonomous system is given based on the generators of two admitted single-parameter Lie groups.
185, For autonomous landing of lunar probe, to develop autonomous landing and hazard avoidance technology is very necessary and the key of this technology is hazard detection.
186, September 17,[http:///autonomous.html] reporter of the autonomous region and Urumqi City of the medical institutions were visited.
187, The partitioning of India created two separate and autonomous jute economies.
188, To solve localization problems of autonomous robots, self-localization methods based on Bayesian filter theory are investigated.
189, The Martlet, the official student paper of UVic, is funded Partially through student and fees and is produced by an autonomous collective of students and staff.
190, The idea of behavior based architecture is applied in autonomous robots more widely to make robots work in real world.
191, The technology of the autonomous decentralized system is summarized, and discussions on the technical maturity and characteristics are provided.
192, A routing protocol that allows VLSM gives the network administrator freedom to use different subnet masks for networks within a single autonomous system.
193, The tiny, autonomous principality of Andorra lies among its peaks.
194, This paper presents the result of a study of normal parameters of dermatoglyphics in Uygur Kazak and Kirgiz nationalities from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China.
195, Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture situates at the south - west of Sichuan province.
196, We also prove the autonomous system is a gradient system.




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