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单词 Nod
1. An nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse. 
2. A single nod implies an affirmation.
3. She could only nod, because her mouth was full.
4. He dismissed them with a curt nod.
5. His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.
6. With a nod of his head he indicated to me where I should sit.
7. The judge appeared to nod off yesterday while a witness was being cross-examined.
8. She noticed him merely with a nod.
9. He gave me an approving nod.
10. She gave a nod and said, "I see".
11. He replied with a nod.
12. He greeted me with a nod.
13. The assistant behind the counter gave a curt nod.
14. Mr.John passed me with a nod.
15. He gave Sabrina a quick nod of acknowledgement.
16. The chairman's proposals are usually passed on the nod.
17. The proposal should get the nod.
18. Taylor leapt up to nod the ball home.
19. Trees nod in the wind.
20. He signified his content with a nod.
21. Ashamed(), I could only nod.
22. He got the nod from the team manager .
23. Nicolo gave a little nod of his head.
24. We've been given the nod to expand the business.
25. The teacher gave the student a nod of approval.
26. The judges gave the nod to the winning challenger.
27. She gave me a nod as she passed.
28. The new proposal went through on the nod.
29. Leaves nod in the winds.
30. From time to time, she gave him an encouraging nod.
1. She could only nod, because her mouth was full.
2. He dismissed them with a curt nod.
3. His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.
4. The judge appeared to nod off yesterday while a witness was being cross-examined.
5. From time to time, she gave him an encouraging nod.
6. The judges gave the nod to the winning challenger.
7. Alexander signified his consent with a nod.
8. She answered with an almost imperceptible nod of the head.
9. At a nod from Lawton, he gently turned the handle.
10. He intimated his wishes with a slight nod of his head.
31. He answered with a nod.
32. Alexander signified his consent with a nod.
33. Don't let yon dog nod off.
34. She gave him a nod of approval.
35. She inspected my work and gave a satisfied nod.
36. Jamie's in the land of nod at last.
37. I hope he'll give the nod to the plan.
38. Mark approval with a nod.
39. A nod was her only answer.
40. With a curt nod, he turned away and sat down.
41. "I couldn't have done this alone", he said with a nod towards his wife.
42. The report gives a brief nod in the direction of green issues before coming down firmly on the side of the market.
42. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
43. With a nod of his head, the drummer cued the lead singer in.
44. She answered with an almost imperceptible nod of the head.
45. My teacher gave me a nod of reassurance and I began.
46. I showed the doorman my card and he gave a friendly nod .
47. Instead of stopping to speak, she passed by with only a distant nod.
48. At a nod from Lawton, he gently turned the handle.
49. Everything could be done by a nod and a wink.
50. The chairman's proposals are usually passed on the nod at the shareholders'meeting.
51. The woman greeted us with a nod of the head.
52. He gave a passing nod to the show that had launched his career.
53. The lullaby had the baby into the Land of Nod in half an hour.
54. When I nod my head, that's your cue to interrupt the meeting.
55. He's ready to play and just waiting to get the nod from the team coach.
56. The ambassador dismissed him with a curt nod of the head.
57. With a nod and a smile, she took leave of her friends.
58. We're waiting for the boss to give us the nod on this one.
59. Chen gave her a nod of recognition across the crowded room.
60. I often nod off for a little while after lunch.
61. He turned with a little nod and I watched him walk away.
62. He intimated his wishes with a slight nod of his head.
63. He acknowledged our presence with a nod of his head.
64. Among the audience, eyes glazed over and a few heads started to nod.
65. He thanks Paul with a curt nod.
66. The experts nod across the seminar table.
67. He gave a nod and checked her over.
68. It seemed an utterly uncharacteristic nod to clean living.
69. It had been a gesture, a nod towards civilizing him.
70. Thompson discounted the possibility that Dole would give him the nod.
71. They vary from a brief head nod or sagging of the body to a full-blown fall with injury.
72. A discreet nod indicated that he was ready to leave.
73. Fleet/Norstar got the nod over the larger Bank of Boston for two reasons.
74. The way to deal with him at such moments was to nod approvingly and pray such ideas would be forgotten.
75. On the sixth day, after a curt nod from the chef,[http:///nod.html] Mark realised he must be doing something half-right.
76. "That's my boss,'' he said, indicating with a nod of his head.
77. On occasion, she would meet Ted's eyes, and he would wink, and nod his head encouragingly.
78. The waiter, Helen thought, was only waiting for the nod and he would turn cartwheels.
79. Then, with a great effort, she managed to nod her head in vague agreement.
80. There was no farewell kiss, merely a nod of mutual understanding.
81. Credibility, as we now know, gets not the slightest nod from me, even in passing.
82. Of the 26 voters who participated last week, Skip Away received the nod from 15.
83. Sally Baker gave a complimentary nod as Tess reappeared from upstairs.
84. At a nod from Delaney, Forster gently turned the handle.
85. Mould, though, goes out with a sly nod towards the future.
86. Most heads nod in assent; one or two want to keep on with their writing.
87. Just a few words, but there was a nod of understanding, the briefest pause, before the two men stood.
88. He looked at me as though he had seen me somewhere before, but I passed by with a curt nod.
89. A younger woman with outsize spectacles behind them periodically gave a slight nod of her head.
90. Stephen gave an absent-minded nod and hurried off to solve the next problem.
91. We have often found people will nod and agree to the principles but never put them into practice.
92. It was called the Mills Commission, a nod to the chairman, Col.
93. Three blocks south of there, I gave my own night doorman a nod and got a nod in return.
94. At times his head would nod sleepily at formal dinners, and he lost the thread of conversations.
95. Everything seemed so strange and silvery in the starlight and every so often my head would nod and I'd stumble and start.
96. I watch them nod their heads, bow, kiss the hands of the women, and I feel like laughing.
97. He gave a barely perceptible nod as if he had read her mind and applauded her attitude.
98. By contrast, Juppe gets a friendly nod from less than 30 percent of his compatriots.
99. Daniels gave a slight nod, and Bill started to speak.
100. It has good beaches, dramatic scenery and has even been given the royal nod.
101. Very friendly, all things considered: the old folks nod and smile; the children giggle at our white foreign faces.
102. Eventually[Sentencedict], Mellor gave a nod towards the good work done by the Press Fund - then made his excuses and left.
103. Even the lady who stood on the corner handing out white feathers gave him an approving nod.
104. They parted at the front entrance, Silas favouring her with a brief nod before striding away.
105. Then he gave a nod that included all the young ladies before he turned away.
106. The boy took this in with a rather philosophical nod of his head after a moment.
107. This time, deserving talent got the nod in many instances.
108. I 'd like to think Beardsley and Wright will get the nod and Graham doesn't get it wrong again.
109. Julio Lugo gets the nod at shortstop from the start, assuming he is recovered from a mild shoulder separation.
110. Fowler and Saunders on Spantik, and even a passing nod to Moffat and Edlinger.
111. Then the silent man simply walked out of the room, with a nod and a smile.
112. They barely gave me a nod when I poked my head up over the side of the truck.
113. If he does not make it, then utility back Anthony Stewart will get the nod.
114. With a curt nod he beckoned the waiter, settled the bill, ushered her out into the silky darkness.
115. Her nod was indiscernible, with no appeal as to what and whom Ezra wanted to talk about.
116. Jurnet acknowledged the newcomer's presence with a small nod, nothing too encouraging.
117. The Customs officer, policeman, and magistrate began to nod, at first uncertain, reluctant, then with growing accord.
118. Give what I hope is curt nod, though double chins seem to go on flapping for ever.
119. The homiletic nod toward the interconnection of general education and research is commonplace.
120. He gave a quick, curt nod to the soldiers on duty and turned on to the Al Ain road.
121. He looked at Lee from an angle, cool and fixed, with a slow nod of the head to measure remarks.
122. He smiled at them and gave a small nod of acknowledgement.
123. Once the hostess appeared to ask if we were enjoying our meals, and I managed to give her a silent nod.
124. Everyone from Living Color to Biohazard owes a nod to the Brains.
125. Then he gave a little nod, an apology for interrupting, and leaned the bike against the back porch.
126. She dips a nod at me as she goes past.
127. Laing built the original centre 10 years ago and is odds-on to carry out the work if the scheme gets the nod.
128. Lorton, who had been watching anxiously, gave him a nod of approval.
129. The Bloc Quebecois got the nod as official opposition with 54 seats, and Reform followed closely with 52.
130. Wright knocked the free kick head high across goal and Wilkinson escaped his marker to nod home at the far post.
131. The straining bearers like a string quartet, taking the burden up in unison, at a nod from their leader?
132. He gave a terse nod and switched on the ignition.
133. In 63 minutes Burrows floated over a free and Hunter was there to nod the ball home at the near post.
134. I asked if he was hungry,[Sentence dictionary] and he responded with a nod.
135. When the kitchen had been restored to its former tidiness, he gave her a curt nod, and walked out.
136. They were real experiments, too, with more than a nod to scientific controls.
137. Feel the tears, nod, my ironed clothes crumple to rags.
138. High-energy physics is favoured, with a special nod to Stanford University.
139. But now I knew that I was worthy of a nod from the back of a hog.
140. A need to nod and wink to the audience; to fill in the gaps often elsewhere concealed by a proscenium arch.
141. Our nod went to the mushroom version, a perfect complement to the rolls.
142. Of course, the exhibition does rather more than nod to the past.
143. The nearest guard glanced at it, then ushered him through with a curt nod of his head.
144. With visions of organ-pipe fruit dancing in our heads, we nod off with giant Kino Peak looming nearby.
145. She never spoke to anyone but would nod at Toussaint, who brought her shares of their meager food.
146. So warm were the tributes that the Chancellor finally started to smile and nod his thanks.
147. Ira Sanchez offered a bet and the bookie took it on the nod.
148. Darkness threw a cloak over my strangeness, so that people let me pass with a nod or a softly called greeting.
149. Her hands brushed the keys, her head began to nod, then her body to tremble.
150. We see each other in public places and we give each other the nod.
151. There is no doubt that this could be done by a nod.
152. At a nod from the chaprassi, he hurried away into the corridors within.
153. Become an operation whether let scar decrescent nod?
154. Press mouse right key to nod Zun Jian, current page will be regressive one pace.
155. The little boy went off to the land of Nod.
156. In the Beethoven concerto Gould played his own cadenza - with a noticeable nod to Max Reger...
157. " His name is a corruption of "lobotomy, " a nod to a last minute change to the character.
158. We should give the reply with a nod or short word about our questions.
159. "Children in Somalia may not even be getting diagnosed with autism due to the overall lack of awareness of the disorder, " Berkowitz says, in a nod to the fact that there is no Somalian word for it.
160. The book was so boring that it had Mary the land of Nod in twenty minutes.
161. Hand wrench wrench gusset, I nod, Air Jordan VII, but cannot help but to henceforth see time and time afresh, that ravishing dashing blue dress man, while, just tin arise another?
162. The board of directors approved the proposal on the nod.
163. Seib Nod was a lifelong member of the Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance on the planet Lorrd but grew bored with their cloistered lifestyle.
164. Then with a nod to his accompanist, Julian began to play a complex opus by the English composer Sir Edward Elgar.
165. It looks like modern art, with a nod to Malevich's Black Square, the black paintings of Ad Reinhardt, and the late, suicidal works of Mark Rothko.
166. Be familiar with book first only, sum up the intellectual dot inside through making note, what do not break is Baconian give core knowledge to nod, ability learns effectively.
167. One stone arouses 1000 billow, the tentative idea causes a mighty uproar very quickly in the whole nation, nod eulogist has, shake one's head the person that oppugn has.
168. He occasionally give a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion.
169. The guy shot up and spent the rest of the day on the nod.
170. Review the words: shoes, pants, shirt, gloves, hat, pumpkin head, clomp, wiggle, shake, clap, nod, boo .
171. When the digital speedometer in the car hits 231 km/h, the Japanese businessmen sitting across from me look up from their laptops and nod in approval.
172. The aim of this thesis is to present a new strategy of fitting offset to adjust time in order to achieve the effective synchronization between slave nod and reference node.
173. "Nod gives them from time to time, " Cilia said. "It usually has to do with some new alert about the Annihilator that requires stricter security measures. Now we know what a fake that is.
174. Although the system restores to nod a likelihood invalidation, but the most appropriate method that this is eradicative infection file probably.
175. After the address, he headed to the outskirts of the city to see the pyramids - a nod to the Egyptian capital's long history at the heart of the Arab world.
176. The wood grain on the steering wheel and dash blend in almost imperceptibly with the seat leather, a nod to the Chinese, who are used to monotone color schemes.
177. And when I learned that GDI and NOD weren't actually in this game, it was discussed that it would be allies and soviets, with a "what if" fun campy scenario.
178. "That government governs best that governs least", Americans will nod sagely to each other, or, similarly, "Keep the government's nose out of my business".
179. Nonobese diabetic(NOD) mice spontaneously develop type-1 diabetes and are considered to be one of the best animal models for human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
180. Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who unveiled both products, made a nod to the iPhone flub at Wednesday's event.
181. I nod mole to have half month, had been cangue dropped red now redly hole does?
182. The Smithsonian American Art Museum is now hosting the first major Rockman retrospective, entitled -- with a nod to Rachel Carson's Silent Spring -- "Alexis Rockman: A Fable Tomorrow".
183. The body of gastric ulcer is asked for in alleviate period much not apparent, if fit period does not have complication, can ache at epigastrium the area has tenderness to nod only, general lighter.
184. In order to improve the tissue culture technology of Siraitia grosvenorii (Swingle), stem cutting with single nod was used as explants , MS as basal medium and supplied with LFS or CPPU respectively.
185. The only debt their designs owe to the city's past are the bright pops of jewel tones as accents throughout the hotel, a nod to the famous Faberge Eggs produced in the city.
186. I appreciate your nod to one of my favorite Monist. Happy Holidays to all.
187. On this Tuesday, she manages to nod to her colleagues, scoop a slice of pizza onto a paper plate, grab a diet soda, and take a seat just as Mary, the CIO, stands up and hits "Enter" on her ThinkPad.
188. He could nod his head up and down, and he insisted that only he had the right to make decisions about the Shepherdess.
189. Cain then leaves the LORD and settles in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
190. Compared with that of respective control groups, the released content of NO from macrophages, neuroglial cell of the NGF groups was decreased in the normal mice and the NOD mice.
191. Try "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly," which earned Julian Schnabel a best director nod, or documentary nominee "SiCKO" from director Michael Moore.
192. The Ukrainian's nod down to Ballack was slightly behind and gave its target plenty still to do but, athletically and with his left-foot ,[http:///nod.html] he hooked the ball in.
193. The rhizobia can secrete a chitinous polysaccharide so-called Nod factors, which is the key signal of perception each other during the symbiotic interaction.
194. The roundel was a nod to Karl Rapp's original company.
195. How can you make the fabaceous beans on the face little piece nod?
196. His first love in music was West Coast hip-hop, but his musical progression since has been towards lo-fi electronica, with a nod to vintage jazz, soul, and funk.
197. Individual phenotypic cancer cell subsets were purified, and their tumor-initiating properties were investigated by injection in NOD/SCID mice.




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