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单词 Come up with
1. I had to run to come up with her.
2. We must come up with a solution that our shareholders will find acceptable.
3. Never expect him to come up with a brilliant idea.
4. No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.
5. We're having a meeting to try to come up with ideas for fund-raising.
6. See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you're on call.
7. Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.
8. He couldn't come up with an answer.
9. How soon can you come up with the money?
10. How am I supposed to come up with $10,000?
11. I realise that he hasn't come up with any new ideas, but by the same token we haven't needed any.
12. More often than not, a student will come up with the right answer.
13. We shall have to work hard to come up with the other firm.
14. Engineers are still trying to come up with a commercially viable replacement for internal - combustion engines.
15. Is that the best excuse you can come up with?
16. He couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.
17. No one has yet come up with a successful peace formula.
18. We racked our brains but we couldn't come up with a solution.
19. I can't come up with £10 000 out of thin air - it'll take a while to find that kind of money.
20. The minister criticised the police for failing to come up with any leads.
21. She believed she had come up with one of the greatest innovations of modern times.
22. We weren't able to come up with any new suggestions.
23. She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. We've discussed this problem intermittently, but so far we've failed to come up with a solution.
25. We wanted to buy the house but we couldn't come up with the cash.
26. Scientists in different countries, working independently of each other, have come up with very similar results.
27. What they promise sounds impressive enough - let's see if they come up with the goods.
28. It's surely not beyond the wit of man to come up with a solution.
29. If you want to buy my car, you must come up with the money.
30. With all the wonders of modern technology, why has no one come up with a way to make aircraft quieter?
1. We must come up with a solution that our shareholders will find acceptable.
2. Never expect him to come up with a brilliant idea.
3. No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.
4. We're having a meeting to try to come up with ideas for fund-raising.
5. See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you're on call.
6. Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.
7. Engineers are still trying to come up with a commercially viable replacement for internal - combustion engines.
8. The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE.
9. Another team of scientists has come up with conflicting evidence.
31. I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each album. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.
32. I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.
33. She's come up with a hare-brained scheme for getting her novel published.
34. The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE.
35. I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.
36. Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.
37. He's come up with a really good design for a solar-powered car.
38. If Warren can come up with the $15 million, we'll go to London.
39. What's our fallback if they don't come up with the money?
40. Another team of scientists has come up with conflicting evidence.
41. We've been asked to come up with some new ideas.
42. Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with.
43. We have tried to come up with a fresh new approach.
44. I would come up with any possible imaginable consequence.
45. Innovative companies generously reward people who come up with bright ideas.
46. On the other, he has to come up with things to say to the hungry hordes outside the 49ers locker room.
47. Only if somebody can come up with a way to turn back the clock.
48. Objective probability applies to those events which have been tested previously and found to come up with consistent results.
49. Forensic scientists have scoured the scene but have not come up with any conclusive evidence.
50. Unions were bargaining for dental insurance, as if scraping the barrel to come up with new benefits.
51. Instead the 20 District Health authorities involved were asked to come up with a £9,000 each by tomorrow afternoon.
52. It may help them come up with new drinks on Earth.
53. He racked his brains, but did not come up with a solution.
54. Needlers has come up with a good compromise with the introduction of its New Energy Bar.
55. Nabers asks the seniors to come up with a cheer to break the huddle.
56. Can you give me one more day to come up with something?
57. The Wurzel is the most sophisticated and its inventor has studied heron behaviour and come up with a radical audible warn-off.
58. I pretended to read the note a moment longer, giving myself a chance to come up with something.
59. Such researchers often come up with very different conclusions from those of the new prevention thinkers.
60. Cusack has an idea that perhaps we can come up with an additional line to cement the scene.
61. The banks have conducted two internal audits and come up with about $ 30 million in dormant accounts.
62. And young activists can win the princely sum of £100 if they come up with the winning slogan.
63. For some days he had been mulling this over, trying to come up with something more interesting than Wyvis Hall.
64. Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even. Muhammad Ali 
65. If we come up with a different game each time we do drama, what are we teaching the children?
66. Grayling reckons that he has about another two years of research to do before he can come up with a conclusive report.
67. Boeing left the wisdom of that to the airline officials and challenged the team to come up with an even sturdier model.
68. I proceeded to come up with an affirmative action plan for the company that would work.
69. However, by handling the machine with some software, Comet Data could have come up with a real bargain.
70. They're holding a competition to come up with a name for the new bridge.
71. Tony used to come up with some quite amazing ideas and we'd try and put them into practice.
72. You've made a lot of accusations but you haven't come up with any evidence to support them.
73. BAeSEMA has been contracted by the navy to come up with a new design for bridges incorporating the latest in ergonomic practice.
74. Read in studio A firm has come up with a new high-tech way to beat credit card fraud.
75. Apparently nobody at Tucson Water could come up with the names.
76. The London based group Centrepoint has come up with a plan to bring together the people needed to get more homes.
77. It's very easy to be an armchair critic but much harder to come up with solutions that will work.
78. Nearly every economic summit since the first one in 1975 has come up with a catch phrase.
79. They would argue strenuously in their group and then the team captain would report what the group had come up with.
80. We explored every possible avenue, but still couldn't come up with a solution.
81. But he can never come up with a satisfactory answer.
82. Congress could not come up with an agreement on a spending plan for next year.
83. The two groups announced last August they had come up with dense wavelength division multiplexing prototype chips.
84. And come up with an elegant(), really beautiful solution that works.
85. The board must come up with a plan to put the city back on its financial feet.
86. And he continued his signature practice of appointing teams to come up with recommendations that he could act on quickly.
87. Analysts think Boeing will most likely start afresh and come up with a real rival early in 2002.
88. Stone decided to hold a contest to see who could come up with a motto that would best capture that value.
89. Or as a desperate bid to get Aviemore to come up with the money?
90. He had come up with one idea, though, which had turned out to be a blinder at Christmastime.
91. Occasionally we have come up with some moneymaking ideas.
92. A birdseed store might come up with a list that includes consumers who shop at outdoor equipment outfitters or are affiliated with local conservation groups.
93. He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.
94. We have five minutes to come up with a last name.
95. In view of this population boom in large cities, people have come up with two countermeasures: dispersal of city population and development of an underground city.
96. Some come up with a kind of so-called mixed civil procedural model, that is to focus mainly on the party doctrine litigant mode while to take the authority doctrine litigant mode as supplement.
97. The company has come up with a new acousto - optical device.
98. In effect, you trim down your Master Resume in order to come up with a more focused one.
99. Perhaps, at some future date, We can come up with suggestions that will fit your needs.
100. Since then, other researchers have come up with other quotidian examples of horizons.
101. The answer NASA has come up with is something it calls its Centennial Challenges.
102. South Africa's Working for Water program has come up with a solution to the spiraling funeral costs - use wood from invasive trees to produce coffins.
103. Several fans have tried to come up with alternative locations which fit the bill.
104. For example, take the number of euros or dollars needed to buy the same item -- an iPod, in one oft-used example -- and come up with an effective exchange rate for those currencies.
105. We'd probably come up with better ideas if we join forces.
106. I don't know how many women the writer interviewed to come up with this little factoid, but I have never heard of a single woman who said they were attracted first to a guy's abs.
107. In addition to using effective language constructs, it's important to come up with a problem statement that truly excites you so you're in the best frame of mind for creatively tackling the problem.
108. However, the tests such tools come up with tend to be fairly trivial and basic stuff, like whether a method can handle being passed a null argument.
109. I know the nature of the data that you are looking for, and will try to come up with something that may address part of the issue, if not all of it.
110. Now a group at the University of Washington, in Seattle, has come up with a concoction based on artists' ceramic powder blended with sugar and maltodextrin.
111. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, just 18, could come up with nothing at first.
112. A company in the United States has come up with the first chewable birth control tablet.
113. Or I'll come up with some incredible insight about the person that hadn't come out in your previous line of questioning.
114. Dr. Nicu Sebe, a professor at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, used emotion-recognition software to come up with the exact breakdown of Mona Lisa's emotional state.
115. If we decide to come up with a machine-readable description, how might it look like?
116. Since then, other researchers have come up with other quotidian examples of event horizons.
117. Now, after studying thousands of corporate earnings calls, two researchers from Stanford University think they've come up with a way to tell when senior executives are fibbing.
118. The company will come up with a new technique for waterproofing walls.
119. OLD tyres are notoriously difficult to recycle, and often end up in landfills, but researchers at the Tubitak Marmara Research Centre in Gebze, Turkey, have come up with a novel way to deal with them.
120. Last week, Mr Lee even called for "a new international organisation to regulate events and come up with responses," without specifying what shape it might take.
121. More so than any other personality type , INTJs are brilliant when it comes tog rasping complex theories and applying them to problems to come up with long-term strategies.
122. Let's fingerprint the canoe, see if we come up with anything.
123. To mark this anniversary, we've come up with an article that takes you through the evolution of Photoshop from its modest beginnings as a bundled program sold with scanners to its current version.
124. Their planners come up with product ideas but farm out most engineering jobs.
125. Well, that's about all of the sagely advice this old grey head can come up with.
126. Play around with the ATR Ratchet and see what creative ideas you can come up with.
127. Darling, Sants, Gieve and Diamond all remained confident that Paulson would come up with the financial guarantee that was being demanded by the FSA, the body responsible for regulating Barclays.
128. Hopefully we'll come up with the best strategy to advertise it.
129. The other guy couldn't come up with the security deposit.
130. Crispin's brief is to come up with an answer to Apple's campaign that does not feel reactive, and somehow makes Microsoft look cool.
131. The answer that she and her colleagues at Britain's Forensic Pathology Unit have now come up with is "Yes".
132. Show them solutions you've come up with and ask a critique.
133. They come up with a way to use the metric system of measurement things.
134. Hold your maximum position for 15 to 30 seconds, then come up with an inhalation by pressing actively through the back heel and dragging the coccyx first down and then into the pelvis.
135. This is useful in role-playing games or other situations where we need to come up with a pseudo-random set of circumstances that can be used for role-play, improvisation, writing, etc.
136. I do it! I have come up with a new hair tonic!
137. DavidBismark, a voting system designer, has come up with a simple method that makeselections transparent and verifiable.
138. And you really had to chant all that time to come up with that?
139. If not, reject it and come up with an attainable goal.
140. An Italian company, Kitegen, has come up with a theoretical design for a system that could generate a gigawatt, as much power as a standard coal-fired power station.
141. To get a good job chase down every lead you can come up with.
142. The big brains at Infochimps have come up with an innovative way to find, share and sell formatted data.
143. It didn't take racetrack owners long, though , to come up with an alternative: camel racing.
143. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
144. Guys, they come up with lame pick - up lines. Desperate to just get laid.
145. Howard Wilkinson has come up with an absolute corker of an idea.
146. I didn't buy the condo, but I did come up with a better plan.
147. Agni: How do I know? We need to come up with something!
148. We need to come up with new ideas so let's brainstorm first.
149. He had access to an Arab prince to come up with the big bucks.
150. We need somebody to create a new software program . Can Bob come up with the goods?
151. They've investigated the wrongful death but had not come up with any suspects.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:33:16