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单词 thereupon
释义  there·up·on /ˌðeərəˈpɒn, ˈðeərəpɒn $ ˌðerəˈpɒːn, -ˈpɑːn, ˈðerə-/ adverb formal  1  THENimmediately after something else has happened, and usually as a result of it 随即,立即 SYN then Thereupon the whole audience began cheering. 于是,全体观众开始欢呼。2  SCLrelating to a subject that has just been mentioned 就此 I read your article, and wish to comment thereupon. 我读了你的文章,并且想就此作出评论。Examples from the Corpusthereupon• He handed over his delivery order to an official who thereupon gave instructions for loading to commence.• He thereupon immediately wrote to Kingsway Motors informing them of the situation and claiming the return of his purchase price.• The landlords thereupon ordered their sharecroppers to plant no indigo and, simultaneously, increased the rent.• To their amazement, natives thereupon pronounced themselves healed.• Brian Faulkner thereupon resigned as leader of the Unionist party and this was followed by further resignations.• The wealthy Bombay and Ahmedabad magnates thereupon withdrew their financial support of the ashram.there·up·on adverbChineseSyllable  as usually a has immediately happened, something after Corpus else and




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