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单词 Consist in
1. A home does not consist in the quality of its architecture and decoration.
2. True education does not consist in simply being taught facts.
3. Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.
4. Love doesn't consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.
5. consist in sth to have sth as the main or only part or feature: The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.
6. Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.
7. Virtue does not consist in abstaining from vice but in not desiring it.
8. It may consist in a rejection of the specific schemes or lines of evolution propounded by nineteenth-century authors.
9. True education does not consist in being taught just anything, any more than true religion consists in believing just anything.
10. The augur's skill didn't consist in luck with the omens, but in reading them right.
11. Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them. Aristotle 
12. The charity doesn't consist in almsgiving.
13. True charity does not consist in almsgiving.
14. ultra-violet recorders consist in principle of geophones.
15. Practical politics consist in ignore fact.
16. True charity doesn't consist in almsgiving.
17. Ultra - violet recorders consist in principle of geophones.
18. The dioscin and diosgenin consist in the tubers of Dioscorea zingiberensis, and are important raw material of making steroidal medicine.
19. The content and requirement of authority of law consist in paramountcy, supreme sacredness, utmost valuableness and complete faith.
20. Absolute majority oocytes consist in mammalian ovary in preantral follicles , antral follicles a small portion.
21. These charming members consist in a very charmful Fantail family.
22. The lithologic traps consist in unconformable stratigraphic trap and lithologic pinchout trap.
23. Learning doesn't consist in an unthinking head. The learner has to question himself and question the teacher.
24. The first thing to realize is that it must consist in categorical imperatives, which are to be distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
25. From these observations, Hofmann and I proposed that plumes consist in part of deeply subducted oceanic crust and sediment.
26. However, the current problems of China"s curriculum and culture consist in the fact that curriculum is away from life culture, lack of constructiveness and lack of convection with culture."
27. Scientific studies find that the four kinds of daintiness that human can perceive respectively consist in four representative foods: kelp, mushroom, bonito fish, and chicken soup.
28. National Life Line, with, human Life Line, not same alike, consist in.
29. Benzimidazole and their derivatives are important material and intermediate product, it is a important structure cell which consist in many medicines.
30. In this paper, authors evaluate the coal washability using the petrological method of clean coal yeild and coal density consist in Wuda coalfield.
1. A home does not consist in the quality of its architecture and decoration.
2. True education does not consist in simply being taught facts.
3. consist in sth to have sth as the main or only part or feature: The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.
4. Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.
31. Red marabou flower can absorb the ammonia in xylene, toluene and consist in chemical fibber, paint.
32. Network finance is foundation and basilica consist in g part.
33. Melanin cell is even the base cell layer of skin of ground consist in, form a cell to cuticular cutin through releasing melanin, decide everybody the depth of color of skin.
34. Iodic much consist in is marine in using a plant, wait to contain rich iodine like shrimp of sea fish, sea, jellyfish, kelp, laver.
35. As for as the corporations in our country are concerned, the respect of persisting in being, based on human should consist in advancing employees' welfare and ensuring their security.
35. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
36. But barmy carbohydrate appears in starch and candy, include those consist in food to counteract the starch in be being added into treatment food and candy.
37. This kind of consist in the world in people imagination, the people of your reality world does it infatuate, draw out big money for this.
38. The reasons consist in the flaws and shortcomings of visitation right system itself.
39. The project consist in the installation of oil-heating boiler and a chip drier both fueled with residues.
40. The project consist in the installation of oil - heating boiler and chip drier both fueled with residues.
41. It is clear, however, that mysticism is not the same as magic, clairvoyance, parapsychology, or occultism, nor does it consist in a preoccupation with sensory images, visions, or special revelations.
42. The source that city development be out of balance, consist in primarily place the competition compete with place excessively.




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