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单词 Tuna
1, He made two rounds of tuna sandwiches.
2, Tuna can be grilled, fried or barbecued.
3, You'll need a can of tuna for this recipe.
4, She began opening a tin of tuna.
5, You can have ham, cheese or tuna.
6, The company exports tuna to the US.
7, Unlicensed fishermen have plundered tuna stocks.
8, Could I have tuna instead of ham?
9, Flake the tuna and add to the sauce.
10, I don't like eating tins of tuna fish.
11, The store was completely sold out of tuna fish.
12, Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare,() like beef.
13, The dolphin population has been decimated by tuna fishing.
14, They're fishing for tuna.
15, "I'll take the grilled tuna," Mary Ann told the waiter.
16, Grilled tuna steaks are red meat from the sea.
17, I only buy dolphin-safe tuna.
18, Choose water-packed canned tuna over the oil-based variety.
19, We were served a lukewarm glop of tuna casserole.
20, The tuna is packed in oil.
21, Tuna can be successfully caught without killing any dolphins.
22, With some tuna mousse,[http:///tuna.html] if you're really feeling peckish.
23, This writer, also a tuna fan, opts for the ahi Napoleon with pickled ginger and sesame soy drizzle.
24, Leftovers make a good substitute for canned tuna in salads or sandwiches.
25, Look for fresh sardines, tuna steaks and king prawns, or use some more exotic varieties such as parrot fish or snappers.
26, Add the flaked tuna to the sauce and warm through.
27, Dolphins often get tangled in the nets that are used to catch tuna fish.
28, Fill the shells with the shredded lettuce, bean mix and tuna.
29, Each of them has the power to decide immediately to stop purchasing tuna caught by fishing on dolphins.
30, Remove from heat and let rest in pan until the tuna steaks have been grilled.
1, He made two rounds of tuna sandwiches.
2, Tuna can be grilled, fried or barbecued.
3, You'll need a can of tuna for this recipe.
4, Dolphins often get tangled in the nets that are used to catch tuna fish.
5, I don't like eating tins of tuna fish.
31, Sprinkle over the remaining tuna flakes, criss-cross the anchovy fillets on top and garnish the platter with the olives and tomatoes.
32, Greater Tuna, a comedy that continues through June 1, is set in the third-smallest town in Texas.
33, Without their work, we might not be able to explain crucial issues like tuna.
34, Just tear open and eat-no need to find a can opener or drain the tuna.
35, The boy handed him a limp paper bag that smelled of tuna fish.
36, Sprat sandals, tuna trainers, cod court shoes pilchard pumps or perhaps even bream brogues.
37, Also try their tuna and sweetcorn quiche made with shortcrust pastry at £1.39.
38, Grill the tuna steaks for 3 to 5 minutes per side, depending on thickness.
39, A General Electric toaster oven, distinguished by four years of melted cheese dripped from countless tuna melts and toasted-cheese sandwiches.
40, The ban was imposed on the grounds that dolphins were being killed by the tuna fleet.
41, Elevate the plate above boiling water, say on an empty tuna can with both top and bottom removed.
42, Tuna, salmon, and sardines are the most frequently purchased kinds of canned fish.
43, Here, perhaps, green consumerism can try to get us to eat tuna that has been caught in a wildlife-friendly way!
44, Nothing wrong with that, except that on the end was speared a tuna fish sandwich.
45, You know it's not good for you and you know you should really have some seared tuna in balsamic vinegar instead.
46, It is now looking to use the pouch for different products, including prepared tuna salad.
47, The situation with non-US tuna vessels is far worse, as most of them are operating free of any regulations whatsoever.
48, We have meals of tuna fish, instant noodle soup, baked beans.
49, Look in a dolphin's shopping trolley: if the tuna is not friendly, send it on a personal skills course.
50, A thirty-pound tuna swam past, heading for the open sea.
50, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
51, And, to follow, a little lobster? With some tuna mousse, if you're really feeling peckish.
52, VidaMed, based in Menlo Park, California, is marketing the Tuna system in more than 20 countries.
53, In tins: tomatoes, tuna, apricots, mixed beans, plus sultanas, and a selection of rice and pasta.
54, She held the open tin under my nose: tuna - oh boy.
55, A mild whitefish fillet can be substituted for the tuna pictured here.
56, These custom-built vessels have been designed to catch only tuna - in huge quantities.
57, A portion of tuna packed in water contains 1.2 grams of fat.
58, Many dolphins are accidentally captured in the nets of tuna fishermen.
59, Anyway, the scientists found that the mice were suckers for poisoned tuna.
60, Add tuna patties and cook, turning once, about 6 minutes per side or until lightly browned.
61, Try tuna, sardines or anchovies, or chopped spinach with plenty of garlic and black pepper.
62, These companies fish for tuna using methods that do not harm dolphins.
63, Instead ask for cottage cheese and prawns, tuna and sweetcorn, or yoghurt with chopped chives.
64, Drain the tuna and place in the bottom of an ovenproof dish.
65, For example, the redder fishes like salmon, tuna, sardines, and kippers are good sources of polyunsaturated fat.
66, Sorry, we're fresh out of swordfish - perhaps you'd like to try the tuna?
67, The tuna fish swim beneath schools of dolphins, fishermen do not discriminate and scoop up the whole lot in their nets.
68, When cool, add the tuna, sweetcorn and parsley and season to taste.
69, Examples of foods that contain beneficial fats are oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel.
70, We started this chapter by describing microeconomics as tile complex study of mundane questions like whether to buy another can of tuna.
71, Jack launched his accounting career at a tuna packing company, then went to work for General Dynamics.
72, The exceptions are baked beans, tuna fish and, particularly, sardines which are so good for you.
73, These nations were incensed at the arrogant attitudes of unlicensed purse-seiners which plundered the tuna stocks within their 200-mile zones.
74, Proceeds go to the environmental group in the fight to save creatures killed in their thousands in nets set to catch tuna.
75, Areas where dolphins are killed by purse-seine fishing for tuna.
76, We put a buoy on her; a tuna buoy, a twelve-footer.
77, In the water; the boats rocked at their moorings, their tuna towers swaying.
78, I ate some fruit, followed by a tuna sandwich made with solid wholemeal bread and headed for Toby's house.
79, A school of small tuna, about eighteen inches to a foot long, came jumping and skipping out of the water.
80, These importers have have agreed to finance and police an inspectorate to ensure that they are not unwittingly buying drift-net tuna.
80, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
81, There are lots of other restaurants to choose from offering grilled prawns and snapper, tuna and lobster.
82, It was noodles flavoured with flakes of dried tuna from Miyako.
83, StarKist had a sharp spike in its sales after it launched Tuna in a Pouch.
84, When cool, add the tuna, sweetcorn and parsley and season to taste. Mix well again.
85, Drift-net vessels, like the tuna boats fishing on dolphins, have long been stubbornly refusing to take observers on board.
86, The biggest are more than 1000 gross tonnes and can carry more than 1200 tonnes of tuna.
87, Other appetizers include a tuna carpaccio with arugula in a lemon dressing, and smoked salmon with celery and whole-grain mustard.
88, Phoebe went back to the kitchen, heated up some tinned soup and made tuna fish sandwiches.
89, Salmon, with its reddish color, is a perfect match, as is ahi tuna.
90, This supposedly protected subspecies continues to die in the tuna nets - Sam LaBudde witnessed 200 drown in a single net.
91, The commercial fishermen were in search of Blue Fin Tuna.
92, For our lunch we had brought tinned tuna, and one of these still unopened tuna cans became a hockey puck.
93, Tuna Italienne, with pasta; or Salmon Imperial in a delicate dill and a sherry sauce.
94, I can handle this, the wink implied, so relax and eat your tuna sandwich.
95, This is a bizarre thing, this national disgust hanging over the World Series like the smell of old tuna.
96, Flaked tuna with mayonnaise was new to her but she had managed and was quite proud of the results.
97, The tuna tartare with chopped avocado, the clam chowder with smoked bacon and the giant Louisiana prawns were all a hit.
98, A steady line of customers trooped by for tuna fish and bologna.
99, Add a can of drained tuna in brine, if liked, as shown in picture above, and serve.
100, She says she hated being cooped up at home, concocting his favourite tuna fish salad.
101, Press the tuna firmly round the base and up the sides.
102, The other fish we caught were the yellowfins, which we had identified as a type of immature tuna.
103, Drift nets up to 50 kilometres long are used primarily for catching tuna, squid and pink salmon.
104, Big species such as tuna and cod are disappearing, fished to virtual extinction in many places.
105, A side effect of tuna fishing was the death of over 100,000 dolphins annually.
106, I am a tuna fish, the voice replied.
107, He cut strips from the tuna.
108, I'll have a tuna fish sandwich.
109, I ate some fruit followed by a tuna sandwich.
110, We have canned tuna, salmon, and fruits like peaches.
111, Tigers will do anything for a tuna fish sandwich!
112, Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna.
113, Tuna is not a freshwater fish.
114, Make mine a tuna salad plate.
115, A Tuna Salad and a fruit salad.
116, A tuna salad sandwich and a glass of milk.
117, Tuna, in particular Atlantic Bluefin tuna, certainly has potential.
118, I like to eat tinned tuna fish.
119, First put some tuna fish on slice of bread.
120, On June 5 th Monaco did this for bluefin tuna.
121, We manege yellow-fin tuna , ribbon fish , pomfret , sea ell , sierra fish , cuttle fish , saury , prawn , shrimp , pike , anglerfish etc . several tens of variety sea freezing product .
122, Memory going? Go fish. Even canned tuna may sharpen your mental capacities. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, are important for maintaining memory.
123, Suddenly the surface broke with an ultramarine and chrome flash as one of the tuna charged at the baitfish .
124, Tuna demand typically rises towards the end of the year.
125, Fatty fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring) are the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
126, We want to buy Tuna, Mahi Mahi, Squirrel Fish, Marlin, Oilfish, Swordfish, Wahoo, Sailfish Seafood.
127, Excuse me, my order is tuna salad half an hour ago, is it ready?
128, I must remember to eat the tuna before he spoils in order to keep strong.
129, A bluefin tuna can release 10 million fertilized eggs in a spawning season.
130, They want to find techniques that help fishermen find the abundant skipjack tuna without also catching sharks, turtles, or threatened tuna species.
131, Once-plentiful species like Atlantic cod have been fished to near oblivion, and delicacies like bluefin tuna are on an arc toward extinction.
132, The following day, mealtime arrives and another can of tuna is opened.
133, The evening feast included diced fatty flesh of tuna fish and milk - fed lamb with herbs.
134, The nonprofit marine conservation group Oceana recently posted a petition asking Congress to save bluefish tuna, a fish rapidly facing extinction because of unmonitored overfishing.
135, If during the recess I am in the tuck shop eating tuna fish hand roll, one prefect will urge me Be quick!
136, Sashimi made from the maw of bluefin tuna cost 300 NT per slice.
137, I wouldn't encounter a similar wildness until a day in my twenties when, diving in the Caribbean, a school that seemed more like a herd of aptly named bigeye tuna surged past.
138, Extruded feed for marine fish: Turbot, flounder, salmon, tuna , sea-bream, swellfish, yellow crock, sea bass, rockfish, red drum, etc.
139, Theymay eat six to 12 ounces of seafood a week, including up to six ouncesof albacore tuna.
140, One of the main long chain fatty acids found in breast milk and in tuna oil is DHA.
141, But whereas others, such as yellowfin tuna, apparently do this using small amounts of the mineral magnetite in their heads,[http:///tuna.html] sharks do not appear to maintain deposits of this magnetic sensor.
142, Some local favorites are Lau Lau (pork chicken or vegetables steamed in a pouch of ti leaves), Lomi Salmon, Butterfish, Poke (a raw ahi tuna salad) and Poi (a dish made with mashed taro).
143, However, the early effect of TUNA is not equivalent to TURP.
144, Large supply of 304 stainless steel material, high carbon steel, tuna hooks and Availability timely.
145, Based on the tuna purse seine practice in Central Western Pacific, the authors analyze the fishing techniques of tuna purse seine, and discuss some problems in developing this project.
146, albacore tuna, which is caught while it's young and doesn't contain as high levels of mercury.
147, In one case a participant tasted tuna when she was trying to remember the word 'castanet'.
148, The tuna run was over and there were few boats at the island now.
149, This paper reviewed the history and recent status of bigeye tuna fishery according to the nominal catch and analyses the fisheries of each ocean by different fishing gears.
150, Increase your intake of cold - water fish such as salmon, halibut, tuna and bluefish.
151, Bluefish tuna is very precious; we may not even catch one.
152, The flavor will be great when octopus balls are seasoned with salad, mustard and skipjack tuna fillets.
153, This method is often used when fishing for big game fish such as marlin and tuna.
154, So a tuna salad without the bread is a better choice than a tuna sandwich.
155, We can get the most wonderful red clams, eels and frogs' legs, kingfish, turbot and live hamachi (yellowtail tuna).
156, Any of several flat-jointed tropical American cacti of the genus Opuntia, which includes the prickly pears , especially O. tuna of Jamaica, having yellow flowers and edible red fruit.
157, Coastal fisheries development, production sardines, tuna, Anchovy , cod, hake and lobster, oysters, and so on.
158, Up-to-date, based on the catch statistics and scientific population studies, the Indian Ocean albacore population is assessed and managed by Indian Ocean Tuna Commission.
159, The expert suggested that the pregnant woman must pay attention to the reasonable diet way. chum salmon, tuna as well as other fat content many negative.
160, Top with the olive rings, tuna, feta and onion rings.
161, These fish include red snapper, Atlantic salmon, bluefin tuna, and king crab.
162, These reels have the line capacity and, of course, the strength that make them perfect for casting big plugs to surface tuna, or for vertical jigging.
163, Technology of sulfuric acid catalyzed ethyl esterification of high acid value tuna oil was studied.
164, And the Tuna Commission has demonstrated on annual basis , its complete inability to control the fishing.
165, Use canned salmon just as you would use canned tuna: Flake it into your summer pasta salad or mix it with a touch of mayo, mustard, lemon juice, chopped onion and celery and serve it on a sandwich.
166, Sashimi is simply slices of raw, usually saltwater fish like yellowtail, tuna, sea bream and squid to name just a few.
167, Holding the line with his left shoulder again, and bracing on his left hand and arm, he took the tuna off the gaff hook and put the gaff back in place.
168, Objective To observe the effect of Tuna oil on the memories of juveniles.
169, Food Fired Shrimp with salted egg, Tuna Omelet, Steak, Fried Insect.
170, In one case, says an executive at a Japanese trading house, tuna that arrived in America was set aside by customs, rotting before it was inspected.
171, Pacific bluefin tuna swim in tank at the Tokyo Sea Life Park.
172, There's tuna fish for sandwiches and you'll find coleslaw in the fridge.
173, An essential part of the soup is the stock known as "dashi, " which is classically made from katsuobushi (dried, cured skipjack tuna) and the kelp known as kombu.
174, Lettuce, tuna, black olive, potato , French beans , anchovy and boiled egg, with chef vinaigrette seasoning.
175, Tuna fish oil - is a source of omega - 3 long chain fatty acids.
176, The Colonel and his forces were camped on the plain of Tuna, a day's march north of Phari.
177, Yes, they'll scarf down tuna salad and fish sticks, but even Mrs.
178, Dragged alongside the unmanned submersible SeaRover liquid tuna and chum attracted this rosy rockfish swimming by a basket sea star in the waters of Monterey Bay California.
179, But eating skipjack tuna caught using poles and lines in the Western Atlantic has the green light thanks to improvements in data on the stocks.
180, I must surely remember to eat the tuna after it gets light.
181, Research Areas : Encapsulation of tuna oil, Food emulsion, Fat and oil technology.
182, Total and organic mercury concentrations in the white muscles of albacore (Thunnus alalunga)and big-eye tuna(Thunnus alalunga) in Pacific Ocean.
183, Due to their high methyl mercury content, limit white (albacore) tuna to 6 ounces per week and do not eat the following four types of fish: tilefish, shark, swordfish, and king mackerel.
184, Longline fishery dominates the Tonga tuna fisheries. Albacore, yellowfin tuna, and bigeye tuna are the main catch species.
185, The thermal oxidation kinetics for tuna oil was studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ).
186, Sushi, anyone?The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish (and nuts) are great for the brain. Sea swimmers like mackerel, herring, eel and tuna are also chock full of phosphatidylserine.
187, Add to that data from transmitters on fish, such as tuna, and scientists could gain new understandings into El Nino storms, polluted runoff, beach erosion and wildlife.
188, And instead of catching tuna and other endangered species, Mr Komatsu advocates making more use of "plentiful Antarctic resources, " such as the Minke whale.
189, The pell-mell rush to provide tuna for the Japanese sushi and sashimi markets has—not surprisingly—intensified tuna fishing around the world.
190, This method of pan frying is great for cooking fish like salmon, tuna, swordfish, mackerel, bluefish, cod, catfish, butterfish, and lots more!
191, And consumers have also been urged to avoid yellowfin tuna caught using purse seine nets or long lines in the Indian Ocean.
192, Frozen assets , bluefin tuna worth top yen are readied for Tsukiji's morning auction.
193, Fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring , sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
194, The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish (and nuts) are great for the brain. Sea swimmers like mackerel, herring, eel and tuna are also chock full of phosphatidylserine.
195, The main products include bonito , mackerel, horse mackerel, tuna, sugpo prawn and so on.
196, We conclude that TUNA is effective for patients with urinary retention due to benign prostatic hyperplasia.
197, TheyThese caged bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) swim in Spanish waters.
198, Both bigeye and bluefin tuna suffer from overfishing and low numbers, not to mention being higher in mercury than other kinds of tuna .
199, Over the last 40 years theadopt global adult bluefin tuna population declined by over 80 %.
200, A can of tuna fish a loaf of white bread, and a head of lettuce.
201, Loggerhead turtles die the same way in the Mediterranean, where boats from 21 countries hunt for tuna and swordfish. These two areas "are urgent conservation priorities," Wallace says.
202, It seems likely that a fresh attempt to list bluefin tuna will have to wait until the next CITES meeting in three years time.
203, With respect to fleet of longline fishing of our country tuna development makes an abecedarian discuss.
204, Chilli Tuna with a thick layer of egg mayo on our bread!
205, The tuna was beautifully laid out on plate, thin sliced, and the asparagus was split lengthwise.
206, Chunk-light tuna is preferable to albacore or sushi, because it usually contains fewer contaminants, such as mercury.
207, Its cousin, yellowfin tuna , known as hamachi to voracious sushi lovers, has begun to shrink—the first sign of a population crashing due to overfishing.
208, Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids found in fish particularly fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines and albacore tuna have been associated with lower risk of stroke.
209, The yield from tuna purse seine accounts for 70% of world total tuna catch, and tuna purse seine fishery will be developed with bright prospects.
210, "They can be quick over a short distance, but they're not a free-swimming ocean fish like a tuna or a mackerel, " he said.
211, I next attempted to hide the pill in some tuna. Albacore , actually.
212, In longline fishing, which targets fish such as tuna, swordfish and billfish , boats trail long lines bearing as many as 2500 baited hooks.
213, Diabetes for the seafood: mackerel, salmon, tuna, eel, fish, Pacific saury, lobster, oysters, crabs ... and so on.
214, Now stocks of octopus, lobsters, tuna and other fish in this part of the Atlantic are dangerously low, contributing to the impoverishment of local fishermen.
215, If your child eats albacore tuna: limit it to one child-sized serving (3 oz/half of a can or less) per week, and avoid any other fish that week.
216, Bluefin tuna stocks have been tumbling worldwide , a situation conservationists blame on overfishing and poaching.
216, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
217, The tuna is putrefactive, so the Japanese eat it freshly.
218, It doesn’t take much fish. Doctors recommend eating it, particularly fatty kinds like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon, just twice a week.
219, Tuna can be caught using nets or by trolling hooks on long lines through the water, O'Connor says.
220, Food producer in particularly specialized with Tuna products: Tuna and Vegetables, Tuna Salad, Appetizers ready to eat. Preserved foods in particularly edible mushrooms in jars and tins.
221, After going on a high-protein diet, Mr. Glen brought sardine and tuna sandwiches to his bank-consulting job and ate them at his desk.
222, Eat them good now and then there is the tuna.
223, I am sure your dad has caught bluefish tuna before right?
224, Live Lobsters, Frozen Prawns ( Shrimps ), Frozen Tuna, Dried Sea Cucumber and Shark and Nutsand Refractories.




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