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单词 Reduce
1. He would not reduce it in price.
2. They petitioned the government to reduce taxes.
3. The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods.
4. Aspirin should help reduce the fever.
5. We need to reduce the speed slightly.
6. Our aim is to reduce road casualties .
7. Better street lighting might help to reduce crime.
8. The government must make new policies to reduce unemployment.
9. Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?
10. The governor announced a new plan to reduce crime.
11. We'll need to reduce the weight by half.
12. They have to reduce expenses this year.
13. Today police launched a campaign to reduce road accidents.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. He is trying to reduce expenses.
15. Try to reduce your intake of fat.
16. They aim to reduce unit costs through extra sales.
17. We need to reduce our overheads.
18. Antibiotics will reduce the swelling.
19. He won't reduce the rent of our house.
20. The company must reduce costs to compete effectively.
21. Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling.
22. What may be done to reduce the influence of intractable opponents?
23. The decision to reduce pay levels incensed the work - force.
24. Insulation may reduce the danger of pipes bursting in winter.
25. If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies, a trade war would ensue.
26. The committee put forward a proposal to reduce the time limit.
27. In economic terms the need to reduce inflation is unanswerable.
28. The company needs to reduce its dependence on just one particular product.
29. Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.
30. I really believe that it is possible to both improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs.
1. The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods.
2. Aspirin should help reduce the fever.
3. We need to reduce the speed slightly.
4. Our aim is to reduce road casualties .
5. Better street lighting might help to reduce crime.
6. Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?
7. The governor announced a new plan to reduce crime.
8. We'll need to reduce the weight by half.
9. Today police launched a campaign to reduce road accidents.
10. He is trying to reduce expenses.
11. Try to reduce your intake of fat.
12. They aim to reduce unit costs through extra sales.
13. We need to reduce our overheads.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. The company must reduce costs to compete effectively.
15. Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.
16. Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling.
17. What may be done to reduce the influence of intractable opponents?
18. Insulation may reduce the danger of pipes bursting in winter.
19. If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies, a trade war would ensue.
20. I really believe that it is possible to both improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs.
21. The committee put forward a proposal to reduce the time limit.
22. In economic terms the need to reduce inflation is unanswerable.
23. The company needs to reduce its dependence on just one particular product.
24. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.
25. Doctors tried desperately to reduce the swelling in her brain.
26. Using a seatbelt will reduce the likelihood of serious injury in a car accident.
27. The new highway will reduce the time to drive to the beach.
28. See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you're on call.
29. He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.
30. Better street lighting has helped reduce the number of assaults against women.
31. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.
32. Doctors tried desperately to reduce the swelling in her brain.
33. Using a seatbelt will reduce the likelihood of serious injury in a car accident.
34. The new highway will reduce the time to drive to the beach.
35. See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you're on call.
36. He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.
37. Better street lighting has helped reduce the number of assaults against women.
38. Let's reduce the passage to half the number of words.
39. 100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.
40. The government has pledged to reduce the amount of chemicals used in food production.
41. In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
42. JPEG can reduce files to 5% of their original size.
43. Whether these controls will really reduce violent crime is a moot point.
44. We need to reduce paperwork and bureaucracy in the company.
45. The creams have been used to reduce vaginal infections.
46. Reduce the liquid by boiling for two minutes.
47. Local schools are seeking to reduce the dropout rate.
48. The packets are measured to reduce waste.
49. They were trying to reduce operating costs .
50. This will reduce the environmental risks to employees' health.
51. Thick carpet would reduce the echo in this hallway.
52. He bucked at the suggestion to reduce his staff.
53. They revealed a solution to reduce Europe's butter mountain.
54. How can we reduce the carnage on our roads?
55. The project aims to reduce homelessness.
56. We can reduce the problem to two main issues.
57. You need to reduce your alcohol consumption.
58. Bandage the wound to reduce the risk of infection.
59. She tried to reduce her weight.
60. They have decided to reduce him in post.
31. 100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.
32. The government has pledged to reduce the amount of chemicals used in food production.
33. In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
34. JPEG can reduce files to 5% of their original size.
35. Whether these controls will really reduce violent crime is a moot point.
36. We need to reduce paperwork and bureaucracy in the company.
37. A doctor can reduce a fracture or dislocation.
38. Eating garlic can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood.
39. We must try our best to reduce the likelihood of war.
40. The company has strenuously defended its decision to reduce the workforce.
41. The whole shooting match is being computerised, which should significantly reduce delays.
42. The drug can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.
43. Oil can reduce friction.
44. The strike , couple with the flood, was expected to reduce supplies of food drastically.
61. The government's primary concern is to reduce crime.
62. It should be possible to reduce leakage from pipes.
63. The government's overriding concern is to reduce inflation.
64. The Government wants to reduce tobacco consumption by 40%.
65. We need to take drastic steps to reduce pollution.
66. They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.
67. Industrialized countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
68. Reduce the sauce by boiling it for ten minutes.
69. Careful checks will reduce the possibility of unpleasant surprises.
70. The soup will reduce by adding some cooking starch.
71. The fruit is injected with chemicals to reduce decay.
72. The helmet law should reduce injuries in motorcycle accidents.
73. These sunglasses are designed to reduce glare.
73. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
74. Let's try and reduce it to formulas.
75. You should try to reduce your wants.
76. We need to reduce our labour costs .
77. Eating garlic can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood.
78. The car's rounded edges reduce drag.
79. The pistons are graphite-coated to reduce friction.
80. Use ice to reduce the swelling.
81. Doctors tried to reduce the swelling in his brain.
82. Are you doing everything possible to reduce your budget?
83. He was advised to reduce his alcohol consumption.
84. He wants to reduce his salt intake.
85. She started jogging twice a week to try to reduce her waistline.
86. Steroids are used to reduce the inflammation(), which makes the muscles of the airways liable to constriction.
87. The report suggests that doctors should reduce their rate of referral .
88. Aircraft manufacturers want to reduce vibration for the sake of safety.
89. We must try our best to reduce the likelihood of war.
90. The company has strenuously defended its decision to reduce the workforce.
91. The government has two options; to reduce spending or to increase taxes.
92. Security defined in the broad/broadest sense of the term means getting at the root causes of trouble and helping to reduce regional conflicts.
93. Small businesses will need to reduce costs in order to survive.
94. Instructions came from on high to reduce our travel expenses.
95. If you bargain with them they might reduce the price.
96. Technological advances in computing and telecommunications will reduce the need for many people to travel to work.
97. We wore sunglasses to reduce the glare from the road.
98. The agency should reduce turnaround time by 11 per cent.
99. The government gave the police a mandate to reduce crime.
100. If you plan what you're going to eat, you reduce your chances of overeating.
101. The indication from the trade figures is to reduce stock by at least 30%.
102. Stricter controls on air pollution would help to reduce acid rain.
103. Healthy eating can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
104. The new bypass will reduce travel time to the airport.
105. He has climbed down on pledges to reduce capital gains tax.
106. The increased use of natural gas will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
107. The new administration are on the prowl for ways to reduce spending.
108. Sickness or ill fortune could reduce you to a needy situation.
109. The company is in deep water over their refusal to reduce prices.
110. The industry has signed a non-binding agreement to reduce pollution.
111. The report called for urgent action to reduce lead in petrol.
112. If you prefer mild flavours reduce or leave out the chilli.
113. We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area.
114. It would be sheer folly to reduce spending on health education.
115. The aim is to reduce anxiety and help the patients relax.
116. The leitmotiv of her speech was the need to reduce expenditure.
117. Wearing the correct type of clothing will reduce the risk from radiation.
118. Incorporating organic material into chalky soils will reduce the alkalinity.
119. The whole shooting match is being computerised, which should significantly reduce delays.
120. The British could afford to reduce defence spending in peacetime without excessive risk.
121. The tyre is too hard reduce the pressure a bit.
122. There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer.
123. The government has to deal with the vexed question of how to reduce spending.
124. Insulating the attic is a good way to reduce heat loss.
125. The design of the bicycle has managed to reduce the effects of wind resistance and drag.
126. His doctor warned him to reduce his daily food intake.
127. Measures are being taken to reduce crime in the city.
128. I welcome the proposal to reduce taxes for the poorly paid.
129. The salesman will reduce the price or else include free insurance.
130. They did make a belated attempt to reduce the noise.
131. The agreement is the first postwar treaty to reduce non-nuclear weapons in Europe.
132. If you move to a smaller office you will reduce your overheads.
133. Their aim is to reduce people's dependency on the welfare state.
133. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
134. The doctor put me on a low-salt diet to reduce my blood pressure.
135. The whole shooting match is being computerized, which should significantly reduce delays.
136. To make a thicker sauce, reduce the ingredients by boiling for 5 minutes.
137. They planned to reduce staff and thus to cut costs.
138. This experienced editor is said to be able to reduce the misprints to almost nil.
139. By computerizing we could, at a /in one stroke, improve efficiency and reduce costs.
140. The government is trying to back out of its commitment to reduce pollution.
141. Bringing back the death penalty has done absolutely nothing to reduce crime.
142. Most people would do well to reduce the amount of salt in their diet.
143. A lot more frankness is needed in sex education if we are to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies.
144. I take the view that fuel should be heavily taxed to reduce road use.
145. The plan is designed to reduce some of the company's mountainous debt.
146. Hybridising the two species will reduce the red to orange.
147. Consuming large amounts of alcohol can significantly reduce a man's potency.
148. He had an operation to reduce the swelling in his brain.
149. In their efforts to reduce crime the government expanded the police force.
150. The rear-view mirror helps to reduce blind spots on both sides of the car.
151. The government will be looking to reduce inflation by a further two per cent this year.
152. They drew up and executed a plan to reduce fuel consumption.
153. The new bridge should reduce travelling time from 50 minutes to 15 minutes.
154. How can Britain reduce its prison population in one stroke?
155. We are having to cut our costs to reduce overheads and remain competitive.
156. Investment in the railway network would reduce overcrowding on the roads.
157. The government is walking a difficult tightrope in wanting to reduce interest rates without pushing up inflation.
158. The government had retreated from its pledge to reduce class sizes.
159. Let the liquid come to the boil and then reduce the heat.
160. What he wants is a switch to a market economy in a way which does not reduce people's standard of living. To many this sounds like wanting to have his cake and eat it.
161. Research has shown that hormone replacement therapy can reduce the risk of fracture by 50 to 60 per cent.
162. Try and reduce your exposure to hazards such as poor quality air.
163. The job losses will reduce the total workforce to 7,000.
164. The government's change of policy is intended to reduce the gap between the haves and have-nots in our society.
165. The last problem is to reduce an equation to its simplest form.
166. Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs.
167. They believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation.
168. Their basic criticism was that prisons do not reduce the crime rate, they cause recidivism.
169. Restricted circulation of the report will reduce the risk of leaks outside the ministry.
170. Better insulation of your home will help to reduce heating bills.
171. Oil can reduce friction.
172. Sunscreens can help reduce the penetration of ultraviolet rays into the skin.
173. Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin.
174. Correct breathing helps to clear the mind and reduce tension.
175. If these measures also reduce unemployment, that is all to the good.
176. There are huge budgetary pressures on all governments in Europe to reduce their armed forces.
177. Boil the liquid in a small saucepan to reduce it by half.




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