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单词 Regulation
1. The regulation was perfunctorily carried out.
2. They are calling for tighter regulation of the industry.
3. The regulation allows of no variation.
4. Selling goods constituted a breach of regulation 10B.
5. The new regulation was seen as equivalent to censorship.
6. It is a regulation of the football club that dogs are not allowed inside.
7. Infringement of this regulation would automatically rule you out of the championship.
8. There's absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don't include poisonous substances.
9. She was wearing the regulation uniform of tunic, hat and tie.
10. There is a regulation that large trucks must not use this road.
11. The bus driver violated the traffic regulation.
12. The regulation operates in favour of married couples.
13. The regulation has no application to this particular case.
14. The girls were all wearing regulation shoes.
15. The notice is in accordance with Regulation 7.
16. She was wearing the regulation school uniform.
17. They may be excused from complying with this regulation.
18. It's regulation to wear suits at the office.
19. The minors are excepted from the regulation.
20. Theatre, cinema and broadcasting are all subject to regulation by local authorities.
21. Under the new regulation we can grant full registration to foreign lawyers.
22. The results prove that regulation of the salmon farming industry is inadequate.
23. Some in the market now want government regulation in order to reduce costs.
24. Central Bank regulation of domestic markets. 7.
25. Take audit regulation as an example.
26. Where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulation.
28. The Social Democrats are still wedded to the concepts of high taxation and regulation.
29. How does one decide whether the economic costs of regulation will outweigh the economic benefits ?
30. They need to weigh up the costs and benefits of regulation.
1. The regulation was perfunctorily carried out.
2. They are calling for tighter regulation of the industry.
3. The regulation allows of no variation.
4. Selling goods constituted a breach of regulation 10B.
5. The new regulation was seen as equivalent to censorship.
6. Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulation.
7. It is a regulation of the football club that dogs are not allowed inside.
8. Infringement of this regulation would automatically rule you out of the championship.
9. There's absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don't include poisonous substances.
10. She was wearing the regulation uniform of tunic, hat and tie.
11. There is a regulation that large trucks must not use this road.
12. The bus driver violated the traffic regulation.
13. The regulation has no application to this particular case.
14. They may be excused from complying with this regulation.
31. Does the Merger Regulation prevent double jeopardy?
32. The Vikings nearly won the game in regulation.
33. You were always attracted to regulation and sanity, kiddo.
34. This principle alone required institutional arrangements, regulation and supervision.
35. State regulation of the price of all basic foods?
36. But again the penalty consequent on regulation fell on the workers.
37. There seems little doubt that the richest clubs went on evading the maximum wage regulation.
38. The directive requires member states to establish systems for the national regulation of releases.
39. Critics maintain excessive regulation can stand in the way of business expansion and faster approval of life-saving drugs.
40. We are determined to make a success of audit regulation.
41. The rationale for an external currency market is differential national regulation.
42. On Dec. 8 the State Council abolished a regulation which required public functionaries to be subjected to a security investigation.
43. This is where the recent history of law's withdrawal from the regulation of private morality provides a useful perspective.
44. The regulation will be through training and a points system, based on experience gained in mediation.
45. That change should occur within about three years for large carriers, while small companies will be free of rate regulation immediately.
46. This extreme version of the distrust of government has often been manipulated by the corporate sector to block passage of government regulation.
47. Roosevelt's New Deal programme was an exercise in regulatory government and led to a major growth in regulation by administrative agencies.
48. This definition does not affect each nation's own definition and the regulation does not apply to trade between member states.
49. Care needs to be taken to ensure that regulation does not impair the efficiency of the financial system.
50. The major political groupings themselves had different attitudes towards moral regulation in the later part of the century.
51. By the late seventies many observers were concluding that something had gone badly wrong with initially well-motivated regulation.
52. Where enforcement in a sanctioning system is occasionally dramatic, securing compliance with regulation has little potential for drama.
53. Ruth Eisenberg, the Institute's deputy director of practice regulation, has replaced June Ward as director of communications.
54. It proclaims the burdens of pollution control regulation, displaying industry as suffocating under costly yet trivial constraints.
55. Legal regulation tends to create administrative burdens, resentment and loss of self-esteem through the undermining of professional autonomy.
56. But there are certain fundamental rights which this right of regulation can not infringe.
57. In the majority of cases the plays did not formally raise specific political concerns which would warrant such close regulation.
58. On 14 December 1987 the Council adopted a further Regulation applying the competition rules to international air transport between community airports.
59. Formal regulation finds expression through technically prohibitive statements of law,[http:///regulation.html] backed up by the threat of some sanction consequent upon breach.
60. Similarly, franchise agreements are granted block exemption under Regulation 4087/88.
61. A separate matter of particular importance is the regulation by the Law Society of the professional conduct of solicitors.
62. It is through its regulation of intracellular calcium that InsP 3 functions to regulate so many cellular processes.
63. Let us get our own house in order for the benefit of the regulation of light aviation in general.
64. The Equitable debacle has brought renewed accusations of mis-selling and turned a spotlight on the effectiveness of regulation.
65. Some free enterprises argue that if the highway is built with private funds, there should be no government regulation.
66. The congressional power of economic regulation extends to production for personal consumption. 25.
67. The Meaning and Purpose of Regulation Economic regulation might be defined broadly as government interference in what could be a market-based activity.
68. Any effective international regulation of nuclear weapons is bound to entail troublesome incursions challenging prerogatives of national sovereignty.
69. Accordingly, Congress simply lacks power under the Commerce Clause to displace state regulation of this kind.
70. The government will start to enforce the insurance regulation as of today.
71. A classification system for economic consequences issues in accounting regulation - John Blake.
72. Instead, agencies find they must tread a tricky path between the competing claims of state regulation and free enterprise.
73. And Mr Bush's economic advisers fear that any extra regulation could further damage an already weak economy.
74. It follows that one always knows the commencement date of a Community regulation without going outside the text of the regulation itself.
75. But now we see that even the absence of law is no guarantee against the possibility of retrospective regulation.
76. We will examine ways in which the uniform scope of regulation could be eased to safeguard traditional local products or practices.
77. I think that I am right in saying that regulation 3 provides that the changes will not affect pending applications for review.
78. Government has reduced the burden of regulation and the need for central bureaucracy.
79. However, it is important to appreciate that any particular case of regulation seldom arises with just a single aim.
80. The combination of greater competition and better regulation will provide the benefits that customers need.
81. The proposed legislation appeared to mark a stronger move towards direct state regulation of sexuality.
82. Perhaps the relationship between academic staff and student is essentially different so that regulation is required.
83. That the power to regulate commerce includes the regulation of navigation, we consider settled.
84. This research will study interactions between industry, government and pressure groups in the regulation of biotechnology hazards.
85. It is usual to keep one at least one specially cooled aquarium with supplementary tanks without temperature regulation.
86. That regulation requires contractors to make a good faith effort to hire 50 percent of their work force from San Francisco.
87. Familiarise yourself with the system of financial services regulation in the country in which you are saving and investing.
88. Each of the Houses discharges a quasi judicial function in relation to the regulation of its own affairs.
89. The majority of people who had benefited by the use of regulation 72 have suffered some kind of physical and/or mental disability.
90. It is between good and bad trade agreements[http:///regulation.html], and good and bad regulation.
91. In isolating such groups for surveillance and regulation, the profession was drawing on changes within medical discourse.
92. The latter is in some cases subject to statutory regulation, in others it is a matter of local discretion.
93. Another would be a regulation that requires banks to enforce a 30-day waiting period for withdrawals of pass-book deposits.
94. The determination to use private enterprises as key actors was later complemented by stronger regulation.
95. Regulation ought to involve precise definition and separation of wastes into hazardous and non-hazardous, or different levels of hazard.
96. The regulation of these factors is widely considered to be the way in which the small intestine adapts to nutritional demands.
97. In regulated industries such as trucking and airlines, workers collected some of the rents that accrued from regulation.
98. In their absence, Nordlinger implies that conflict regulation will not occur and Lijphart's centrifugal democracy will degenerate into civil war.
99. Utility companies, under government regulation, might do a better job of keeping the air clean.
100. It was a defeat which was to have profound and far-reaching consequences for state medical regulation of sexuality.
101. But does regulation continue throughout development, or is it just a property of the early embryo?
102. Alternatively, indirect effects involving the regulation of epithelial cell function by mesenchyme are also possible.
103. Article 4 of the Regulation provides a list of permitted restrictions in such agreements.
104. Fox and hockey officials refused to put a price tag on a regulation puck stuffed with computer chips.
105. Despite the moves outlined above, the need for regulation in the electricity industry remains of crucial importance.
106. Another possibility is that the genetic regulation of the isotype response is different in the two populations of inflammatory bowel disease patients.
107. State regulation protective of fetal life after viability thus has both logical and biological justifications.
108. Investors have complained about a lack of regulation over the Czech capital markets and poor disclosure rules for company information.
109. They both participate in the regulation of the concentration of serum calcium.
110. Regulation has been introduced to prevent the logic of competition from destroying the system.
111. Finally, local government is responsible for some types of regulation, for example land use or zoning laws.
112. Roosevelt saw first-hand the hideous results of free enterprise untouched by government regulation.
113. It could be described as the Fordist method of international political regulation.
114. The endowment fund for such masses was enormous and in the thirteenth century some system of regulation was required.
115. Different areas of legislation and regulation affect the likelihood of success for complainants in judicial review.
116. That is why environmentalists have often clamoured for regulation, as the best way to conceal the true costs of policy.
117. Britain won an important concession-a 15-year transition period during which the regulation would not apply.
118. The regulation of financial affairs involves inpart legislative action, inpart executive action.
119. Ellice Hopkins was a central figure in the feminist agitation for criminal law regulation in the 1880s.
120. Now our elected representatives are learning firsthand how petty and obnoxious federal regulation can be.
121. Government regulation did not end inequality or banish corporate influence in politics.
122. The inner city question For one reason or another the inner city has always been a target for public regulation and control.
123. The business constituency, on the other hand, views much regulation as an unjustifiable intrusion by the State.
124. We now turn to the second main area of intonational discourse function, the regulation of conversational behaviour.
125. But the era of national economic regulation is ending and the era of global economic regulation is not yet here.
126. The second influence has been the expansion of international regulation into areas which were previously not regarded as within international competence.
127. Regulation was the second necessary condition for the development of wireless service.
128. Yet urban gay culture works against such regulation in many ways.
129. Trees evenly spaced, at regulation height, and all plumb vertical, must be avoided like the plague.
130. As a political strategy it was highly effective, successfully confronting the medical discourse which lay behind regulation.
131. This may result either from the history of entry in each country or from government regulation.
132. Should regulation, based on international principles, supersede political intervention in the name of the national interest?
133. First, state planning and regulation of the economy inhibit its efficient operation by distorting market forces.
134. In addition, in order to fund the water industry's capital investment programme, a complex system of price regulation was announced.
135. There are several factors which directly connect postmodernism and the new mode of economic regulation.
136. The Labour party advocates that in addition to its well-known policies of intervention, control and regulation.
137. Globalisation has been one factor forcing prices down, but privatisation and increased regulation have led to a tougher competitive environment.
138. One barrier to the regulation of rural land use change is the absence of planning controls over farming and forestry.
139. How does one decide whether the overall economic costs of regulation outweigh the overall economic benefits of regulation?
140. Under the proposed federal regulation, Texas could not give beneficiaries more than two years to find a job.
141. Of course, it is not just audit regulation that has been under scrutiny in 1992.
142. In a centralized system, the principal asks the school board to promulgate a regulation about beepers.
143. But the appropriate remedies might be divestment, regulation, or removal of entry barriers rather than fines.
144. The Office of Electricity Regulation should investigate the preferential contracts between the regional electricity boards and the gas-fired power stations. 3.
145. Every Member of Parliament here tonight probably represents thousands of constituents who will be affected by this mean little regulation.
146. Since then the language of that regulation is in the course of being changed.
146. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
147. As some observers noted, the new regulation establishes the principle that environmental concerns take precedence over commercial arguments.
148. All forms of regulation have come under intense scrutiny in recent years.
149. Ultimately, however, market forces should not be allowed to dictate the extent of regulation.
150. Suppose a regulation were being considered by your local government that you considered unjust or harmful.
151. Homeothermy or Homoiothermy Temperature regulation in tachymetabolic species in which core temperatures remain roughly steady despite ambient temperature changes.
152. For auditors, 1992 will no doubt be remembered, at least inpart, for the first full year of audit regulation.
153. The Regulation also applies to the acquisition of joint control by a number of companies acting in concert.
154. The Government has unveiled a national agency to coordinate the rehabilitation and regulation of drug offenders.
155. The question of conflicts of interest and duty within financial conglomerates and the regulation thereof is not entirely academic.
156. Two other caveats: First, what we have discussed in this section applies to service delivery, not regulation.
157. It is well known that the DTI is concerned about the impact of regulation on very small companies.
158. Because, at the end of the day, professional regulation is in the best interests of both auditors and the public.
159. They also enabled women to challenge male professional power while at the same time implicating them in coercive class regulation.
160. These are the folks who elect politicians who produce excessive regulation.
161. The role of Government should be to ensure that such pensions met sensible regulation so that the public interest was protected.
162. He favours the use of fiscal incentives alongside regulation, particularly in the fields of carbon emissions and road haulage.
163. Smaller practitioners are fed up to the back teeth with all forms of regulation, and audit regulation in particular.
164. The regulation of insider dealing necessarily involves a complex assessment of the available regulatory options.
165. The regulation worked out so that the company provided local service at prices that failed to cover more than direct operating costs.
166. These developments are instrumental in the increased regulation and stability of affective thought.
167. A Regulation is binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states.
168. Dertouzos called for government regulation to prevent the linking of databases containing personal information without certain safeguards.
169. A possible interpretation of these findings is that genetic mechanisms are involved in the regulation of the IgG subclass response.
170. It was in this context of increased regulation and hazard export that Raybestos Manhattan came to Ireland.
171. The Government first attempted to exclude altogether supplementary benefit and national assistance from the scope of regulation 72.
172. In each case the violation alleged by those attacking minimum wage regulation for women is deprivation of freedom of contract.
173. They contend that the commissioner is required by law to enforce the anti-redlining regulation, regardless of personal preference.
174. Excessive regulation may also be an effective barrier to entry, thus reducing competition and providing large profits for the incumbents.
175. It is widely accepted that City regulation is too fragmented to meet the challenges of insider-dealing and market manipulation.
176. The draft Regulation re-emphasises that Member States fix their HLCAs on bands according to the severity of permanent natural handicaps on agriculture./regulation.html
177. I came across Gandhi in the early morning sitting by the roadside eating a regulation army biscuit.
178. But whatever the actual cost of environmental regulation may be, it is large and commands attention.
179. The report highlighted the lack of regulation of family mediators, many of whom are lawyers.
180. This can result from government regulation or from other natural barriers.
181. Pollution control work, then, is typical of the many areas of social control characterized by goals of regulation rather than repression.
182. Mottashed, the regulation fireman, is one of four players Williams brought from Gosport.
183. For example, regulation may bring benefits in terms of consumer protection but add costs by making firms less competitive.
184. This study explored the role of the L-arginine-NO pathway in the regulation of gall bladder motility.
185. Garth was found guilty of violating a lawful general regulation, indecent assault and adultery, and using indecent language.
186. I was still wearing out the regulation Docs and the thick black jeans.
187. Recently several studies have emphasised the importance of serum glucose concentrations in the regulation of gastrointestinal function.
188. For a number of reasons bilateralism is no longer appropriate as the paradigm model for the regulation of activities in the international arena.
189. Unions, factory Inspection, the regulation of the hours of women and children had gained acceptance.
190. These sources of exposure are potentially controllable by regulation or other government intervention.
191. But it is firmly against heavy-handed regulation, such as a sharp increase in mandatory fuel efficiency for cars.
192. Peter was as steady as a rock, keeping the ball on the fairway and hitting nearly every green in regulation.
193. These people will help you prepare plans, obtain building regulation approval, planning permission if needed find and supervise a builder.
194. Regulation can vary from laissez-faire to the oppressive and capricious.
195. What would you predict that the consequences of such intensive regulation would be? High fares.
196. They went on strike against the oppressive regulation.
197. The advantages of this method are: simplicity of the compensating circuit, convenience for regulation, stability of the transfer characteristics and relia...
198. Theory analysis and the result of simulations show that the scheme possess simultaneously both good behavior of servo tracking and stochastic regulation in adaptive control system of our design.
199. The LM334 is 3-terminal adjustable current source featuring 10000:1 range in operating current, excellent current regulation and a wide dynamic voltage range of 1V to 40V.
200. But before two kinds " standard " just by course of study inside " acquiescent ", do not have the regulation of existing writings.
201. Spang's configuration tool software provides the versatility of choosing different regulation modes, control strategies and load types.
202. Solving the problem is of great significance in gas dynamic monitoring, rational production adjustment and even programming development regulation.
203. We will improve financial regulation by flexibly using a variety of monetary policy instruments.
204. The third part is Comparative Law:The Commercial Code, the major creditor countries to protect business Regulation of the transfer case.
205. In recent years, animal experiments have shown that Zingiber officinale Roscoe. (ginger) has a stronger role in the lipid regulation.
206. First of all, the model of speed regulation and vector control idea are introduced. The math model, coordinate vector change and asynchronous machine controllability and observant are discussed.
206. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
207. The generation and damage regulation of red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens) are studied with the method of sample plot and tree-by-tree survey.
208. Regulation over the Chinese Internet industry is gravely insufficient, partly due to the fast expansion of business there in myriad complex ways.
209. The short circuit current of large load center that excesses the regulation standard seriously endangers security and stability of power grid.
210. To provide the methods and means for real - time scheduling ( Flood Control and Water Regulation ).
211. Hellmann, Murdock, Stiglitz ( 2000 ). Liberalization, Moral Hazard in Banking, and Prudential Regulation: Are Capital Requirements Enough [ J ]. The American Economic Review , Vol.90.
212. Objective: To investigate the regulation of estradiol and progesterone on leukocyte and lymphocyte of peripheral blood in ovariectomized mice.
213. A good regulation can use at appropriate table: Want to have 90 centimeters wide, mensal both sides should leave the free space that has 85 centimeters to put chair and cross a body.
214. Beat-to-beat short term regulation of blood pressure is provided by a spontaneous reflex called the baroreceptor reflex.
215. The speed can be kept constantly during the load regulation by compensating process. The structure of control system, the computer interfacing circuits and the program flow charts are given in this p...
216. Effective financial regulation assures that finance can develop healthily and stably.
217. International Sale of Goods , International Carriage of Goods by Sea, International Trade Finance, International Banking Regulation.
218. It is very necessary to make all measured results become applicable data through the treatment with a certain regulation, and the data recondition is a very important link in the data treatment.
219. However, there is a right to the border, "human flesh search" should be in receipt of legal regulation.
220. The results of the experimental investigation reported hi this paper can provide useful data for compiling the technical regulation for fiber reinforced concrete in China.
221. That is, it tends to be bigger and that is because less developed countries have less developed securities, regulation and laws, and traditions.
222. Conclusion: Hypoxia induces elevated secretion of VEGF and the changes of VEGF may be related to hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, hypoxic adaptative regulation and complications of HAPC.
223. Many netizens call market regulation can not be influenced by the noise, the policy can not give up halfway, must let the real reason.
224. This subject analyzes on various energy saving methods, selected PWM IGBT single-phase AC/AC direct voltage regulation technology, and improved and simulated to it.
225. As an important technical means of frequency control of the power system, PFR (Primary Frequency Regulation) is of great significance to the stability of the frequency.
226. IP rights basic law refers to the legal rules and principles that concentrate on the adjustment and regulation of the dominance relationship over IP.
227. The author introduces the principle of engine detonation, describes the structural principle of BX-1 knock limitator and its function, regulation and points for attention in use.
228. A match, which is tied at the end of regulation time, then goes into extra time, and if necessary, to a penalty stroke competition.
229. Automatic coffee grinder for coffee beans with low motor speed, with grinding regulation and electronic quantity dosing-system.
230. The intrinsic self regulation effect of aluminum alloy wire in the region of short arc in MIG welding is investigated with self made equipment.
231. While strong regulation and supervision are crucial to ensure the efficacy and safety of vaccines, we all have a role to play for vaccines to benefit society as much as possible.
232. The operation method includes the system organization method and management regulation.
233. Secondly, as food safety regulation in rural circulation of under-developed areas needed, it builds food safety evaluation index system and provides specific calculation methods and application cases.
234. Moss-grown regulation is when new user integral (initiative cent value is - 20 minutes) after accumulative total value achieves 0 minutes, can fall behind successfully.
235. Actually, IPO under-pricing also remains a practical problem that plagues market supervisors, frequent issue regulation change may be a good evidence for this.
236. It was the business community's old dream of'self - regulation " brought to full maturity.
236. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
237. Occupation Credentials Regulation is an important part of nation's labour management system.
238. The theory of "kidney corresponding with winter" has substance basis. Its regulating mechanism is related to conarium's regulation to differential expression of gene in testical.
239. We understood and observed regulation of election, and accept any decision made by Election Committee.
240. The Merger Control Regulation of EC is an achievement that member states yield to parts of sovereignty in order to defense monopoly and economic concentration in European Common Market.
241. The weld size was controlled according to the definition of leg on the corner joint and DL/T869—2004 (power plant welding technical regulation), which led to the effective thickness was insufficient.
242. In theory privatisation has the scope to restructure the economy, but a fire sale risks letting the choicest assets fall into the hands of cronies who will manipulate regulation to suit themselves.
243. This paper introduces new type of revetment technology applied in North Tong River regulation project in XiaoShan in order to providing reference at the same kind of project in the future.
244. The regulation of the nail-fold microcirculatory flow and blood viscosity was investigated by Dual-window television automatic estimating system in 39 postnecrotic cirrhosis.
245. The results show that regulation by the fluid coupling, a three-impulse method of regulating water supply system built up in a short time, a small amount of overshoot.
246. Specific duties may relate to regulation, promotion, agricultural research, price supports and agricultural subsidies, plant diseases and invasive species.
247. Can automatic testing ground will volt-ampere characteristics curve traced, save manual pressure regulation, artificial records, sorting, tracing curves, and so cumbersome labor.
248. Promoter is an important cis-regulatory element for gene expression and plays an important role in the process of plant gene expression and regulation.
249. The range consists of three different types of regulation systems: a wireless system based on radio communication( RF) technology, a hard-wired system, and a self-acting system.
250. Hormones are involved in the regulation of root hair development.
251. The preceding section dealt with the validity of state regulation in the absence of federal regulation.
252. Objective Tropomyosin, a thin filament-associated protein,() is thought to play a crucial role in the regulation of muscle contraction.
253. For long time, the people have been think that decrepitude is a process of abiogenesis, is the natural regulation that can't resist, the anti-decrepitude is to disobey the physical law.
254. Conclusion The down regulation of expression of VEGF induced by angiotensin II receptor antagonists treatment might be related to progress of diabetic nephropathy.
255. The circuit is suitable for three phase fully controlled rectification, inversion and voltage regulation etc. where the wide pulse, double narrow pulse or pulse string to trigger are needed.
256. However, the theory of structure assignment principle and regulation technology of agroforestry should be further studied in future.
257. In this report, we suggest a non-photosynthetic function for C3 PPDK by characterizing its abundance and posttranslational regulation in developing Oryza sativa (rice) seeds.
258. With secondary regulation, a novel hydraulic transmission technology, the secondary regulated loading system described here is oriented to rotational speed experiment of reduction gear or material.
259. Research on the function of hypothalamic orexins has suggested an important role in appetite regulation.
260. From the point of view of efficiency, the optimum prevention level for one community and government regulation is that the marginal prevention cost is equal to the marginal anticipated accident cost.
261. This novel design possesses the advantages of small excitation loss and effective field regulation,(http:///regulation.html) so the unique idea of this new configuration has applied and granted a patent.
262. Conclusion:Lowenergy HeNe laser irradiation has twoway effect on regulation the proliferation reaction of splenetic T lymphocyte of S 180 bearing mouse.
263. Objective To study the effects of the wild Russula virescens from Yunnan in blood lipid regulation and antioxidation.
264. Body other than a central government body or a local government body, including a non-governmental body which has legal power to enforce a technical regulation.
265. In this paper, the principle and the energy saving property term of internal feedback series speed regulation system are presented.
266. The normal expression of proto-oncogenes plays an important role in the regulation of spermatogonial mitosis , spermatocyte meiosis as well as spermiogenesis and sperm maturation.
267. The required reserve ratio (or reserve requirement) is a bank regulation that sets the minimum reserves each bank must hold to customer deposits and notes.




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