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单词 Rote
1. Learning was by rote and strictly formal.
2. He used to learn everything by rote.
3. Learning by rote is discouraged in this school.
4. She copied her teacher by rote.
5. She learned the equations by rote.
6. Traditional educational thinking placed importance on learning by rote.
7. In old-fashioned schools, much learning was by rote .
8. He is very sceptical about the value of rote learning.
9. Simon's concert was rote and uninspired.
10. To many, the distinction between rote memorization and understanding is unclear and leads to confused teaching and learning.
11. But meaningless sanctions, imposed by rote and continued long after their failure is manifest, are different.
12. Learning was by rote and strictly formal, and we practised copy-book writing.
13. Margaret used to be a great one for rote learning.
14. And is rote learning necessarily in opposition to discovery learning?
15. Facts to be learned by rote are often best assimilated just before bedtime, when you get up or when walking.
16. Children learn it by rote to pass examinations, and they don't see its relevance to the world around them.
17. Readers who rely heavily on conventional visual rote learning may adjust more slowly.
18. Others recite complex speeches by rote that sound all too familiar, and collapse at the slightest interruption.
19. Teaching standards are very poor - lots of rote learning and copying notes from the blackboard.
20. Science courses usually have fewer experiments and more rote learning.
21. If you have a good memory you can learn things by rote, but can you apply it in practice?
22. Much emphasis is placed these days on understanding and applying standard practice rather than simply learning it by rote.
23. First, one begins to question the need for frequent rote regurgitation of words which lack intrinsic interest.
24. Students are not seen as individuals but as statistics on a conveyor belt of examinations and rote learning.
25. There is too little food or warmth; learning is by rote, and students make their own clothes.
26. I know that many teachers of the present day think that learning by rote is archaic.
27. If you have a good memory, you can learn by rote.
28. While they were able to recite Newton's laws by rote, they couldn't explain them.
29. The litany of inequities is so familiar to her now that she recites by rote.
30. The result is that many have to rely heavily on rote learning and memory, with limited understanding.
1. Learning was by rote and strictly formal.
2. Learning by rote is discouraged in this school.
31. Learning by rote is no guarantee that learning has been achieved.
32. He recited the poem by rote.
33. We don't advocate learning by rote.
34. Emphasizing communication, learning by rote is not recommended.
35. Naturally rote learning assumes an important role.
36. I passed the examination by learning everything by rote.
37. More and more young people object to spoon - feeding and learning by rote.
38. School districts read its recommendations as a call to reject rote learning.
39. And finally,(/rote.html) time was also found for Pandit Heramba Tatwaratna to come and get us to learn by rote rules of Sanscrit grammar.
40. Memorisation of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in many education systems. Does the usefulness of this method outweigh the limitations?
41. The education system in India and China is such that students just learn by rote and then reproduce it in exams.
42. The students are made to study most Chinese classics, such as Confucius, rote memorization.
43. Under given system condition, the sensitivity index of bus voltage to shunt susceptance indicates the effective compensation location instead of the necessary rote.
44. And a new curriculum will focus more on problem - solving than rote learning.
45. You are right, because the compulsory education is all in rote.
46. Therefore, the correlational research on rote learning ability and foreign language aptitude is of significance to the field of foreign language learning and teaching.
47. Rote memorization has been the educator's standard operating procedure for centuries.
48. Our formerly enjoyable job can become rote, our execution sloppy and halfhearted.
49. Is PBE as presented in your book also a first step that needs to be followed almost by rote, then adapted, and then ultimately transcended?
50. They did not, as we tend to assume, teach by rote.
51. Teachers usually take usages of English spatial prepositions as idiomatic usages and require learners to learn by rote.
52. Memorization of information by frequent repetition ( rote learning ) plays a role in most education system.
53. There were about forty children to a class, sitting at double - desks and learning by rote.
54. Word is the foundation of learning English so you must start from word(I don't know your level)but I don't encourage you to learn by rote.
55. We heading to admit aboard rote absorbing Harry a bulk of limitations.
56. You are not inclined to rote learning and repetition, nor are you inclined to repetitively practice or execute the same sequence over and over again.
57. It may be true that rote learning is over - emphasized in Chinese education.
58. The two major methods to develop memory power are recollecting and by rote learning.
59. Exams require rote learning, and children are not encouraged to question received wisdom.
60. Rote learning ability, as one of the four components of foreign language aptitude, is an important cognitive factor in foreign language learning.
61. The Australian teaching style does not rely on repetition and rote learning.
62. Consequently, the students who thrive in the school system are typically skilled in rote memorization.
63. And as he looked at the unpractised mouth and lips, he thought that such a daughter of the soil could only have caught up the sentiment by rote.
64. His poor method of learning by rote made him unable to deal with the problems in his work flexibly.
65. Rote memorisation is not entirely useless. It can help children to learn the basics such as the multiplication tables.
66. We should admit that rote learning has a number of limitations.
67. For example, praise may be useful in motivating students to learn by rote ,() but it may discourage problem solving.
68. Acquisition of the fuse alarm Digital Variables : during IDLE, Repeat acquired the 120 routes 48 analog data, process sample statistic for each rote acquired active-high.
69. You are merely reciting facts that you have learned by rote.
70. He can say the whole of the English Bible by rote.
71. I thought Audit is a subject which you can learn by rote at the beginning. But now, I realize I was wrong and I know why Audit and Accounting are the most difficult papers in CPA examination.
72. They seem accustomed to rote learning, which translates to good grades, but does not encourage creativity.
73. On the issue of teaching methods, many English-educated people seemed to think that Chinese teachers are an old-fashioned lot of strict disciplinarians who only make students learn by rote methods.
74. The"Kreutzer 42 Violin Etudes Lesson Analyses", (omitted)rote by Prof. Liang xin, is a technical theory(omitted)t Kreutzer violin etude training published by People's Music Publishing House.




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