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单词 Frantic
1. Things are frantic in the office right now.
2. He made frantic dash for the departing train.
3. They worked with frantic haste.
4. She worked with frantic haste.
5. The children have been driving me frantic all day!
6. They made frantic attempts to revive him.
7. We had to make a frantic dash across town to get our plane.
8. Where on earth have you been? We've been frantic with worry.
9. The actors buzzed about in a frantic activity.
10. We were frantic. We thought you were a goner.
11. We were starting to get frantic with worry.
12. The children are driving me frantic.
13. Your mother's been frantic with worry wondering where you've been.
14. I've had a frantic rush to get my work done.
15. A busy night in the restaurant can be frantic in the kitchen.
16. Let's go back. Your parents must be getting frantic by now.
17. He admonished those frantic football fans to change their wicked ways.
18. The Moroccan came out best in a frantic sprint for the line.
19. He was quite frantic by the time we got home.
20. There was a frantic rush to escape from the building.
21. He beat a frantic tattoo with his hands on the door.
22. The child's parents were frantic when she did not return home on time.
23. She watched the frantic flow of cars and buses along the street.
24. Despite our frantic efforts, we were unable to save the boy's life.
25. There was a frantic rush to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors.
26. Rescuers were engaged in a frantic all-night effort to reach the survivors before their supply of air ran out.
27. A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic.
28. There was still no news of Jill, and her parents were getting frantic.
29. Share prices have soared to a new all-time high in a day of frantic trading on the stock market.
30. I didn't know where he was and I was frantic with worry.
1. Things are frantic in the office right now.
2. He made frantic dash for the departing train.
3. They worked with frantic haste.
4. She worked with frantic haste.
5. The children have been driving me frantic all day!
6. They made frantic attempts to revive him.
7. A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic.
8. There was still no news of Jill, and her parents were getting frantic.
9. Where on earth have you been? We've been frantic with worry.
10. I've had a frantic rush to get my work done.
11. He beat a frantic tattoo with his hands on the door.
31. I spent three frantic days trying to get everything ready.
32. It contrasts sharply with our frantic, daily lives.
33. The night was getting more and more frantic.
34. It is best to ignore this rather frantic reflex.
35. Then came Solano's party piece, and a frantic finish.
36. Urquhart's muffled groans became more frantic.
37. A frantic note had crept into Jane's voice.
38. He made frantic signs to Angalo.
39. The previous day had been one of frantic activity.
40. Voices, music, sirens, horns were louder, brasher, more frantic.
41. The dog's barking grew frantic as I approached.
42. The knocking on the door and shouts became frantic.
43. That threat set the frantic pace at Los Alamos.
44. Her passivity only made him more frantic.
45. Inspector Grimes was used to dealing with frantic parents.
46. He could hear her frantic progress up the uncarpeted stairs and along the top corridor until she threw the door open.
47. A financial panic ensued(), as frantic as the earlier boom.
48. Soon he is digging like a whirling dervish, the impressive show ending with another frantic leap.
49. Far in back of the huge auditorium, a camera scans the frantic attendees.
50. David Harper said he became frantic when the hay bales in the barn caught light.
51. That frantic jig at least had one positive effect: it released him from the fear that had gripped him so tightly.
52. Amazed residents who answered his frantic knock on the door threw water over him.
53. Her eyes were frantic with fear, and she couldn't keep still.
54. The bird made frantic gobbling or clucking noises, which meant it knew what it was in for.
55. A few lost souls wander aimlessly down to the front and stare up at Bono's frantic, manic animation, briefly bemused.
56. It posed a problem for Charman because he could not sustain the song's frantic pace.
57. Branson spent a frantic evening phoning around friends until he found her,(sentence dictionary) and persuaded her to return.
58. I see the savage dragged from the slave ship, frantic, eyes wild, searching for escape.
59. Sitting in the greenhouse with her seedlings, she was safe from the frantic activity in the house.
60. Clinton did some frantic shuttle diplomacy, but there was nothing doing.
61. His body was erroneously producing a flood of white blood cells in a frantic search for a disease that did not exist.
62. Doubtless a rich merchant escaping with as much treasure as he could lay frantic hands on.
63. Rawson then bowled the next ball wide of the stumps before joining his team in a frantic dash for the pavilion.
64. A Vermont woman was presented with a frantic bundle later diagnosed to be suffering from gastroenteritis.
65. Throughout the night, everyone mopped floors and washed wall in a frantic effort to clean the place up for the inspectors.
66. With the final minutes of the term ticking away Mr Yarrow had called Murphy Senior and frantic talks had taken place.
67. Much of the frantic activity in the share register can be attributed to the arbitrageurs rather than the titans of the motor industry.
68. There are vague, frantic movements inside the car, which is sinking faster now.
69. Then, plainly frantic to escape the elegant man, he punched the boat's engines into life.
70. Chops responds, without pausing in his frantic pulling on the starter cord.
71. This of course embarrassed anyone who didn't send flowers into frantic florist phoning and the whole thing started over again.
72. On bad days he was frantic, with black bristles sprouting over his face, screaming shrilly so that he was quite incomprehensible.
73. His frantic re-reading of Dickens had revealed numerous mentions of grog.
74. Some time ago I received a frantic telephone call from Carol, who had undergone successful hypnotic treatment about two years earlier.
75. I was woken from a deep sleep by frantic shouts above.
76. Her frantic husband had gone to visit her and found the empty bed and her nightgown on the floor.
77. Then, from between two great tussocks of hair-grass came Fiver, his eyes blazing with a frantic urgency.
78. Not like with Ryan, a sort of frantic grasping at straws, in love with the idea of love, romance.
79. In the first week after the children's departure, she had been frantic.
80. Despite Zborowski's frantic efforts to sell his work, Modigliani's living was still very precarious.
81. The frantic driver was able to get out of his car and call emergency services on his mobile phone.
82. Next morning, Mildred was jolted awake by the bell ringing in a much more frantic way than usual.
83. In any event, the film is over-sweet and frantic, like a double espresso with a dozen sugar cubes.
84. And a more frantic presence was trapped behind the skirting board.
85. Diana was sympathetic, but did not fully understand his unrest, nor his frantic soul-searching.
86. Then there would be a frantic rush to grab an armful of branches and beat out the flames.
87. I don't mind telling you, I've been almost frantic with worry this last half-hour.
87. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
88. But my frantic, full-beamed Mayday signal only threw light on a de-iced porthole.
89. It can get really frantic when your sprogs are on the verge of starvation.
90. The path continues to the Strid - a spectacular chasm where the Wharfe reaches a frantic pace.
91. But despite his frantic efforts he was unable to pull her free.
92. They looked furious when they saw our faces peering in and made frantic signs for us to close the curtains again.
93. Rushing towards the glass doors, she fumbled with frantic haste at the catch.
94. There is still no news of the missing child and her parents are getting frantic.
95. I would stop the frantic activity and just follow the leads that came my way.
96. The two girls decide instead to opt for a frantic search for their long-lost father.
97. In a night of frantic desperation, rumours of the drug scandal were leaking by the hour.
98. Ignoring her frantic efforts to break free, he'd tossed his charge card down on to the counter.
99. Staff made frantic attempts to revive him but he is thought to have suffered a massive heart attack.
100. I would have called, but the last few weeks have been frantic.
101. While still running, he made a frantic jump for its lowest branch.
102. Mrs Stych, in a frantic hurry, had said that he was out but that he was fine, just fine.
103. His body had now completely relaxed after his frantic efforts with Molly a few minutes before.
104. We felt like gods as we surveyed the distraught insects' frantic efforts to remove precious eggs from sight.
105. The appalling slowness with which she arranged her hair and powdered her face drove her small nephew almost frantic.
106. Isabel bounced once against the plump straw mattress, then made a frantic bid for freedom.
107. Theatres, cinemas and restaurants in the area were also evacuated as police launched a frantic search and found the B-registration van.
108. Their frantic SOS message was picked up by a Coast Guard vessel.
109. Their frantic union was disturbed by gun-toting bandits and David burst out laughing in the quiet cinema.
110. Today she was almost beside herself with desire, rubbing her hair dry with fierce, frantic energy.
111. I spent three frantic days getting everything ready for Christmas.
112. The fourth-round replay began at a frantic pace and burst into life after 12 minutes.
113. Sometimes he just wanders off for days on end - we get frantic, not knowing where he is.
114. And despite her frantic pleas, her offers of bribes, of hidden jewellery, she was sentenced to death.
115. In 1961 Cape Canaveral was a scene of frantic activity.
116. After a month's frantic activity we now had an office, but we needed some one to run it.
117. In cancer, for example, it is the frantic growth of cells that seems important, not their periods of quietude.
118. Hannah was a little less apt to become frantic in busy places, such as shopping malls and grocery stores.
119. This time the language and violence seem only frantic, not genuinely subversive or liberating.
120. The frantic search for trainers past is simply a reaction against the shit trainers syndrome!
121. This afternoon frantic efforts were being made to sort out the confusion.
122. It has to be here already, thought Fenella, trying to quiet the frantic thudding of her heart.
123. As we slowed down, his noise speeded up, as did his frantic hopping movements, signifying even greater disapproval.
124. A searching, frantic hand savagely grasped Maggie's hip, and she yelped as sharp nails pierced her skin.
125. Stretched on the concrete of the yard I gasped and groaned in a frantic search for breath.
126. They were watching it with interest; normally they'd be frantic in the presence of fire.
127. Change continues at a frantic pace, and many voters are waiting till the last minute to make decisions.
128. A stupendous cinema epic, reduced to a sort of frantic scurrying in a goldfish bowl, might merely seem ridiculous.
129. We were woken by a frantic knocking at the door.
130. Those that did turn up enjoyed the jovial atmosphere and frantic dancing ensued, except at the home-town concert in Middleton.
131. She must have a family, maybe even a boyfriend, all of them frantic, imagining her missing, even drowned.
132. Before the game there was a frantic rush to get the last few remaining tickets.
133. The staff spent three frantic days trying to get everything ready.
134. Three hours of frantic work in the afternoon produced a new one, pushed through without ceremony by President Gorbachev.
135. Everyone scurrying around in a kind of frantic muddled order.
136. Raimondo, the designer, was frantic; an oil-rich sheikh was coming in for a private showing with his wives.
137. Whenever her father returned unexpectedly, I would make a frantic, unscheduled exit through the back door and over the wall.
138. She began a frantic quacking at the moment that Cyril got his two hands around her.
139. People were frantic, trying to call relatives after the earthquake.
140. Still Damocles worried and pecked, coated with blood and frantic with an apparently unquenchable desire to kill and kill again.
141. I was frantic to finish the report on schedule.
142. Frantic acclamations were again raised.
143. The enemy became more frantic in its death-bed struggle.
144. They clapped their hands and went frantic with admiration.
145. But, if you read the magazines,() It'seems that I a frantic high life.
146. The frantic father was waiting for the promised telephone call.
147. Lengthy planning and re-planning typically resulted in a shortened development phase, which in turn resulted in the development phase being consistently frantic and reliably late.
148. Play as Eliot Ness in this frantic mobile shooter and bring Al Capone to justice.
149. Their frantic recourse to the policy of strength is nothing but the deathbed frenzy of the weak and the last-ditch effort to prevent their ruling system from its collapse.
150. The crowd-intoxicated individual escapes from responsibility, intelligence and morality into a kind of frantic, animal mindlessness.
151. Frantic to retrieve the bodies, Admira's parents are bewildered by unresponsive Bosnian and Serb bureaucracies, and by UNPROFOR's hands-off policy.
152. Frantic negotiations were conducted through the UN's Emergency Security Council and unofficial channels hair-trigger standoff.
153. The vast crowds make Rome a frantic hothouse at times.
154. He makes some frantic phone calls to his boss for permission to leave his post and installs Phil the Bus God as the new stand-in at the hostel desk.
155. A frantic Atia can only curse her cousin. "If Caesar were here,[http:///frantic.html] I would stab him in the neck."
156. Do you cast a frantic look into the mirror every morning after the first few days of depilation to check for mini hair-growths?
157. Like me, John Riccardo was getting more frantic by the day.
158. Players from both sides made frantic gestures to the touchline as Terry lay motionless on the floor.
159. Readers frantic for Mr. Martin to tie up at least a few loose ends in his many-tentacled plot will be disappointed, though some characters' destinies are clarified.
160. Vortex Racer will train you for frantic races in the four corners of the galaxy.
161. Their frantic efforts to get word of their families are thwarted by downed telephone lines and disrupted cellular phone base stations.
162. It seemed like the yellow-bellied birds never gave up, never stopped their frantic flapping in pursuit of food.
163. With a frantic gesture he rushed out of the room.
164. By that time the Italian army was nothing But a frantic mob. Soldiers were throwing down their arms and officers were cutting insignia of rank from their sleeves.
165. A holiday isn't an optional extra. In this stressful, frantic world it's a must.
166. Cold sweat bedewed Mr. Lin's forehead . He was frantic.
167. Angry Kid Shop Raider - Out smart, guards, dogs and CCTV to grab the swag by being light-fingered through 24 levels of frantic arcade action.
168. Several miles away in her Jersey City home, with her frantic daughter on one line and the 911 emergency operator on the other, Grace Sato felt utterly helpless.
169. This plot twist was revealed by Gene and Big Boss' response was believably frantic.
170. The mother was frantic with grief at the loss of her child.
171. AGAPE This is love without tension: it is calm and not frantic.
172. They found the poor old man half frantic with grief and anger.
173. This is the romaunt prototype, frantic hymn and fantasy poem prototype.
174. When she discovered her baby had disappeared, she was greatly frantic.
175. Gral Lagher was ill at ease and then abruptly frantic.




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