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单词 Arbitrate
1 I've been asked to arbitrate between the opposing sides.
2 A committee will arbitrate between management and unions.
3 The tribunal has the power to arbitrate in disputes.
4 I should like to arbitrate on this matter.
5 Someone must arbitrate between opposing parties.
6 A committee was created to arbitrate between management and the unions.
7 The United Nations will try to arbitrate in the international dispute.
8 He cannot arbitrate, because he is interested in the matter.
9 He was asked to arbitrate between management and the unions.
10 The tribunal had been set up to arbitrate in the dispute.
11 An outside adviser has been brought in to arbitrate the dispute between the management and the union.
12 They had to arbitrate like civilized people.
13 Will the Supreme Court arbitrate accounting standards?
14 Most brokerage firms require customers to arbitrate disputes rather than file lawsuits.
15 The commission will seek to arbitrate a resolution before handing down a decision in late summer.
16 It follows that the pope should arbitrate between claimants to the emperorship.
17 Bishops were again brought in to arbitrate; but they did not see eye to eye.
18 A local magistrate has been asked to arbitrate between farmers and conservationist groups.
19 to arbitrate in a dispute.
20 Where would you like to arbitrate?
21 I cannot arbitrate, being interested in the matter.
22 Someone must arbitrate between them.
23 Paul will not continue to arbitrate their arguments.
24 They agreed to arbitrate their dispute.
25 Do not solve, can arbitrate to local labor dispute committee appeal.
26 Dictionaries also can arbitrate disputes that arise during a game of Scrabble or late - night conversations.
27 Because they had formal authority,[] the managers were to arbitrate any disputes that then arose.
28 Where that fails, the Secretary of State will have powers to arbitrate and impose a contract on the parties.
29 The exactitude applies law in the arbitrament, is the key which insures to arbitrate quality.
30 You have prestige, and so are in a position to arbitrate.
1 I've been asked to arbitrate between the opposing sides.
2 A committee will arbitrate between management and unions.
31 Token Bus uses a physical bus topology, but also uses a token-passing scheme to arbitrate access to the bus.
32 What is The Advantages for the Parties from Mainland in China to Arbitrate in HongKong? thx!
33 Mr. Smith has been asked to arbitrate between the employers and their workers.
34 It was agreed :'If the lawyer's or the professor's views prove inconclusive , Tu Hsueh - shih shall arbitrate.'
35 France was asked to arbitrate the dispute between the two nations.
36 On the International Conventions of Recognition and Execution of Commercial Arbitrate Awards.
37 An experienced lawyer has been asked to arbitrate between the contending parties.
38 A main referee and two more judges arbitrate a Judo contest.




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