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单词 Ad
(1) St Pancras was martyred in 304 AD.
(2) Buddhism was introduced into China about 67 AD.
(3) Rome annexed the Nabatean kingdom in 106 AD.
(4) Charlemagne was crowned Emperor on Christmas Day 800 AD.
(5) Environmentalists attacked the company's ad as a public-relations exercise.
(6) We put an ad in the local paper.
(7) Problems were solved on an ad hoc basis.
(8) Every single ad in the campaign has been a gem.
(9) There was a brief ad for Mona Lisa skin lightener.
(10) They've placed an ad for someone to baby-sit the youngsters in the evening.
(11) In one ad the viewer scarcely sees the car's exterior.
(12) This is an ad hoc committee specially established to deal with a particular subject.
(13) He placed/put a personal ad in The Times.
(14) Rome fell to the Vandals in 455 AD.
(15) He plays the country yokel in the butter ad.
(16) A lot of claims are made in the ad.
(17) That ad campaign was an absolute masterstroke.
(18) David has had 12 replies to his ad.
(19) In AD 586 St Kentigern evangelized Tweeddale.
(20) I'm phoning about your ad in the paper.
(21) He ad libbed his way through the meeting.
(22) What will world population be by 2050 AD/AD 2050?
(23) The ad appeared on all major channels.
(24) She delivered her lines ad lib.
(25) The pair have often been known to abandon their script and begin ad libbing.
(26) York was founded by the Romans in the year 71 AD.
(27) I'd forgotten the notes for my speech so I had to do it ad lib.
(28) The cathedral was destroyed by the Great Fire of 1136 AD.
(29) We were told to help ourselves to the food ad lib.
(30) Quills were the chief writing implement from the 6 th century AD until the advent of steel pens in the mid 19 th century.
(1) St Pancras was martyred in 304 AD.
(2) Rome annexed the Nabatean kingdom in 106 AD.
(3) Charlemagne was crowned Emperor on Christmas Day 800 AD.
(4) Environmentalists attacked the company's ad as a public-relations exercise.
(5) We put an ad in the local paper.
(6) Every single ad in the campaign has been a gem.
(7) York was founded by the Romans in the year 71 AD.
(8) There was a brief ad for Mona Lisa skin lightener.
(9) I'd forgotten the notes for my speech so I had to do it ad lib.
(10) The cathedral was destroyed by the Great Fire of 1136 AD.
(11) In one ad the viewer scarcely sees the car's exterior.
(12) Quills were the chief writing implement from the 6 th century AD until the advent of steel pens in the mid 19 th century.
(13) The speech was full of ad - libs and witty asides.
(31) The problem would be repeated ad infinitum.
(32) Television sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam.
(33) This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.
(34) He placed a lonely hearts ad in a magazine.
(35) I spoke from the pulpit ad lib.
(36) You cannot stay here ad infinitum without paying rent.
(37) Points of policy are decided ad hoc.
(38) She replied to a lonely hearts ad.
(39) It said in the job ad that they wanted proficiency in at least two languages.
(40) Middle English was spoken from about AD 1100 to 1450.
(41) Having suffered grievously from biological weapons attacks in the past, China supports work that helps comprehensively to strengthen the effectiveness of the convention. It has actively participated in the work of drawing up a Protocol of the Ad Hoc Group of States Parties to the BWC established in 1994,(http:///ad.html) and has made contributions to the progress of the negotiations on the Protocol.
(42) The speech was full of ad - libs and witty asides.
(43) This ad pulled better than any other we have run.
(44) He talks ad nauseam about how clever his children are.
(45) In AD 79 the city of Pompei was buried under a layer of ash seven metres deep.
(46) She took out a full-page ad in a women's magazine.
(47) Why don't you put an ad in the local paper?
(48) Look(), we've been over this ad nauseam. I think we should move on to the next item.
(49) The ad glamorized life in the army, emphasizing travel and adventure.
(50) The meetings will be held on an ad hoc basis.
(51) He at last left Mecca on a night in AD 1728.
(52) It seems reasonable to assume that the book was written around 70 AD.
(53) The judge enjoined Varityper from using the ad in any way.
(54) He's probably narked because he didn't see the ad himself.
(55) The Roman Empire was divided in the fourth century AD.
(56) Ad lib is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "ad libitum".
(57) You cannot stay here ad infinitum without paying any rent.
(58) A seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of £50,000.
(59) I never use a script; I just ad lib the whole programme.
(60) Alaric the Goth advanced toward Rome, which he sacked in AD 410.
(61) a splashy half-page ad.
(62) It says in the ad that the bathroom is spacious and well-appointed.
(63) The actress often forgot her lines but was very good at ad libbing.
(64) The ad was run in the paper for a week.
(65) I don't want to go on working here ad infinitum.
(66) I have to explain A, then B, and C, and so on ad infinitum.
(67) Considerable remains survive of the great city walls begun by Theodosius in AD 413.
(68) I lost my notes and had to ad lib the whole speech.
(69) The speaker has to ad - lib his speech when his papers suddenly blow off the podium.
(70) The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems.
(71) The ad plays on our emotions,(http:///ad.html) showing a doctor holding a newborn baby.
(72) Frank answered my ad in the Voice.
(73) Robin Barda for the minors' guardian ad litem.
(74) An ad campaign brought to life.
(75) William Helfrecht for the guardian ad litem.
(76) Hotchkis's dinky ad budget translates into low annual fees.
(77) Annual ad revenue is more than $ 150 million.
(78) Pheifer manages several accounts for the ad agency.
(79) We discussed it ad nauseam.
(80) Is this ad for Absolut Vodka for real?
(81) The ad was inappropriate for a family audience.
(82) One last ad for the summer un-vacation scrapbook.
(83) Karen Davies, solicitor, for the guardian ad litem.
(84) Well, said Malcolm, did you read the ad?
(85) DNA can copy itself within a cell ad infinitum.
(86) Ad campaigns are used to both bolster sales and improve corporate image.
(87) But informal, ad hoc networks may then appear and disappear as the net is rearranged.
(88) Then in January 1991 I saw Roslin's ad in Nature.
(89) Out of these ad hoc sessions came a bold plan to drill a hole into the earth.
(90) AD/M-19 leaders accused the government, in accepting this ruling, of letting political decisions be taken by judges.
(91) Radio ad revenues shrink in a recession and debt could become a much heavier burden.
(92) Some of the big ad agencies close up shop early for the holidays.
(93) The company estimates 50, 000 golfers will see each ad annually.
(94) Let's hope some of our little fire raisers don't manage to get there and put the ad into practice.
(95) One day he puts this PersonaIs ad on her desk.
(96) Write a classified newspaper ad, or post a note on a computer bulletin board, offering to give the computer away.
(97) Equal numbers have congratulated the ad agency for reviving memories of the thrill of discovering a baby is on the way.
(97) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(98) So then because thou art lukewarm ad neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.
(99) Where a guardian ad litem has been appointed the solicitor must take instructions from the guardian.
(100) What all of this means is that the stakes in the ad game are astronomical.
(101) If you see an ad which makes you really stop and take notice, some one has succeeded in getting through to you.
(102) Meanwhile, the London-based ad firm was scrambling to rejuvenate the account, bringing in creative talent from their Southern California office.
(103) In the 30-second spot, the first attack ad of his campaign, Buchanan accuses competitors Dole, Sen.
(104) Rats placed on to a semi-starvation diet live longer than those given food ad libitum.
(105) Eventually a group of Arab youths becomes visible, running down the hill towards the giant Marlboro ad by the city limits.
(106) The fourth defendant, T., who was unconscious, was represented by the Official Solicitor as guardian ad litem.
(107) Yet, if you show people the ad, they will tell you just the things that the strategy was looking for.
(108) In contrast to the Lisa approach, the Macintosh team implemented its interface issues on an ad hoc basis.
(109) Y., which works mainly for ad agencies and is following a Nielsen-like model of audience measurement through random sampling.
(110) They put an ad in the paper for people to be the cowboy, the construction worker and the biker.
(111) But the chain gets $ 18, 500 for the same ad if the book is more heavily discounted.
(112) But at 738, 000, said Ad Melkert, the social affairs minister, the number is still too high.
(113) Part of the screen was taken up by a banner ad for TotalNews sponsor NewsPage, a personalized Internet news service.
(114) An ad hoc committee has been set up to deal with the problem.
(115) Then, with the advent of ad agencies, the adverts themselves became commodities.
(116) Pharmaceutical ad revenue is expected to soar 300 percent in 1997.
(117) Diets and water were supplied ad libitum. Food consumption was recorded every 3 days and the animals were weighed weekly.
(118) I don't care if he appeared in the ad in return for a donation to the Terrence Higgins Trust.
(119) That banner ad obscured an ad on the Time site for PointCast, which competes with NewsPage.
(120) In Iowa Friday, Forbes challenged the ad as untrue and demanded an apology from the Dole campaign.
(121) You answer an ad in a frenzy of lust and loneliness.
(122) That was a piece of cake compared to finding a square mile without an ad.
(123) But he's still optimistic that whoever answers the ad, will bring romance as well as adventure into his life.
(124) A guardian ad litem appointed in emergency protection proceedings will usually continue to act in any care proceedings which follow.
(125) Our mock ad on page 35 shows you what to look out for.
(126) Meanwhile, the guardian ad litem appointed on behalf of the children was preparing her report.
(127) But it also means more ad clutter for the average viewer.
(127) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(128) The guards and porters walked about, the bell was rung, the signal was given ad the train started off.
(129) In practice, social work records where relevant are likely to be introduced into the proceedings via the guardian ad litem.
(130) Like the Essence ad, the book covers included shaving tips.
(131) At least on commercial channels they have ad breaks for this sort of thing.
(132) And just like in the Kronenbourg ad she can't stop driving men to distraction.
(133) But last week the Republican ad cavalry charged to the rescue.
(134) Without protection schemes, songs in digital form can be copied ad infinitum over the Internet.
(135) He started in the 1970s by placing a free ad in Yankee magazine, inquiring about old road maps.
(136) A third option is to place their own ad in the restroom.
(137) When I first answered the ad in the paper and said I was a widow, that was different.
(138) The ad includes video of Clinton speaking at a Houston fund-raiser, where he made the admission about the taxes.
(139) Section 41 imposes a duty on the court to appoint a guardian ad litem in most public law proceedings under the Act.
(140) The guardian ad litem is expected to convey the child's views to the court.
(141) A plane flew overhead, an ad for Coppertone trailing behind on a banner.
(142) One television ad featured a live chicken to convey the message: Stop being one; start investing.
(143) And then we bought a copy of the New Musical Express and saw a little ad that went with it.
(144) You can practise this skill by deliberately steering a bad variable course ad feel the pressure changing in the hands.
(145) Majors spend more on one ad than we did on recording an album.
(146) All these questions can help you decide whether the ad is right or whether it needs changing.
(147) It's also a relaxed, romantic ad for Bill S, more alive here than he has been for decades.
(148) Add in the slower pitches ad lower bounce and Hick was able to take full advantage.
(149) The newspaper ad featured a shepherd and his flock on some remote moor.
(150) After dabbling in an ad hoc errand service, she spent $ 200 in 1989 to start her cleaning business.
(151) Apart from the 90mins one Sunil mentioned didnt one of the tabloids have an ad on Monday to start something like that up?
(152) Seen the Camel ad witha guy racing to his shelter as a meteorite approaches, grasping nothing but his cigarette carton?
(153) All these old rules have been taught and repeated ad nauseam.
(154) The cost to the ad agencies ranges from 40 to $ 2 per thousand viewers.
(155) It all started, she recalls, when Anna answered an ad at the Job Centre for a magician's assistant.
(156) Electronic publishers are racing each other to meet demand for local information on the Web and to capture local ad dollars.
(157) There are already plans to make the £26(http://),000 jingle into a hit single and show the ad in cinemas.
(158) The living was easy, and based in a squat, since Williams had abandoned his ad agency.
(159) Now, with up to 60 seconds of trailers, advertisers and ad agencies are beginning to get angry.
(160) You rarely see a direct response ad which does not put a clear offer - and the price - in its headline.
(161) MI6 placed a small ad in a newspaper to retrieve a laptop containing state secrets after it was lost by an agent.
(162) Buy the car, become one of the beautiful people, the ad suggests.
(163) Consider Britain, where Tesco, a supermarket chain, is now the brand with the biggest ad budget.
(164) As a renter you might feel deceived if you answered the ad.
(165) We put an ad in 'The Times' and got a terrific response.
(166) Mendoza recalls the time when a limousine driver called and asked to place an ad.
(167) Look for what is not included in the main body of the ad.
(168) Forget the stereotype of the naive female student who answers an ad and ends up on the streets.
(169) Dole has been highly critical of organized labor this year, especially an expensive union ad campaign waged against Republicans.
(170) The ad has been up around the country all spring, unanswered, and it has been deadly effective.
(171) A summer jump in ad sales was clobbered by Black Wednesday.
(172) The multi-million dollar ad campaign has failed to boost sales.
(173) A fly was buzzing over my head ad kept settling on my face.
(174) Where a guardian ad litem is not appointed initially there is power to appoint at any subsequent stage in the proceedings.
(175) Some companies advertise kit, knowing that stocks are low and may not last for the full life of the ad.
(176) Considered 33 years later, that ad was light-years ahead of its time.
(177) Alderman Marzullo puts out a 350-page ad book every year, at one hundred dollars a page.
(178) It has the power to reform and transform lives ad through it countless people have been given new strength.
(179) Where the court has appointed a solicitor the guardian ad litem may apply for termination of his appointment.
(180) Between them they looked like the stars of a Reagan campaign ad.
(181) Mr Cruitt says ad spending will triple this year, when the company will begin promoting the cat version of the drug.
(182) However, the critical questions are specific to the particular ad, and they are the ones that really matter.
(183) Forbes leads Fortune in circulation and ad revenue, a status that has developed only since Steve Forbes took over.
(184) They're predicting a negative ad blitz by Friday.
(185) Theoretically this can carry on ad infinitum.
(186) The project did not have numbers available but said online ad revenue was expected to surpass print newspaper ad revenue for the first time in 2010.
(187) This is certainly true,(http:///ad.html) but the interest of the arguments we have considered here is not merely ad hominem .
(188) No, this isn't an ad for another virtual reality computer game.
(189) Ad valorem duties are levied on the basis of the product's value.
(190) The ad in the Sunday paper clearly says it's only $2.99 for a baker's dozen. But the store clerk insisted on giving me only 12 doughnuts.
(191) As in Ad hoc network, route is an important part in wireless Mesh network.
(192) METHODS: Sprague - Dawley rats received food and water ad libitum in 1 week of acclimation.
(193) With Beijing for the electronic entertainment venues of the "ban", the network of "recreation hall opened, " the ad is gradually increasing.
(194) Business scope: expo pictorial , real estate scheming , CIS, 2 - D design, packaging design, outdoor ad.
(195) Comprehensive used for park, fencing wall, bridge, edifice, floor body adumbration, step street air corridor, ad brand and so on, city bright change the first choice of construction product.
(196) AS : He was very late fifth century major book was completed in ad 499.
(197) If you had never seen a telly ad, you would be all at sea with popular culture.
(198) The short-term test, involving a very limited percentage of Yahoo's Web search queries, is designed for the two sides to evaluate the revenue potential of a broader search ad outsourcing arrangement.
(199) Ad hoc arbitration plays a great role in settling international trade and economic disputes with a long history.
(200) The success of craigslist's free listings, for instance, has hurt the newspaper classified ad business.
(201) Operation panel providing selection of Chinese or English display to make the operation easier ad clearer.
(202) One of reasons with scampish flush software, it is the ad that a lot of enterprises buy scampish software developer.
(203) Observing Zwick and Herskovitz at work got Haggis interested in directing, and when the church asked him to make a thirty-second ad about Dianetics he seized the chance.
(204) If you don't denounce that ad, I'm going to have to do it myself.
(205) About that same time, they received a much-needed SBA loan for $50, 000, but Howitt signed an agreement with an ad agency for roughly the same amount--leaving the business starving for cash.
(206) BPW 77 photo - dynatron and AD 620 meter amplifier are adopted in convert and amplify circuit.
(207) Add to this the fact that Director Stanley Kubrick allowed him to ad lib about 50% of his lines, which Kubrick only allowed for one other actor in history, Peter Sellers.
(208) Can the eye baby - sitter in TV ad treat myopia really?
(209) The preexistence of mobile Ad Hoc network is packet radio network.
(210) First form feature model of automobile panel is established. Then a new heuristic rule-based feature recognition algorithm is present ad to recognize hole features and flange features.
(211) I am calling in reference to your newspaper ad for a Sales Representative.
(212) In 350 AD another Bishop of Rome, Julius I, choose December 25th as the observance of Christmas.
(213) But those designs had been for ad hoc, one-of-a-kind products. No one had done the serious engineering required to design a mobile data center as a mass- producible commodity.
(214) A lot of ad firms take a fancy to the resource among SNS website, it is in succession in the SNS website of these domestic mainstreams put in advertisement.
(215) She glibly ad - libbed anything that popped into her head.
(216) This article reviewed the abnormal conformation about the AD related proteins.
(217) At present, we are still using the traditional way: ad hoc volume of water equipment, water gauge,() velocity meter etc.
(218) In 2006, the site earned an estimated $40 million from the few things it charges for. That's about 12 percent of the $326 million by which classified ad revenue declined that year.
(219) Correct design of systematic DNS ( Domain Name System ) structure is the important prerequisite to plan AD network.
(220) John? Genius English School needs an ad campaign for our new curriculum.
(221) Uptake rate of sample was consisted to speed of peristaltic pump ad a little correlation to concentration of acid and no correlation to the kinds of acid.
(222) AS : He was very late fifth century - his major book was completed in ad 499.




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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:42:41