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单词 group therapy
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatryˌgroup ˈtherapy noun [uncountable]  MPa method of treating people with emotional problems by getting them to meet and talk as a group 群体治疗〔让有情感问题或心理疾病的患者在群体里谈论自己的问题,以达到治疗目的〕Examples from the Corpusgroup therapy• The women also receive individual and group therapy.• Psychotherapy and group therapy - as an out-patient or in-patient - may also be prescribed.• They meet in a daily group therapy session, and very quickly become lovers.• Some of them are returned to normal prisons before they ever make the intensive group therapy regime.• Hamlet re-visited, or Art aspiring to the condition of group therapy for the chattering classes?• Most cricket schools prefer group therapy.• Manz told her physician about the idea, and he agreed that group therapy might just do the trick.• He made up his mind to participate in the group therapy sessions he had been sitting through mutely.ˌgroup ˈtherapy nounChineseSyllable  them Corpus emotional by of with method a treating people problems getting




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