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单词 Rating
1, The critics' rating of the film was low.
2, Education has been given a high-priority rating by the new administration.
3, The poll gave a popular approval rating of 39% for the President.
4, The overall performance rating puts the new model well ahead of its main rivals.
5, The movie carries an R rating.
6, The resort got a low rating for children's facilities.
7, The university scored a top rating among students.
8, The bonds have a Moody's AAA rating.
9, What star rating does this restaurant have?
10, He has a bad credit rating .
11, The judges gave her the maximum rating on style.
12, The government's popularity rating sank to an all-time low.
13, The rating system is undergoing some / a complete restructuring.
14, Most countries try to preserve their international credit rating in order to secure necessary loans.
15, Films are given a rating of one to five stars according to merit.
16, The film was given a 15 rating by British censors.
17, It is a ship with a rating of 500, 000 tons.
18, He has the highest opinion poll rating of any president this century.
19, In Michigan, he has a 63 percent approval rating.
20, The Lakers had a 77-percent favorable rating.
21, Global rating scales were used to determine outcome expectations.
22, The rating was simply too aggressive.
23, The President's approval rating rose to 78%.
24, He has an A-1 credit rating.
25, The only exception was his Challenge Rating for Stranraer.
26, Cuntonas rating is also fair enough.
27, The 'Cosby Show' was the highest-rated network show with a rating of 26.
28, By the end of the year the Prime Minister's approval rating had fallen as low as 12 percent.
29, The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating, job history,(http:///rating.html) savings and marital status were ignored altogether.
30, Four restaurants have been awarded the highest accolade of a three - star rating .
1, Education has been given a high-priority rating by the new administration.
2, The 'Cosby Show' was the highest-rated network show with a rating of 26.
3, The poll gave a popular approval rating of 39% for the President.
4, By the end of the year the Prime Minister's approval rating had fallen as low as 12 percent.
5, The overall performance rating puts the new model well ahead of its main rivals.
6, It is a ship with a rating of 500, 000 tons.
7, Four restaurants have been awarded the highest accolade of a three - star rating .
31, Co. raised their rating on the stock today.
32, This is illegal as they have a lower speed rating than the vehicle requires.
33, Technology aside, Boston topped the charts for the game with a 10. 8 rating.
34, The words are then assigned a rating based on the probability of the grammatical transitions that their tags participate in.
35, Yet it had a better insurance rating than all but two other cities in its county.
36, Santa gave them a highly commendable seven out of ten rating.
37, The percentage loaned is again a function of the credit rating of the borrower and the quality of the accounts receivable.
38, He threw 17 touchdown passes and only five interceptions to finish with a 100. 7 rating.
39, Hopewell got a lousy credit rating, which meant investors wanted a higher interest rate.
40, You can use the rating scale to monitor changes over time in your youngster's ability to cope with provocations.
41, Parents will have control over which rating service or software they use and what material their kids can access.
42, Compounds containing oxygen, which enhances octane rating, have also been added.
43, The rating surveyor has a specialist knowledge in this area, and will always be pleased to advise.
44, The bank uses its triple A debt rating to borrow on world financial markets for its lending programme to middle-income countries.
45, This also is done mainly by interview although some use is made of psychometric tests, profiles and rating scales.
46, The notes are not backed by any collateral; rather, they rely on the high credit rating of the issuing corporation.
47, He slashed his rating from strong buy to reduce, and cut his target from Dollars 60 to Dollars 14.
48, When lead is added to petrol it improves a car's performance by increasing the octane rating.
49, There is a problem if a fund has produced sales literature with a positive rating that changes for the worse.
50, The new rating system will be incorporated in television listings starting Jan. 1.
51, As it's a beta version, it's tricky to give ClarisWorks a star rating.
51, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
52, His approval rating dropped from a high of about 70 percent, but still stands at around 60 percent.
53, Their rating has fallen since last July on 15 out of 16 issues, with only a fractional improvement on unemployment.
54, Five star rating Outward Bound centre - canoeing, caving, rock climbing pony trekking etc.
55, A leader with a rating of nine on the horizontal axis has a maximum concern for production.
56, The basic reason given was that the traditional rating system failed to produce democratic accountability.
57, There would be a return to all the anomalies that the old rating system caused.
58, The poll also gave a popular approval rating of 39 percent for the President, the lowest ever recorded by Bush.
59, A recent poll gives President Clinton the same 60 percent public approval rating that Ronald Reagan brought to his second term.
60, Lists of customers or sub-contractors and associated information; for example, what services they perform, what their credit rating is.
61, There is no doubt that the old rating system was based on the nebulous concept of a fair market rent.
62, Clinton has rarely had better than a 40 percent job approval rating in Texas public opinion polls since that election.
63, At worst, a poor rating can put a company out of business.
64, It existed under the old domestic rating system, and still exists for those who do not pay rates in Northern Ireland.
65, Replace any flexes that have damaged insulation with new flex of the correct type and current rating for the appliance concerned.
66, The principles of credit rating are immutable, they insist; their credit opinions are never swayed by the judgments of others.
67, How well does older people's overall rating of their health status compare with the prevalence of acute and chronic health problems?
68, Although each series will get a general rating based on its usual content, they can fluctuate from week to week.
69, But when the Thatcher boom went bust Sugar's business declined with it - and so did Amstrad's market rating.
70, An analyst at Salomon Brothers Inc. upgraded the rating on the computer maker to strong buy from buy.
71, Most countries seek to preserve their international credit rating, as long-term loans are required to finance economic development.
72, After a shaky start, the president now gets a better than 50 percent approval rating in opinion polls here.
73, A leader with a rating of nine on the vertical axis has maximum concern for people.
74, The zero rating of goods moving to other member states without Customs documentation clearly invites fraud.
75, Production becomes more important to the leader as his or her rating advances on the horizontal scale.
76, He also criticized the Blaize administration for the country's low credit rating.
77, With parallel operation the output voltage is equal to the voltage rating of one winding, or 6 volts in this case.
78, Failure to repay a student loan can ruin that person's credit rating.
79, Bancomext securities will receive an investment grade rating because of the structure.
80, Table 2 summarises the global rating by the patient after the completion of the first randomisation.
81, The Marine account reported substantial premium growth following rating action.
82, The Marine account continued to benefit from rating action and again reported substantial premium growth.
83, The musicians fill out evaluation forms, rating the candidates' knowledge(sentence dictionary), technique and overall impression.
84, For bonds and preferred stocks, market values are determined mainly by the credit rating of the company and prevailing interest rates.
85, Both animals were the only Rottweilers in the open class to gain a V rating.
86, Main outcome measures - Improvement in mean scores on Hamilton depression rating scale for 55 randomised controlled trials.
87, Portfolio also benefited from differential premium rating introduced last December.
88, The difficulties associated with questionnaires are usually also applicable to rating scales.
89, Reform of the rating system has long been on the political agenda.
90, The picture is further complicated when judgement is involved using a set of criteria or rating scales.
91, Less than two years ago, at the end of the Gulf War, he had the highest poll rating of any President.
92, Two-fifths of the ex-care sample had a rating of poor parenting, compared to one in nine of the comparison group.
93, Subjects were then given an example and instructions in how to fill out the rating scales.
94, If several powerheads are being used, they should all be of the same make and power rating to provide maximum efficiency.
95, These numbers are surprisingly low, no junction had a mean accident or risk rating above the midpoint of the scale.
96, While 19 percent gave him a poor rating in the latest poll, 30 percent gave him the lowest rating last May.
97, Pastrana's approval rating has fallen since he took office in 1998.
98, Social distance can be expressed as a series of questions constituting a rating scale.
99, The global rating scale was used as described by Jaeschke.
100, Creditor business continues to be affected by the poor economic climate but rating action has resulted in some improvement in Q2.
101, It is predicted that these changes will result in significance shifts in the rating burden.
102, All the gardens have been chosen by local inspectors, and 80 have been awarded the highest accolade of a two-star rating.
103, The rating a film gets reflects the opinions of our reviewers.
104, NatWest Securities raised its rating on the computer maker to accumulate from hold.
105, An "X" rating can be the kiss of death at the box office for a big-budget movie.
106, The default risk on a bond is usually assessed in the form of a credit rating.
107, The implied senior rating was also downgraded to triple-B from triple-B-plus.
108, Kassebaum wanted some sort of rating system that would rank the states by the general health status of their populations.
109, The company has until April to submit plans to credit rating agencies, or risk having its debt rating downgraded.
110, Different definitions of charity for different purposes, for example, charity, tax, rating, would be very confusing.
111, It lopped points off the government's rating in the opinion polls.
112, But a good rating from the independent assessors can make all the difference.
113, Stronger societies were taking over smaller and weaker ones(), which resulted in a downgrading of the credit rating of the predator.
114, Ford began changing the way it treated its suppliers in 1980 by rating them for qual ity.
115, That is why valuation, under the old rating system, was a most inexact science.
116, That is equivalent to a 5. 4 rating on a broadcast network....
117, Problems caused by using fuel with a too low octane rating.
118, When Mr Estrada took office in 1998 his approval rating was 60 %.
119, The Tory rating has noticeably worsened since July on the issues of managing the economy, pensions and taxation.
120, Once you've got the rating, you know that you've never before enjoyed such flying freedom.
121, People become more important to the leader as his or her rating progresses up the vertical axis.
122, While Jeb Bush received a 56 percent grade, President Bush earned a 52 percent approval rating from respondents.
123, The rating firm said the company is more reliant on its revolving credit lines because of the elimination of commercial paper.
124, NBC's new comedy had the highest television rating this season.
125, Almodovar's film was given an X rating in the U.S.
126, Internet Explorer and Netscape, for example, can restrict access according to a rating system.
127, The completion rate for rating scales in this study was 100 percent for the student samples.
128, Exceeds American Petroleum Institute API's rating standard.
129, Shaded area refers to recommended seat rating.
130, Thanks to these eco-friendly features, all three products have attained the VDI 4707 Class A rating for both operation and standby modes.
131, The action lifts the rating to the highest on an international scale designed by an international group of experts in 1989 and is overseen by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
132, Fuel type Unleaded premium, minimum octane rating 98 (RON), automatic knock control permits operation with minimum octane number 95 (RON).
133, New public opinion polls show the president's approval rating at its lowest point since he took office.
134, Be sure to check the power rating and size of the speakers.
135, Perform load rating for new or existing bridges in either AASHTO Standard or LRFR specifications.
136, How does changing the clearances effect the dynamic basic dynamic load rating of the 6006 bearing?
137, The specialized bearings have the performance of large load rating and compactness.
138, In this paper , for a analysis to conceptual comprehension of grown-up college, extent of teaching evaluation and structure of first and second rating indicatrix system.
139, The room was divine and if I could have added an extra star to the sleep quality rating I would have.
140, Assuming a 12V system in which all the components are properly specified, these circuits can survive load dumps, thanks to the 76V absolute maximum rating for the IC's input-power terminal, VIN.
141, Constant radial load (constant axial load center), in the load, the bearing can withstand 1 million transfer theory, the basic rating life.
142, The forward voltage drop in the on-state is only a few volts(typically 1 to 3 V depending on the device blocking voltage rating).
143, Is there a supplier performance rating system that evaluates price, quality, and delivery performance?
144, This paper introduces the structure and principle of operation of ZGPY-1 on-line NIR octane rating analyzer.
145, Princess Grace of Monaco - also known as the Oscar-winning actress Grace Kelly - topped the list, with a 91 per cent approval rating, closely followed by Queen Rania of Jordan, on 90 per cent.
146, The metering error will occur when current transformer does not operate in rating condition.
147, The gasoline label number is classified by the octane rating, which means the content of the octane.
148, Next, learn to sew or find a dry cleaner who can.Repairs go without saying, and a little alteration can upgrade an item's fashion rating no end.
149, As a result of the borrower's lowered credit rating, a conventional mortgage is not offered because the lender views the borrower as having a larger-than-average risk of defaulting on the loan.
150, With the developement of rating scales for mental health, the study of psychological characteristic in anxiety neurosis has also been improving.
151, Some commonly used methods of students' performance rating are analyzed through examples and the approach of the factor analysis is introduced briefly.
152, By the way, the Vista Performance Rating of the Gateway computer in question scored only a 4.something.
153, An alternative increasingly being used is ethanol, which has an octane rating of 108 or 110; gasoline with 10 percent ethanol is marketed as gasohol .
154, Glamour rating? Low- there's nothing glitzy about donning a greasy spoon pinny, and she adopts a cockney accent to fit in with the East End setting.
155, Well, this model using Nearest Neighbor has an 89-percent accuracy rating, while the previous model only had a 59-percent accuracy rating, so that's definitely a good start.
156, A merit rating system used in research of lube oil formulations is described.
157, At last, the experiments implement the Duration Distribution Based HMM by modifying HTK source code and result shows it have a significant improvement of accuracy rating.
158, The result of our further study shows that the inverse relation between managerial stock ownership is significant in the companies with high credit rating.
159, But, like a lot of these films, this one has a parental guidance rating of "PG-13."
160, With nmon (type in n after startup), you have a quick snapshot of everything going on in your network, including adapter details, MTU, error counters and collisions, and megabit rating.
161, MICRO fuse, very fast-acting type. Radial lead. Ampere rating 6/10. Nominal resistance cold 0.430 Ohms. Voltage rating 125.
162, The unit of measure is ohms, and it is usually specified as a maximum rating.
163, The project is a comprehensive billing system designed for Sichuan Chengdu Netcom Corporation, including call record collection, rating and operation analysis system.
164, The test mixture by which a gasoline's octane rating is judged combines 2,2,4-trimethylpentane and heptane (87 to 13 percent for "87 octane").
165, The temperature of the test conductors shall not exceed or be able to contact a surface that exceeds the branch circuit conductor rating marked on the luminaire .
166, The rating of an attachment plug assembled to a flexible cord for connection to a branch circuit shall comply with Table 3.2.1.
167, After scanning a face, the device produces a rating between zero to 100 depending on the estimated value of the fulfilled potential of a person's biggest smile.
168, Fear can not repay the debt of Portugal, the Portuguese international credit rating agencies to reduce and improve the repayment rate has aggravated the economic difficulties of Portugal.
169, 'I question whether private enterprise should be in this business [of rating sovereign debt], ' Jules Kroll, chairman and chief executive of Kroll Bond Rating Agency, told the House hearing.
170, Earlier this month, another credit rating agency downgraded United States government debt for the first time. Standard and Poor's blamed the political fight over the nation's debt.
171, Obama's job approval rating has fallen from 61 percent in mid-June to 54 percent now, in part due to his handling of the Gates-Crowley situation, a Pew Research Center poll found.
172, It is easy to find the value of electrolytic capacitors because they are clearly printed with their capacitance and voltage rating.
173, It is important to ensure that the total cell voltage across the string does not exceed the common mode voltage rating and the maximum voltage level of the switch module.
174, Credit enhancement tools are employed to accomplish a high credit rating.
175, Processes that the program has never encountered before are not given a security rating or a comment.
176, For example, the current Apple MacBook Air uses Intel ultra-low-voltage processors with a TDP about half of the 35-watt rating for mainstream Intel mobile processors.
177, Many investors, by contrast, believe the main worth of credit rating agencies is the pressure they bring to bear on governments to put right their finances.
178, Citing concerns about BP's costs and legal liabilities, Fitch Ratings downgraded BP's long-term default rating and senior unsecured debt to AA from AA-plus.
179, Taken for six consecutive months for each store rating given a score of all the arithmetic mean of the buyer.
180, Equities faced pressure from a stronger U.S. dollar after Dubai's unresolved debt problems and Fitch Ratings' downgrade of Greece's bond rating dented risk appetite.
181, The over Voltage protection should be tested at other load rating.
182, Right now on the TTR when you change members of a team the team rating is penalized 150 points.
183, If the project parts list does not specify a voltage, choose a capacitor with a rating which is greater than the project's power supply voltage.
184, The voltage rating of these resistors must be at least equal to the test voltage.
185, Vancouver is still the world's most liveable city, with a rating of 98.0; Sydney and Zurich, sharing ninth place, achieved a score less than 2% lower than Vancouver's.
185, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
186, This is probably why still his rating is based on pass completion as if he would be a playmaker, his missing runs with ball and lousy number of crosses do not help to increase it either.
187, The movie was given a parental guidance (PG) rating in Hong Kong, and might now only appear after 9 pm on mainland TV screens.
188, Combining with both the domestic and foreign standards, the Cooling Capacity Rating Parameters and Its Measurement Methods for Evaporative Air Coolers Were Analyzed and Discussed.
189, "The stupefying losses in mortgage-related securities came in large part because of flawed, history-based models used by salesmen, rating agencies and investors, " he wrote.
190, Skill at interacting with Concord. 5% Bonus to effective security rating increase.
191, It make quantitative assessment to various security factors which affect the security rating of monitoring events base on the combination of qualitative and quantitative method.
192, By using pictorially aided paradigm and pictorial rating scale, to explore 80 children's separation anxiety of four age levels.
193, The facility a three - star rating , the highest possible, by the DHS in its latest evaluation.
194, They had the students fast for three hours, before rating the tastiness of snack foods like candy and chips.
195, The standard rating cycle for the lift generation system needs to generate at approximately 25% above maximum allowable loaded take off weights.
196, We used Confirmative Factor Analysis (CFA) to analyze student's rating data.
197, Ignore any letters - they just indicate tolerance and voltage rating.
198, In the rare event we don't have the rating you need in our stock, we'll find it via our advanced electronic locator network.
199, In a deal before you have to do credit to operations which you have to do after forescast credit tracking, you have to do credit rating, in this case, you can effectively control the risks.
200, Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
201, MICRO fuse, very fast-acting type. Plug-in. Ampere rating 4. Nominal resistance cold 0.0202 Ohms. Voltage rating 125.
202, How fast will an increment of the excitation voltage reach 95% of the difference between ceiling voltage and the system voltage rating.
203, The parabolic gear is characterized by a new-type tooth profile, which may ensure very great load rating and fairly good unyielding, anti-sticking and wear- resisting properties.
204, Credit rating a - gencies play an important role in this pro - cess.
205, Secondly, based on the open questionnaire, we got 20 target words for the Group Circulative Rating. 10 of the words were about relationship, the others were about ability.




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