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单词 Trine
1) Previously the code word for this was Trine and before that, during the early 1960s, Dinar.
2) Unless God were trine, there would not be happiness.
3) The trine formed between Mercury and Jupiter shows you are likely to get a good education.
4) A trine connecting the Moon and Venus smoothes the disposition, and makes life more harmonious in many ways.
5) If the controlling aspect is Trine and its complementary aspect becomes Sextile, the quality of that aspect improves in our judgment or readings.
6) The trine formed between Mars and Neptune suggests a successful integration of forceful action and dreams.
7) Great resilience is offered by Saturn trine Pluto, and the ability to maintain a focused effort with consistency and rigor.
8) The trine formed between Mars and Uranus shows originality and enthusiasm in your actions.
9) The trine between Jupiter and Pluto produces a powerful exuberance in your nature that allows you to inspire others to their potential, as you likewise are able to achieve your own.
10) The trine formed between Venus and Neptune denotes a highly romantic nature.
11) The trine formed between Venus and Uranus shows that you are a person who enjoys life.
12) Venus is also trine Chiron in Aquarius, making it possible to see areas of vulnerability in others and stepping around them.
13) Through the "inside and outside trine" training, will force from the original power "muscle" change become conscious control and body balanced "round force", "activate" and "play" shake.
14) A trine between Mars and Pluto shows that the assertiveness in your nature is well aligned with your dedication to causes.
15) The trine formed between Mars and Saturn shows that you are a good soldier who always finishes assigned duties.
16) The trine between Jupiter and Saturn shows serious purpose to your life which may have been influenced by a family tradition.
17) But a team of biologists led by Trine Glad and Monica Sundset at the University of Tromso, in Norway,(http:///trine.html) has now looked properly in the wild.
18) The trine formed between Mars and Jupiter shows that your physical resources are applied in a well-integrated way.
19) We think that Mister Pang Pu's viewpoint that Mean is for trine is a philosophical innovation of times, which has a realistic tendency of practicalism.
20) "A woman should know that her risk of having a psychiatric episode is not increased" after an abortion, said Trine Munk-Olsen of Aarhus University, who led the study.
21) But because Jupiter has moved back one sign and Venus has moved forward one, it puts them into a positive trine position.
22) The distribution network of the North Node consists of the Grand Trine houses that include the location of the North Node in the chart.
23) German-American Baptist denomination founded in 1708; opposed to military service and taking legal oaths; practiced trine immersion.




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