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单词 Scores of
1. Lightning strikes caused scores of fires across the state.
2. Scores of people tried desperately to gatecrash the party.
3. There are scores of people there, maybe eighty or more.
4. We have fought scores of battles in order to win victory.
5. Scores of people have been hurt in running battles with police.
6. He had mentored scores of younger doctors.
7. Benjamin received cards from scores of local well-wishers.
8. Their friendship stretched over scores of years.
9. Scores of hoses played on the flames.
10. His goal leveled the scores of the two teams.
11. The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock.
12. Scores of victims were killed.
13. The police pulled in scores of protesters during the demonstration.
14. You get an A grade for scores of 75 and over.
15. There were scores of boxes and crates, all waiting to be checked and loaded.
16. On a clear night scores of meteors streak the sky.
17. A policeman was killed and scores of people were injured in the melee.
18. Some scores of people acknowledged that there was a crisis.
19. Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.
20. At the end of the service,[sentence dictionary] scores of worshippers streamed down to the altar.
21. This was what they achieved after scores of years of ceaseless labour.
22. Scores of equally distinguished witnesses gave similar testimony.
23. The coast was dotted with scores of harbors.
24. What were the SAT scores of blacks?
25. Scores of people were wounded in clashes on Monday.
26. Later, scores of such books would flood the market.
27. Scores of reporters gathered outside the courthouse.
28. The floods drowned scores of livestock.
29. Scores of festive, multicolored hexagons surround my photo.
30. Her five - year - old daughter likes to act up before scores of visitors.
1. Lightning strikes caused scores of fires across the state.
2. Scores of people tried desperately to gatecrash the party.
3. There are scores of people there, maybe eighty or more.
4. We have fought scores of battles in order to win victory.
5. Scores of people have been hurt in running battles with police.
6. On a clear night scores of meteors streak the sky.
7. Some scores of people acknowledged that there was a crisis.
31. Scores of firemen spent four hours after the explosion trying to repair a fractured gas pipe in the middle of High Street.
32. Shimoda Harbour was close-packed with scores of fishing boats, gunnel to gunnel, taking refuge from the forecast typhoon.
33. They are keeping scores of officials under house arrest in the hotel.
34. Thus, the speakers represented by tables 6.2 and 6.3 were assigned range scores of 5 and 0 respectively.
35. Among the scores of witnesses called to testify was convicted drug smuggler George Morales.
36. Individually and in groups, residents have taken their complaints to scores of government officials.
37. Her career as a historian began when her father taught the 6-year-old to keep box scores of each Dodgers game.
38. So did cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, two former governors, current state officials, and scores of local dignitaries.
39. Within his earshot there were scores of tins in different states of fullness and with varying resonance.
40. The Educational Testing Service invalidated the scores of 18 students.
41. Scores of shoppers and traders watched the fight spill on to the road stopping traffic.
42. The figures in the table are thus mean scores of the means for the organizations in the three groups.
43. In the end, scores of elderly tenants lost their homes.
44. I went to every Great Plains state, dozens of museums, scores of historic sites, numerous cafes.
45. Meanwhile scores of rebel sup porters appeared in court as prosecutors pressed the first charges stemming from the coup attempt.
46. But the collapse of the junk-bond market is a big blow to the scores of companies which were planning new offerings.
47. Read in studio Scores of disabled workers are to lose their jobs after a council decided to stop subsidising their workshops.
48. Scores of buildings were requisitioned by the military authorities and had to be evacuated.
49. Erma Bombeck touched so many lives that scores of readers offered to donate kidneys to replace her failing organs.
50. Among the scores of floral tributes were those from her schoolfriends.
51. Scores of theories have been presented to explain the incidence of homosexuality.
52. Scores of support personnel were killed or wounded throughout the war.
53. Scores of sewage plants along the Chesapeake's tributaries are disgorging nitrogen and phosphorus, natural products of biological sewage treatment.
54. New York used to house the head offices of scores of top companies; they have been leaving in droves.
55. Closer to the Alba base at Dunstaffnage, however, there are still scores of places to visit.
56. Realizing this, software makers have created scores of products to help you tackle the job.
57. The service came under fire as scores of roads across the province were clogged with snow, snarling traffic and causing chaos.
58. As sundown approached, scores of settlers and a wagon train of police vans moved down the hill as Maj.
59. For each window position the scores of the transitions are determined from the matrix.
60. At the door to the marquee they exchanged greetings with scores of other guests, gradually making their way inside.
61. I was sick of following baseball through the abbreviated box scores of the international Herald Tribune.
62. Electricity supplies were disrupted and scores of cars slithered off the roads.
63. He quotes scores of athletes, scientists and scholars willing to discuss the question.
64. In focus groups, they asked the engineers scores of questions: What were their work and communication styles?
65. She wrote scores of letters pleading with her parents to bring her home.
66. A car bomb explodes in Main Street, destroying scores of shops and businesses.
67. The scores of journalists who had descended on New Madrid for the fateful day ended up reporting on one another instead.
68. Scores of movie producers, co-stars and fans go gaga over the pretty-baby pout of Sridevi.
69. From the sundeck one could see a hillside with growths of ponderosa and scores of sparkling amorphous swimming pools.
70. Scores of rambling and cycling clubs headed remorselessly for the Dales each weekend, come rain or shine.
71. Peter Dillon finished second and third, respectively, with scores of 86. 13 and 81. 88.
72. Tourists will visit scores of new museums and monuments in neighborhoods now plagued by crime and decay.
73. Morris produced more than sixty designs for fabric and wallpaper, which influenced scores of other designers.
74. Hence trumpets crooked in all keys are to be found in scores of the classical period.
75. The local chamber of commerce prepared a promotional film on redevelopment that was shown to scores of local groups.
76. The pupil also takes to the prospective employer or the university admissions tutor the raw scores of exam results.
77. They were watched by scores of police sharpshooters and commandos deployed on roofs and sidewalks around the mansion.
78. Many scores of pages are devoted to these topics and the general reader will need to keep a bookmark in the footnotes.
79. Scores of people were on the scene within seconds of the collision the engine of the badly damaged car still running.
80. It was made of corrugated metal and wooden beams and had scores of windows that could be broken but not shattered.
81. Scores of anecdotes in this book make these figures look highly unlikely.
82. Finally I passed rows of sombre-looking huts,[] blackened by cooking smoke and infested by scores of small children and large dogs.
83. But insiders say the clean-up is really aimed at booting scores of barely pubescent, panhandling road-warrior wannabes from the Avenue.
84. Testing-the effects of taking a test on the scores of a second testing.
85. In Darlington applications have been sent to scores of businesses which are subject to regular environmental health checks.
86. Scores of economic reports have been delayed in recent weeks because of the partial government shutdown.
87. An organisation as big as the police has to turn to scores of different agencies.
88. From late December to April, scores of California charter boats search out migrating gray whales for tourists.
89. We'd been playing safe for our own survival, and scores of heterosexuals went unchallenged in their continued acts of heterosexism.
90. The crash was witnessed by scores of holiday weekenders along the beach.
91. That night, scores of people were beaten badly enough to require hospital treatment, including twenty newsmen.
92. The Army is also investigating scores of charges at other Army posts.
93. Now scores of mice have begun popping out of the woodwork.
94. Scores of meticulously labelled tins containing sub-assembly fixings were stacked at the rear of the workshop.
95. Complaints Police have received scores of complaints about dealers openly plying their trade in front of small children on street corners.
96. Letters have been sent to scores of businesses which are subject to regular environmental health checks.
97. Scores of existing officers will be released for active duty by the creation of a police civil service.
98. Scores of schools were shown to have similar structural defects.
99. Scores of supply vessels, tugs and survey ships filled every nook and cranny and even spilled over into the fish docks.
100. But they also threaten people in scores of countries where wars have been waged.
101. If the adventurers try to reach location 14 they will have to pass scores of biting faces and clutching hands.
102. Father Young helped scores of divorced Catholics find a comfortable corner in the Church, but he could not change canon law.
103. He went to the floor, where members were joined by scores of fidgety children and grandchildren.
104. But scores of state policemen met two truckloads of the farmers at a spot where a small stream crosses the mountain road.
105. Official indifference led him to publish his findings in this and scores of other cases.
106. Scores of less famous graduates ascended to the top levels of the financial and corporate worlds.
107. The four-year-old was murdered in the crowded shopping centre of Warrington in a blast that injured scores of people including other children.
108. De Pomiane's output was immense - some dozen cookery books, countless scores of articles, broadcasts, lectures.
109. So you buy a compact disc containing scores of bird songs.
110. Scores of new titles, with slick covers and graphics, fill the shelves.
111. It follows last April's evacuation of Kirkby swimming pool after scores of schoolchildren were overcome by noxious fumes.
112. Our principal approach is to examine in detail the records of scores of banks operating in the period.
113. Scores of FBI agents fanned out on Monday to interview potential witnesses.
114. Mart Kenney was a perfectionist, and his high standards set an example for scores of dance bands across the country.
115. However, the profit potential of an untapped consumer market is tantalizing scores of corporations.
116. This indicated that first year examination results were a far superior predictor of wastage than the A-level scores of entrants.
117. We helped each other scores of years ago.
118. Chinese ballerinas dance to the scores of Diaghilev.
119. In scores of laboratories gadgeteering goes on.
120. I have been there scores of times.
121. Man traveled to the moon scores of years ago.
122. ONO - 1078 inhibited ischemic injury and reduced the total scores of quantitative assessment.
123. There are scores of terrestrial TV channels and many multichannel cable TV operators.
124. Both groups had baseline POD Severity Index scores of 5.2.
125. To different species source of Taxodium ascendens Brongn enzyme scores of peroxidase and isozyme are different.
126. Incubators had given birth to many minor enterprises and contributed brilliantly to the development of high technology since they came into the world scores of years ago.
127. This reminds us how al-Qaida was always only one of scores of radical groups that together constituted the dynamic, varied and evolving phenomenon of Sunni Muslim violent extremism.
128. For decades the system has always been in accordance with the scores of "Hero" is not conducive to the students at school during the improvement of health and life-long sports concept formation.
129. Mainly by using mathematical modeling methods, the paper predicts scores of Chinese and the worlds women triple jump, women pole-vault and women hammer throw(the womens rising events in field).
130. Yet four deer are grazing peacefully across a fence line, and scores of cattle are doing the same 200 yards beyond.
131. Life in Color: Orange Scores of orange koi fish crowd a pond in Oahu, Hawaii.
132. The scores of the HD group and the norm group in their temperament test showed a great difference in their activity level, rhythmicity , adaptability, mood, persistance and distraction.
133. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, scores of languages have rebounded, including Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Ukranian, and all the languages of what had been Soviet Asia.
134. Can you imagine what life was like scores of years ago?
135. This is the base of the 8-ton, 72-foot-tall Norway spruce that will soon delight scores of holiday visitors in New York.
136. After the competition and fighting with the forces of the Central Plains for scores of years, the East Turki State was finally defeated and conquered by the Tang dynasty.
137. There was a significant correlation between the scores of MHT and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.
138. As a result, scores of children and hundreds of pets die each year from vehicle ? related heatstroke.
139. Record the scores of abdominal withdrawal reflex(AWR) and electromyogram of abdominal external oblique muscle on colorectal distensions irritation.
140. All of the photographers spoke about shooting scores of rolls without necessarily expecting even one suitable image to arise from their contact sheets.
141. Furthermore ,[/scores of.html] scores of other Kuomintang divisions are heading for the Liberated Areas.
142. Increasing salinity caused by the evaporation resulted in the extermination of scores of invertebrate species.
143. There are scores of books recommending places to see, books to read, music to hear, golf holes to play or watercourses to fly-fish before we die.
144. The results showed that, the quality scores of praline content of the 4 plants increased in various degrees under drought stress condition.
145. Results The degree on self-inconsistency was very high. The mean scores of the factors on self-accusation and illusion were all higher than the counterpart in the norms of Chinese.
146. EZ Prose Poem is books which contains scores of famed poems and prose in ancient China.
147. Scores of advisers at Merrill are disgruntled about small retention packages.
148. Physical domain scores of the questionnaires correlated with exercise tolerance, dyspnoea and daily activities, while psychological domains correlated strongly with anxiety and depression.
149. "There are scores of hospitals that are slowly asphyxiating and slipping into insolvency, " the report said, "as they divert capital dollars to fund operations.
150. Social self-confidence, physical self-confidence and the total scores of self-confidence scale played completely mediating role between students' domestic economy and student relations besetment .
151. After a year of journeying throughout the galaxy, Quinlan had made scores of enemies.
152. The inflatable attraction was preceded by scores of Segway riders wearing reindeer antlers who remained blissfully unaware of the fate of the act that followed.
153. Couscous and lemon curd cake both took scores of votes, but didn't make the list. Some 439 people thought gelatodeserved a place in online history.
154. Across the Pacific, scores of countries were on tsunami alert, with experts expressing particular concern about low-lying islands.
155. This foundation stone has a history of scores of years.
156. The pistol he used was a 38 calibre Biretta of Italian manufacture; scores of these weapons were captured from the Italians in North Africa and smuggled back to India by Indian soldiers.
157. With a hardhat on his head and a bullhorn in his hand, he ducked into the wreckage of a hospital where scores of people were buried and shouted: "Hang on a bit longer. The troops are rescuing you."
158. After recent educational changes were introduced in Tunisia, the average test scores of fourth graders actually fell between 2003 and 2007.
159. The authorities in El Salvador have asked the Mexican government to investigate the disappearance of scores of Salvadoran migrants.
160. Irrelevantly , insistently, scores of times, he wondered when they would come on what they looked like.
161. The British and Chinese experience with addictive drugs are cited, and we are supposed to picture scores of people lying around in the street, zonked out of their minds.
162. Scores of congratulatory telegrams and letters greeted Franklin on his return.
163. Scores of nearby villagers joined in the effort and the soil gave up the airman's bones.
164. The GHQ scores of control group were ( 4. 5±3.9 ) and ( 4.7±3.8 ) at baseline and the end of 30 th month respectively.
165. Conclusion Stratum DAT imaging is a reliable indicator of the severity of PD,() and it is correlated with the scores of Parkinsonian clinical scale partly.
166. The scores of SSI were highly correlated with scores in trait anxiety and hopefulness.
167. The partial correlation analysis demonstrated that the scores of stability-retention, mastication and comfort correlated with the PPT.
168. She was soon put to work helping Dr. Geiling establish the toxicity of elixir of sulfanilamide, a medicine that would be linked with scores of deaths because it contained a deadly industrial solvent.
169. We had 900,000 guerrillas, all isolated by Chiang Kai - shek in scores of base areas.
170. Faulty hormone receptor tests disqualified scores of women in Newfoundland and Labrador from receiving potentially life-saving treatment for breast cancer, court documents show.
170. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
171. Founded in 1542, Antigua had, in the days of its viceregal glory, scores of splendid government buildings, churches, huge estates, fountains, and plazas.
172. Results: The scores of HAMD decreased significantly at the end of the first week in citalopram group, but did at the end of the second week in maprotiline group.
173. Correlation and regression analysis showed that the main influencing factors on depression of unemployed were self-accusation, solving problem and the total scores of life events.
174. He has no publisher or financial backer; his funding comes from friends and what he calls "true believers"—scores of players willing to preorder a $40 game that's been "almost finished" since 2005.
175. And it is not a female-only realm, as evident by the numbers of men who sign into online beauty portal and the scores of male spa and salon customers.
176. The score first appeared in a collection of Pipa Scores of 1819.
177. Many farmers refused to perform the contracts that they had made at the lower price, and scores of lawsuits resulted throughout the cotton belt.
178. Results Among the 100 patients, 73.0% patients were troubled by sleep problem, whose scores of PSQI global sum and 7 components were quite different from Chinese Norm (P. 01).
179. Scores of alleged bootleggers, drug pushers and prostitutes have been rounded up, while opponents of the new order have been beaten up at the army's Queen Elizabeth Barracks in Suva.
180. ZM 2 . 1 diagnosis system could screen the aphasia type according to the scores of function subitems.
181. Since the 2002 bombings on Bali, in which more than 200 people died, the Indonesian government has arrested and tried scores of suspected terrorists, most of them affiliated with Jemaah Islamiyah.
182. I had one or two little scores of my own to settle with Mr John Clay.
183. Just outside the security fence of Port au Prince's international airport, scores of Haitians watch the 24-hour parade of cargo planes and helicopters.
184. Results The scores of HAMA and HRSD are higher in edentulous patients than national norms.
185. There is also armour, majolica, medieval and Renaissance objets d'art and scores of Old Master paintings including outstanding works by Rembrandt, Velasquez, Hals and Titian.
186. Within years, biologists observed with some surprise the return of scores of striped bass, alewives, American shad, Atlantic salmon, sturgeon, ospreys, kingfishers , cormorants and bald eagles.
187. Adapted for cool, cloudy conditions, their populations become isolated on particular peaks, which is why each mountain or chain of mountains tends to spawn scores of unique local species.
188. The regression coefficient between the standard deviation of B value and sense scores of bread crumb grain is 081.
189. Conclusion: The scores of disinhibition are related with whether who is a painter or not, but experience seeking is related with the painting style.
190. After collecting the scores of vocabulary tests, we make use of the statistic tool - SPSS version 10.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) to analyze the raw data.
191. The long-eared oracle looked me up and down, then with the help of its owner/assistant picked out a slip of paper from scores of others on a tray.
192. Castration had been removed as a penalty scores of years before.
193. Results The mean scores of somatization, interpersonal sensitivity and depression were all lower in enrollee than those in norms of Chinese youth.
194. The analysis of the GCSE scores of more than 700, 000 girls taught in the state sector concludes that those at girls' schools consistently made more progress than those in co-ed secondaries.
195. After treatment, the scores of somatization, depression, anxiety and phobic anxiety were statistically reduced. Patient- reported improvement efficacy was 84.38% .
196. By Tuesday, a number of popular games, including "Godfather, " "Gangster" and "Mafioso Hitman, " had been excised from the ether, although scores of other violence-laden games were still available.
197. The scores of question 2 to 10 were significantly different among the different periods after switch-on .
198. The report contains information on America's nuclear weapons labs at Los Alamos in New Mexico, Livermore and Sandia as well as scores of other nuclear sites.
199. In the left - behind children, the factor scores of behavior, intelligence and school, gregariousness, happiness and satisfaction in boys were significantly lower than that in girls.
200. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Mental Development Index(MDI) and Psychomotor Development Index(PDI) scores of the two groups were compared.
200. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
201. I still remember the time when we first met scores of years ago.
202. As the international securities market keeping increasing nowadays, especially in recent scores of years, convertible bond has been a hot point in many countries.
203. The intergroup differences of myocardial actin content and the scores of electron and light microscopy were them same of that of myocardial apoptosis index detected with serum enzymology.
204. Methods Clinical data and radiological scores of 101 cases of hemophilic arthropathy were retrospectively investigated.
205. Media reports at the time suggested that over three million trees were affected in the area, home to scores of animals, including the endangered Royal Bengal tiger.
206. What about the sports page? What were the scores of last night's games?
207. Scores of years ago, scores of visitors came to Shanghai.
208. Significant negative relationships were found between times of hospitalization and the scores of self-efficacy and healthy behaviors.
209. The results show that the scores of somatization, obligation, human relation, sensitization, hostility, dreadness, crankiness and psychopathy were high.
210. P 300 PL was negatively correlated with the scores of MMSE, FOM, RVR, BD, DS among the groups.
211. The tectonic stresses push up Himalaya Mountains and generate scores of earthquakes from Afghanistan to China.
212. Scores of alleged bootleggers , drug pushersprostitutes have been rounded up, while opponents of the new order have been beaten up at the army's Queen Elizabeth Barracks in Suva.
213. Scores of people came up to have their picture taken with Mora or to get his autograph.
214. In scores of cases they motivate the actions of the victims.
215. Irrelevantly , insistently, scores of times, he wondered when they would come on and what they looked like.
216. In parts it is a slick black ooze, fit only for scores of bathing water buffalo.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:47:38