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单词 rhapsodize
释义  rhap·so·dize (also rhapsodise British English) /ˈræpsədaɪz/ verb [intransitive] formal  TALK TO somebodyto talk about something in an eager, excited, and approving way 热烈地赞美,称颂 SYN enthuserhapsodize about/over I could hear Sophie rhapsodizing about her new job. 我听到索菲在使劲夸赞她的新工作。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrhapsodize• While rhapsodizing on the merits of free trade, Smith tripped into a huge nauseous pool of goop.rhapsodize about/over• Arthur Schlesinger keeps writing about cycles of history, while New Age psychotherapists rhapsodize about biorhythms.• Gottfried rhapsodized about our musical heritage.• The men from equities tried to corner us and rhapsodize about their market.rhap·so·dize verbChineseSyllable   Corpus eager, in talk and something to excited, about an




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