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单词 Airglow
1. The resulting radiation is known as airglow.
2. Airglow keychain, Marble keychain is offered.
3. The nighttime airglow, or nightglow, correspond to the intensity of a candle at 100 m distance.
4. Through detecting the Doppler shifts of airglow (aurora) in upper atmosphere, the physical quantity such as velocity, temperature and pressure of upper atmosphere is derived.
5. These techniques include the ionospheric tomography, airglow, GPS beacon, conjugate observations and radar interferometry.
6. Green and yellow airglow appears in thin layers above the limb of the Earth, extending from image left to the upper right.
7. Note that HAARP can also induce airglow and generate high-altitude plasma - in effect an artificial aurora borealis.
8. Dim light system observes targets getting the help from dim natural light in the sky at night, such as moonlight,() moonlight and airglow etc.
9. The application of system transfer function in measuring night airglow , the temperature shift and the error estimation of the system are also briefly discussed.
10. In this case, the foreshortened meteor flash is right of frame center, below the curving limb of the Earth and a layer of greenish airglow.
11. High above the Indian Ocean, astronauts captured these four images (animated here) of the Aurora Australis and surrounding airglow in the Earth's atmosphere as the ISS orbits quickly past.




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