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单词 Riot police
1 Riot police broke up a demonstration by students.
2 After about 10 minutes the riot police arrived.
3 The riot police dispersed the crowd.
4 Riot police fired in the air and lashed out with clubs to disperse hundreds of demonstrators.
5 Riot police used water cannon and tear gas to disperse the crowd.
6 Their scuffle was stopped by the riot police.
7 Riot police beat back the crowds of demonstrators.
8 Riot police battled with 4000students.
9 Riot police with shields were blocking the demonstrators' way.
10 The riot police batoned the mob.
11 The riot police had exceeded their authority .
12 Riot police fired tear gas into the crowd.
13 About a thousand students fought with riot police in the capital.
14 Riot police fought with militants demonstrating in support of the uprising.
15 Riot police are being deployed throughout the city to prevent any trouble.
16 They hurled defiant taunts at the riot police, who responded in kind.
17 Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.
18 The protesters ran into a solid phalanx of riot police.
19 Demonstrators clashed with riot police in an explosion of anger at live animal exports.
20 The disturbance was repressed at last by the riot police.
21 Riot police intervened with teargas; 22 people were injured.
22 Five hundred riot police now patrol the streets.
23 Riot police used tear gas against the protestors.
24 Riot police patrolled the hotel.
25 Three school buses unload riot police.
26 Riot police stood guard even in tiny back alleys.
27 Football fans were clubbed by riot police trying to stop the violence.
28 Hundreds of riot police on Nov. 2 clashed with students in Dhaka protesting against recent legislation to curb cheating in final exams.
29 They were killed in an exchange of gunfire between riot police and demonstrators.
30 But outside the battered congress building few passersby look twice at yet another standoff between demonstrators and riot police.
1 Riot police broke up a demonstration by students.
2 After about 10 minutes the riot police arrived.
3 The riot police dispersed the crowd.
4 Riot police fired in the air and lashed out with clubs to disperse hundreds of demonstrators.
5 Riot police used water cannon and tear gas to disperse the crowd.
31 Clashes between riot police and demonstrators had broken out during a student demonstration outside the Education Ministry on Oct. 24.
32 Wednesday afternoon, riot police were out on the streets of Belgrade to enforce a ban on marches by anti-Milosevic demonstrators.
33 Riot police with batons charged at soccer fans twice during last night's international with Spain.
34 The strike passed off relatively peacefully, although 50 strikers were reported to have been arrested following clashes with riot police.
35 With students and riot police headed for a major confrontation, Seoul was once again a boiling cauldron.
36 In 1978 he joined the CRS, France's elite corps of riot police.
37 Police helicopters hovered and riot police were posted around the square and nearby side streets.
38 He manages a hotel unhappily located across from the cathedral where workers and riot police have staged nightly confrontations.
39 Four made a phalanx before the booth, tapping their lead truncheons, their feet splayed like a squad of riot police.
40 Physically, they can only meet behind barricades manned by riot police and soldiers equipped with armoured vehicles and water cannon.
41 A tense situation prevailed for the vote, as 5,000 troops and riot police stood in a state of preparedness.
42 The shopping centre was burned down, riot police were brought in and about 30 people were injured in clashes.
43 Riot police ringed the building and fired tear gas at the crowd.
44 According to Western press reports five people were killed and 200 injured as riot police tried to quell disturbances in Dhaka.
45 Only much later did riot police intervene to disperse the protesters.
46 We reached to within 200m of the Centre until we were faced with lines of riot police blocking the roads.
47 Without you riot police are massing in quiet side streets.
48 As two months before, the students were no match for the riot police.
49 On May 8 Chamlong led another large rally at Democracy Monument, where some demonstrators came close to clashing with riot police.
50 Also Tuesday, opposition leaders said they will mount a new challenge to riot police blocking protest marches.
51 Then a raid by about 200 riot police ended her nine-day protest.
52 The situation in the city centre is getting increasingly confused, and riot police have been told to stand by.
53 But on Dec. 25, Milosevic banned street demonstrations and deployed cordons of heavily armed riot police to block the parades.
54 The catalyst for the demonstrations was the beating to death of a student demonstrator by riot police.
55 As more than 300 people took to the streets, a police helicopter and eight vans carrying riot police were brought in.
56 Protestors have been clashing with riot police in London.
57 The riot police started to crack down.
58 Riot police officers ran from the flames of a firebomb outside the American Embassy in Athens during the demonstration.
59 There were large numbers of riot police, but also plain-clothes security officers who infiltrated the crowds.
60 The disturbance near the headquarters was caused by the lunatic fringe and was quelled by the riot police eventually.
61 The violence continued after the game, with clashes outside the stadium between hardcore fans and helmeted riot police, as helicopters hovered overhead.
62 The demonstrations were mostly peaceful, but in the capital, at the Syntagma Square outside parliament, riot police fired tear gas at a group of protestors who were armed with petrol bombs.
63 Helmeted riot police are posted every few metres along its narrow, winding alleyways.
64 Riot police deployed in force, firing teargas, using batons and water cannon to disperse protesters.
65 Riot police are on hand but have not been confrontational.
66 Riot police detained about 60 protesters on Saturday who tried to violently break up the Balkan country's first gay pride parade that defied severe opposition by the church and far right groups.
67 One beautifully clear November afternoon, riot police force their way into the building while Vivaldi's L'Estro armonico blares at full volume.
68 "This is our democracy. Look at what happens in Russia!" yelled one youth as black-helmeted riot police arrested him.
69 Protesters and Riot police clash in the streets of Biskek, Kyrgyzstan.
70 Tens of thousands of riot police have disrupted a rally in the Algerian capital Algiers, which was calling for better living conditions and greater political freedom.
71 Look at what happens in Russia!" yelled one youth as black-helmeted riot police arrested him.
72 Officers from the Territorial Support Group charged at rioters and attempted to block off side streets. Riot police, some with dogs,[] shepherded people away.
73 Soon afterTuesday's march ended, troops and riot police moved in to positions around Yangon.
74 Greek riot police have fired tear gas at demonstrators in Athens as clashes erupted Wednesday on the fringes of a large protest march against the government.
75 Ordinary Tunisians credit the army protecting protesters against tear-gas wielding riot police and reestablishing order.




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更新时间:2025/3/4 2:37:23