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单词 Accounts
1. Short accounts make long friends.
2. Death squares all accounts.
3. Higher-rate deposit accounts yield good returns.
4. The company publishes its accounts in August.
5. The accounts were certified by an auditor.
6. Ms Hawkins handles the company's accounts.
7. I'm only a number-cruncher in the accounts department.
8. The accounts show a profit of 9000.
9. Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination.
10. There is some discrepancy between the two accounts.
11. The accounts of the witnesses are inconsistent.
12. His illness accounts for his absence.
13. They didn't pass the exam by all accounts.
14. The bank's deposit accounts are on the increase.
15. The new administrator in accounts is a real stunner.
16. The cashier doctored the accounts.
17. Their accounts of what happened don't hang together.
18. The accounts department is/are having a Christmas party this week.
19. Some reports have contained lurid accounts of deaths and mutilations.
20. According to eyewitness accounts, soldiers opened fire on the crowd.
21. She was offered a job as an accounts clerk with a travel firm.
22. The fraud depended on hundreds of bank accounts being opened on behalf of straw men.
23. These accounts are utterly incomprehensible. Can you explain them to me?
24. By all accounts he leads a life of considerable luxury.
25. Almost all of the contemporary accounts of the event have been lost.
26. Careful scrutiny of the company's accounts revealed a whole series of errors.
27. The company has to make its accounts and operations as transparent as possible.
28. We managed to piece together the truth from several sketchy accounts.
29. Theoretically he had control over more than $400 million in US accounts. But, in fact,() it was the US Treasury and State Department who controlled those accounts.
30. Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit. Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts.
1. Higher-rate deposit accounts yield good returns.
2. These accounts show no consistency.
3. The company publishes its accounts in August.
4. The accounts were certified by an auditor.
5. Ms Hawkins handles the company's accounts.
6. I'm only a number-cruncher in the accounts department.
7. Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination.
8. There is some discrepancy between the two accounts.
9. The accounts of the witnesses are inconsistent.
10. His illness accounts for his absence.
11. They didn't pass the exam by all accounts.
12. The bank's deposit accounts are on the increase.
13. The new administrator in accounts is a real stunner.
14. The cashier doctored the accounts.
15. Their accounts of what happened don't hang together.
16. The bank certified my accounts.
17. He kept meticulous accounts.
18. The accounts department is/are having a Christmas party this week.
19. We managed to piece together the truth from several sketchy accounts.
20. Some reports have contained lurid accounts of deaths and mutilations.
21. Theoretically he had control over more than $400 million in US accounts. But, in fact, it was the US Treasury and State Department who controlled those accounts.
22. According to eyewitness accounts, soldiers opened fire on the crowd.
23. Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit. Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts.
24. She was offered a job as an accounts clerk with a travel firm.
25. The fraud depended on hundreds of bank accounts being opened on behalf of straw men.
26. These accounts are utterly incomprehensible. Can you explain them to me?
27. By all accounts he leads a life of considerable luxury.
28. Almost all of the contemporary accounts of the event have been lost.
29. Careful scrutiny of the company's accounts revealed a whole series of errors.
30. The company has to make its accounts and operations as transparent as possible.
31. The accounts show that the company has spent more than it received.
32. People often give very different accounts of the same event.
33. Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.
34. Sort out all your bills, receipts, invoices and expenses as quickly as possible and keep detailed accounts.
35. Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair.
36. He casts up his accounts at the end of each day.
37. He juggled the company's accounts to show a profit.
38. He is, by all accounts, a superb teacher.
39. The two accounts of the accident do not agree.
40. Someone's been fiddling with the accounts,there's some money missing.
41. I have deputed the accounts to John.
42. By all accounts, he's an excellent golfer.
43. I can't untangle these accounts / figures.
44. Coursework accounts for 40% of the final marks.
45. The two accounts do not agree.
46. There's a vacancy in the accounts department.
47. She has a very slapdash approach to keeping accounts.
48. A position has come up in the accounts department.
49. The accounts are processed by computer.
50. Eye-witness accounts told of the unprovoked shooting of civilians.
51. My husband and I have separate accounts.
51. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
52. Governments and businesses will start keeping accounts in euros.
53. The auditors approved the company's accounts.
54. Several people gave competing accounts of the accident.
55. Refugees gave accounts of the mass genocide.
56. The accounts were certified correct by the finance department.
57. He had been fiddling the accounts/books/finances for years.
58. The firm's accounts need to be set in order.
59. Bridge stole the money from clients' accounts.
60. Their accounts just don't match up.
31. The accounts show that the company has spent more than it received.
32. People often give very different accounts of the same event.
33. Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.
34. Sort out all your bills, receipts, invoices and expenses as quickly as possible and keep detailed accounts.
35. Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair.
36. He casts up his accounts at the end of each day.
37. By all accounts, he's an excellent golfer.
38. The two accounts are incompatible.
39. Please send your accounts for the period finishing with 10 October.
61. The two accounts are incompatible.
62. My accounts balance for the first time this year!
63. It has, from all accounts, been a successful marriage.
64. I do all my household accounts on computer.
65. The finance department handles all the accounts.
66. The travelling accounts are handled by me.
67. Millions were deposited in Swiss bank accounts.
68. Our investment accounts return a high rate of interest.
69. It's best to do so on all accounts.
70. Many bills were entered against her accounts.
71. They brought back horrific accounts of murder and pillage.
72. An external auditor will verify the accounts.
73. He deposited his ill-gotten gains in foreign bank accounts.
74. I've spent all afternoon grappling with these accounts.
75. The Journals contain accounts of literary composition.
76. The end-of-year accounts show a loss.
77. He's made a real dog's breakfast of these accounts.
78. Lack of money accounts for her discontinuing her studies.
79. The two accounts are mutually inconsistent.
80. He's been beavering away at the accounts all morning.
81. They confused me with conflicting accounts of what happened./accounts.html
82. The accounts are all in order.
83. The two accounts are precisely the same.
84. The firm balances its accounts every month.
85. She works with us in Accounts, for her sins!
86. She salted away the profits in foreign bank accounts.
87. A vacancy has come up in the accounts department.
88. The woman in charge of the accounts department is an absolute dragon!
89. There's not much method in the way they do their accounts. Will you come to help them?
90. The registration of several firms which have churned the accounts was revoked.
91. His statement was inconsistent with other accounts of the events.
92. Auditors normally issue a report as to whether the company accounts have been prepared correctly.
93. The description of these events corresponds closely to other accounts written at the time.
94. I think we can find a placement for you in the accounts department.
95. He has transferred from the warehouse to the accounts office.
96. It accounts for 15 per cent of all air accidents.
97. She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts.
98. The brain accounts for merely three per cent of body weight.
99. The matter should be submitted to the accounts committee in the usual manner.
100. All the accounts of the firm were certified as correct.
101. He was quite helpful on how to do the accounts.
102. The bank pays out interest on its savings accounts every six months.
103. We must try to systematize the way we do the accounts.
104. The court has heard accounts of that night's events from several witnesses - now please tell us in your own words what you saw.
105. Users will be able to use their hand-helds to check their bank accounts.
106. Amongst other things, I have to deal with mail and keep the accounts.
107. Keeping the accounts is part and parcel of my job.
108. We must go over the accounts carefully before we settle them.
109. The accounts of the whole company are controlled in this department.
110. Police think that the killings may be a result of accounts being settled between local gangs.
111. The only enclosure was a formal compliments slip from the accounts department.
112. It is estimated that 5,000 bank staff could be lining their own pockets from customer accounts.
113. I've never been there, but it's a lovely place, by all accounts.
114. Income from tourism accounts for a sizeable proportion of the area's total income.
115. She illustrates her point with examples drawn from contemporary newspaper accounts.
116. This book was designed in order to provide a working knowledge of finance and accounts.
117. I had two accounts with Natwest, a savings account and a current account.
118. There are several accounts of dolphins living in close proximity to humans .
119. I worked late last night because I was behindhand with my accounts.
120. The company accounts show a little financial sleight of hand.
121. Please send your accounts for the period finishing with 10 October.
122. For months the company has resisted changing its accounts system.
123. She asked for a printout of the previous year's accounts.
124. Biggart Donald, the Glasgow-based marketing agency, has won two Edinburgh accounts.
125. By all accounts, Rodger would appear to be a fine fellow.
126. It accounts for 25 per cent of all traffic accidents.
127. Most of the drugs money was laundered through Swiss bank accounts.
128. Staff at the bank have apparently been lining their pockets with money from investors' accounts.
129. The accounts department is niggling me for ten cents they say I owe them.
130. New measures are needed to prevent fraudsters opening bank accounts with stolen cheques.
131. The jury has heard two vastly different accounts of what happened.
132. You can make annual contributions of up to $1000 in education savings accounts.
133. Their accounts of what happened that evening don't match up.
134. The advertising agency has lost several of its most important accounts.
135. Midland decided to change the way it credited payments to accounts.
136. The local branch of Bank of America is handling the accounts.
137. The accountant went to prison for juggling his firm's accounts.
138. I've never been there but it is, by all accounts, a lovely place.
139. He sent his accounts for the period ending with the last day of May.
140. There's no method in the way they do their accounts.
141. The biography is woven from the many accounts which exist of things she did.
141. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
142. When the inspection group declared that the accounts checked, the staff all cheered.
143. The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's accounts.
144. The accounts have to be audited by a firm of external auditors.
145. There is a fear that the freeze on bank accounts could prove a lasting deterrent to investors.
146. The governor's action freezes 300,000 accounts.
147. Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot of acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. Mark Twain 
148. He kept detailed accounts.
149. He conceded that second-hand accounts are leading to rumour and counter-rumour.
150. Investigators say nearly $100,000 was wired into the suspect's bank accounts.
151. China has the world's largest number of terrestial vertebrates, with a total of 1,800 species, which accounts for approximately one - tenth of the same species of vertebrates in the world.
152. They siphon foreign aid money into their personal bank accounts.
153. Factoring in connection with automobile installment accounts is a big business today.
154. Customers who overdraw their accounts will be charged a fee.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:11:27