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单词 Ministerial
1, Ministerial colleagues were briefing against him.
2, He reached ministerial level in the Diplomatic Service.
3, Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank.
4, She has never held ministerial office.
5, Further talks at ministerial level were held.
6, The project was approved at ministerial level.
7, The prime minister's initial ministerial appointments haven't pleased all his supporters.
8, The prime minister is expected to reshuffle his ministerial team next month.
9, Cranbourne has held ministerial office before.
10, He / she participates in Troika ministerial meetings. 21.
11, Snow was Harold Wilson's biggest ministerial blunder.
12, Ministerial accountability to Parliament is often cited as a stumbling block, but it is not insurmountable.
13, In this way the concept of ministerial responsibility is maintained.
14, The full summer ministerial meeting scheduled for May 21 would review the position and policy for the remainder of the year.
15, The vagueness of guidelines and frequent and inconsistent ministerial interventions were frustrating for management of nationalized boards.
16, A ministerial meeting in Venice agreed to this and in June work began to draft the treaties.
17, Ministerial despotism could not be profitably run by clerical reactionaries ignorant of the financial world.
18, Several coalition partners who hold important ministerial portfolios have dug in their heels.
19, Clarke's ministerial responsibilities were divided among other members of the Cabinet.
20, Of these,[http:///ministerial.html] by far the most important is the convention of ministerial responsibility.
21, Booth agreed that there was a mote in the eye of ministerial beholders preventing them reading the timetable properly.
22, From here it appears to be not the central generating plant of ministerial power but some vast open-air theatre.
23, And he has done so despite the ups and downs of his political career and his flirting with ministerial office.
24, There may be cases where there is parliamentary disquiet over a ministerial proposal and then the minister has a change of mind.
25, The final decision is expected to be taken at a special ministerial meeting in July of this year.
26, Mr. Patten I can confirm that the ultimate decision is ministerial.
27, The other Regulations should be laid before Parliament soon, subject to Ministerial approval.
28, A year later she was again arrested for throwing stones at a ministerial car during a political meeting in Liverpool.
29, I do not expect the Minister to say that the matter is outwith his ministerial remit.
30, She is also one of the few Labour frontbenchers with ministerial experience, having been a junior Education Minister.
1, Ministerial colleagues were briefing against him.
2, He reached ministerial level in the Diplomatic Service.
3, Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank.
31, A reference by the Director may include a proposal for a ministerial order dealing with the consumer trade practice, section 17.
32, Saint-Thomas's departure from the first secretaryship closed a cycle of ministerial dynasticism that had spanned almost a century.
33, To get ministerial approval it will need to contain something for everybody, in the best tradition of EC compromises.
34, We entrust the Ministerial Council with the further steps which may be required to implement them.
35, Clearly, orthodox ministerial responsibility could not be extended to them without undermining the arm's length principle.
36, He intends to continue teaching, combining these activities with those of his ministerial post.
37, The relationship between Government and Parliament can only be understood against the background of the convention of ministerial responsibility.
38, Further, the longer a party has been in opposition, the fewer of its leaders will have had ministerial office.
39, Any other questions should be dealt with at ministerial level.
40, The Chairman-in-Office will present a progress report to the next Ministerial Council in 1995 in Budapest.
41, It will be argued below that management is provided with an alibi for poor performance by constant adhoc ministerial interference.
42, However, it is clear that ministerial control will extend well beyond the determination of a national curriculum framework.
43, Mrs Currie, an ardent self-publicist, had been keen to return to ministerial office.
44, He secured 11 ministerial jobs, including home affairs and justice, during the Fourth Republic.
45, It provided for regular ministerial consultations including bi-annual foreign ministers' meetings.
46, In turn the opposition parties denounced ministerial policy as monstrous interference with the democratic rights of local authorities.
47, How could I make proposals on social security without mentioning National Insurance for which I had ministerial responsibility?
48, Prime ministerial power, and therefore prime ministerial government is challenged.Sentence dictionary
49, In any event the sheer volume and variety of bodies under departmental sponsorship often makes ministerial responsibility something of a myth.
50, Uniscan was not complex, but simply based upon consultation at the highest bureaucratic level, with occasional ministerial meetings.
51, This can be debated at all levels from ministerial to street level.
52, Whether the ministerial Working Party will reach agreement before the Christmas season remains to be seen.
53, Over the next six years green belts fell out of ministerial favour, but rehabilitation followed in 1970.
54, There was much stamping of ministerial feet, but, sadly, this show of righteous indignation led to very little action.
55, The committee had been conceived during a ministerial meeting between the two countries in Seoul in November 1990.
56, Meanwhile a sad reflection dawns upon the well-intentioned occupant of the ministerial chair.
57, The general impatience among intellectuals, journalists ... And some of your ministerial colleagues?
58, The powers attaching to a Prime Minister are considerable, but what can we make of the thesis about prime ministerial government?
59, Senior officials could carry on with the day-to-day business of the state without concerning themselves with any kind of specialist ministerial control.
60, The cabinet is similarly responsible to Parliament through the convention of collective ministerial responsibility.
61, Another condition was that Margaret would allow her husband to give priority to his ministerial work.
62, He emphasized that he had chosen ministers on grounds of expertise - only three members of the Cabinet had previous ministerial experience.
63, Simply expressed, it is next to impossible to generalise about the reality of prime ministerial government.
64, His ministerial diary for the day often consisted of a lunch at a club and little else.
65, He thanked Mr Major for clearing him of any breach of ministerial rules.
66, The chief agent for infusing ministerial faces with enthusiasm and for making policies stick must be the prime minister himself.
67, They describe how technology at the agencies' disposal allows them to eavesdrop without ministerial warrants, in breach of the act.
68, A fair amount is conducted by ministerial correspondence, a perfectly acceptable method in constitutional terms.
69, The new cabinet and other ministerial appointments are announced within a matter of days, sometimes within a matter of hours.
70, It is difficult to understand why the Bomber Staff was so reluctant to even consider the Ministerial direction.
71, A joint statement said that a ministerial commission for co-operation in military training and defence industries was to be set up.
72, It is not uncommon for a government backbencher to support his select committee as opposed to a ministerial view.
73, These come in various formats - White Papers, departmental policy documents and ministerial statements,() and speeches.
74, In part, this was because she had fulfilled her ministerial ambitions.
75, How then could one get the necessary co-ordination at ministerial level and make a reality of collective discussion and responsibility?
76, It is a mix of staff, says Shandell, which also helps get things done when dealing with ministerial bureaucracy.
77, Mayhew led the ministerial attack with veiled sniper fire at Episcopalians for sending invaders to Congregational territory.
78, In practice, however,[] the precise boundaries of ministerial responsibility are often difficult to define.
79, But where Ministerial powers are drawn more broadly, the courts are much more reluctant to intervene.
80, On the right, victory seems so close that there has already been infighting over future seats in parliament and ministerial portfolios.
81, I am sure that one of my ministerial colleagues will want to inform the House tomorrow.
82, One of the most ambitious of the Presbyterian preachers who embodied the new ministerial style was the Reverend Lyman Beecher.
83, There were also substantial differences over the composition of the new government in terms of the allocation of ministerial posts.
84, The proposal failed to win unanimous endorsement at a subsequent ministerial meeting on Oct. 19.
85, Its work will be backed up by a new ministerial committee.
86, New policies are expressed as much in ministerial statements, White Papers and circulars to the local authorities as in new statutes.
87, The boards and commissions that run these organizations are commonly appointed by ministers and so provide an increase in ministerial patronage.
88, They had declared the presidency and all ministerial posts vacant.
89, There is already talk about the need to explore some form of ministerial rule which would make the government accountable.
90, High priority is given to any of their senior members who have held ministerial office.
91, I have rarely met two Ministers who take more trouble to carry out the duties of their ministerial office.
92, The most important prime ministerial appointments will be those of the members of Cabinet.
93, The provincial coalition government is already shaky, with opposition members bought off with ministerial posts.
94, To bypass ministerial demarcation lines, several territorial production complexes have been set up.
95, Clearly, so long as ministerial assurances are honoured, rate-capping can deliver only very limited reductions in total local authority expenditure.
96, Training in practical and particular ministerial skills is a secondary task.
97, Ministerial power is somewhat counterbalanced by railway management's control of internal information and by its own political resources.
98, Ministerial reaction to the faltering improvement in test results was a case in point.
99, This deeply ingrained suspicion of central government explains the aversion of teachers to any increase of ministerial involvement in curricular matters.
100, It would require an injection of supporters of the ministerial party, divorced from the tradition of the non-political career public servant.
101, A second round of ministerial changes, in the middle and junior ranks, will be announced tomorrow.
102, Henderson assured fellow executives they were safe from prosecution because of the ministerial arrangements, but next day they were arrested.
103, It concerns the whole matter of judicial control over ministerial discretion.
104, A special ministerial regional free trade meeting was agreed for October.
105, Indeed, in large measures, that could be identified as a central feature of Mr Major's ministerial career.
106, Indeed, such documentation should make reference to the source of these objectives; for example, enabling legislation or ministerial direction.
107, It always amuses me when Liberal Democrats accuse me of having a ministerial career.
108, After occupying junior ministerial office from his first year in Parliament,[http:///ministerial.html] he became Economic Secretary to the Treasury in 1955.
109, Parliamentary influence over these appointments is minimal, the matter being almost entirely one of ministerial discretion.
110, When the case came to ministerial colleagues, it was these arguments that prevailed.
111, The difficulty arises from ministerial unwillingness to curb the dash for gas or to cut-off the cross-Channel interconnector.
112, He did not sympathize with those who claimed they needed a bishop simply to minimize inconvenience to ministerial candidates.
113, This was followed by weeks of bargaining with the smaller parties over ministerial posts and policies.
114, The third function, which belongs principally to ministerial and public enquiries, is advice.
115, Too large an increase in personal taxation could lose them votes and deny them further ministerial office.
116, He won't allow anyone to defy his ministerial authority.
117, decisions taken at ministerial level.
118, They are holding a conference at ministerial level.
119, Zhejiang publicized ministerial Si Xinliang to chair opening meeting.
120, Executive Secretary, Inter - ministerial Commission on Nuclear Energy in Mexico.
121, He demanded OPEC members make right decisions and seek a consensus in the forthcoming ministerial meeting in the western Algerian town of Oran.
122, He won the provincial and ministerial science or technology award.
123, At the same time, the company strengthened its product patent protection and declare, 12 products and technologies access to the national and ministerial awards.
124, The ministerial procedures of the institution is not so resonable.
125, Your ministerial decision for long - term deferment of reclamation will be sung by many generations to come.
126, The fourth WTO Ministerial Conference is being held in Doha, Qatar from 9 to 14 November 2001.
127, McCormack said he anticipated what he called an informal ministerial meeting.
128, Mrs Chair , it is my pleasure to attend this Ministerial Conference.
129, General Council: The WTO's top decision - making body other than the Ministerial Conference; meets regularly.
130, A photograph of Tony Blair as a long-haired, boater-wearing student was reproduced in a number of newspapers with focus on his less than prime ministerial hand gesture.
131, The Municipal ( Ministerial, State ) Quality Certificate is a glorious symBol of this product.
132, The findings show a massive disparity in ministerial access for different types of groups – corporate interests clearly have privileged access.
133, The decision was confirmed by OPEC President Wilson Pastor following a ministerial meeting Thursday afternoon.
134, To offset weak traditional loyalties , he has curried favour by lavish ministerial appointments.
135, Officials are expected to rubber-stamp the deal next month at a WTO ministerial meeting.
136, Sepa's critics have long derided agency – which lacks ministerial status – as a toothless shop.
137, Decisions to approve amendments to the Multilateral Trade Agreement in Annex 3 shall take effect for all Members upon approval by the Ministerial Conference.
138, There are divinely prescribed and described offices and ecclesiastical courts with teaching, ministerial,[http:///ministerial.html] and judicial authority.
139, Many expect Mr. Modi to be the party's prime ministerial candidate in the next elections.
140, The ministerial fire and phlegmy viewpoints had been applied in the clinic.
141, Ministerial intervention will disrupt the normal process of the court trial.
142, A pan - African ministerial meeting held in March this year in Maputo, Mozambique marked a turning point.
143, This compares with 6, 000 people a year who "die of" normal flu, without ever making the front page or the ministerial dispatch box.
144, Since the beginning of the creation of enterprises will focus on the implementation of Total Quality Control (TQC), and in 1994, as total quality management standard ministerial business.
145, The lawful business operations and lawful rights and interests of foreign-funded construction engineering design enterprises shall be protected by the laws, regulations and ministerial rules of China.
146, Their heads are appointed by the Communist Party and hold ministerial rank.
147, Rev. and Mrs. Paul joined the ACEM ministerial staff , Missions Pastors.
148, The last ministerial conference two years ago in Cancun, Mexico, ended without a new trade agreement.
149, Statement by Trade minister Shi Guangsheng At the 4 th WTO Ministerial Conference.
150, The picture above shows the First Ministerial Conference of the Forum.
151, To invest with ministerial or priestly authority; confer holy orders on.
152, This is the first APEC ministerial meeting in the new century.
153, With a convulsive motion , he tore away the ministerial band from before his breast.
154, A ministerial decree has been issued and tough regulations been set.
155, Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling poses with his ministerial red dispatch box as he leaves 11 Downing Street, en route to delivering the annual budget to the House of Commons.




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