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单词 Periods
1. Alcoholics often suffer from periods of oblivion.
2. The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods.
3. Tomorrow will be cold with sunny periods.
4. Tomorrow's weather will be dry with sunny periods.
5. He has had several long periods of work abroad.
6. Tomorrow's weather will be cloudy with bright periods.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The sunshine interchanges with periods of light rain.
8. Her work means that she spends long periods away from home.
9. In the northwest of China, long dry periods wasted the land.
10. Human prehistory is divided into three successive periods: the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
11. They accompanied him during his exercise periods.
12. What differentiates these two periods of history?
13. I was thirteen when I started my periods.
14. The school day is divided into seven periods.
15. In his later life he suffered periods of amnesia.
16. His painting went through both representational and abstract periods.
17. The meeting rooms are left unused for long periods.
18. She went through periods of compulsive overeating.
19. His long periods abroad left the family virtually fatherless.
20. We have six periods of science a week.
21. Telephone charges are lower during off-peak periods .
22. Periods of depression alternate with excited behavior.
23. The job entailed long periods of inactivity.
24. Long dry periods wasted the land.
25. The players have comparatively long periods of inactivity.
26. I have been teaching four periods already this morning.
27. She has bouts of hard work followed by long periods of inactivity.
28. He tried to fudge the issue by saying that he did not want to specify periods.
29. To him I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge in without delay.
30. Tonight has any showers dying away to leave a dry evening with some clear periods.
1. The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods.
2. Tomorrow will be cold with sunny periods.
3. Tomorrow's weather will be dry with sunny periods.
4. The sunshine interchanges with periods of light rain.
5. Her work means that she spends long periods away from home.
6. He tried to fudge the issue by saying that he did not want to specify periods.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. In the northwest of China, long dry periods wasted the land.
8. Human prehistory is divided into three successive periods: the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
9. The school day is divided into seven periods.
10. Long dry periods wasted the land.
11. He's only away for short periods, a week at the longest.
12. Life often seems to be marked off into different periods: schooldays, marriage, old age.
31. He's only away for short periods, a week at the longest.
32. The outlook for the weekend is unsettled, with periods of heavy rain.
33. I was twelve years old when I started my periods .
34. John had periods of sobriety, but always went back to drinking.
35. He has spent periods in prison, where he was gruesomely tortured.
36. Students were left to their own devices for long periods.http://
37. It is difficult to make oneself concentrate for long periods.
38. It's your responsibility to arrange adequate cover for holiday periods.
39. The seas store heat and release it gradually during cold periods.
40. His leadership kept the team's esprit de corps intact during difficult periods.
41. Having an extra pair of hands during busy periods can take the pressure off.
42. March is one of the peak periods for our business.
43. During these periods the birds will lie on the cage floor as if trying to lay or hatch eggs.
44. The building was a medley of styles from different periods.
45. People who lose their jobs are suffering the penalties for longer periods.
46. The workload can be evened out, instead of the shop having busy times and slack periods.
47. Full stops/Periods, commas, semicolons, question marks and brackets are all different types of punctuation mark.
48. There were periods of sulking, of pronounced distance, of coldness.
49. I've had a few jobs with long periods of unemployment in between.
50. Extra staff have been taken on to cover busy periods.
51. For long periods they were uncomfortably silent because they could think of nothing to say.
52. Insects possess a biological clock that programmes the insect's growth,reproduction and dormant periods.
53. Life often seems to be marked off into different periods: childhood, schooldays, marriage, old age, for example.
54. The paintings have been grouped together according to the style of different periods of the artist's life.
55. These hawks are magnificent in flight, soaring and circling for long periods.
56. They had undoubtedly made progress in the six years that separated the two periods.
57. His occupation condemned him to spend long periods of time away from his family.
58. Life often seems to be marked off into different periods: schooldays, marriage, old age.
59. During the past few years the government has staggered the summer vacation periods for students.
60. Do not work for long periods without a break.
61. Periods of punctuated equilibrium are periods of extended uncertainty.
62. I feel comfortable about my periods, not embarrassed.
63. Of these periods, the Renaissance is the finest example.
64. These periods contained approximately equal numbers of cases.
65. Sensitive counselling at critical periods can help greatly too.
66. When the ground is frozen, walking on it for extended periods of time can cause frostbite.
66. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
67. They come into existence after relatively brief periods of rapid change in a small sub-population of a pre-existing species.
68. There are, of course, many who are disqualified for shorter or longer periods depending on their employer's method of paying them.
69. The researchers sought to determine if rest periods would reduce worker fatigue and therefore contribute to increased output across the day.
70. To lead people through periods of fundamental behavior change takes even greater courage.
71. Opinions vary as to how long antibiotic treatment should last, and periods differ between four and twenty-one days.
72. These mains spikes sometime consist of surges of thousands of volts, albeit for very brief periods.
73. Levels of uncertainty escalate enormously in periods of punctuated equilibrium.
74. Long periods of enforced coexistence may include concessions or agreements and important, often fruitful, cultural exchange.
75. A child may, for instance, be born with serious handicaps or developmental problems requiring extended periods of care.
76. Extensive field research can mean long periods living under adverse conditions to which the researcher is unaccustomed.
77. These masterly cantatas date from different periods in Bach's life.
78. This daub could have come from one of three distinct periods.
79. The intention is that over extended periods of time equivalent machines receive an equivalent amount of resource.
80. The pattern is one of random steps, which by the laws of statistics tend to cancel out over longer periods.
81. It may be advisable to consult with others regarding realistic periods of time for the completion of certain tasks.
82. Moreover, funding organizations may be less inclined to support projects that envision long periods of field research.
83. First, the questions asked in the surveys related to behaviour over different time periods.
84. In both periods, the decision making of governments and enterprises was greatly complicated by the changes in the financial structure.
85. During such periods, the majority of people develop protective antibodies against the organism.
86. Group norms Work groups differ from free-forming groups outside employment in that they evolve over long periods of time.
87. The basic plan provides for two classroom periods to be spent on each episode.
88. Many of their colleagues are off work sick for long periods being treated for nervous disorders.
89. There were no longer seasonal periods of slack and recovery to offset the periods of feverish activity.
90. By careful drafting the drafter can avoid many of the problems associated with references to periods of time.
91. At all periods there must have been recognised places in a locality where goods could have been acquired or disposed of.
92. In all periods, attention is paid to the social and cultural background which gave rise to the literature.
93. But attention was expected to centre on Sir Anthony, currently enjoying one of the best periods of his distinguished acting career.
94. Doctors are reluctant to prescribe a new class of drugs, especially ones which need to be taken for long periods of time.
95. The providers of domestic, portering and ward ancillary staff are also subjected to pressure from staff for the peak-holiday periods.
96. Nevertheless for the foreseeable future a considerable proportion of elderly people will require care at specific periods of their lives.
97. They emerge from periods of punctuated equilibrium with radically different structures that once again begin slowly evolving.
98. What has previously been said about development applies equally well to the periods of development about to be discussed.
99. Both reports constitute posthoc analyses of data on several thousand patients followed up for varying periods at regional hypertension clinics.
100. Finally,[Sentence dictionary] coat with a fine film of cooking oil before storing for long periods.
101. During preceding periods, actions of the child were always dependent on the immediate actions in the environment.
102. During periods of recovery, stocks are usually more attractive investments because rising economic activity increases companies' earnings.
103. Such periods will often be found to correspond with times of particularly stressful social change for the individual.
104. For these periods we would recommend you book early to avoid disappointment.
105. Studying the body clock for extended periods of time Consider the following experimental design for a volunteer studied on his own.
106. They can survive long periods of drought encased in mud, until the next rainy season.
107. Their pasty faces - the result of long periods underground - belie their extraordinary strength and tenacity.
108. The 1790s and 1890s both began as conservative periods of government fealty to business and finance.
109. Some were from a local technical college and were taken for short periods.
110. Small desert rodents and the Bedouin goat can survive short periods of dehydration which result in a 20-30 percent weight loss.
111. We infer that they accumulated during periods of accelerated soil erosion.
112. This would involve several periods of working in the field alongside experienced practitioners.
113. Long periods of cloud cover hindered data acquisition during the 1991-92 summer period.
114. The framework of the agreement allows new targets for periods beyond 2010, leaving scope for further deep cuts in the future.
115. In all these periods, the dominant figures were the warriors, the knights, the bushi.
116. Various Volunteers spent periods of from three to twelve months doing unskilled pick and shovel work, constructing school buildings.
117. During periods of relative food shortage males tend to move less; dispersion evidently reduces competition for resources.
118. The authorities could restrict hire purchase credit by specifying minimum deposits or maximum repayment periods.
119. The father should be included in all discussions and in all periods of contact with the baby.
120. Although the intensity of the pain may fluctuate, headache-free periods are distinctly rare.
121. Most of the psychotic episodes experienced by people using Halcion involved high doses for extended periods of time.
122. Hired plant invoices may create a slight problem where the hire period extends across two accounting periods.
123. Ileal motility was measured by integrating the area under the pressure-time curve, during 1 minute periods, using computer software.
124. Population anxiety among the ruling classes was crystallized during the colonial periods of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
125. Nor did they mind the fact that she was constantly picking up and leaving for short periods to fulfill speaking engagements elsewhere.
126. Ideas expressed at many different periods, or in many different contexts, have been assembled into a definitive world view.
127. Households are also staying in temporary accommodation for longer periods, a report to Middlesbrough Council's homeless advisory committee reveals.
128. Spontaneous decay of radioactive atoms in rocks gives absolute ages that date the geologic periods and the origin of the Earth.
129. For example it was highlighted that a disproportionate number of Black women remained in refuge accommodation for longer periods before they were rehoused.
130. Our scenario averaged over base load and peak Periods corresponds approximately to a 70 / 30 ratio of coal to gas.
131. Advances in medical science have eliminated the need for many patients to spend long periods of time in hospital.
132. The present church is a church of many periods, the most ancient part being the chancel.
133. Pulse arrival times have been recorded by Taylor and his colleagues over extended periods during the last 15 years.
134. ISPs tend to go through cycles of difficult traffic periods.
135. Other advances for fixed periods are only repaid at the end of that period.
136. Another 23% did not make duty periods overlap to ensure continuous monitoring.
137. In later periods(), pottery typologies usually form the backbone of the chronological system.
138. By contrast, the norm for curriculum change is for it to occur piecemeal and gradually over long periods.
139. Tables 6.6 and 6.7 give two views of this shift, considering different time periods and employing different classifications.
140. Apart from the fact that the fixed periods are unreasonably long, they are unreasonably arbitrary and rigid.
141. The analysis reported here has been motivated by investigations of high-frequency cellular oscillators with periods of the order of minutes or less.
142. After cooking, wash in warm, soapy water; soak in suds for longer periods to remove dried food particles.
143. You will need to be able to work for long periods with a high degree of accuracy, and have really good eyesight.
144. The analyses covered a variety of diagnostic groups, age groups, and periods.
145. In manic or bipolar depression, bouts of depression alternate with periods of excessive elation or mania of similar length.
146. In periods of punctuated equilibrium, ideologies and technologies, new and old, do not match.
147. Loan terms incorporate details on grace periods, repayment and prepayment.
148. The only exception was in war periods when it became customary to meet part of the additional spending through borrowing.
149. However, to maintain the balance and the style of the account of earlier periods, we can adopt a similar approach.
150. For short periods the dominant direction of the drift may be reversed by abnormal wind conditions.
151. Performance and Motivation Deep emotions and anxieties emerge during periods of fundamental change.
152. Longer class periods and block schedules provide the flexibility needed to adjust teaching styles and organize field trips.
153. The main disadvantage of the method lies in the long periods of time required to reach equilibrium.
154. This definition follows from the assumption that half the labour force establish contracts in even periods and half in odd periods.
155. The progressive form follows a steady pattern of worsening symptoms and disability without periods of remission.
156. Those with the longer periods received higher payments than those with shorter periods and were more likely to have retired early.
157. In particular, fare increases appear to lead to high losses of passengers,[http:///periods.html] particularly at off-peak periods.
158. Answer guide: The relevant range of activity refers to the level of activity the firm has experienced in past accounting periods.
159. It was during periods of depression or World Wars that the importation came to a stop.
160. Other Earth-crossing asteroids with orbital periods less than one year are referred to as the Aten group.
161. Each section is relatively short, the idea being to avoid extended periods of continuous reading from the screen.
162. This probably exacerbated his tendency to long periods of nervous exhaustion, which caused his absence from his parish while he recovered.
163. Periods of this order should be allocated to the major problems and decisions, protected from disturbance.
164. When women experience problems with their menstrual cycles, such as irregular periods, doctors often give them hormones.
165. But they are severely constrained by the time-table of forty-minute periods.
166. She had a sense of how to use commas, but not periods.
167. For post-communist countries those transition periods are likely to cover more areas and last longer.
168. Sites can now be bought for two week periods, allowing a greater flexibility in marketing planning.
169. Patients taking Ativan and Valium for long periods may suffer acute anxiety when they stop.
170. Conversely, disturbed sleep patterns can cause periods to become irregular or stop altogether.
171. Think how time flies in periods of intense, purposeful activity.
172. The term is used to describe grace periods that often go into effect when new geographic area codes are set up.
173. At various periods after the injection of endothelin-1, the stomach was removed and opened along the greater curvature.
174. Scottie loved travelling and behaved splendidly during the long drives and sailing periods.
175. The history of many colleges can be seen as periods of conflict and confrontation alternating with periods of consolidation and relative calm.
176. The plaintiff was assessed to corporation tax for accounting periods covering the years 1977 to 1985.
177. But this is not meant to belittle the magnitude of the adaptive radiations that took place in the Vendian and Cambrian periods.
178. Periods of punctuated equilibrium offer many new, as yet unexplored territories.
179. The disparities in the rates of unemployment between socio-economic groups widen during periods of high unemployment.
180. For one thing, the rate is dependent on temperature, and exposure to direct sunlight over long periods increases hydration.
181. We pray for those who are confined to their homes for long periods.
182. For spot and futures returns over five-minute periods, he found evidence that futures returns led spot returns by up to fifteen minutes.
183. During the test periods subjects were instructed not to smoke or eat anything but drank water ad libitum.
184. What about critical periods for the chimps that have been learning sign language?
185. She suffers from periods of deep depression, when she locks herself away and will speak to no one for weeks.
186. Mr F, 35 has an alcohol problem and his wife, 32,[http:///periods.html] has supported him through many difficult periods.
187. During the rainy periods they survive under water in the flooded areas for several months and will withstand a permanently submersed environment.
188. Since accurate data have been kept, there have been no other periods of sharply rising inequality.
189. The company applies its techniques through workshops or residencies over extended periods of time in hospitals, community centres of special schools.
190. Old Rottweilers may need to be let out more frequently to answer the call of nature, but for shorter periods.
191. Each hospital that took patients with contagious diseases established quarantine periods.
192. There are sudden, dramatic leaps in small children's learning, interspersed with long fallow periods when nothing seems to happen.
193. Some creatures indulge but once a year, with long periods of abstinence as they make copies of themselves.
194. First, all overlap periods must allow adequate time for exchange of information between the staff coming to duty and those leaving.
195. For extended periods of a week or more, you must drain down the household plumbing system.
196. The Commission has a permanent staff of 24 and, in addition, employs eight seasonal staff during the summer and autumn periods.
197. Wear comfortable shoes; you may be doing some walking or standing for long periods of time.
198. They are buildings of the Romanesque or Gothic periods and possess strong Byzantine characteristics.
199. During dry periods the water evaporates, and the gypsum sinks to the lake bottom.
200. When periods finally stop, she has reached the change of life menopause.
201. In the 1970s he was detained without charge or trial for five years and tortured and held for long periods in leg-irons.
202. Lab-Plant has introduced a computer-controlled, electronic stirrer which can be programmed to perform a series of functions automatically and for long periods.
203. Two classroom periods per episode are suggested in the main plan.
204. Lateness is strictly monitored over rolling 20-day periods, while unauthorised absence is carried forward over three months.
205. However, many of the general conclusions from these studies are applicable to systems with longer periods.
206. The survey examined bad debt experience, credit periods and credit management compared with three years earlier.
207. Local distress funds continued to be raised in periods and places of acute distress, although they came increasingly under government control.
208. The receipts and payments method is commonly employed for shorter time periods, say up to one month.
209. Vertical dashed lines enclose periods of contemporaneous high lake levels and elevated geothermal activity on rift volcanoes.
210. In this case, they would constitute a pool of labour which can be utilised in boom periods and disregarded in recessions.
211. The programme is structured around periods of residential study supported by distance learning material.
212. Periods of punctuated equilibrium are equally visible in human history.
213. He also served the king, acting for three periods as justice of Chester and holding the usual range of local commissions.
214. Society and other academic journals tend to have longer periods between acceptance of their papers and publication than commercial journals.
215. Courage means to keep working a relationship, to continue seeking solutions to difficult problems, and to stay focused during stressful periods. Denis Waitley 
216. The finance cost should be allocated to accounting periods soas to achieve a constant rate on the amount outstanding.
217. Ward learning resources During her training,[http:///periods.html] a student is assigned to various clinical areas for periods of six to twelve weeks.
218. They aged their tequila in oak barrels for longer periods.
219. And both have been designed to enable you to hold them for long periods of time.
220. This involves making sure the younger pupils behave correctly during the break periods.
221. The excess fuel cools the engine - acceptable for short periods in the climb but inefficient and expensive for extended cruise.
222. After they left, Belvedere saw various periods of use and disuse but, by the 1970s, stood empty.
223. In the Hellenistic and Roman periods mystery religions and cults spread through the ancient world.
224. Crop yields would fall as a result of shorter growing periods, and reduced solar radiation due to heavier cloud cover.
225. So the idea is that you have to pretend not to have periods, deny their existence.
226. The warrant can authorise further detention for periods up to 36 hours.
227. It is in the interests of sports equipment manufacturers to encourage such relative depreciation when their products have long depreciation periods.
228. The demand for electricity is uneven throughout the day, involving certain periods of peak demand.
229. Opportunities for school children to spend periods in various departments as part of their social studies or community placement should be encouraged.
230. But as the egocentrism of other periods gradually diminished, so does the egocentrism of adolescence with continued development.
231. This may, inpart, explain why current approaches seem so distant from those applied to other periods of the past.
232. Banks borrow and lend wholesale funds amongst themselves, dealing through money brokers, for periods ranging from overnight to five years.
233. These asteroids with Earth-crossing orbits and orbital periods greater than one Earth year constitute the Apollo family.
234. This will show you just how much you can save on your bill if you make calls out of peak periods.
235. It is effective for accounting periods ending on or after 23 August 1993 although earlier adoption is encouraged.
236. She could do without large conscript armies to defend land frontiers and needed long-service troops who could be employed overseas for long periods.
237. It can protect your equipment from hazardous brownouts that occur when electric companies reduce voltage during periods of peak demand.
238. It has been substantially altered in later periods and has a largely classical, dull exterior.
239. Most societies offer the cover with differing benefits, premium rates and periods allowed to make claims.
240. Between searingly bright periods, the sky boils with thundery clouds that drift on by without releasing a drop.
241. The Crown then repaid the capital sum with interest from 31 July 1987 but refused to pay interest for earlier periods.
242. Prices do not apply to Public Holiday periods unless otherwise stated, and are subject to availability of suitable accommodation.
243. Moreover, manual workers tended to be paid benefits for shorter periods of time and they received smaller amounts than non-manual workers.
244. Holidays were usually taken to coincide with hay time or other busy periods on the farm.
245. Echoes of these symbolic assertions of ducal autonomy were also to be heard at later periods.
246. The role of large aggregations of individuals for appreciable periods is probably of central importance here.
247. An allocation plan should be given to each student at the commencement of training,[http://] setting out the holiday periods.
248. After several weeks of operating with two ten-minute rest periods, researchers approached the workers about making an-other change.
249. Slowly, the teacher enables the student to become more adept at putting forth effort for longer periods of time.
250. It differs widely from marriage as seen in earlier periods of social development or in some other Western countries.
251. Indemnity periods to be appropriate to the circumstances of each such item.
252. Even so, reptiles accumulate an oxygen debt if active for long periods, as well as suffering from fatigue and slow rates of repayment.
253. In earlier periods pressures to provide an education service fitted to the needs of the society have been observed.
254. The last of the five periods identified by Geary is the 1980s, when industrial confrontation reverted to a more violent form.
255. Where goat milk or milk products are used for human consumption, milk-withholding periods for different drugs should be observed.
256. He has periods of depression, which alternate with frenzied activity.
257. One of the problems of today's eating habits is that people expect food to last over longer periods.
258. Detained Numbers of refugees seeking asylum in the United Kingdom are held in detention for long periods following their arrival.
259. Mr. Hinchliffe How much of that capital spending was funded from the closure and sale of established hospitals during those periods?
260. But an extra pair of hands is still needed(), especially during busy periods.
261. It was precisely during these remote and largely unrecorded periods that some of the most crucial changes took place.
262. Certainly for earlier periods the rarity and high monetary value of items will place them beyond the reach of schools.
263. Biological, social, or economic systems enter periods of punctuated equilibrium with slowly evolving but firmly established structures.
264. Many found it difficult to give accurate figures as the livestock year dictated two very definite peak work periods.
265. The three major categories at retail level are overdrafts, personal loans for fixed periods, and mortgages.
266. The training covers extended periods in obstetrics and gynaecology.
267. The effects of guanethidine are cumulative over extended periods.
268. Baboon organs are too small to sustain people for long periods.
269. You are unlikely to run the heater at full blast for long periods.
270. Catholicism spread in China during the late Ming and early Qing periods.
271. The vagaries of collection over 12 hours are so great that shorter collecting periods are preferable.
272. The primary cosmic radiation that reaches the earth is minimum at periods of maximum solar activity.
273. In periods heavily influenced by ideology, political loyalties no longer coincide with national boundaries.
274. Washing slices or cubes of certain tissues for various periods results in many physiological responses.
275. Two thirds of the continent was covered in ice during glacial periods.




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