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单词 Speed up
1. We'll never get there if he doesn't speed up.
2. Exercise is supposed to speed up your metabolism.
3. This system helps speed up access times.
4. The new system will speed up the registration process.
5. I had already taken steps to speed up a solution to the problem.
6. Modernization is the key to speed up our agricultural development.
7. They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic.
8. Increasing gravity is known to speed up the multiplication of cells.
9. Action had been taken to speed up the release of cheques.
10. On page 21, twenty tricks to speed up your beauty routine.
11. It will speed up delivery if you complete the official order-form.
12. If you speed up your work, we can finish before it is dark.
13. Auctions certainly speed up the house-buying process.
14. Their primary purpose is to speed up browsing.
15. To speed up publication the presentations have been used unaltered so the book lacks a coherent style or structure.
16. Leaders and managers who are trying to speed up the pace of change in their organizations will find themselves pitted against job-mindedness.
17. The county promised to speed up building approvals for people who lost their homes in the earthquake.
18. We should accelerate our research in atomic power generation and speed up the building of atomic power plants.
19. Once these difficulties were got over, the work would speed up.
20. Use this control to specify a sensible figure to speed up your output.
20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. The answer is simple - make energy efficiency a number one global priority and speed up the development of renewable energy technologies.
22. Chamberlain was appalled by the barbarity of Kristallnacht, which undoubtedly helped to speed up immigration procedures.
23. Only 24 percent said the slowdown in building activity had freed up enough planners and inspectors to speed up processing time.
24. The Defense Department has been pressing private contractors for options to speed up deployment of missile defenses.
25. He says that the technique has meant they can speed up research time, helping to stay ahead of the field.
26. For how else could it be that he never had to slow down or speed up?
27. They are only made possible by enzymes - biological catalysts that speed up their chemical reactions to a respectable level.
28. Atkinson then publicly apologized to Wilson and said he would speed up dismantling the program, and the regents meeting was canceled.
29. Even a spreadsheet that does a great deal of calculation will only speed up by around 25% or so.
30. Premiums are beginning to be waived, and three month rent holidays are being offered to try and speed up movement.
1. Modernization is the key to speed up our agricultural development.
2. We should accelerate our research in atomic power generation and speed up the building of atomic power plants.
31. This rapid shallow breath may occur in response to the adrenalin which causes the heart to speed up.
32. Congress and state regulators could speed up the construction of pipelines.
33. This process can speed up metabolism when digestion products are absorbed into the bloodstream.
34. Two paid marshals track players from the time they tee off and offer hints to speed up the laggards.
35. Speed up in the parsing process can then be achieved by eliminating low probability parses. 5.8.
36. Do not try to speed up progress by doing more goals in any one week than you should.
37. Above all, he had to speed up the protracted constitutional timetable of his predecessor.
38. The Review proposed many changes to particular aspects of standard procedure which will speed up and streamline that procedure.
39. Genetic engineering techniques will speed up the development process for the AIDS vaccine, but these experimental new techniques still require time.
40. If they have not yet reached the clicking stage, the sound stimulates them to speed up their development.
41. It might speed up the eventual recovery in prices we all require to keep farming profitably in the future.
42. Other central committee members urged the party to speed up its own reform and to anticipate the changes happening in the country.
43. Vets have been authorised to slaughter on suspicion, to speed up the killing once farmers have reported a possible outbreak.
44. Thus to speed up the fundamental combustion process requires that the fuel droplets be made as Small as possible.
45. You might want to tweak the port speed up a notch, just to see if things run a little faster.
46. Remember that progress will speed up as he masters the first few steps of a particular challenge and gains some confidence.
47. Kingfisher says it would speed up the closure of small Currys outlets and the shift to larger out-of-town sites.
48. A victory for the pragmatists may help them to speed up the reforms.
49. She has taken to roller skates to speed up her travel in New York.
50. Placing the books or presses in an airing cupboard will speed up the pressing process slightly without damaging the flowers.
51. Affect can speed up or slow down the rate of development.
52. The method adopted by larger animals to speed up the distribution of essential materials is to force carrier-fluid through transport systems.
53. In practice a somewhat smaller interval can be used to speed up calculations.
54. Instructions recently added to Intel processors that are claimed to speed up some video and sound functions.
55. In the nineteenth century this leisurely view of the pageant of time began to speed up.
56. A simple riffle system can speed up the processing of the lode All this has led to some skill rubbing off.
57. The removal of safety devices to speed up production, for instance,[] is often done with the tacit connivance of supervisors.
58. His senior aides are convinced they can speed up the Maastricht ratification process to meet the new deadline.
59. If gravity was strong, I could go to the top floor of the building and speed up my time.
60. Litigants should benefit from changes recommended by the Civil Justice Review to speed up and simplify civil cases.
61. Enzymes are protein molecules whose function is to speed up chemical reactions: that is, they are catalysts.
62. The objectives of the program were to speed up renewal activities and to give communities more flexibility in renewal planning and implementation.
63. If he wishes me to try to speed up replies, I shall certainly do so.
64. The ability to type in the moves would seriously speed up the system when access times are at their worst.
65. Giving buses priority at busy junctions would also speed up travel times, says Mr Tapper.
66. It is not enough merely to speed up the process, however.
67. Nevertheless, Muoi was widely regarded as a cautious leader who would be unlikely to speed up the pace of reform.
68. Guy had a theory that the mineral baths might speed up my convalescence.
69. They are added to rinse water to speed up drying and to achieve shiny finish without spotting, smearing or other blemishes.
70. Russia's acceptance of economic aid from Western countries will speed up recovery.
71. The all-embracing AD/Cycle combines a set of standards and interfaces to speed up application development.
72. Nancy, if you don't speed up we'll be here until midnight.
73. It is no use just heating things up; that would again only speed up the reaction in the wrong direction.
74. It's believed that pollution can form substances in our body known as free radicals which speed up ageing.
75. These give off ethylene gas which reacts with the starch to speed up its conversion to sugar.
76. Further investment is needed to allow the consortium to open another coalface to speed up production.
77. Will my right hon. Friend try to speed up that process in every possible way?
78. How could we speed up the process of research and development?
79. It can help to speed up the work where an investigation involves the results from several different cases.
80. Drunk during exercise to speed up rehydration.
81. Conclusion Thyroid hormone might speed up bone metabolism directly.
82. This helps speed up transactions[http://], and increases operational efficiency.
83. As your strike force grows you can split it into multiple groups to speed up the razing process.
84. Some computer models of climate change predict a major drying-out of the Amazon, which would then act to speed up global warming by releasing more carbon.
85. The most important measure that improves public financial management is to speed up the reform of government accounting of China.
86. If they slow down , speed up , change intensity , or change direction, the trends forecast will probably not works as well.
87. The improvements are meant to speed up commuter traffic and commercial trade, particularly along busy 400-series highways as well as into and out of Toronto.
88. Permealbe good paper, binders can quickly, more internal penetration to paper to speed up the ink.
89. An article on the breakdown of stepper motors, drives, speed up, slow down article.
90. He has said he's determined to speed up the payment of claims. The fund is paid for by the oil company BP.
91. The invention provides a plant facility which requires no transmission such as reduction gear and speed up gear, thus increasing the plant efficiency.
92. Afraid they speed up wantoned, in the hereafter again some what impair the words of kinglet Ye reputation spread to go and then wanted to forbid a tube by that time, only afraid is also night.
93. New industries, speed up the afterburner; create the future, a blueprint reproduction.
94. Objective: To speed up seedling production of pasqueflower (Pulsatilla chinenses)and their modernization in pasqueflower.
95. From the speed up part of the shaft the burning semicoke mixed with air and stack gases passes into the expanded top where the solid material starts spouting (fountaining).
96. The result shows that microwave could speed up the sugar permeability in short time during processing sugared chestnut and meliorate browning characteristic.
97. To speed up the progress of urbanization is the objective request in improving people's living level, life style and population quality.
98. Speed up the circulation of commodities in rural areas, and actively develop the rural market.
99. This will speed up the process of reshuffling the survival of the fittest.
100. With the rapid expansion of biological knowledge and research, sophisticated computerized information-retrieval systems are necessary to speed up access to biological information.
101. Its main theoretical contribution was it speed up the Chinesization of Maxism, and its outstanding practical contribution was it accelerated the victory of Chinese revolution.
102. And with the deep development of economic study, this overlapping will speed up.
103. The bacteria may speed up learning because the Raphe nuclei stimulate a brain region called the hippocampus, which handles spatial memory, she says.
104. In order to speed up, a discrete bilinear interpolation algorithm is proposed.
105. Embryo transfers speed up the process of building a high - quality herd.
106. We should speed up our work for establishing the anti - terrorism center in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
107. The improvement of security checking method can effectively ensure the convergence and speed up the calculation.
108. If you're not working on things that are likely to break that test, you might want to skip the long-running test method to speed up your compile-test-debug cycle.
109. Hence we may have to search for a suitable catalyst, to speed up attainment of equilibrium.
110. Glary Utilities Pro offers numerous powerful and easy-to-use system tools and utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC.
111. It is important to speed up the exploitation and promote the economic development of this area by deepening the research work on its natural resources and social economics.
112. To speed up the feasibility test and simplify the code, I decided to use look-up tables for the sub squares.
113. So too is the nitrogen cycle, which converts pure nitrogen from the air into useful chemicals, and which mankind has helped speed up by over 150%.
114. The subdivisionization technology utilizes the procedural locality to speed up matrix operation.
115. The answer is the cacomistle, according to a surprising new study indicating that lower elevations and lower latitudes seem to speed up microevolution in mammals.
116. Multiple clients should also be used to speed up the warm-up time.
117. The Delphic oracle which is releasing during the war could delay the course of the war, could speed up the process of the war, even could end the war.
118. Get up everyday and yelling "fuck" to a new flower and it will speed up the fading.
119. It can speed up goods forwarding and receiving, accelerate car turn-round, lighten operation burdens at marshalling yards and reduce transportation costs.
120. Step 1: You need a speed - change software to speed up the checking program.
121. In this paper the reason that the domestic railway grain bulk transportation develops slowly is analysed and the views to speed up the development of the railway grain ...
122. One part of the program is designed to lie dormant for long periods, then speed up the machines so that the spinning rotors in the centrifuges wobble and then destroy themselves.
123. Boost translation quality and speed up continuously , can endure high pressure of translation request.
124. The experimental results have shown that the proposed algorithm can speed up interframe mode decision greatly and incurred loss in PSNR and increment in rate can almost be neglected.
125. In addition, the simultaneous turn feature will speed up online games.
126. He can also speed up the play or slow it down when needed, while his set-piece ability is second to none and his long-range shooting has brought him a hatful of spectacular goals.
127. These measures may speed up con vergence and reduce iterations.
128. A nonmonotonic criterion is also used to speed up the convergence.
129. This company wants to speed up its stock turnover and decrease its stock inventory to reduce internal cost and improve time-to-market of its products.
130. Of course, refinements are possible, and they speed up the discovery of the unique solution.
131. It is very useful to help to speed up the recognition of interrupt nesting principle and capability of applying interrupt nesting technology for students.
132. Thus, to speed up compilation, these files can be converted into an intermediate form that is easier for the compiler to understand so that subsequent compilations are faster.
133. Type columns, a PATH secondary index may be able to speed up the search.
134. To speed up address translation, there is a processor-on-a-chip (PoC) cache and associated logic called translation lookaside buffer (TLB).
135. Studies scalar multiplication algorithms to speed up the elliptic curve cryptosystem.
136. Contant temperature dripping oil bed with the far infrared light above, it can speed up the body's metabolism and enhance cell regeneracy.
137. A pacemaker sends electrical impulses to the heart to speed up or slow cardiac rhythm.
138. The result of the simulation show GA is effectively speed up the convergence rate, especially in large-scale DS-CDMA cellular system.
139. Ion beam of ions of chemical elements by high - energy accelerator to speed up after the radiotherapy.
140. In order to speed up the searching process for the integer values of ambiguity, the method of decorrelation is applied,[] which works "in practice" sufficiently well.
141. In driving the shift, the operator depresses the clutch pedal and promptly lifted, half-linkage phenomenon not thrown, otherwise, it will speed up the electromagnetic clutch wear.
142. Lazy pseudo-sequences both save memory space and speed up operations (especially when dealing with very large sequence-like "things").
143. Not only can convenience for passengers, still can save airlines agency cost, speed up the capital turnover.
144. I put my foot down and the Zephyr gathered speed up the slope.
145. What step should you take to speed up the data access?
146. From April to June, Germany's economic growth was expected to speed up and could show an increase of over 0.5% after seasonal adjustment as compared with the 1st quarter.
147. Supercool areas is the government hopes to speed up its development, to maintain a balanced development of the structural deficiencies areas.
148. The simulation shows that using the fuzzy model based reinforcement functions in reinforcement learning algorithm can further speed up the convergence than using model-free reinforcement functions.
149. The QuIt'support program has also called on the government to speed up the process.
150. We must supervise and speed up the fulfilment of assigned tasks.
151. Limiting the number of expensive operations done in the loop body is a good way to speed up the entire loop.
152. The priority for now as well as the fundamental solution to address ethnic issues is to speed up the economic and social development in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities.
153. This paper proposes to use fuzzy logic controller to speed up the convergence of the crossover and mutation process.
154. Well. Check truncation operates among banks and is designed to speed up check clearing procedures.
155. Here is a little tip to speed up drawing cleaning up. It is a snap line.
156. Greatly reducing losses when the server machine situations, speed up your network processing speed.
157. The unladen swallow group is now referring others to PyPy instead; another Python runtime which uses a custom JIT in order to speed up execution.
158. A coalition of health and child welfare organisations says the study showed why government needed to speed up smoke-free reforms.
159. In order to achieve its pricing power, China should speed up the free convertibility of RMB and increase the international flow of gold.
160. In this way, standardisation can both lower barriers to market entry and speed up competition, and thus the demand for new technologies.
161. His rustiness showed when he was asked to speed up.
162. Addition of resin can promote the formation of free radicals and speed up the thermal cracking reaction.
163. Finally the author hopes to introduce the right to remain silent system and speed up the process of legislation civilization.
164. As grouping processes of newspapering become faster and faster, newspapering groups speed up their cross-media management steps.
165. Applying new operator to mining classification rules it is found to speed up the algorithm convergence and restrain the premature convergence to some extent.
166. Daguerre thought that the process developed by Niepce could help speed up his diorama creation.
167. Addition of microgel can increase the solid content of coatings, improve the rheology property of coating, speed up the curing, and improve the applicati...
168. Having a limited repertoire of genes to focus on will "hopefully speed up the development of new therapies for leishmaniasis", he says.
169. The output of the circuit was push-pull structure in order to reduce the output impedance and speed up the load of the driving voltage.
170. Some computer models of climate change predict a major drying-out of the Amazon, which would thenactsact to speed up global warming by releasing more carbon.
171. OBJECTIVE:To reduce hospital drug stock and to speed up turnover of capital.
172. By applying the SRAP marker, assisted selection for the early molecules of Chinese cabbage nucleoplasm interactive male sterility trait can be carried out, so as to speed up breeding progress.
173. The automakers have been trying to persuade Congress to speed up funding for $25 billion in subsidized loans to help retool their old plants.
174. When four-wheel independent drive EV is running as basic run mode that regularity speed straightly, speed up or speed down and turning, how to realize is discussed.
175. Objective:To reduce hospital drug stock and to speed up turnover of capital.
176. The Investing Strategy decides the future development and competitiveness of a business enterprise; The outstanding capital and operating strategy can speed up the formation of such competitiveness.
177. If you want to speed up designing the presentational/visual layer, you can use a CSS framework (I'm using Toast and I highly recommend it) or just a web page layout framework like the 960 Grid System.
178. Secondly, to speed up the development of school education and vocational education.
179. 'We are concerned that the decline in the hot-rolled coil price may speed up if some of the mills don't reduce output, with $550 a net ton a possibility, ' he added.
180. For example, two players can gang up on the third to speed up elimination and two players must compete for the right to check mate the third.
181. Greece's top central banker called on the government to speed up efforts to close the budget gap amid growing concerns elsewhere in Europe that Athens can't pull itself out of its debt spiral.
182. Speed up the implementation of the export market diversification strategy.
183. This model illustrates that the prejudiced policies against peasant laborers are not only harmful to speed up urbanization but very inutile to relax the pressure caused by poor urban population.
184. In scalar code on the SPE, declaring scalar values as vectors and vector pointers (even if you aren't using them as vectors) can speed up code because it doesn't have to do unaligned loads and stores.
185. This is the right path, be able to speed up inventory turnover.
186. Fortunately there are great ways to speed up this steep learning curve.
187. "The problem is that the life cycles of diseases such as bluetongue speed up as temperatures go up, " said Dr Chris Oura, of the Institute for Animal Health in Newbury.
188. Hence, the traditional preservation and transportation business of our country have to speed up the transformation into modern TPL.
189. We will speed up the establishment of an open, fair, and standardized system for licensing service providers and encourage the participation of non-government capital.
190. With the modification of the reconstruction algorithm, discrete Fourier transform is used to speed up the reconstruction and 3D atomic arrangement is obtained by utilizing the idea of CT.
191. The addition of water to soils will speed up nearly all modes of pesticide dissipation.
192. Hence, to solve these problems, what need to do is to speed up the restructuring of prison medical costs, and gradually improve state medicine system if criminals.
193. Fig. 28 The body has now started to uncoil, in this photo the front knee has stopped, from here the hips will now speed up.
194. To solve these problems, our province to further speed up the SME credit guarantee system.
195. We derive the algorithm and parameters estimate method for the MAP restoration, and propose the image sectioning to speed up the restoration and save memory space.
196. A LDM creates an enterprise view of data, helps to reduce data redundancy, improve data quality, and speed up integration and green-field projects.
197. The government role is not to protect to individual enterprise, to dominant technique innovation and to make some Industrial policy, but to speed up to found the market system.
198. The result indicates that the tunnel invert of composite construction designed according to the article can improve the construction safety and speed up the construction.
199. Black can improve the heat-absorbing capability and speed up the spring planting.
199. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
200. We can say that the example of urban marketing analysis has provided a certain degree of experience and thinking to speed up our city's development.
201. Institutional mechanisms to promote agricultural business innovation, and speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural operation.
202. It is also a supplement to the construction of Operation Control System for railway sub-Administration and will surely speed up the development of information for China railway transport enterprises.
203. ILUT preconditioner is used to reduce the prove condition number on the linear system and speed up the convergence iterative method.




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