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单词 elk
释义  Related topics: Animalselk /elk/ noun (plural elk) [countable]  1. HBA British English a very large brown North American, European, and Asian animal with wide flat horns 驼鹿,麋鹿 SYN American English moose2. American English a large North American deer 美洲赤鹿Examples from the Corpuselk• She is here carved riding in a car drawn by elks.• I will try to smell like an elk.• With few bears and wolves about these days, elk rule their forest habitat.• Many Nez Perce warriors carried a sacred war-club like this, with a stone head encased in elk rawhide.• Equality in access to Montana elk is not basic to the maintenance or well-being of the Union.• Background: Montana, our fourth largest state but with a sparse population, is home to large herds of elk.• Look, here are some elk and here's the camp, the hunting camp with tipis.• There was also the elk head.nElk /elk/ noun  n1. the Elks an organization which does charity work, and with groups in many small towns and cities in the US. Its official name is the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.n2. [countable] a member of this organizationOrigin elk Old English eolhelk nounElk nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  brown very American, and large European, a North Corpus Asian




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