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单词 Back
(1) Pay somebody back in his own coin. 
(2) Lying rides upon debt’s back
(3) No one can call back yesterday. 
(4) Ill comes often on the back of worse. 
(5) One cannot put back the clock. 
(6) Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. 
(7) Time past cannot be called back again. 
(8) One misfortune rides upon another’s back
(9) Poverty on an old man’s back is a heavy burden. 
(10) Misers put their back and their belly into their pockets. 
(11) A nice wife and a back door will soon make a rich man poor. 
(12) When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you. 
(13) Her hair was tied back with a black ribbon.
(14) The back of my neck throbbed painfully.
(15) Straighten your back - try not to slouch.
(16) She fell back in horror/disgust.
(17) Macmillan wrote back saying that he could certainly help.
(18) They were ordered to strike back.
(19) She stood back and admired her handiwork.
(20) Your hair is sticking out in the back.
(21) The film looks back at Spain's glorious past.
(22) She sent back her breakfast tray untouched.
(23) Can you back your story with facts?
(24) I walk back after work everyday.
(25) I will be back within an hour.
(26) What you lose on the swings you gain (or get back) on the roundabouts. 
(27) As soon as you have drunk, you turn your back upon the spring. 
(28) All the treasures of the earth would not bring back one lost moment. 
(29) A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 
(30) Those who foolishly seek power by riding on the back of the tiger and up inside. 
(1) Shall we be back in time?
(2) Wait here until I get back.
(3) I will be back within an hour.
(4) Put these tools back in the rack.
(5) Everyone is laughing at me behind my back.
(6) Don't forget to bring sth. back for me.
(7) Don't be a back seat driver.
(8) I'll get back as quick as I can.
(9) I'd like my money back, please.
(10) You can't go back on your promise now.
(11) I'll be back in a minute.
(12) Someone patted me on the back.
(13) The soldier carried a pack on his back.
(14) We have to get him back.
(15) Don't go back on your word.
(16) He leaned his back against the wall.
(17) We all back our school team.
(18) Let's get back to the point.
(19) Can you do anything for my bad back, doctor?
(20) Let's get back to the subject.
(21) The pain in my back was excruciating.
(22) The tourists went back to their respective countries.
(23) He'll be back in two days.
(24) Thank you for calling me back.
(25) Put the chair back where it belongs.
(26) I looked back to see if he was coming.
(27) Lie back and luxuriate in the scented oil.
(28) 'You go back to bed now,' he said gently.
(29) Put the top back on the bottle.
(30) Okay, okay, I'll pay u back next week...
(31) She gently kneaded the muscles in his back.
(32) I gave the textbook back to him.
(33) We retreated back down the mountain.
(34) Let me get my breath back.
(35) Movement can be painful when you've hurt your back.
(36) Flinging back her head, she laughed and laughed.
(37) I'll see you when I get back.
(38) She sank back against/into the cushions.
(39) The back is shaped to the load.
(40) Don't forget to bring sth. back for me.
(41) The two ends buckle at the back.
(42) He took a tortuous route through back streets.
(43) Couldn't hold back my tears, still strong smile.
(44) Don't be a back seat driver.
(45) My efforts to go back to sleep proved futile.
(46) Would you please stand back and let me through.
(47) She led the horse back into the stable.
(48) I tie back my hair when I'm cooking.
(49) I'll be back in a minute.
(50) He turned his back and sulked.
(51) Back of the breakwater the dredger was working.
(52) Suddenly all my fears came flooding back.
(53) He shifted his weight onto his back foot.
(54) They keep chickens in the back yard.
(55) We all filed back to our seats in silence.
(56) He pushed his chair back and stood up.
(57) Don't you dare come back again!
(58) She hauled her backpack onto her back.
(59) 'I'll be back soon,' she promised.
(60) Can you do anything for my bad back, doctor?
(31) I shall be back in an instant.
(32) Kick back, make yourself at home.
(33) I'll be back in a moment.
(34) He came back the following day.
(35) She looked back up the grassy slope.
(36) She sat back, nestling against his chest.
(37) Now, go back to your seat.
(38) He traces his family back to about the fifteenth century.
(39) It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
(40) She was upset that her husband had not come back.
(41) I thought back to the time in 1975 when my son was desperately ill.
(42) Lighting is poor in the back lanes of the city.
(43) Steve was in a particularly bad mood when he got back.
(44) Will you put the books back when you've finished with them?
(45) Visiting her house was like stepping back in time/stepping back 50 years.
(46) The opening of the new swimming pool has been set back by a few weeks.
(47) The administration has been steadily rowing back from its early opposition to his attendance in London.
(48) I grasped the cat by the back of its neck.
(49) I was worried when Barry didn't come back at the usual time.
(50) They will eventually be able to claw back all or most of the debt.
(51) The sound of an engine echoed back from the thick forest.
(52) She took a potato from the fire and sat back on her heels.
(53) It has set us back in so many respects that I'm not sure how long it will take for us to catch up.
(54) We need a microphone so that people in the back can hear us.
(55) The birds were enticed back into Britain 40 years ago.
(56) The boss couldn' t hold back his anger any longer.
(57) She rocks back and forth on her chair like a mischievous child.
(58) I tie my hair up because I don't like it straggling down my back.
(59) They shone the spotlight on a woman waving at the back of the audience.
(60) I can't think of her name - it'll come back to me later.
(61) l love you to the moon and back.
(62) David built us a shed in the back yard.
(63) Must leave, invites, forever leaves comes back again.
(64) He went next door to get his ball back.
(65) He hurt his back playing squash.
(66) Go back to the past, can return.
(67) I took a taxi back home.
(68) Please mister, can I have my ball back?
(69) The pain in my back was excruciating.
(70) The tourists went back to their respective countries.
(71) It was good to be back on land.
(72) Don't talk back to your grandpa.
(73) I will be back in a day or two.
(74) I usually sleep on my back.
(75) Someone bashed him on the back of his head.
(76) Thank you for calling me back.
(77) He'll be back in an hour.
(78) I pulled my back playing squash.
(79) My back is really hurting me today.
(80) Put the chair back where it belongs.
(81) I looked at her and she glared furiously back.sentencedict .com
(82) I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back.
(83) Wilhelm realized that he was on Tamkin's back.
(84) He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury.
(85) He carried back the book to the shelf.
(86) She'd ring around and get back to me.
(87) Let's go back to camp - it's getting dark.
(88) The bus had to back up and turn around.
(89) A slow learner can keep back the whole class.
(90) His mind kept flashing back to the previous night.
(61) The small church of San Michel is tucked away in a narrow back street of Port-au-Prince.
(91) He could trace his ancestors back seven hundred years.
(92) Slacken your legs and slowly lie back.
(93) That piece of music really took me back .
(94) Unless I'm mistaken, she was back at work yesterday.
(95) Lie back and luxuriate in the scented oil.
(96) Those who turn back never reach the summit.
(97) His thoughts wandered back to his childhood.
(98) He turned his attention back to the road again.
(99) It's too late to back down now.
(100) The police turned back the demonstrators.
(101) He wrenched his back in wrestling.
(102) I leaned back in my chair.
(103) He's off work with a bad back.
(104) I'll come back to haunt you!
(105) I dropped the receiver back in the cradle.
(106) 'You go back to bed now,' he said gently.
(107) Put the top back on the bottle.
(108) I wait for you to come back.
(109) She had a desperate longing to go back.
(110) The sea reflected back the bright sunlight.
(111) She jumped back with a little yelp of surprise.
(111) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(112) Exercise will give you a sharpening figure back.
(113) I felt the familiar ache in my lower back.
(114) Exfoliate your back at least once a week.
(115) Hang on! I'll be back in two shakes!
(116) I'll call back at a more convenient time.
(117) I tried to pump up my back tyre.
(118) Hang on!I'll be back in a couple of shakes!
(119) I'll be back in a moment.
(120) Hang my coat back, I'm not going now.
(121) Jimmy slouched back in his chair.
(122) When they scolded him, he would answer back.
(123) Her hair was neatly combed back.
(124) When are you coming back to the stage?
(125) She looked back up the grassy slope.
(126) She sat back, nestling against his chest.
(127) Stop that giggling at the back!
(128) One who frequently looks back can nit go far.
(129) I'll get you back for this, just you wait!
(130) I got back in the buggy.
(131) Now, go back to your seat.
(132) She threw her head back as if in ecstasy.
(133) You agreed to come. You can't back out now!
(134) His sword was back in its sheath.
(135) What does the writing on the back say?
(136) Back to have in the past, returned to the original.
(137) I lay on my back and looked up at the stars.
(138) The army must give power back to the legitimate government.
(139) I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
(140) Two days later, they implanted the fertilized eggs back inside me.
(141) When she retired, she moved back to her home town .
(141) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(142) The radio had been stolen, but otherwise we got the car back in one piece.
(143) For this peccadillo he was demoted and sent back to pound the beat.
(144) I have a pain in the middle of my back.
(145) Japan's recession has prompted consumers to cut back on buying cars.
(146) When the bush has finished flowering, cut back all the stems.
(147) Thank you I can not live in your eyes, you can hold you back.
(148) I saw him step forward momentarily but then hang back, nervously massaging his hands.
(149) Waiting for you to come back into my life, is just an excuse for not completely letting go of you.
(150) She was upset that her husband had not come back.
(151) He rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand.
(152) The father pulled the child back from the river side.
(153) Your job is to attend the meeting and report back to the board of directors.
(154) She couldn't get her breath and had to be thumped on the back.
(155) The airline is beginning to claw back some of the business it lost after the bomb explosion.
(156) The dog laid back his ears and began to bark.
(157) I brought a few trifles back from India - bits of jewellery and material mainly.
(158) When the great fish flipped over on its back,we knew it was almost dead.
(159) I thought back to the time in 1975 when my son was desperately ill.
(160) Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
(161) Shall I have him call u when he gets back?
(162) Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
(163) Tonight's programme looks back at the main events of the year.
(164) Lighting is poor in the back lanes of the city.
(165) The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.
(166) I managed to argue him into going back home to talk to his parents.
(167) Sometimes u need to look back, otherwise u will never know what u have lost in the way of forever searching.
(168) He draped his jacket over the back of the chair and sat down to eat.
(169) Steve was in a particularly bad mood when he got back.
(170) Will you put the books back when you've finished with them?
(171) Visiting her house was like stepping back in time/stepping back 50 years.
(171) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(172) Who dares to answer back when he roars like a lion?
(173) Just when I thought I had lost the letter forever, it blew right back into my hand!
(174) Please come back. I want to make up. I want to be your Valentine.
(175) He changed his mind about moving, but was unable to buy the house back.
(176) I took the radio back to the shop and asked for/demanded/got/was given a refund.
(177) The opening of the new swimming pool has been set back by a few weeks.
(178) It helps to put an important issue back on the front burner.
(179) Don't overspend on your home and expect to get the money back when you sell.
(180) Once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the children if Santa had found them yet. Three glum faces mutely gave him his answer.
(181) You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse.
(182) Tom wanted to kick back at the people who had written so unfavorably about his new book in the newspapers.
(183) Our soldiers beat back all the attacks of the enemy.
(184) They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.
(185) My dog always springs forth when I go back home.
(186) Do you want this photograph back or can I keep it?
(187) We had to trudge up the track back to the station.
(188) Eight children were crammed into the back of the car.
(189) Any efforts to try to put the clock back will come to no good end.
(190) The administration has been steadily rowing back from its early opposition to his attendance in London.
(191) They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
(192) We didn't arrive back at the hotel until very late.
(193) Being youngsters, we sat modestly at the back, never daring to speak.
(194) He talked so much that they were really glad to see the back of him .
(195) I just wish someday and somehow,We can be back together, Together well stay,Always and forever.
(196) Is it worth trying to glue this plate back together?
(197) I tried to lead the discussion back to the main issue.
(198) She used to borrow money and not bother to pay it back.
(199) No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. The sun comes right back up the next day.
(200) She must be very strong to carry such a weight on her back.
(201) I was worried when Barry didn't come back at the usual time.
(202) We lost two or three early games in the World Cup, but we bounced back.
(203) Looking back helps insofar as it helps you learn from your mistakes.
(204) They will eventually be able to claw back all or most of the debt.
(205) The farmers ploughed the vegetable leaves back to enrich the soil.
(206) She started running towards the street but suddenly doubled back to the house.
(207) The tree is too big,you'll have to chop back some of the branches.
(208) She was trying to get her thoughts back into some semblance of order .
(209) They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.
(210) A cassette tape recorder can easily record sound on and play sound back from tape.
(211) But I digress. To get back to what I was saying, this poem reflects the poet's love of nature and his religious beliefs.
(212) She swivelled her chair round and stared out across the back lawn.
(213) En-vironmentalists regard these moves as the government taking advantage of the national mood to roll back protective measures.
(214) He was almost back to his belligerent mood of twelve months ago.
(215) His car was taken away on the back of a breakdown truck.
(216) Once his decision is made, there will be no going back.
(217) Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.
(218) He took it apart brick by brick, and put it back together again.
(219) The sound of an engine echoed back from the thick forest.
(220) There's always that one song that brings back old memories.
(221) Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain.
(222) My car was in the garage for a week, but it's now back on the road.
(223) I think you should go back to your original plan.
(224) Would you call me back in ten minutes, if you don't mind?
(225) She can look back on her career with great satisfaction.
(226) She dismantled the washing machine to see what the problem was, but couldn't put it back together again.
(227) I prodded her in the back to get her attention.
(228) A man can't ride your back unless it is bent.
(229) He sat back in his chair and looked at me.
(230) She took a potato from the fire and sat back on her heels.
(231) When the business failed, we had to fall back on our savings.
(231) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(232) Here is a special set of exercises which will strengthen your back muscles.
(233) He could feel the heat of the sun on his back.
(234) James said he'd better be getting back or there'd be a fuss .
(235) It has set us back in so many respects that I'm not sure how long it will take for us to catch up.
(236) He came back from his holiday bursting with vitality and good health.
(237) I give you my heart, please don't also came back.
(238) There was a serving spoon missing when Nina put the silverware back in its box.
(239) After the recent scandal, he faces an uphill struggle to win back public support before the next election.
(240) I saw him take off his anorak and sling it into the back seat.
(241) When can you give back the money that you owe?
(242) The back of a car appeared right in front of him.
(243) She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.
(244) My shirt stuck to the clammy sweat on my back.
(245) Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.
(246) She's injured her back and is in traction for a month.
(247) As the strike went on, there was a gradual drift back to work.
(248) Oh, you're back, why don't you switch on the lights?
(249) She yelled back at me to mind my own business.
(250) The birds were enticed back into Britain 40 years ago.
(251) As Jim bent over to pick up the pen, he felt a sharp pain in his back.
(252) Our love never come back, how sad it is a word.
(253) If two people are meant to be together,eventually they will find their way back.
(254) Eddie slipped the safety catch on his automatic back into place.
(255) He was so impatient that I could hardly hold him back.
(256) I'd only gone a little way down the street when I remembered I hadn't locked the door, so I made/did a quick about-turn and ran back to the house.
(257) He then keeled over and fell flat on his back.
(258) I know a shortcut to town through the back streets.
(259) We sat in a row at the back of the room.
(260) The hook which he had thrown did not catch on the rocks, and dropped back to the ground.
(261) In the back of the truck was a 12.7 millimeter rapid-fire machine gun.
(262) Not what I miss(), but I can not go back the past.
(263) I wouldn't care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal.
(264) I want him back, but I just don't know how to go about it.
(265) He was back in the office, updating the work schedule on the computer.
(266) She rocks back and forth on her chair like a mischievous child.
(267) Can you lend me 5? I'll pay you back tomorrow.
(268) I suddenly feel myself like a doll,acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action.
(269) He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.
(270) when every love comes to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but it's always beautiful.
(271) No one can call back yesterday. Yesterday will not be called again.
(272) I tie my hair up because I don't like it straggling down my back.
(273) Home. I'll go home. And I'll think of someway to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.
(274) There used to be a big and beautiful garden at the back of their house.
(275) They shone the spotlight on a woman waving at the back of the audience.
(276) When the days become old photo when the old photos become memories, we became back to back the pedestrians, along different directions, the stubborn one step away from Athens, no, no Rome, no way back.
(277) We had seats in the front/back row of the theatre.
(278) Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
(279) We cannot back down at the first sign of opposition.
(280) I can't think of her name - it'll come back to me later.
(281) My mind travelled back to a hot sultry day in the little town.
(282) Keep your receipt in case you want to bring it back.
(283) The car in front suddenly stopped and I went into the back of it.
(284) When you take the scissors(Sentence dictionary), remember to put them back.
(285) Life is like a one way street, none of them leads back.
(286) The small church of San Michel is tucked away in a narrow back street of Port-au-Prince.
(287) I, in my turn, became embarrassed and huffy and told her to take the money back.
(288) The company's profits eased back from £15.million to £14.7 million.
(289) You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 6:00:12