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单词 linguist
释义  Related topics: Linguistics, Languageslin·guist /ˈlɪŋɡwɪst/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1. SPEAK A LANGUAGEsomeone who is good at foreign languages, especially someone who speaks several 通晓外语的人;〔尤指〕会说几种外语的人2. SLsomeone who studies or teaches linguistics 语言学家Examples from the Corpuslinguist• A brilliant linguist, he was also deeply interested in botany, chemistry and other scientific subjects.• But linguists use the term very differently.• Psycholinguists then produce theories of human parsing, and computational linguists produce theories of automated parsing.• Day after day, skilled linguists don headsets and listen to the stolen conversations of foreign leaders in more than 100 languages.• But the linguist can not determine relevance.• It is characteristic of theoretical linguists that they select example sentences that computational linguists would categorise as pathological.• The results should be of interest to linguists, philosophers and cognitive psychologists.Origin linguist (1500-1600) Latin lingua; LINGUALlin·guist nounChineseSyllable  good someone Corpus who especially is at foreign languages,




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