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单词 Identifying
1. All GM products carry an identifying symbol.
2. Managers must be proactive in identifying and preventing potential problems.
3. Detectives are now faced with the task of identifying the body.
4. The difficulty lies in identifying the precise nature of the problem.
5. There are three distinct ways of identifying an entry.
6. Identifying and exploiting opportunities is the key to success.
7. The first step is identifying your particular problem.
8. It is not about identifying talented young athletes.
9. Mothers -- Would have to cooperate in identifying fathers.
10. Identifying the specific concrete practice of an occupational group is, of course, a theoretical as well as an empirical task.
11. But identifying them, learning about their behaviour and distribution and understanding what makes them tick, requires some enjoyable investigation.
12. He develops his argument by identifying four phases in technological development.
13. It works by identifying the key skill gaps and providing a structured approach to the delivery of the training.
14. Identifying him from among the helmeted figures strapped into the cars had proved impossible.
15. In identifying such conduct, reliance is made on information forthcoming from local authority consumer protection departments.
16. These relationships thus perform the vital function of identifying index terms.
17. While she was identifying these predators in the encyclopedia, Ruby became noticeably paler and agitated.
18. Individuals, through love, become real social beings, each identifying with and loving through the other.
19. Her group, Keeping Track, is dedicated to identifying, monitoring, and educating on important wildlife habitat and travel corridors.
20. Our pilot project aims to assess the feasibility of identifying people at risk, nothing more.
21. Even today some babies go undetected and midwives have an important role in identifying babies who should have early hearing tests.
22. We were leafing through a well-worn copy of Sports Illustrated, and Mike was identifying his clients.
23. This automatic system monitors the position, closure rate and altitude of nearby aircraft, identifying potentially threatening intruders.
24. Together, drawing up a training plan which gives adequate opportunity for working as a group, as well as identifying individual training needs.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. In the next chapter, detailed recommendations are given for identifying and evaluating these troubled students.
26. So without doubt one of the most important and difficult problems in cancer research is that of identifying the other mutations.
27. As darkness fell, rescue workers with flashlights began recovering and identifying bodies.
28. This research will provide such information and provide a clear picture of current practice, identifying issues raised by this.
29. I noticed a caption in my local newspaper the other day, identifying a group of high school cheerleaders.
30. The latter two are particularly relevant to the idea of identifying and dealing with major stressors.
31. It was expected that identifying and resurfacing slippery roads would reduce skidding accidents by 1800 a year.
32. On the other hand, by refraining from identifying himself he risked being bludgeoned or arrested.
33. It works by analysing your present financial position and identifying any problem areas or gaps.
34. Figure out a budget, identifying little luxuries that could be eliminated.
35. The thicker shelled species often carry a distinctive sculpture, which is also important in identifying fossil species.
36. Business development teams invest time and attention in identifying and evaluating potential partners, and negotiating deals.
37. Each pad has an identifying number, and each check is numbered consecutively.
38. Participating independent retailers have an identifying symbol, in addition to their customary title.
39. And they all have that one identifying number with them.
40. Your identifying the most contentious point at issue was commendable.
41. Task Analysis A method for identifying and assessing the tasks which humans perform when they interact with a system.
42. Written policies and procedures or protocols can serve as a basis for identifying key process criteria.
43. The empirical grounds are that studies of post-merger performance are far from unanimous in identifying improved performance.
44. The groups are asking the U. S. Department of Agriculture to do a better job of identifying sick animals before slaughter.
45. This includes identifying sites of particular importance and liaising with local authorities, site owners and tenants to improve protection and access.
46. Listening to yourself can be a first step in identifying a learning need or goal.
47. Both bone shapes and muscle structure provide clues to identifying the part of the carcass from which a cut is derived.
48. It also helped in identifying important variables which had not previously been thought to be particularly interesting.
49. The clear distinction between the old and modern lacquers also offers hope of a means of identifying fakes.
50. A transponder is a device that emits radar signals identifying and locating aircraft for air traffic controllers.
51. George Will, a conservative columnist, rounded on Powell last year for identifying himself with Rockefeller.
52. No housing department had a policy on identifying vacant properties with adaptation potential.
53. Begin by identifying the target behavior and the time frame in which it occurs.
54. The sources of information for identifying acquisition targets set out in Section 0604 may be used for identifying potential purchasers.
55. The risk of identifying focal lesions on a large scale in any screening programme therefore seems negligible.
56. Women also did considerably worse when it came to identifying his main election rival, Labour's Alan Milburn.
57. These are taken-for-granted groupings which assume some form of unity within each category without ever clearly identifying the source of this unity.
58. The VDU image should be capable of identifying the structure of the text.
59. This involves identifying the major problems in the world today.
60. Ribbons and slashing are of contrasting bright colours identifying the individual regiments.
61. This will require a proactive approach through the preparation of written comments and identifying issues which will be of local interest.
62. Given that, what is wrong here is identifying Jimmy as having a mental disorder.
63. The issue is not dissimilar to the general question of identifying what assets are included in the sale and what are excluded.
64. The problems and pitfalls of identifying work-inhibited stu-dents are examined in this chapter.
65. That done, we can begin to address ourselves to identifying the right technical and political means for achieving them.
66. At first they directed all their attention to identifying the right strategy for the organization.
67. Asked if he had any identifying marks he pulled up his sleeve and pointed to a tiny tattoo of an obscene word.
68. This involves identifying and describing all buildings of architectural merit and all objects of artistic, historic, literary and documentary value.
69. The search can then focus on identifying those who exhibit the necessary leadership capabilities and track record.
70. The writer closed by identifying himself, not by name but as a musician from Vienna.
71. As darkness fell in late afternoon, rescue workers began recovering and identifying bodies with flashlights.
72. The cure lies in identifying the disturbed relationship, making such reparation as seems appropriate, and so restoring peace and tranquillity.
73. Species lists are also available, to act as a guide in identifying characins.
74. Those who requested anonymity are starred, but almost nothing else about them is changed except a few identifying details.
75. The student will learn more effectively through identifying the particular needs and problems of each patient.
76. At best it shows only that something similar is happening without showing why, or identifying key causal processes.
77. Identifying such scars may prove as difficult as linking tsunami deposits unambiguously to impacts.
78. Rental cars can no longer be singled out for attack by identifying decals or by special license plates.
79. This may include identifying additional skills you need to acquire.
80. The guard, who bore no insignia identifying the Institute, escorted Manescu to a large cell-like room with no window.
81. Identifying the environment as a major priority is one thing, doing something about it another.
82. When we observe the Ego instead of identifying with it, we discover our Self.
83. You will have to wear an identifying red or white belt either in place of your normal grade belt or in addition to it.
84. Audit techniques provide a mechanism both for documenting appropriate patterns of care and for identifying areas in which improvement is necessary.
85. Women's business, trade and expertise; women identifying talent in other women and supporting them to run for office.
86. Assistance available to companies will include practical help in identifying market opportunities and creating new product concepts to suit.
87. Identifying high risk groups should point towards the inequalities that are remediable.
88. There is a low chance of success in identifying companies intending to diversify into a sector other than the occasional press statement.
89. Identifying the hazards arising from their use and the precautions to be observed.
90. One of the difficulties in teaching, or learning about, electronic publishing seems to be identifying the scope of the subject.
91. Identifying the cause of a disease must always be the first step towards finding a cure.
92. His instinct for identifying photographs that would seize the public's attention earned him the awed respect of professionals.
93. The first step to identifying and treating diabetes is to visit a health care practitioner.
94. Q8 Identify the major steps involved in carrying out a marketing research exercise, briefly identifying the problems associated with each stage.
95. Cleft and pseudo-cleft structures, discussed under predicated and identifying themes in above, provide good examples.
96. Brownell and Rodin are two of the most moderate obesity researchers who have been influential in identifying the risks of dieting.
97. Much effort went into tracing remote family connections abroad on the off chance of identifying a benefactor.
98. Part of the skill of successful development is in identifying and satisfying gaps in the market which offer higher than usual returns.
99. The real progress comes from identifying the cause of the error early and then eliminating the cause early.
100. Go over the topic in your mind, identifying what you already know and don't know about the topic. 3.
101. Regularly reviewing the marketplace, researching and identifying trends, customer needs(), and competitor activity.
102. It seemed to be pretty much an open and shut case of accidental death, apart from the problem of identifying him.
103. They did this by tipping the scales in favour of antibody production - identifying and removing those cells known to suppress antibody production.
104. The man who had risen from political mediocrity by identifying with Adlai Stevenson, Sen.
105. Unfortunately, many of the identifying numbers have worn off, and drawings have been lost.
106. G would require campaign consultants to file quarterly disclosure statements identifying their clients and detailing their work.
107. The sports management and marketing literature has adopted a broader approach than the economic one to identifying benefits to the sponsoring firm.
108. The protagonist makes efforts to salvage his crumbling psyche by identifying with the languages of authority.
109. Increasingly since then archaeologists have recognized the importance of identifying and accurately recording associations between remains on sites.
110. The only effective poaching prevention strategy was systematically identifying and nurturing one's most vulnerable executives.
111. In drawing up networks, estimating times and identifying critical paths, a number of rules and conventions have to be applied.
112. The real problem boils down to identifying the nature of the problem itself.
113. Plain abdominal films have limited success in identifying drug packages, with false negative rates of 1.2% to 33%.
114. The most important part of the day was identifying priorities for action and agreeing how they would be handled.
115. As we grow up we model ourselves on our parents, identifying with them and imitating them.
116. McGeechan puts that down to identifying the likely lads early and raising their sights to higher planes.
117. The core skill is the identifying and reducing these obstacles, freeing the group to reach its potential.
118. At once more flares were identifying the target area and a fair concentration of bombs directed on the aiming point.
119. The center also helped school personnel to cope with state and federal mandates relative to identifying and teaching the special learner.
120. The difficulty comes in identifying what constitutes a valid claim.
121. As well as identifying the contributory causes of a specific disaster, it is important to look at the positive actions taken afterwards.
122. Our organic chemicals businesses have survived the recession very well by designing new products and identifying new applications.
123. A reliable trade directory such as Kompass or Dunn and Bradstreet can prove useful in identifying potential industrial buyers.
124. Children, and adults, who have trouble identifying and anticipating difficult situations usually charge into them with their eyes closed.
125. Parents often speak of the importance of identifying the normal features of their child, which become increasingly evident as he grows.
126. Essentially it is a matter of identifying the sources of supply and demand.
127. Public schools should not teach metaphysics without clearly identifying them as such.
128. If we are successful in identifying these the opportunities may exist to prevent a situation that is desperately difficult to cure.
129. In identifying and responding to real needs he did not shrink from touching the painful spots.
130. Work is in hand on identifying information needs and relevant publicity material is in preparation.
131. Consequently this section deals with identifying the needs that drinking fulfils and developing alternative ways of satisfying those needs.
132. The latter technique may prove especially useful in identifying patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or mitral valve prolapse.
133. The actors impersonate the totem animal, thus identifying and promoting a resonant connection with it.
134. He then called the Haralson County sheriff and reported the incident, identifying Deering, despite the stocking mask he wore.
135. Before choosing a career you should spend time identifying your personal strengths and weaknesses.
136. The approach involves identifying variations in the functioning of target areas and relating those variations to known differences in cortical function.
137. Identifying the educational needs of a handicapped child falls within the province of an experienced teacher.
138. When you begin identifying challenges at a relatively early age, time is on your side.
139. The church planter will do well to set a goal of identifying and releasing others.
140. An account number or clear reference such as an order or delivery note number for identifying the invoice or statement. 5.
141. One of the biggest steps toward overcoming a problem is identifying it.
142. Journalists, sensing something rotten, have focused on describing the odor rather than identifying the source.
143. Identifying handwriting is normally a tortuous and time-consuming job, not to be undertaken lightly.
144. However,[http:///identifying.html] identifying a breach of the rule may not be so easy.
145. The system must be capable of identifying any new entries or sense sections which have been incorporated into the dictionary text.
146. The burden of analysis is consequently transferred to identifying the formal markers of topic-shift in discourse.
147. This obviously makes for difficulties in distinguishing policy making and implementation, and for identifying implementation issues and problems.
148. But one should not ignore the fact that the Party was also developing its economic policies and identifying closely with the unemployed.
149. The committee recommends a two-tier system of tests for identifying mutagens.
150. We conclude this section by identifying in more detail the tasks that each of the named roles implies.
151. Identifying one another like fellow nationals grounded amid alien hordes in a foreign airport, they exchanged glances dense with judgement.
152. The difficulty lay not in identifying the issues but in tackling them resolutely.
153. The identifying documents defined a group of mostly 40-and 50-year-old men and women from the West.
154. The priming experiments can tell us something more specific about the visual recognition system used for identifying words.
155. These differences could obviously prove useful in identifying batches of paper made by the same mould.
156. The first two chapters offer a definition of spirituality and a way of identifying spiritual need.
157. When he began taking piano lessons and identifying himself as a musician, I bought song sheets and music books for him.
158. Identifying stressful situations Your child or teenager may find the following method helpful.
159. I begin by identifying those objectives which - I hope he agrees - the hon. Gentleman and his party share.
160. Emphasis will be placed on identifying well-managed, financially sound growth companies in niche areas.
161. This study will take a different approach to identifying the peculiarities of public enterprise industrial relations.
162. These activities include drawing, cutting out, identifying objects, and written exercises.
163. It's fairly entertaining to watch but commits the cardinal sin of not identifying individual players.
164. Besides identifying the individuals who are to adjudicate, such rules will also define the procedure to be followed.
165. However, the very preoccupation with identifying causal influences begs more fundamental questions about whether contemporaries shared intellectual assumptions.
166. Identifying the Company Needs Before choosing an appropriate source of finance, the company should first develop an appropriate business plan.
167. The challenge is seen as identifying the optimum level of specialization before alleged dysfunctions of fragmentation and introversion emerge.
168. His commitment to the transformation of society through identifying and resolving structural issues is very intense.
169. The agenda becomes one of identifying the cues, prompts, or button-pushing events that lead to violence.
170. Such studies are often the first integral step toward identifying the cause of an infectious disease outbreak.
171. Anyway, in the course of these preliminary studies I succeeded in identifying certain exceedingly small but specific bodies in genes.
172. To facilitate medical care by providing a basis for identifying individuals in need of follow-up treatment. 3.
173. His tape machine answered and I left a message identifying myself and telling what I was seeking.
174. Semantic analysis may also help by identifying a domain code for content words.
174. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
175. Brown is the "Roundhead" identifying with Labour tradition.
176. The so-called argue in a cycle comes from searching and identifying a inertial frame by law of inertia. The usual inertial frames in which the laws of...
177. A second method for identifying planets around stars is introduced: the astrometry method.
178. This object contains the data identifying either the initial load device (its key) or the boot service that requested the last operating system load.
179. Use cases and the supporting artifacts are invaluable drivers for identifying and creating Unit, Function, System Integration, and User Acceptance tests.
180. Diviner will provide back-up data for LRO's other ice-sensitive instruments, identifying areas where positive signs of ice would not make sense because the temperature is too high.
181. Identifying the target is not enough to clarify the project boundaries.
182. For the transmittable thing in a story is the identifying essence, the characterising savour, the peculiar quality and point of view of the humour, pathos, or interest.
183. The default volume is collected by SCM identifying TV telecontrol code.
184. A method of identifying road adhesion coefficient based on wheel slip ratio is investigated in this paper.
185. The third chapter is the research of identifying carrier and actual carrier.
186. We will display all descriptive and identifying date for each pollutant source.
187. Given a password and a string identifying the hash type, produces a hash password suitable for storing in a configuration file.
188. Without identifying the blood donor implicated in the disorder , transfusion reactions or TRALI will be inevitable.
189. A unique identifying name identifying the Zone Return Plenum system component.
190. An optical recording medium identifying device and method for identifying the type of optical recording medium.
191. Searching, indexing and identifying of specific documents which contain the desired data being sought.
192. Owing to the difficulty of identifying dead time parameter of industrial process, a kind of new step response method is presented to identify dead time parameter of industrial process.
193. A payment system bank number is a code for identifying a participator which handles business through the payment system, and is composed of 12 fixed-length digits.
194. They have shown special interest in identifying the centers of innovation.
195. After identifying ID code, doors in the area get into unlock stand by condition.
196. Identifying field launch sites for the 2nd AC's missile force can be a difficult proposition, and there are likely hundreds of such locations as yet unlocated.
197. A machine - readable identification card for identifying an operator at a computer terminal.
198. The experimental results indicate that the present OLM system is capable of identifying both the location and magnitude of load with a high precision and has the satisfactory fault-tolerance.
199. Method We formulated optimized nursing flows after identifying the risks in tumour amputation.
200. Attention must be given to identifying the optimum pest population that will permit differentiation among genotypes.
201. Identifier objects contain an identifying name, owner type, handler type, routing strategy, and a utility method for adding owners for the event.
202. At last, the anti-jamming ability of target image identifying system is analyzed.
203. There is no way of identifying a carrier with any certainty.
204. Conclusion EAP is effectively useful for identified SSS and may be routine inspection for identifying PAF.
204. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
205. Mike Sutton and Lisa Crispin have taken the lead in identifying some "awesome women" from Agile teams around the world.
206. Either debugging own radar, EW and ELINT system or discovering and identifying radar signal, RTSA can both provide infinitely high efficient performance.
207. Automatic identifying the arbitrary format character string make up of 16 numbers in the text file.
208. Automaton theory is a basic theory of compile routine for identifying words.
209. The findings of ASSR and audiometry were better correctedin identifying sensorineural hearing loss.
210. It is the main style of imports to domestic industry and also the main reason of levying anti-dumping duty based on identifying whether injury exists or not.
211. Volpe once told me that he had an idea for identifying fake artworks in the future; something that only a police detective would think of.
212. The system entry will be detected automatic, using code scanning and manual entry mode for identifying.
213. All companies shall actively provide their customers with services of consulting and identifying the genuineness of insurance documents by telephone, network, etc.
214. Conclusion: the micro - character supplied the bases for identifying the euonymus alatus.
215. In our special audit circumstance, we must reestablish CPA audit goal, which should be disclosing falsehood and errors as much as identifying the truth and fairness in a company.
216. Objective To explore the fast assessment method for identifying isolated premature thelarche(IPT) and central precocious puberty(CPP).
217. B. Transvaginal ultrasound is most useful for identifying intrauterine gestation.
218. A torus can be obtained from a rectangle by identifying opposite sides.
219. Object recognition application for identifying similar objects corresponding to input image has been tested.
220. Using a method of identifying , we prove the reducibility of some configurations coplanar graphs.
221. No gravestone, no name, no identifying mark of any kind.
222. Identifying the job satisfaction factors to impact high-skilled persons'dismission inclination, which is a supplementary research for the highly skilled talents'job satisfaction topic.
223. The RFID tag a wide range of application, It'stores identifying information can make non - contacting recognition.
224. Chargeback: Identifying the cost of providing a product or service to a customer and billing the customer for that product or service.
225. The work reported in this paper provides an effective solution to the difficulty of identifying soil spatial variation over low relief areas.
226. F-test was recommended to check the uniformity of the water quality for the proposed monitoring sections, then identifying their acceptability.
227. The primary area for improving the conversion process is usually in identifying items in the table of contents and how links to associated portions of your document should be created.
228. There are few writers for whom the reader feels such personal kindness as for Oliver Goldsmith, for few have so eminently possessed the magic gift of identifying themselves with their writings.
229. The distinguishing is realized by bar code reader and computer with deciphering and identifying software.
230. The Manufacturing Department is responsible for identifying the inspection and test status of the semi-finished products or the finished products in production process.
231. They are resemble in visible spectrum. CONCLUSIONS The methods are simple and reliable for identifying Solidago decurrens.
232. Despite the different opinions on identifying stockholder's right, the understanding of the nature of stockholder's right, stockholder's right is considered equal to stock right.
233. The characteristics of simple sequence repeats(SSR)and its importance in genetic mapping, variety identifying and molecular markerassistant breeding, etc, are discussed in this article.
234. AIM : To provide a rapid method for identifying fruit of Eucalyptus globule labill.
235. This paper introduces the common diagnostic way and characteristics and the fault code identifying way of the self-diagnostic system adopted in the procedure.
236. The findings create a split screen of American activism with more than half the country identifying either with Occupy Wall Street or the tea party movement -- and a small group siding with both.
237. This makes the "centenarian genome" a key resource for identifying "longevity genes",[] an invaluable step in understanding the physiological processes underlying long lives.
238. This workstream results in a deployment strategy, course content, delivery mechanism, and schedule, including identifying and training key participants.
239. This is the most distinctive criterion for identifying the nature of events.
240. In the United States little attention has been given to identifying and preserving productive farm land.
241. The practice proved that the filter could realize system identifying and noise removing and achieve the effect of improving quality and increasing distance of underground communication.
242. I suspect, then, that the account and the passbook are the same thing; all that the Account does is assign some identifying information to the transaction record.
243. The most distinctive criterion for identifying the nature of events is moveout.
244. By identifying the minimal pair or the minimal set of a language, a philologist can identify its phonemes.
245. Assist the parts department in identifying and solving parts problems and entering parts orders.
246. Taking a top-down approach to solving a business problem might require new tools or a consultancy engagement to focus the business on identifying or prioritizing the business strategy or tactics.
246. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
247. The secretary of the interior, through the National Park Service, is responsible for identifying and nominating U.S. sites to the list.
248. The thesis mainly discussed the realization with software and hardware of the seismic signals detecting and target identifying microsystem.
249. Objective To explore the practical means for identifying early carcinoma and precancerous lesions with magnifying endoscope.
250. Chapter Two begins with the definition of attributive in English and Chinese, and ascertains the identifying criterion of English and Chinese postpositive attributive.
251. Reviews staff time and expense reports for completeness and reasonableness - identifying as applicable.
252. The traditional methods for identifying beat wave and amplitude modulation wave are shortage. The main disadvantage of these methods is that they can' t correctly identify in some cases.




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