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单词 Doom
1. A sense of doom hung over the entire country.
2. She had a sense of impending doom .
3. Fuel shortages spelt the doom of such huge gas-guzzling cars.
4. It isn't the crack of doom.
5. The recession spelled doom for many small businesses.
6. A sense of impending doom gripped her.
7. Thousands of soldiers met their doom on this very field.
8. These doom and gloom prophecies are doing little to help the economy.
9. Despite the obvious setbacks, it is not all doom and gloom for the England team.
10. A sense of impending doom came upon all of us.
11. In spite of the prophets of doom, her business proved very successful.
12. The prophets of doom who said television would kill off the book were wrong.
13. If we had listened to the prophets of doom, we would never have started the project.
14. The prophets of doom have been predicting the end of European cinema for the last ten years.
15. Despite these poor figures, it's not all doom and gloom .
16. There is widespread gloom and doom about the company's future.
17. These birds are considered to be harbingers of doom .
18. The prophets of doom and gloom got it wrong.
19. The doom of all who harmed them was certain.
20. Further, pundits are prophesying doom and more job layoffs.
21. I am not a prophet of doom.
22. ElijahA strange man who prophesies doom for the Pequod.
23. His doom still hung over him like a sword.
24. The deathbed struggles of the enemies can only hasten their own doom.
25. Pessimist tells us that the family as we know it is doom.
26. Despite falling demand, the year has not been all doom and gloom.
27. The report on our economic situation is full of doom and gloom.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. As I approached the exam room, I had a feeling of impending doom.
29. They were all filled with a sense of impending doom.
30. I promised myself I'd defy all the prophets of doom and battle back to fitness.
1. A sense of doom hung over the entire country.
2. She had a sense of impending doom .
3. The deathbed struggles of the enemies can only hasten their own doom.
4. Fuel shortages spelt the doom of such huge gas-guzzling cars.
5. Pessimist tells us that the family as we know it is doom.
6. It isn't the crack of doom.
7. The report on our economic situation is full of doom and gloom.
31. Chops' girlfriend continues watching the approaching doom of the churning waves in front of the leviathan.
32. It didn't take long for some bright spark to try out the Doom Diver Catapult in a battle.
33. They fear that continued poor work habits will doom their children to a life-time of unfulfilled promise.
34. The irate king returned, and devised another scheme to doom the lucky boy.
35. This acts as an excellent safeguard against complacency without the gloom and doom which tends to accompany mistakes.
36. As I passed the portals my feeling of doom increased.
37. Souls straight out of Hieronymus Bosch tumble down rocky cliffs to their doom.
38. No use permitting the prophets of doom to wipe all the smiles away.
39. Instead, Dukakis kept his cool and sealed his candidacy's doom.
40. No one wants to be the bearer of bad tidings, or the herald of impending doom.
41. By the time Frodo reaches Mount Doom he is loath to get rid of the Ring.
42. These are obviously metaphors for a crumbling society and the delinquents' heedless rush to doom.
43. The blade hit the peak of the man's cloth-covered helmet, ringing his ears like the knell of doom.
44. One by one, the prophets of doom appeared at the podium.
45. Hasty rides at midnight along windswept cliffs, a King falling into darkness(), prophecies of doom.
46. There was silence for a moment or two and then, like the voice of doom, Frau Nordern spoke again.
47. Robert Walker, the prosperous-looking president of Turf Paradise, can see his doom approaching from 20 miles east.
48. If you roll an arrow the Goblin Doom Diver has missed and veered off in the direction indicated by the arrow.
49. And my pounding heart served to give me a feeling of impending doom.
50. Alternatively, use Doom Divers to zap the enemy's artillery before it can damage your core units.
51. I lit a Gauloise as the bell went and prepared to meet my doom.
52. He has already received warnings of his own impending doom so is lost in his own thoughts, fears and anxieties.
53. Flagellants are crazed wanderers obsessed with the doom of the world.
54. Their success gives the lie to predictions of the city's economic doom.
55. I am not going to intrude like the voice of doom, commenting on her choices, her motives, her failings.
56. One false move in the conduct of the attack will spell certain doom for White.
57. The faceless presence, thrashing and twisting like a hooked shark, was drawn to its doom.
58. During the brief voyage Tom lived in a peculiar atmosphere of doom and of heroic, unselfish courage.
59. His religion is as much as anything the regression to a past of obedience, disobedience, sin and doom.
60. In 1905, something happened; a silver lining on the cloud of doom.
61. In this last period of devastation even the gorse bruiser and the rest of the Collector's inventions met their doom.
62. The cinema, television and computers all prompted the prophets of doom to forecast the demise of the book.
63. Doom enters with impairment, and disability is not in society but on the body.
64. It is the coda of the executioner, the knell of bloody doom.
65. It's a land where doom hangs upon the air like poison gas.
66. But, given the doom and gloom already surrounding the earliest silent movies, maybe he wasn't joking at all.
67. When, how-ever, Pentheus only heaped insults and threats upon him, Dionysus left him to his doom.
68. Faced with economic doom and gloom, the average householder simply goes to the shops, according to a survey today.
69. In giving her the chance to shine in front of an appreciative Tory audience Heath probably sealed his own doom.
70. Finally he hooks his belt on to the Doom Diver Catapult and braces himself for sudden acceleration.
71. The roar of the crackling fire drew near and doom seemed inevitable.
72. For the character to know and demonstrate their doom, their body must physically manifest the flaw through an impairment.
73. The Doom Diver rips through the clouds like a bullet until he reaches the pinnacle of his ascent.
74. So many awful thoughts - this terrible sense of doom hanging over me.
75. It looked as if a bull had been turned loose, and a sense of impending doom gripped her.
76. Others say she avenges herself of the insult offered by her erstwhile lover by luring fishermen and other sailors to their doom.
77. Both are comparably effective - the Rock Lobbers being more destructive while the Doom Divers are more accurate.
78. After a very short time we all felt a horrible feeling of being watched and an intangible atmosphere of dread and doom.
79. Hastily I injected sedatives, calcium, magnesium, but with a feeling of doom.
80. This time last year we were very apprehensive about entering a year when so much doom and gloom was being talked about.
81. And the harlot who bad lured Vechey to his doom?
82. Thomas looked over the marshlands which showed no sign of impending doom.
83. The doom has no power on me longer.
84. His doom is as yet unsealed.
85. They had to sleep out of doom that night.
86. A sense of imminent doom was inescapable.
87. Their friendship will continue until the crack of doom.
87. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
88. The band specialised in morose, ambient Doom music.
89. Doom means a judicial sentence or judgment.
90. His doom was to be spoken.
91. MYTH: Galactic Alignment Spells Doom.
92. The Battle of Stalingrad sealed Hitler's doom.
93. For Faulkner, the key - word is doom.
94. Why are people so full of gloom and doom?
95. There was no longer any question about the doom the Inquisition had prepared for me.
96. Like it or not, you travel through life with your thoughts spell gloom and doom, that's where you're headed, because put-down words sabotage confidence instead of offering support and encouragement.
97. Did an abrupt climate shift 306 million years ago doom the ancient ecosystem? Fossils from the Vermillion Grove coal mine may hold clues.
98. She had then offered him the chance to baffle his doom.
99. Attendance figures had been steadily dropping, creating a mood of doom and discouragement among theatre directors.
100. Hobgoblin Leader(HL): Sir, your odd talking skull is speaking of the Perilous Path of Crushing Doom.
101. The dictator met his doom after ten years of rule.
102. With a tanking economy, up-and-down stock markets, ever growing unemployment, all this doom and gloom leaves us broke and depressed.
103. Can even sacrificial flesh avert your doom? Can you then exult?
104. As far as I can tell the only memory that was lost on that particular date was that of the people who were predicting doom – it's as if they had never said any of that stuff.
105. Researchers theorize that may help doom the transient orca pod at the top of the food chain.
106. DOOM is famous for building fear and suspense, yet other first person games lacked its raw psychological sucker punch.
107. You come home! I use your voice - slam the door like crack of doom!
108. Although few men realized the fact, the doom of the Taft administration had been sealed.
109. Tragedy spirit is the struggling spirit and sacrifice spirit that dramatis personae oppose doom fate for some perfect value.
110. As we all know by now, these theories of doom are bunkum.
111. Every time a floundering friend or family member serves gloom and doom, you bounce it back with adulatory optimism.
112. It is said that when the Vikings see a Valkyrie, they will wildly cheer for their doom, and wait for the kiss of death from Valkyrie.
113. The negative impact that robots engender might lead human beings to their doom.
114. The doom which I have passed upon her is irrevocable.
115. So what are we to do, those of us whose habit and pleasure and doom is our tendency, as a Georgia lady put it, to "fly off at every other whipstitch?"
116. The announcer , with rich dramatic doom in his voice, spoke words that arrested her pen.
117. The ship is well built; it'll probably last till the crack of doom.Sentencedict
118. Nebuchadnezzar II and last king of Babylon, who in the Old Testament was warned of his doom by handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel.
119. All of which is to say that "Spider-Man", with its broken aerial stunts and epic sense of doom, is an unforgettably vulgar show, and—really!—one worth seeing for that reason.
120. It's a better solution to use external rafter doom roof on the occasion of medium of high causticity or difficult to paint on the undersurface of roof plates.
121. To dramatize the gloom and doom of the second budget, city officials printed it on purple paper and used black poster boards in the public presentation.
122. Even when their names spell certain doom—death cap, destroying angels, among them—look-alike mushrooms can create a toxic menace.
123. The demand was aimed at Field-Marshal Muhammad Hussein Tantawi, Egypt's 76-year-old minister of defence and effective head of state, in a rousing echo of the chants that sealed Mr Mubarak's doom.
124. But it's not all doom and gloom. There is a chance that we could come back. We don't know what's coming.
125. Owen thought he could see Cowperwood's approaching doom quite plainly.
126. Son of Nebuchadnezzar II and last king of Babylon, who in the Old Testament was warned of his doom by handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel.
127. In real life, the lack of meticulous preparation would doom the escape to partial failure.
128. Mr. Laffer is chairman of Laffer Associates and co-author of "The End of Prosperity: How Higher Taxes Will Doom the Economy -- If We Let it Happen, " just out by Threshold.
129. In the 1980s, the prophets of doom found another theme: the imminent danger of nuclear winter, the potential end of life on Earth resulting from a Soviet-American nuclear war.
130. Maybe we can not be sure if the doom will befall that day But there is one thing that would happen in 2012, that is magnetic blast from the sun.
131. Sometimes a shuddering terror struck him, as if he had been the author of the doom.
132. If those thoughts spell gloom and doom, that's where you're headed, because put-down words sabotage confidence instead of offering support and encouragement.
133. Quick massive air reinforcements of Malaya could cut off and doom the Jap invaders.
134. Unleash the tides of doom! appose all those who would appose us.
135. Impetuous swipes of paint harry the fleeing hunter towards his doom.
136. Chicago boosters say a no-show president could doom the Windy City's bid.
137. Keeper of the Grove: Madness! You would doom us all by freeing the Betrayer!
138. Smoking is a one-way ticket to doom and is probably the most important single preventable cause of heart disease.
139. The series began in 1981 with "Raiders of the lost Ark, " followed by "Indianan Jones and the Temple of Doom" in 1984.
140. to meet your doom.
141. Unleash the tides of doom ! Appose all those who would oppose us.
142. The house is well - built - it will probably last till the crack of doom.
143. And even on the Christmas roses the smuts settled persistently, incredible, like black manna from the skies of doom.
144. Carefreeness, freer, being myself and accord with conditions. Only that a bloom time doom to change my life in centuries later.
145. The note to be sounded was brevity, mystery, and a foretaste of impending doom for Germany.
146. The people of Pompeii now knew that doom at hand.
147. They're just like eggs hurled against stone; they're heading for their doom.
148. From the moment Edward had told her of the escape attempt, she had been overtaken by a sense of impending doom.
149. South Vietnamese soldiers in civilian clothing infiltrated the north, spreading rumours of impending doom.
150. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A . D . spelled the doom of Pompeii.
151. Or else of thee this I prognosticate, Thy end is truth's and Beauty's doom and date.




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