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单词 Dropped
(1) He was hipped when he dropped from the tree.
(2) A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.
(3) Dropped kerbs make wheelchair access easier.
(4) Prices dropped to the lowest point in a year.
(5) She dropped the book back on the shelf.
(6) He dropped his briefcase on a chair.
(7) I must have dropped off to sleep .
(8) Hundreds of bombs were dropped on the city.
(9) He fumbled the ball and then dropped it.
(10) He dropped his trousers in a rude gesture.
(11) The climber slipped and dropped to his death.
(12) The temperature suddenly dropped to zero.
(13) I dropped across a friend at the ballroom.
(14) In her hurry, she dropped the books.
(15) In her hurry she dropped the eggs.
(16) His voice dropped at the end of the sentence.
(17) Gordon dropped the cup and it broke.
(18) I dropped the bucket, and water sloppedout .
(19) The vase cracked when dropped.
(20) Viewing figures for the series have dropped dramatically.
(21) The sun dropped behind the hilltop.
(22) But in Paris he dropped his medical studies.
(23) The book dropped from his hand.
(24) I think you dropped this.
(25) The ground dropped away sheer at our feet.
(26) Enemy aircraft dropped bombs on the city.
(27) The glass shattered when I dropped it.
(28) The roof of the theatre dropped in on them.
(29) She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces.
(30) My mother scolded me when I dropped the plates.
(1) He was hipped when he dropped from the tree.
(2) A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.
(3) Dropped kerbs make wheelchair access easier.
(4) Prices dropped to the lowest point in a year.
(5) She dropped the book back on the shelf.
(6) He dropped his briefcase on a chair.
(7) I must have dropped off to sleep .
(8) Hundreds of bombs were dropped on the city.
(9) He dropped his trousers in a rude gesture.
(10) The climber slipped and dropped to his death.
(11) The temperature suddenly dropped to zero.
(12) I dropped across a friend at the ballroom.
(13) In her hurry, she dropped the books.
(14) In her hurry she dropped the eggs.
(15) His voice dropped at the end of the sentence.
(16) Gordon dropped the cup and it broke.
(17) Viewing figures for the series have dropped dramatically.
(18) The sun dropped behind the hilltop.
(19) But in Paris he dropped his medical studies.
(20) The book dropped from his hand.
(21) I think you dropped this.
(22) The glass shattered when I dropped it.
(23) The roof of the theatre dropped in on them.
(24) She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces.
(25) My mother scolded me when I dropped the plates.
(26) The player dropped the ball through the basket.
(27) Then she dropped her bombshell. " I'm pregnant.
(28) I dropped the receiver back in the cradle.
(29) He dropped out of the race after two laps.
(30) The handle of the door has dropped off.
(31) The player dropped the ball through the basket.
(32) Then she dropped her bombshell. " I'm pregnant.
(33) I dropped the receiver back in the cradle.
(34) He dropped out of the race after two laps.
(35) The handle of the door has dropped off.
(36) He dropped into an armchair(),utterly worn out.
(37) One of her decayed teeth had dropped out.
(38) He suddenly dropped his habitual banter.
(39) The book dropped off his hand.
(40) There was a clang as he dropped the tools.
(41) The seabed suddenly dropped away and I was waist deep in the water.
(42) I dropped my fork.
(43) He dropped a pebble from the bridge and waited for the plop.
(44) Who broke the cup? It's my fault, I dropped it.
(45) I dropped in on George on my way home from school.
(46) The lid still stayed on when the pot had dropped onto the floor.
(47) She dropped the bowl on the floor and it broke into fragments.
(48) I dropped a hammer on the floor,[] and it dented the floorboard.
(49) Witnesses say that there was an explosion and then the plane dropped like a stone to earth.
(50) He rapidly hent my clothes before I dropped off the cliff.
(51) The quality of the food here has dropped a notch recently.
(52) In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.
(53) As I was looking through some books on a secondhand bookstall , I dropped on just what I wanted.
(54) I hooked up the gun which had dropped in the well.
(55) We sailed into the bay and dropped anchor in five fathoms of water.
(56) He stuck down the envelope and dropped it into the mailbox.
(57) They brought the boat into the harbour and dropped anchor.
(58) The ice clinked as she dropped it into the glass.
(59) I dropped a pan of boiling water and scalded my leg.
(60) He says he has dropped out, and won't attend college any more.
(31) He dropped into an armchair,utterly worn out.
(32) One of her decayed teeth had dropped out.
(33) He suddenly dropped his habitual banter.
(34) The book dropped off his hand.
(35) There was a clang as he dropped the tools.
(36) The seabed suddenly dropped away and I was waist deep in the water.
(37) Who broke the cup? It's my fault, I dropped it.
(38) I dropped in on George on my way home from school.
(39) The lid still stayed on when the pot had dropped onto the floor.
(40) She dropped the bowl on the floor and it broke into fragments.
(41) I dropped a hammer on the floor, and it dented the floorboard.
(42) Witnesses say that there was an explosion and then the plane dropped like a stone to earth.
(43) He rapidly hent my clothes before I dropped off the cliff.
(44) The quality of the food here has dropped a notch recently.
(45) In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.
(46) As I was looking through some books on a secondhand bookstall , I dropped on just what I wanted.
(47) I hooked up the gun which had dropped in the well.
(48) We sailed into the bay and dropped anchor in five fathoms of water.
(49) He stuck down the envelope and dropped it into the mailbox.
(50) The ice clinked as she dropped it into the glass.
(51) I dropped a pan of boiling water and scalded my leg.
(52) He says he has dropped out, and won't attend college any more.
(53) He dropped the knife and it clattered on the stone floor.
(54) The liquid ignited when somebody dropped a match in it accidentally.
(55) He'd dropped out of high school at the age of 16.
(56) He dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces on the floor.
(57) I dropped my camera on the pavement and bust it.
(58) The bowl dropped on the floor and broke into fragments.
(59) Paratroopers were dropped behind enemy lines to capture key points on the roads into the city.
(60) He turned to crime when he dropped out of school.
(61) He dropped the knife and it clattered on the stone floor.
(62) The liquid ignited when somebody dropped a match in it accidentally.
(63) He'd dropped out of high school at the age of 16.
(64) He dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces on the floor.
(65) I dropped my camera on the pavement and bust it.
(66) The bowl dropped on the floor and broke into fragments.
(67) Paratroopers were dropped behind enemy lines to capture key points on the roads into the city.
(68) He turned to crime when he dropped out of school.
(69) Our team dropped behind in the league matches when a third of the players went on holiday.
(70) He says that the cup came apart in his hands, but I think he must have dropped it.
(71) The hook which he had thrown did not catch on the rocks, and dropped back to the ground.
(72) He dropped the photograph and ground his foot into it to show his hatred of his wife's lover.
(73) As I was looking through some books in a bookshop,I dropped on just what I wanted.
(74) Alan dropped another quarter into the slot on the pay phone.
(75) She made a scoop with her hand and picked up what she had dropped.
(76) The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.
(76) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(77) I dropped a tear in the ocean, and when i find it thats the day i will stop loving you.
(78) She dropped her voice to a whisper.
(79) Inflation dropped to its lowest level in 30 years.
(80) He just dropped dead one day in his garden.
(81) Shares dropped in price by 14p.
(82) The attendance has dropped away in recent months.
(83) Oh no! He's dropped the ball.
(84) The price of shares dropped by 14p.
(85) The land dropped steeply away into a small valley.
(86) She dropped the vase and it broke into pieces.
(87) At her insistence, the matter was dropped.
(88) The dog dropped at the sight of game.
(89) The champion dropped the challenger in the fourth round.
(90) The price of oil has dropped significantly.
(61) Our team dropped behind in the league matches when a third of the players went on holiday.
(62) He says that the cup came apart in his hands, but I think he must have dropped it.
(63) The hook which he had thrown did not catch on the rocks, and dropped back to the ground.
(64) He dropped the photograph and ground his foot into it to show his hatred of his wife's lover.
(65) As I was looking through some books in a bookshop,I dropped on just what I wanted.
(66) Alan dropped another quarter into the slot on the pay phone.
(67) She made a scoop with her hand and picked up what she had dropped.
(68) The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.
(91) Temperatures dropped to 25 degrees below zero.
(92) The overripe apples dropped down from the trees.
(93) He dropped crumbs of cake all over the table.
(94) Her friends dropped away from her.
(95) Since his defeat he's dropped out of politics.
(96) They dropped in the scenery for the next act.
(97) We just dropped everything and rushed to the hospital.
(98) He dropped his watch in the bathroom.
(99) His voice dropped to a whisper.
(100) As he picked up the purse,the money dropped out.
(101) To her relief, Julius dropped the subject .
(102) She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble.
(103) He dropped out of college, to his family's distress.
(104) The temperature dropped to five degrees Centigrade.
(105) The glasses remained intact after being dropped.
(106) The attendance of this class never dropped off.
(107) He dropped me outside the hotel.
(108) In her excitement she dropped her glass.
(109) I dropped him at the library and went shopping.
(110) He dropped dead on the quayside.
(111) The temperature dropped to minus 28 degrees centigrade .
(112) Property prices have dropped through the floor.
(113) I dropped some small change into the collecting tin.
(114) Her eyes dropped to her lap as she answered.
(115) He dropped a coin into the slot.
(116) Amanda dropped her sunglasses in/into the fountain.
(117) Production has dropped while prices and unemployment have skyrocketed.
(118) Her name was dropped from the list.
(119) I'm sorry,[http:///dropped.html] I must have dropped off to sleep for a moment.
(120) Ben looked at me in horror for a moment and then dropped his gaze.
(121) I object to being repeatedly dropped on in this manner.
(122) He dropped a thunderbolt on us this morning, when he told us that we were closing down.
(123) She ran after me to hand me some papers I'd dropped.
(124) She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out a year later.
(125) Margaret dropped a hint that she'd like to come to the party.
(126) Finally she dropped the bombshell . She was pregnant, she said.
(127) He had dropped the price of his London home by £1.25m.
(128) She dropped a bombshell at the meeting and announced that she was leaving.
(129) Leaflets have been air dropped telling people to leave certain areas.
(130) He dropped out of college and became a beach bum.
(131) She dropped Johnny at the school gates at about 8:30.
(132) The child knelt down to look for a coin he had dropped.
(133) The young Mongolian girl dropped her bridle and let the horse drink of the running water.
(134) He dropped his glass on the floor and broke it.
(135) Plans to introduce congestion charging were dropped until after the election.
(136) He has dropped back to the fifth in his class.
(137) The boss dropped her from the staff after three weeks.
(138) Our average margins dropped to 35%, which represents a reduction in gross margins of £109 million.
(139) In the light of the new evidence that the court can now take cognizance of, the case is dropped.
(140) Most people felt Mr Major fought a pretty mealy-mouthed campaign in which radical ideas were either dropped or blunted.
(141) His lawyers filed a petition for all charges to be dropped.
(142) You told her where we went on Friday night! You've really dropped me in it now!
(143) A whole tankful of gasolene dropped away because of the tiny leak.
(144) The company's earnings have dropped by 5% in the first quarter.
(145) I dropped across the old letter in the back of the drawer.
(146) The formal grade of Geologist was dropped in favour of Scientific Officer.
(147) I dropped a few subtle hints about the payment being due.
(148) The tin case dented when it was dropped on the floor.
(149) The cliff dropped down over a hundred feet to the sea below.
(150) He stopped at the mailbox and dropped the letter in.
(151) Shares in the company dropped 26p yesterday, as profits fell short of City expectations .
(152) Taylor was bitterly disappointed to be dropped from the England side.
(153) The judge dropped the flag when he reached the winning post.
(154) Their share of the market dropped to 50 percent this year.
(155) The Smiths dropped in on some old friends on their vacation trip to New York.
(156) She stopped going to classes and dropped behind in her schoolwork.
(157) The wind had dropped and the rain gradually let up.
(158) The new waitress dropped the dish on the floor,[Sentencedict] and it broke into fragments.
(159) The number of children in the class has dropped from 25 to 18.
(160) I dropped into the coffee shop for a quick drink on my way home.
(161) She dropped her cup and watched it smash to pieces/to smithereens on the stone floor.
(162) He spoke with a cockney accent and dropped his aitches .
(163) The apples were all bruised after being dropped on the floor.
(164) I dropped the bottle into the sea and watched it bob up to the surface a moment later.
(165) She's dropped most of her old friends or they've dropped her!
(166) Drop envy and jealousy, otherwise there is no possibility - because love cannot exist where envy and jealousies exist. Then your search is only for a certain type of power: that in the name of love you are just trying to fulfill the ego. And it is arduous to drop, because love exists only when all the negative elements of the mind are dropped. It is very arduous. Osho 




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