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单词 pithead
释义  Related topics: Industrypit·head /ˈpɪt-hed/ noun [countable] British English  TIthe entrance to a coal mine and the buildings around it 煤矿井口(及周围设施)Examples from the Corpuspithead• Under the 1911 Coal Mines Act, pithead baths had to be provided if two-thirds of the miners voted for them.• The original colliery buildings, including the winding engine-house, the blacksmiths' shop and pithead baths.• Only a third of collieries had pithead baths before nationalisation.• Whilst cleaning the pithead baths at the Stillingfleet Colliery Tony was asked to wash the back of a bathing miner.• The story of the pithead baths bears him out.• Her home overlooks the pithead and the haunting winding gear of a colliery where an explosion once killed over thirty miners.pit·head nounChineseSyllable  the mine to Corpus and a coal the entrance




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