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单词 madrigal
释义  Related topics: Musicmad·ri·gal /ˈmædrɪɡəl/ noun [countable]  APMa song for several singers without musical instruments, popular in the 16th century 牧歌〔流行于16世纪的一种无伴奏重唱曲〕Examples from the Corpusmadrigal• The verse sounds like a madrigal, the chorus like a party.• Gesualdo's later madrigals, however fascinating their scent of decadence, are an evolutionary dead end.• Strange the tricks that life plays, I mused as I drove home, popping the tape of madrigals into the player.• The movement of the tide is well illustrated by the successive books of Monteverdi's madrigals.• The distinction, if any, was in the less frivolous nature and superior literary quality of the madrigal texts.• The madrigal was polyphonic but not purely polyphonic.• A heavily revised version of this madrigal was included in Morley's collection.• In practice this meant medieval mystery plays at York, madrigals on the river at Cambridge, and the Edinburgh Festival.Origin madrigal (1500-1600) Italian madrigale, from Late Latin matricalis “of the womb, simple”, from Latin matrix; → MATRIXmad·ri·gal nounChineseSyllable   Corpus musical popular in for song singers without instruments, several a




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