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单词 Liberalization
1. Political reform and economic liberalization don't always go together.
2. Liberalization, however, can impose additional strain on a system.
3. Liberalization, on the other hand, allows easier entry into particular markets.
4. The longer-term implications of liberalization for the public service dimension of electricity have not been adequately considered.
5. The directive signals an inexorable process towards liberalization, but with many details left open and implications poorly understood.
6. Liberalization will also change the technical configuration of electricity systems, and thereby their environmental impact.
7. Liberalization and the introduction of competition intensify the split between winners and losers among electricity technologies and fuels according to environmental criteria.
8. Liberalization and Cities: Conclusions Three brief comments might usefully be made here.
9. On the day before the price liberalization took effect there was a wave of panic buying.
10. Measures to prevent the competitive liberalization of consumer credit will encounter the heaviest resistance.
11. Liberalization of a traditional electricity system creates an entire complex of unfamiliar risks and responsibilities-including the risk of system collapse.
12. By the middle of the present century, a liberalization trend had set in.
13. These ideas, based on liberalization and decontrol, struck an immediate chord in the Conservative Party.
14. Depending on how it evolves, electricity liberalization could bring environmental benefits.
15. The deal is one of the first fruits of a liberalization of foreign investment law.
16. Zhao was also accused of encouraging the spread of bourgeois liberalization and personal corruption.
17. On an experimental basis at least,() Hall argued the effectiveness of liberalization within a few inner-city sites should be explored.
18. And they should be demanding that the rich world reduce barriers to imports from poor countries by proceeding with further trade liberalization.
19. The middle classes According to the liberal interpretation, as we have seen, such liberalization was under way.
20. Other targets included the elimination of public waste, a gradual reduction of interest rates and the liberalization of investment regulations.
21. A more indirect and subtle consequence for reliability may be the effect of liberalization on the technological configuration of the system.
22. Instead the land-reform promise took a back seat to coup threats, import liberalization and debt rescheduling.
23. The government aimed to reduce further its direct role in productive activity and to continue the liberalization of the foreign trade system.
24. He also issued an appeal to all citizens to participate in political liberalization and in the development of the country.
25. Despite some public opinion polls and Supreme Court decisions to the contrary, voters have repeatedly rejected liberalization of abortion laws.
26. Analysts say a hung parliament could hurt the economy by delaying progress on economic liberalization and reduction of the budget deficit.
27. It looks only at the side of business interests who think only of trade liberalization.
28. Inaccurate forecasting and ill-judged investments by some electricity monopolies have been a salient stimulus towards liberalization.
29. Over time the original emphasis of the programme has broadened from increasing liberalization and competition to raising money for current spending.
30. This was seen as part of an attempt by the government to widen economic reform to include democratization as well as liberalization.
31. The international investment law presents the unprecedented liberalization trend.
32. Roughly the same number opposes liberalization of marriage laws.
33. Trade liberalization is the engine of economic growth.
34. But the struggle against bourgeois liberalization has not ended.
35. The local institutions about the liberalization of human management.
36. Lethal mix: financial and trade liberalization.
37. China starts liberalization of capital account relatively late.
38. Whether the trade liberalization is reduce or increase poverty?
39. But in essence the struggle against bourgeois liberalization is a long - term task.
40. Modernity, globalization, the openness of superstratum cultural ideology resulted in the release of thought liberalization, which leads to the multiple culture of the time.
41. As the core principles of GATT/WTO, the principle of most-favored-nation treatment has played a significantly important role on the international trade liberalization.
42. The Prokhorov affair reveals that Medvedev's rhetoric of modernization does not include a true political liberalization.
43. During the past 20 years trade liberalization quickly expanded production capacities.
44. Thus, in order to comply with the development trends of fi- nance trade liberalization, perfecting market exchange rate mechanism of RMB is one inevitable choice before us.
45. As a consequence, principle of tariff concession arises out of the practice of liberalization.
46. Assessing development impacts must be the condition for further trade liberalization, argues IMF general secretary.
47. According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007, the country has good ratings in terms of currency convertibility accounting and financial liberalization(sentence dictionary), incorruptibility and labor freedom.
48. After liberalization and the economy's subsequent bull run, India has grown as a knowledge economy.
49. Hellmann, Murdock, Stiglitz ( 2000 ). Liberalization, Moral Hazard in Banking, and Prudential Regulation: Are Capital Requirements Enough [ J ]. The American Economic Review , Vol.90.
50. Optimists believe that gradualism will make the current liberalization last longer than the euphoric, but ultimately failed, experiences of the past.
51. The "forced" liberalization of the market may imply that the government will have to pay compensation to CV Telecom as the operator has an exclusive contract that only runs out in 2021.
52. China will open her financial market and achieve free float of exchange rate and interest liberalization with the quickened integration of international economy and the entry to WTO.
53. Therefore we should always remain sober-minded and vigilant, resolutely resist the corrosive influence of the life style of capitalism and the tendency of bourgeois liberalization.
54. To ease the constraints on household income, China needs more rapid exchange-rate appreciation, liberalization of interest rates, and a much sharper increase in wage growth.
55. And then by reviewing the theory of order ly marketization of economy, he related the significance of dual-system finance to the liberalization of finance and the economic development.
56. Aid for trade can help countries address these supply-side constraints and help countries who need assistance with the transitional adjustment costs associated with trade liberalization.
57. Liberalization of trade and investment has been influenced by the expansion and intensification of regional integration efforts.
58. The struggle against bourgeois liberalization will last for at least 20 years.
59. After the liberalization chinese main interest rate structure is rediscount of central bank, financial market rate and deposit-withdrawl rate of financial unit.
60. There are three characteristics - liberalization, internationalization and commercialization on such evolution.
61. Therefore, the liberalization of trade in food results in the internationalization of food safety.
62. After capital account liberalization and international capital flowing freely, the relation of interest policy and exchange rate is closer.
63. As the main trend of economic globalization, the liberalization of trade has an increasingly great impact on the environment.
64. Most-favored-nation treatment clause, as a core element in international investment agreements, has become an important means of economic liberalization in international investment.
65. Privatization of national corporations represents an effort to swim with the tide of internationalization and liberalization.
66. S. ) and 1990s (Europe), flat load growth and electricity liberalization also made the addition of large new baseload capacity unattractive.
67. WTO is that one passes and pursues liberalization of trade , economic integration, realizes the international economic organization of resource rational distribution in the world.
68. Government would consider this disadvantageous and may rein in schedulingof liberalization.
69. The trend that economic globalization and service trade liberalization complement and buttress each other is irreversible.
70. To put economic globalization and trade liberalization in perspective is of overreaching importance to the healthy development of the global economy.
71. Economic globalization has brought along the liberalization of trade in accounting services. Under this background, new developing trends turn up in the world's accounting service industry.
72. The rampant spread of bourgeois liberalization may have grave consequences.
73. So, how to promote food trade while safeguarding national sovereignty on food regulation is the issue that must be paid more attention in the process of multilateral liberalization of trade.
74. Against the backdrop of growing economic globalization, trade liberalization has attracted attention.
75. Therefore, liberalization of trade in financial services under WTO system does not necessarily affect a country's ability to maintain its capital movement.
76. The preference schemes appear also to erode the interest of their beneficiaries trade liberalization.
77. The study uses the panel data of 34 industries from 1993 to 2002 to estimate the effect of China' s trade liberalization on industry labor demand elasticity.
78. Under the trade liberalization constraint, direct export subsidy in strategic trade policy is prohibited by the rules of WTO.
79. Western economists had seen yuan liberalization as a sign that China is abandoning its mercantilist policy in a step-by-step move towards a floating currency, which was expected to rise.
80. Liberalization of trade in financial services and liberalization of capital account are two different and closely related concepts.
81. There are two possible development scenarios for the process of economic globalization and trade liberalization.
82. The projections show that the main beneficiaries of unilateral liberalization are the liberalizers themselves.
83. To hear many farmers and agricultural experts tell it, rural Japan is fast approaching some sort of dead end, the result of depopulation, trade liberalization and depleted government coffers.
84. Economic globalization and trade liberalization call for an elimination of tariff wall.
85. Global security commission system takes on the tendency of liberalization, differentiation and descension.
86. Second part is the realistic conflict analysis of trade liberalization and environmental development.
87. With the rapid development of economic globalization, especially with the promotion of WTO to the liberalization of trade, the development of international culture trade speeds up.
88. Combining the actual conditions of our country, we can promote the interest rate liberalization by developing money market fund.
89. These reforms have focused primarily on the improvement of the legal and regulatory framework; the enhancement of asset quality and the capital base; and the liberalization of interest rates.
90. China will also take steps to promote the liberalization of trade in services.
91. The Multilateral Agreement of Investment(MAI) is one of parts to improve the liberalization of international investment. Later it ends in failure due to some reasons.
92. Promoted by the global financial liberalization, free capital flow becomes a trend.
93. So the development of liberalization of trade of the financial service moved forward while relaxing control and tight conflict that supervise at all times.
94. On the other hand, environmental protection may restrict the development of service trade liberalization.
95. Facing the billowy wave of global liberalization of trade in financial services, we must have clear comprehension of it and make systemic study in theory and deep consideration in practice.
96. The liberalization of trade and China open-up policies in financial offers chances for the internationalization of Chinese banking industry and export in financial service.
97. Currently, many people have misunderstandings in the relations between service trade liberalization and environmental protection.
98. Economic globalization will promote the liberalization of trade and investment , and has accelerated the process in technology transfer and industrial structure adjustment .
99. But many wonder whether the new leadership will make a bow to all those pressing for political liberalization by changes in the official attitude toward that traumatizing event.
100. Liberalization of interest rates in the primary government debt market would be an essential prerequisite.
101. Lin Chong-Pin, president of the private Foundation on Cross-Strait and International Studies in Taipei, says that increased tourism could accelerate political liberalization on the mainland.
102. The interest rates liberalization is a China reform of monetary system important content.
103. In fact, there are conflicts between service trade liberalization and environmental protection.
104. Taiwan banking industry began its liberalization process in early 1990's.
105. APEC s two wheels of development are trade investment liberalization and members economic and technological cooperation in the area.
106. Eastern Miscellany, the magazine with longest history before the liberalization of China was labeled as the "conservative" force due to this debate.
107. With the quickening of the economic globalization and process of liberalization of trade, technical barriers to trade (TBT) as the main new trade protective method have been prevailing.
108. At the background of financial capital globalization, Capital account liberalization is an unconvertible trend.
109. But compared to the hostile and tense atmosphere surrounding American-Iranian relations today, U.S.-Soviet relations at the dawn of political liberalization inside the USSR were downright friendly.
110. Liberalization of interest rates is the base of currencies policies made by the central bank as well as important contents of the financial system reform.
111. The progress of our country's liberalization of interest rate accelerates recently. "
112. The government had to be on the watch for any ideological trend towards bourgeois liberalization.
113. Through an analysis of the original trade strategy and a study of the present one, this article proposes liberalization of trade with management strategy in the style of opening.
114. As a trade arrangement that is system antecedence, the legal system of FTA directly affects the development of regional trade liberalization and implement of each leaguer's profits.
115. The development of tele com in Asia -Pacific area will take on3themes:market liberalization and re-form, broad band Internet access as well as ap pli cation of2.5G and3G.
116. Is the Liberalization of China's Capital Accounts an Inevitable Choice?
117. Unilateral action and collectively action have promoted the progress of the trade investment liberalization and economic and technological cooperation of this area.
118. With promoting the liberalization of trade as the common goal of the major countries, various barriers emerge in the world and damage the development of the international trade.
119. We insisted upon liberalization of the political systems but every day brought new complaints.
120. To date, however, even with the liberalization of trade in services during the Uruguay Round, little has been done to loosen conditions governing the temporary movement of labor supplying services.
121. Trade protectionism arisen the evolution of international liberalization of trade, it is different from traditional trade protectionism in many aspects.
122. In China, bourgeois liberalization means taking the capitalist road and leads to disunity.
123. China has vigorously promoted regional trade and investment liberalization facilitation and supported faster regional economic integration.
124. Continues to advance the reform and open policy, eradicates does not favor the scientific progress the system machine-made barrier, impels the trade and the investment liberalization convenience.
125. Trade liberalization has impacted this sector drastically due to which cheap products are flooding the markets.
126. Along with the economical development and the change of management concept, power companies are experiencing a profound transformation: power market liberalization.
127. Trade liberalization affects firstly on the import parity price of the Viet Nam rice that foreign traders faced in their countries.
128. Against the backdrop of growing economic globalization, trade liberalization has attracted increasing attention.
129. But India's governing coalition depends on support from communist parties that oppose trade liberalization.
130. On the one hand, capital accounts liberalization is good for one country to absorb foreign capital, therefore accelerates the economic growth.




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