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单词 Subscription
1. They decided to raise money by subscription.
2. Are you interested in taking out a subscription to Newsweek ?
3. I have renewed my subscription to the evening paper.
4. Copies are available by subscription.
5. They decided to raise the money by subscription.
6. The magazine subscription expires with the current issue.
7. I've decided not to renew my subscription .
8. I'm going to call up and cancel my subscription.
9. May I beg you for a subscription?
10. The prize was a lifetime's subscription to "Newsweek".
11. We paid a subscription of 5 pounds yearly.
12. to take out an annual subscription to 'Newsweek'
13. You may cancel your subscription at any time.
14. A subscription was got up by the Old Boys to provide the school with a new pavilion.
15. Alternatively, take out a subscription to Ideal Home.
16. You may also cancel your subscription at any time.
17. I seriously considered cancelling my subscription.
18. Will he be paying his subscription to both clubs?
19. Subscription limited to one per household.
20. Cancel your subscription to Muscular Development.
21. The annual subscription fee is £8.
22. Take out an introductory subscription for one year.
23. The introductory subscription rate is $165 per year.
24. Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month subscription to the journal?
25. A statue in his memory was erected by public subscription.
26. The church's 120 foot gothic spire was paid for by public subscription in 1939.
27. Fill in the form below and you will be making a saving of £6.60 on a one-year subscription.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. He pulled out a silver dollar and planked it down for a year's subscription.
29. You must notify us in writing if you wish to cancel your subscription.
30. You can become a member by paying the yearly subscription.
1. They decided to raise money by subscription.
2. Are you interested in taking out a subscription to Newsweek ?
3. Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month subscription to the journal?
4. They decided to raise the money by subscription.
5. The magazine subscription expires with the current issue.
6. May I beg you for a subscription?
7. We paid a subscription of 5 pounds yearly.
8. A subscription was got up by the Old Boys to provide the school with a new pavilion.
31. Available at an extra subscription. Ask for details.
32. That includes an annual £35 subscription.
33. The new subscription rates still represent exceptional value.
34. Mr Ramsay promised to give a pound for every one raised by subscription.
35. In return, the Clearing House nets 75 percent of the subscription fee, or more.
36. Taking the opportunity of arranging three subscription concerts in Strasburg he got stranded there because of serious flooding.
37. But taxpayers can improve the benefit of their subscription at no extra cost to themselves by making a covenant.
38. The annual fee includes the subscription for student unions, athletic clubs, and other facilities.
39. Send a postcard with your name, address and subscription number to:.
40. However a project worker saw her condition and paid the amount needed to renew her subscription.
41. All you need to do to get this indispensable item is to take out a new subscription to Outdoor Action.
42. The Association was open to anyone resident in the island who was prepared to pay the annual subscription of one guinea.
43. So, if that sounds up your street, get your Peak Performance subscription in soon!
44. With inflation an annual subscription of £25 is not enough!
45. Do you know how many subscription cards can fall out of a magazine as you thumb through 10 pages?
46. Rights issues require a minimum subscription period of 3 weeks to allow existing shareholders the chance to take up their rights.
47. Certainly Susanna Jennens was involved in the subscription from an early stage.
48. The Symphony has canceled all events until the Jan. 29 subscription concert.
49. A charity such as ours must constantly strive for greater efficiency, to put every penny of your subscription to good use.
50. Next is the publication paid for by subscription and received through the mail.
51. It is very probable that Grey took some part in Leapor's subscription.
52. If you are wondering whether to renew your subscription, perhaps you would like to read page 19 before deciding?
53. The subscription rate for the Information Circular is £15.00 perannum for twelve issues.
54. They are: 1 membership and subscription fees 2 cost of equipment, clothing, and footwear.
55. Participating hotels pay a subscription starting at £175 a year, up to a ceiling of £575.
56. Subscription to the list is absolutely free and there is no commercial exploitation or hidden costs.
57. Its masthead is a parody of mastheads; its subscription card carries a hilarious attack on subscription cards.
58. In addition to maintaining its current programming, Sinclair said it plans to sell subscription channels such as those available on cable.
59. They take subscription tickets every winter for all the concerts, the Musikverein, anything you can name.
60. The administrators of the subscription services are betting extra features will keep the paying customers paying.
61. Building a paid subscription base for any new publication is hard.
62. The tender offer involves an offer to the public to bid for the shares but with a minimum subscription price.
63. You produce a good magazine each month; the readers' letters alone are worth the annual subscription.
64. We just can not afford any significant shortfall in our subscription income.
65. The full cost of this window was £14 5s 2d which was paid for by subscription.
66. If a union member is not employed, the subscription fee is refunded and the worker may choose to leave the union.
67. New companies were set up by public subscription, and there was a substantial increase in the number of films produced.
68. It was the first deaf club in the country to levy an annual subscription charge.
69. We had a silver subscription for the bedspreads and curtains.
70. Oxleas Wood was saved from development by public subscription in the 1920s.
71. Section 57 imposes restrictions on the contents of advertisements inviting, interalia, the purchase of or subscription for shares.
72. The chancel was rebuilt in 1870, and the rest of the church thoroughly restored in 1882 by public subscription.
73. Treat some one special to a gift subscription which will last a whole year!
74. A subscription would make Leapor economically dependent upon the goodwill of the wealthy.
75. I can't see any way out but a subscription list, to be organised as soon as possible.
76. She keeps track of magazine subscription renewals on a 10-by-12-inch card.
77. All of these are obtainable from the company upon payment of a fairly hefty subscription.
78. I saw ffeatherstonehaugh's as a young man's club, and kept up my subscription purely for sentimental reasons.
79. The unit operates a postal library service where photocopies of cases are available to CABx on request or by subscription.
80. The meeting also agreed to increase membership subscription from £12 to £14 and family membership to £20.
81. Would you please have Mr Hogan send my Muse subscription to this address?
82. The subscription price - currently £14.70 - will be charged to your account annually until you cancel.
83. Leapor had probably done some arithmetic of her own, and indulged the hope that the subscription might secure her future.
84. We spent a great deal of time familiarizing ourselves with the music by playing it at subscription concerts and youth concerts.
85. The playing bondholders were also asked to pay the new extra, voluntary subscription and non-players had to forego their meagre interest.
86. As you may know, we charge an annual subscription of £32.50.
87. The new collective bargaining agreement called for 10 weeks of subscription programs plus a four-week summer season.
88. The annual subscription would increase from overseas to the full membership rate. referred to the capital needed to set it up.
89. In June 1930 I had to leave school and take work in a subscription library.
90. It also means subscription to Foucaultian power/knowledge assumptions that are difficult to square with demands for modernist universalism.
91. And you will charge to my account annually until cancelled the subscription price - currently £14.70.
92. When making your booking, please quote your subscription number to qualify for the discount.
93. The church of St Peter was built in 1875 by public subscription, and contains several fine stained glass windows.
94. More than 6,000 members have their subscription paid by direct debit from their firm's account.
95. A small identity card is also issued to each member and this is worth the price of subscription alone.
96. While cellular subscription rates have been growing, the market for equipment makers has been dwindling.
97. From our subscription database we know that we have readers in more than 100 countries around the world.
98. The magazine will also be sold on newsstands nationwide and offered by subscription.
99. Since his last visit she has framed the letter that arrived with some magazine subscription sweepstakes.
100. We recognize it in terms of its authority and we recognize subscription to it as an obligation.
101. Apart from your Internet access subscription, you pay only for the local phone call.
102. The subscription enables customers to offer a Freephone 0500 or LocalCall 0645 service without altering their current telecommunications set-up.
103. She attacked and circumvented the restrictive actor-manager system, producing independent subscription theatre with good roles for women.
104. Thus subscription prices were shooting up and cutting off thousands of readers who could no longer afford them.
105. The subscription for full membership of the Society is currently fixed at five pounds perannum.
106. The annual subscription is, incidentally, an allowable expense and can be paid by instalment if necessary.
107. I have read from cover to cover with great interest, and now hasten to enclose my subscription.
108. For members' reference, the new subscription rates, which will come into effect from 1 March 1999, shown right.
109. Curio is $ 3. 50 on the newsstand, $ 12 for a one-year subscription.
110. Therefore taking the data for the day of issue, the market price was 310p and the subscription price was 255p.
111. Please find enclosed a cheque for £12 annual subscription for an organisation.
112. Copies are available by subscription, price £104 pa, from Health and safety monitor.
113. The C A R E service gives a choice of five subscription schemes ranging from £69 to £30.
114. It also includes the subscription to the Students' Association, athletic clubs and other facilities.
115. For a subscription of £3 perannum you can be included on the Mailing List and will receive advance notice of all events.
116. Suppose your favorite uncle proudly tells you that your birthday present is a subscription to the Salmon of the Month Club.
117. Scores by Holst, Faure, Elgar and Cherubini are also in store during the symphony subscription series.
117. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
118. Just fill in the coupon below, quoting you Ideal Home subscription number, and sent it to:.
119. From the ashes there arose, by public subscription, a new Daily Citizen, responsible and relatively free.
120. The 9, 430 subscription seats are a 43 percent increase over 6, 575 sold during the 1992-93 season.
121. One channel will be a subscription service, mainly feature films and major sporting events.
122. Handicapped members, who play an important role in the Rangers, pay no subscription.
123. Napster is looking to introduce a monthly subscription fee of its own.
124. Thirdly, if you haven't already, take out a subscription to our sister publication, Peak Performance.
125. Voting is weighted by capital subscription.
126. Prospectus, if the company is established through subscription.
127. Our subscription to the charity fund is ten dollars.
128. A means is used to start subscription secretively.
129. He payed his subscription by banker's order.
130. Make a hover ad for your newsletter subscription box.
131. Search engine subscription includes domain name search engine submission.
132. He discontinued his subscription to the magazine.
133. Subscription document of residential building is the purchasing intention agreed on by the buyer and seller before signing the pre-sale or sale contract.
134. But that won't do anything to dissuade people who spent the weekend chewing on the Kelly report from deciding that at sixty clams the digital subscription price is inflated.
135. What is the concern that follows retrorse link?The person of subscription also can think your website increases retrorse connection more more.
136. The WebSphere defaults of auto-acknowledge and nondurable subscription type match those that were specified in daytrader-plan.xml so you can leave those as they are.
137. In early 1875 the journal's name was changed to Engineering News and the subscription price was reduced to $1 a year.
138. However, Shou-risk status of the first major shareholder Wong Kwong Yu does not undertake to renounce the right to public subscription.
139. Part eight mainly discourses on the law regulations concerning subscription book from the aspects of subscription and the independent contract.
140. The subscription price become $ 3.00 a year, instead of $ 4.00.
141. Jeffrey said in fact many of these so called party members are no longer qualified due to unpaid annual subscription and had not held branch AGM as required by the constitution.
142. Subscription selling bloomed splendidly.
143. No one can predict what combination of subscription revenues and advertising publishers will be able to attract, and how many of them will survive the digital shake-out.
144. If you need our News Monitor and Press Clipping Services, please fill in the following Subscription Form and fax it back to us at 2817 1556.
145. Now issue shares in return for non-cash asserts as such a kind of method of capital subscription can economize to establish cost, convenient investor of management type.
146. A charitable subscription or a marriage settlement is binding under Subsection (1) without proof that the promise induced action or forbearance.
147. The capital system stipulated in our company law is paid-up capital system, but in corporations with foreign investment law is subscription capital system.
148. A H1 tag is used to state the website name, and will also be the base for the logo. The upper navigation and rss/email subscription options are laid out as unordered lists.
149. The tracks self - destruct shortly after a consumer lets his subscription lapse.
150. New corporation law of China modified the"statutory capital system"with a new system combining the"subscription capital system"and"statutory capital system".
151. Premiere, a subscription channel which began in 1991, shows live football covering the top two divisions.
152. This subscription service will revolutionize the way you find and use information in your day - to - day work.
153. As of yesterday's close, 15 warrant, the warrant has 11 higher than the subscription price of shares of stock currently.
154. There are there kinds of capital system of company: paid-up capital system , subscription capital system and compromised capital system.
155. Eventually you'll see that the subscription date has been extended to one year ahead.
156. Through reviewing the revolution of IPO mode, this paper analyzes the advantage and disadvantage of current fund subscription in securities market, and puts forward some corresponding suggestions.
157. Past governors may receive the newspaper gratis on request, and while Rotary World is not intended for general distribution, individual club members may receive the newspaper by paid subscription.
158. Provide the service on a subscription or pay - per - view basis to generate incremental data revenue.
159. Commercial housing subscription book was introduced to China from real estate market in Hong Kong.
160. "Transaction Documents" means the CJV Contract, these Articles and the Subscription Agreement.
161. The subscription has been marked for reinitialization. Reinitialization will occur the next time you synchronize this subscription.
162. The merge process was unable to mark the subscription as validated.
163. Decorates the Google Reader subscription list with icons corresponding to the website from which each feed originates.
164. And it didn't allow for just-in-time IM invitations, or for RSS subscription to 'categories' of event invitations.
165. Reinitialization will occur the next time you synchronize this subscription.
166. Companies with pre-Daimler-Chrysler Corporation signed a "directional issue with the share subscription agreement, " and the "alliance agreement.
167. East Coast Pay Television was Australia's first digital direct broadcast satellite subscription television service.
168. Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription will be subject to revision from time to time.
169. This method enlists the orchestration by creating its activation subscription.
170. Since the qualified header name is the primary means of recognizing the header, you could use a unique qualified name to identify each version of the subscription token format as the token evolves.
171. Google Reader's feed subscription list contains a user's current feed subscriptions as well as past deleted subscriptions.
172. Please read the Explanatory Notes for the Application of Public Subscription Permit at Appendix before completing this application form.
173. The board of directors may determine the payment terms of subscription for shares that were entered into before incorporation, unless the subscription agreement specifies them.
174. Details of each subscription registration and de-registration is stored in the broker database table.
175. Securities institutions shall take measures to subscription of shares to investors the risks prompted.
176. I hereby agree to comply with the conditions stipulated therein should a Public Subscription Permit be granted to me.
177. I sent in a request for renewal of my subscription.
178. Although the subscription is free of cost,(http:///subscription.html) you need to provide your credit card information.
179. Part three mainly explores the relationship between the subscription book and the selling and buying contract from the aspects of practice and theory.
180. The investors who are to participate in the off - line allotment shall fully pay the subscription price.
181. If a subscriber defaults in payment of money or property under a subscription agreement entered into before incorporation, the corporation may collect the amount owed as any other debt.
182. The deed was attested by the subscription of his signature.
183. A large subscription began to be raised in the London market.
184. You can repeat the last command, CREATE MEMBER, for as many times as the number of members you need to add in each subscription set.
185. By public offer, it means the establishment of the company by the subscription by the promoters of part of the shares to be issued and a public offer of the remaining shares.
186. If you need a mailing-list server contractor, check out two popular vendors, Topica and SparkLIST, which manage lists, including subscription and unsubscription.
187. Our company is a communication company, and our database is used to store communication performance management data, event subscription lists, and network element configuration information.
187. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
188. Continue rolling into subscription mode will allow users to download a number of tracks per 30-day period, depending on subscription plan.
189. The Reporting Services subscription feature lets users receive reports on a scheduled basis.
190. A subscription book is the documentation subscribed by the parties of commercial house business when they sign trade contract or pre-contract, it validates the matters of house business.
191. The Board of Directors of SDB reviewed and approved the Offering Plan, and approved the Bank to sign the "Subscription Agreement".
192. Until then it's in its subscription period — accepting investments directly from individual investors and accumulating enough money to build its initial investment portfolio.
193. In cutting out a public subscription side to the deal, they have stirred up debate on a broader question: When should small investors be prevented from taking the same risks as deep-pocketed ones?
194. The main contents of the obligation of contribution include the amount of subscribed capital and the method of capital subscription.
195. My subscription to the magazine will soon expire, I will renew it.
196. The issuer shall not issue stocks before issuing a public subscription notice.
197. House because the subscription price will certainly be cheaper so that they will have the attraction.
198. Any institutions are not allowed to apportion journalism subscription to enterprises or call for sponsorship.
199. For first-time subscribers, at least, you can get more for your money by buying a print subscription than a digital-only offer. I assume that's intentional.
200. This subscription form must be signed by the signatory of the above - mentioned rough diamond trader registration.
201. If the promote effect of the management is good, the investors will be able to accept a higher price in the issue price range, and the subscription will be more enthusiastic.
202. But, surprisingly, there are already 11 of the warrant subscription price far exceeded the company's current stock price.
203. I hereby authorise Bupa (Asia) Limited to debit the annual Subscription due from my credit card account on a yearly basis until further notice.
204. This will mark the subscription for reinitialization. Reinitialization will occur the next time the subscription is synchronized.
205. To reinitialize this subscription, you must drop and recreate it.
206. Trade charge: 1 Of % protect gold and subscribe subscription convection character, finishing and regressive time.




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