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单词 Blink
(1) She didn't even blink at his outrageous proposal.
(2) The blink of beacon could be seen for miles.
(3) I'll be back before you can blink .
(4) All toads blink when they swallow.
(5) My computer's on the blink again.
(6) The washing machine's on the blink again.
(7) The brightness of the snow made him blink.
(8) In the blink of an eye, he was gone.
(9) In a blink of an eye he had disappeared.
(10) She had to blink back her tears before she continued her story.
(11) The problem exists, and one simply cannot blink it away.
(12) You can't blink the fact that the country's economy is suffering.
(13) He didn't blink at the idea of leaving his home and going far away.
(14) He developed a nervous twitch and began to blink constantly.
(15) The blasted thing's on the blink again.
(16) He takes this in without a blink.
(17) She needed to blink away tears.
(18) The radio's on the blink again.
(19) Just a slow blink and a shuffling step backward.
(20) You dared not blink an eye.
(21) The mayor declared with nary a blink.
(22) Your computers must be on the blink.
(23) There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
(24) The only light over the deep black sea was the blink shone from the beacon.
(25) The rapid movement of an object towards the eye triggers the blink reflex.
(26) Keep your eyes peeled , Lil , and tell me if you see a blink of sun on those hills ahead.
(27) When I told her how much it would cost, she didn't even blink.
(28) When I told him the news he didn't even blink .
(29) I can't hear the news since my radio went on the blink.
(30) When he was told I was expecting twins, Harry didn't even blink.
(1) The only light over the deep black sea was the blink shone from the beacon.
(2) The rapid movement of an object towards the eye triggers the blink reflex.
(3) The blink of beacon could be seen for miles.
(4) All toads blink when they swallow.
(5) In a blink of an eye he had disappeared.
(6) Keep your eyes peeled , Lil , and tell me if you see a blink of sun on those hills ahead.
(7) He didn't blink at the idea of leaving his home and going far away.
(8) I can't hear the news since my radio went on the blink.
(31) Every blink set off fireworks behind his eyelids.
(32) Bernards, in an evolutionary eye blink.
(33) A blink from a monster victory now threatening disaster.
(34) Your link's on the blink.
(35) Our life is like a boat that can float. Some row and go! Some blink and sink!! RVM 
(36) It was a sixty watt bulb but after the darkness it made everyone blink.
(37) I had read somewhere that all the greatest discoveries had been made in the blink of an eye.
(38) Disguise Disguise your steps with feints that make the opponent blink, or which divert his attention elsewhere.
(39) In the corner of his eye Ezra saw the answer light, a blink in open water.
(40) We could go from pitch black to brightness in the blink of an eye-and vice versa.
(41) In those ten years, a blink of the eye to a historian, the United States changed greatly.
(42) He would be up and after them in the blink of an eye.
(43) All in the blink of the eye, about a half second.
(44) He jerked his arms loose and reached for the head trying to blink the searing pain from his eyes.
(45) Ogilvy was addicted to words that the straight-talking huckster-style admen of the day would blink at.
(46) Half the folks gazing placidly into the middle distance were too stoned to blink.
(47) She tried to blink the red mist from her eyes, failed, and toppled backwards out of the image field.
(48) Tears ran down his cheeks, but that was because his eyes couldn't blink.
(49) He went from frozen stillness to liquid and menacing movement in the blink of an eye.
(50) Harriet hardly dared blink as she watched her through the viewfinder, terrified she might miss the moment she was waiting for.
(51) It was the uncertainty, the thought that all my happiness could be smashed in the blink of an eye.
(52) A full volley will rip through the toughest regiment causing immense casualties in the blink of an eye.
(53) Residents didn't even blink when the chemicals company set up business in town.
(54) She found that she could not even blink under the harsh glare.
(55) Two Western superpowers, hoping to force the other to blink, despite negotiating at less than full strength.
(56) They were stony-faced. Not a single raised forefinger; not a flicker of a catalogue; not even a blink.
(57) Then, for a relative blink of about 1, 000 years or less, the star becomes a planetary nebula.
(58) He fumbled for the light switch, and when the bulb first glowed it made him blink several times.
(59) Instead of which she found herself having to blink away the sting of tears that blurred her vision.
(60) Then for a hundred years or so they had tightened up, and Sam had to squint and blink to count them.
(61) Every blink conforms to the causal laws of this physical movement.
(62) I hold my finger in front of her nose; still she does not blink.
(63) You can blow it away with a blink of an eye.
(64) The new rate would be about 1 megabit per second, enough to transmit a small novel in a blink.
(65) The National Museum has an exhibit that makes my eyes blink.
(66) He saw the lights blink twice through the windows of her bedroom under the eaves.
(67) Some people don't think; they blink and sink! Take charge and live! RVM 
(68) Touching the welt, Howard tried to blink back tears before going inside.
(69) We found the village easily enough, though anyone travelling in the area in a Porsche had better not blink.
(70) It seems to us so extraordinary, yet the storyteller does not blink an eyelid.
(71) It's real great to watch them cos they blink on and off all the time.
(72) He glanced across the table, saw me smiling, interpreted my thought and gave me a slow ironic blink.
(73) One of the North Sea rigs has gone on the blink.
(74) How often does it lose a week's work in the blink of an eye?
(75) No sooner does one learn to avoid one station than another goes on the blink.
(76) My eye blink(Sentence dictionary), only for you.
(77) She did not so much as blink.
(78) You can't blink that fact.
(79) The TV announcer never seems to blink.
(80) The problem exists, and one simply cannot blink away.
(81) Rule persisted with a blink at the rebuff.
(82) Ok, lets say you are a mage. Sometimes you need to Frost Nova and Blink away quickly. You can't do them both at the same time, so you set up a sequence to do it!
(83) Th is three layer film is replenished every time you blink, and it provides essential protection for your eyes.
(84) Conversely slowing down a blink can be sexually attractive as it mimics a wink.
(85) For those who understand that the present is less than a blink of the eye of history, art is a powerful unifier .
(86) Hah, everytime when we chat, my smile uprise like the blink of the star.
(87) Even if it took a hundred years , that is but a nano - blink in geological time.
(88) In the blink of an eye, for example, we humans can use the meaning of a sentence to help disambiguate a word and, at the same time, use a recognized word to help disambiguate a sentence.
(89) He shut his eyelids, trying desperately to blink back his tears.
(90) Ase said with an impatience that made his mother blink.
(91) You cannot blink the fact that there is a war.
(92) The car my father just bought yesterday is on the blink.
(93) Five-pointed star shape of the tomato flower clumps to open up, as if in the blink of an eye to me.
(94) If you watch a cat blink, you will see a white membrane cross its eye - that is called its third eyelid.
(95) I was concentrating so hard on the game that I didn't even blink until a foul ball hit me straight in the eye.
(96) Window refresh and blink is additional important function in software application layer.
(97) Research shows we blink far less often when staring at a computer, and that's a major contributor to eyestrain.
(98) News will come fast, so if you have to bid or sign papers, you may need to move fast - if you blink, someone else may snap it up.
(99) And other patients suffer from Lou Gehrig's diseases and so forth are not even able to speak at all, and not able to perhaps blink their eyes to communicate.
(100) This semester is flying by so quickly. In a blink of an eye, it's already mid-term time. So scary!
(101) It was all over in the blink of an eye.
(102) Three experiments focused on the relationship between the exposure duration ( ED ) and the Attentional Blink ( AB ).
(103) But arrived 2000 when, walk into an Internet bar casually, computer screen is right the penguin figure annunciate that next horn blink ceaselessly is worn QQ already on the pace drive.
(104) Lizards and mice can lose their eyesight in a blink ( so to speak ) inhabiting lightless caves.
(105) And there you have it. The first time you click it, you Frost Nova(/blink.html), then you click again and Blink away.
(106) In Blink Assault you can clearly see and feel the new sense of Terran grittiness.
(107) As a result, the rich blink another time Heng Kong born, a simple and thrifty and the poorhouse so the annihilation.
(108) Blink testing represents an oracle heuristic I find quite helpful, quite often.
(109) Just like a computer on the blink, Kylin can not access anything from his memory after they escape from the aerolith.
(110) Using double buffer technology the problem of painting interface blink and efficiency of graph plotting are improved.
(111) The doctor does not blink at the hazards of this project.
(112) If you are working with programs running in full-screen mode, the pop-up windows of Kaspersky Internet Security may blink.
(113) God in the cloud is only a blink of an eye blink, all the outcome, they have been completely changed.
(114) Customize your keyboard settings, such as the cursor blink rate and the character repeat rate.
(115) ObjectiveTo investigate the characteristics of attentional blink ( AB ) in the patients with depression.
(116) Letters are no longer fixed in black ink on paper, but flitter on a glass surface in a rainbow of colors as fast as our eyes can blink.
(117) Blink an eye blink of an Qiaozhao East, it means that see it ?I was therefore named.
(118) He then tells of how "the poet in his hillside garden above the San Francisco Bay merged with the figure of Oedipus toiling up the wooded slope at Colonus, only to disappear in the blink of an eye."
(119) We'll begin this project by importing our elements and tracking various features of the face, including a difficult track through an eye blink.
(120) Objective To obtain the normal value of blink reflex ( BR ) in the elderly.
(121) Afterwards, blink or squeeze your eyes shut to relax them.
(122) The boy disappeared around the corner in a blink of an eye.
(123) I have come to this world , stark - naked ; am I to back , blink, in the same stark - nakedness?
(124) But fate might also arrived to open a joke, God only cloud in the blink of an eye blink, the outcome of all,[http:///blink.html] it has not completely changed.
(125) In his book Blink, Gladwell says the "Warren Harding error" led supporters to assume he'd be a good President simply because he appeared stately and presidential. It didn't quite work out that way.
(126) Eclipses are very effective in finding weak, outworn situations and in uprooting them in the blink of an eye.
(127) From medical findings, some physiological characters, such as eye blink, heart beat, blood pressure, EEG, etc, can reflect the fatigue level.
(128) Notice that just prior to the point at which she states "there is nothing hazardous in the outer solar system, " she makes a very long eye blink.
(129) You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce a nail-biting frenzy that can escalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an eye!
(130) Time flies, August 15 ushered in the blink of an eye, an emotional reunion day - Mid - Autumn Festival.
(131) Eyes blink away the former Finance Minister Kaya Sun Hing away in the final.
(132) Because that is nothing more than a blink in the world of hard drives, Kryder has already set his next goal: a terabit per square inch, and he has tapped the 100 Ph.
(133) Maim: Rank 2 of this ability is properly a stun and can be escaped by Blink.
(134) It is impossible to outface a cat, because they do not have to blink.
(135) Change of mind is a blink of eye. Mind can roam everywhere, which you can't seize.
(136) For example, you might use the track bar to control the cursor blink rate or mouse speed for a system.
(137) These patients are told to blink their eyes and to respire through their noses.
(138) Something like an eye blink can be fast or slow.
(139) The sweat began to run into Kunta's eyes, making him blink to stop the stinging.
(140) You cannot blink [ There is no blinking ] the fact that there is a war.
(141) Seated at the table, I would try to blink my eyelids so as to catch the multicolored dazzle of the white-hot sky.
(142) The Attentional Blink: Temporary Control, Delayed Selection or Resource Depletion?
(143) Two hundred years seems like the blink of an eye in the history of Chinese civilization.
(144) The project has an estimated life span of only 50 to 100 years, a blink of the eye in this region.
(145) The accident was over in the blink of an eye.




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